The Grifter (Original Raw Footage)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Video featuring the Insane and Original THE GRIFTER. This is one of those Videos that some People would Label  “Nightmare Fuel”, and with is Unnerving Audio, Bizarre Imagery, and Ominous Feel it’s Easy to See Why Some People would say that. THE GRIFTER is one of those Almost Mythical pseudo Creepypasta that has Garnered a Great Deal of Attention, Speculation, and Tons of Wannabe Explanation Videos over the Years.


As the Story goes Perspective Viewers are Severely Warned NOT to watch THE GRIFTER because the Images in the Video will Linger in Their Minds for the Rest of Their fucking Lives. Some Alleged Side Effects can include Loss of Appetite, Insomnia, Alienate Yourself from Friends/Family, Vivid Nightmares that Boarded on Full Blown Night Terrors, Hallucinations, and Psychological Trauma among Other Things. That’s Not all as One Person claimed that Their Friend watched THE GRIFTER and Ultimately Committed Suicide by Slitting His Wrists. While Another Person claimed that All Previous Viewers of THE GRIFTER have been Murdered in Their Homes.


It’s Alleged that THE GRIFTER video Depicts a Horrendous Murder, Brutal Torture, Demonology, Cryptic Cult, and Human Sacrifices consisting of Babies. Well all We can say on this is We Watched THE GRIFTER Numerous Times and that’s one Hell of a List of Sick Shit in a Video with a Total Run Time of 68 Seconds. Now While all these Twisted Topics provide the Viewers with a Morbid Curiosity are They Actually Real?! We think it is Far Beyond Safe to assume these Ideas are/were Derived from People’s Imagination After Watching and Nothing Else.

It is What it IS,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Enough Of The Fucking Surfing The Dark Web Videos.

As We are all aware in the YouTube Universe there are a Myriad of Different Genres so Basically if You Name it and You can Find it. Ever since the General Public was made Aware of the Existence of the Dark Web People have become fucking Obsessed about it. And Why Not it’s in Our Nature to be Drawn to things that Mystify, Alarm Us, Scare Us, or is Dangerous/Forbidden/Taboo. At this Point in Time the Dark Web has a Reputation that’s Almost an Urban Legend unto Itself. Now the Dark Web Genre has remained Pretty fucking Popular and which has its Own Subgenres.

For Example the Dark Web Mystery Box Videos where a YouTuber Orders a Box Off the Dark Web with Unknown Contents. Then when it Arrives They Open it on Camera/Live Stream and Reveal the Contents of Said Box. There Also there are Cautionary Tales from of Dark Web in the form of Horror Stories, and These Stories have a rather fucking generic Template. These Stories are about Someone who went on the Dark Web, Fucked Around, and Subsequently Something Seriously fucked up Happened to Them. They’re Dark Web Educational Videos where a YouTuber Breaks Down the Levels of the Internet from the Surface Web to the Dark Web. They then Usual finish the Video Warning Against Ever accessing the Dark Web and that its Insanely Dangerous to fuck around with Period.

Today the Dark Web Subgenre We will be Addressing are the Plentiful Surfing the Dark Web Videos. These Type of Videos are Simplistic to make and Unfortunately They’re Basically fucking Identical to One Another. The Videos start with the YouTuber Hyping the Dangers of all the Crazy Shit found on the Dark Web. The YouTuber then talks about Security (VPN) and Software (Tor) You need or should have if You plan on Venturing onto the Dark Web. After that the YouTuber typically says some Corny shit like “So We’re going to Surf the Dark Web so You Don’t have to” and Off We go. The YouTuber Logs onto the Dark Web and Immediately Hits up Hidden Wiki and Explains that its like Wiki, but for Demented Dark Web Sites. Next thing after Hitting Up Hidden Wiki said YouTuber Scrolls around Listing the Usual Sick and Twisted Dark Web Sites or Topics that People are Fascinated with.

Here are the Aforementioned Popular Dark Web Topics/Sites/Subjects:

Let’s just Address the fucking Elephant in the Room First and Foremost. It’s fucking Revolting that the Largest Group of Scumfucks on the Dark Web are fucking Sleezy fucking Pedophiles. Due to the Utterly Insane Concentration of Pedophiles inhabiting the Dark Web means unfortunately the Largest Category on the Dark Web is Child Pornography (CP). In Our Opinion these Vile Motherfucking Pieces of Shit should be Hunted Down, Dragged Out into the Street, Exposed to the World/Community, Beaten Mercilessly, and then Publicly Executed with it being Streamed Live on the Internet, Shown in Real Time on TV, and Announced Play by Play on the Radio.

Another Big Time Dark Web Category is Drugs because People love Drugs. People love taking Drugs, Talking About Drugs, and Inventing/Finding New Drugs to Experiment with. As far as We are Concerned While it is Tempting to Attempt to Score Drugs Off the Dark Web from the Anonymity of Home, yet it’s an Absolutely Retarded thing to Do. With that Said We Believe Wholeheartedly that if You try to Score Drugs from the Dark Web 1 of 3 Things will Happen. First You get Ripped Off when You send the Funds and the Recipient Grabs the Cash and Vanishes. Second if You actually do Order Drugs off the Dark Web and Receive it in the Mail there is a HUGE chance that whatever the fuck was Sent is Fake or Contaminated (Example:The Addition of Fentanyl especially in Heroin). The Last Option is the Acceptation to The Rule Personifiedwhich would be if You order Drugs, Receive Them, and They are Real and Uncontaminated.

Now the Only Acceptation to the Rule when it came to Scoring Drugs Off the Dark Web was the Dark Web Site Known as Silk Road. Silk Road had a Unique insurance Policy when it came to Protecting the Customer as well as Their Cash. The Policy was Simple but Incredibly Effective as it Manifested in just One Singular Rule: Don’t Rip Off Silk Road’s Customers! To Enforce this Policy if a Dealer Stole Someones Cash or Sent Them Fake Shit or Total Garbage the Dealer in Question would be Banned from the Site Permanently. So why the fuck did the Various Drug Dealers Comply with this Policy? Well its an Easy Answer Silk Road was so Successful and Profitable Dealers Didn’t want to get Banned because They would lose a Major Source of Income.

Another sought after Dark Web Category is Guns because like Drugs People have an Intense Affinity for Firearms. The Odd thing about the Firearms Category is that in Reality it’s much Smaller than You would Think. Most of the Weapons Advertised for Sale are mainly Hand Guns, but once in a Blue Moon You can come Across Something Unusual and Completely Unrealistic such as an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade). Once again in Our Opinion if You Order a Gun off the Dark Web Chances are You’re going to get Ripped Off and That’s it. The Other Possibility is if You Buy a Gun off the Dark Web and it Arrives there is a Very Good Chance that it’s been Used in a Crime or Worse used in a Murder. If the Gun You Purchased has in fact been Used in a Crime or Homicide and the Authorities get involved that Crime/Murder You’ll be Held Responsible. It’s Extremely Hard to Claim Your Innocence if You’re in Possession of the Gun in Question.

There is Yet Another Hot Dark Web Topic which are the Hitman For Hire Sites. Now it’s Pretty fucking Safe to Assume that (even though it isn’t Out of the Realm of Possibility) these Sites are 100% Unadulterated Horseshit. As Far as We are Concerned these Sites are a Total fucking Scam. This is the Easiest fucking Way to Steal some Gullible Dipshit’s Money because all You have to do is Create the Site. Then You just List a Bunch of Sinister Services that are Complete Bullshit that’s made the fuck up or Stolen Straight out of a Shitty B Action Movie. These Sites make the Owners feel like Dark Web Badasses when in Reality They’re the People who got Picked On in High School. Not to Mention there is a Very Good Chance that the alleged Hitman besides being a Thief could be a Cop or Government Agent. The Authorities have been Known to Lurk on the Dark Web Posing as Hitmen to Entrap an Unknowing Idiot.

Speaking of People for Hire Off the Dark Web the Other Category besides Hitmen For Hire are the Hackers For Hire. This may seem More Tangible than trying to Hire a Real Life Hitman, but it is None the Less 99% Bullshit. Again More than Likely Your Money will be Stolen and that’s the End of That. There is also the Threat that a Hacker You communicate with or Hire could be a Shitbag Criminal who would end up Hacking You and Your Shit. Just like with the Hitmen For Hire the Hackers For Hire could Very Well be a Police Officer posing as a Hacker in which case Your getting Your ass Arrested. Now there is a SLIGHT Possibility that there are indeed Actual Real Hackers For Hire on the Dark Web, but They are damn near impossible to Locate in a Dark Web Sea of Scummy Shit filled with Fakes, Fraudsters, Thieves, and Scammers.

If there is a Number One Category that Contributes to the Urban Legend Reputation is the Mythical and Mysterious RED ROOMS. Red Rooms are something Straight Out of a Torture Porn Horror Movie where an Unknown Victim is Kidnapped and Held Captive. Then at a Predesignated Date and Time the Victim is Tortured and Killed in Real Time on a Dark Wed Livestream. No Matter What Red Rooms are Pay-Per-View, but that’s Not the Darkest Part of Red Rooms. Allegedly those who are into Red Rooms are able to Pay more then the Basic Viewing Fee for Certain Perks such as Being able to Instruct the Torturer to Preform Particular Acts (Example: Cut Off Nose, Break Legs, Kneecap Etc.). For all Their Ominous Show Boating and in spite that they are a Morbid Curiosity Not a Single fucking Real Red Room is Real, and there is Absolutely No proof or Evidence of any Actual Red Room EVER Existing. In Our Opinion the Bottomline is Red Rooms are just Horror Themed Nightmare Fuel for the Masses and are Fictitious as Unicorns.

The Point of it All is that Yes while there Plenty of Fake Shit run by Thieves on the Dark Web there are Serious fucked up Sites and even More fucked up Users. Bottomline if You wouldn’t Walk through a Shitty Neighborhood in the Middle of the Night without a Phone or Weapon then Stay the fuck Off the Dark Web.

It is What it Is,

 By Les Sober

We Bought a Clown Off The Dark Web (A Luxury Dark Double Feature)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring a WE BOUGHT A CLOWN OFF THE DARK WEB! and WE BOUGHT ANOTHER CLOWN OFF THE DARK WEB by the Content Creating Duo Channel Luxury Dark Inc. that are Oddly Entertaining in Our Opinion. Now Luxury Dark’s Formula is Pretty fucking Simplistic Two Teen Friends Chester and Parker who live Together Buy all kinds of Weird fucking shit Off the Dark Web. In this Installment Chester and Parker are Back in the Basement Surfing the Dark Web for Shits and Giggles. As these Video Go the Chester has Stumbled across Some Strange Dark Web Site in this case Buy-A-Clown Site, and as Always Parker is Vocally Against It. Though We all know by Now that No Matter how much Parker Protests Chester will get His Way.

Now as for the “Psycho Killer Clown” Genre of Horror You have everything from the Cheesy Killer Clowns From Outer Space to the Psychological Horror of Stephen King’s Killer Clown Classic IT to the Over the Top Bloody Gore of Art The Clown in the TERRIFIER Movies. As Far as Today’s 2 Videos are concerned the “Killer” Dark Web Clowns actually aren’t Too Shabby all things Considered. What I mean is these are a Couple of Short and Absurd YouTube Videos by a Couple of Teenage YouTubers (as Opposed to a Full Blown Feature Film Production). The Clowns definitely Keep it on the Creepier Side of Things, YET They manage, Barely at Times mind You, to Avoid Doing a Shitty Pennywise Impersonation. What is a Definite Plus is the Dark Web Clowns Dialogue is Kept to a Strict Minimum which Helps. The Last thing anyone wants to fucking watch is an Actors Slipping into a Cliche Evil Clown Impersonation which let’s Face It is Lame as fuck.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

This Video Cursed Us

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring THIS VIDEO CURSED US by London Based Writer, Director, Visual Artist, and Computer Animator Ben Wheele in a Tribute to Another One of His Videos Called His HENRY EATS (Which We have Posted Here on FYB Previously).

So Who the Fuck is the Deal with Ben Wheele?! Wheele Graduated from The Royal Collage of Art with a Masters in Animation  in 2011, and His Films have been Screened at Festivals Internationally, Including Annecy, Pictoplasma, London Intl.Animation Festival, Rotterdam Film Festival and Stuttgart ITFS. Wheele’s work has also been Exhibited at The Sunday Painter Gallery (London), Digital Art Space, and Broadcast on Adult Swim and Channel 4 (UK). He is also the Founder of ‘Studio Ponk’ and Currently Lectures in 3D Animation and Games at Middlesex University.



“Henry peered underneath the regular videos. He discovered a deep recess beneath all of the channels, a vast chasm. Inside was a network of connected antechambers.

It was very dark here. The air felt wet. He pressed save and downloaded the video. Then saved a bookmark, just to be safe – he wanted to find this place again. His generator didn’t have much diesel left. In fact, he hadn’t filled it for months. How was he still receiving power out here?

He looked out of the window. The woods offered no reply.”

Synopsis: First of All the Video is of the Main Character Henry from the Previous “Henry Eats” Video. Henry is sitting in the Pitch Black on His Computer where He apparently checking out a YouTube like Platform where He stumbles across a Compilation of Reaction Videos Titled “THIS VIDEO CURSED US”. The Video “THIS VIDEO CURSED US” is in Fact a Collection of Reaction Videos of YouTubers Reacting to the Video “Henry Eats”.

“THIS VIDEO CURSED US” appears to be a Commentary on Certain Click Bait Content that Runs Rampant on Video Platforms like YouTube for Example. The Title is a Play on the Over Hyped Click Bait Video Genre “FOUND ON THE DARK WEB!!” Sensationalism where People Over Act in Shock and Awe as They react to Some Mysterious Unexplained New Horror from the Depraved Depths of the Dark Web. Also People have a Tendency when They Don’t Understand Something or Think its Not Normal then They Immediately Label it “CURSED!!” Out of Nothing but Pure fucking Ignorance (and Over Hyped Titles Aimed at Nothing but Getting Views).

So the Main Question is What is the Point of the Video if there Even is Actually One to Begin with. It seems to be Either a Stark Anti-Click Bait Commentary calling Out Reaction Videos. I mean let’s fucking Face it Reaction Videos are fucking Pure Garbage They’re Brainless Bullshit where YouTubers Over Act for the Camera with Grossly Exaggerated Reactions such as Shock, Awe, Disgust, or Fear. I personally think it’s a Commentary by Wheele pertaining to People attempting to Understand,  Interpret, and Speculate on the Intent, Purpose, or Meaning of His Now Notorious Video “Henry Eats” which is Pretty Sucking Surreally Abstract in Nature. Bottom-line is the Simplistic Fact is that Artists in General Enjoy Hearing about How Others Perceive Their Work.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Dark Web Found Footage Tapes 1 and 2

Welcome to this Thursday FYB featuring DARK WEB FOUND FOOTAGE TAPES 1 and 2. First off I be Remiss if I didn’t start by saying while the Following Videos are a Surreal Nightmare full of Eerie Shit and Disturbing Imagery it is in Fact NOT an Authentic Dark Web Videos. The Absolute Dead Give Away is at the Start and Finish of Each Video a Header Pops Up that Says From the NORTH FILMS so that is Definitely Something You would NEVER find concerning an Actual Real Dark Web Video. Also the Length of these Videos is EXTREMELY RARE when it comes to Dark Web Videos at 7-7.5 Minutes Long (usually Dark Web Videos are Short, chaotic, and Seriously Fucked Up).   What I believe is these Videos are an Tribute to the Found Footage/Dark Web Video Genre, and are Very Well Done.


FROM the NORTH FILMS is an Arizona-Based, Fully In House Production Company Specializing in Thought-Provoking Indie Horror/Thriller, Experimental and Avantgarde Short Films, and Documentaries. They Utilize Professional Cinema Cameras, Cutting Edge Post-Production Technology, concise Screenwriting and Intuitive Film Scoring to Bring Their Visions to Film. FYI if You enjoy Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 I highly Suggest You head over to Our Movie Section and Check Out the Experimental Art Film/Movie BEGOTTON, and I promise You will Not be Disappointed.


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1

  • The Audio is Actually Decent (and Creepy) in its actual Music played Clearly. It’s not the Usual Dark Web Audio that Sounds like Computers having Full Blown Psychotic Breaks, and makes Your fucking Ears Bleed.
  • The Video is Shot in an Old VHS Tape Format.
  • The Main Character is a Mysterious and Murderous looking Individual in a Painted Mask.
  • It Reminds Me a Little Bit of Otto’s  Previous THE SPINNING MAN Post in the Best Ways Possible.
  • The Footage is Grainy and Glitchy Black and White Footage.
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism behind the Wooden Deer Sculpture?
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism of the Art Doll (a Ball Jointed Typically Wooden Posable Figurine)?
  • Is this a Set Up for Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2?


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2

  • Now this Sequel to Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 is FAR more Realistic as far as Dark Web Video Authenticity is Concerned.
  • There are Now 2 Art Dolls One Posed Standing and the Other Sitting/Kneeling.
  • There is a Scene that appears to be a Homage to the Actually Real Life Dark Web Video Blank Room Soup where the Main Character Stands ominously over a Seated Individual who is Eating some Strange looking Soup/Stew.
  • The Main Character Looming over the Seated Character is almost EXACTLY the same as the Way the Art Dolls are Posed.
  • HEADPHONE WARNING! The Audio is Screechy, Scratchy, Somewhat Distorted, and Noisy.
  • What is acceptional Odd is that the Video is the Same Set of Scenes played Three Times in a Row but Why? Are Viewers supposed to do a Compare and Contrast like when You’re a Kid? Like when as a Kid You’d have Two almost Identical Pictures Side by Side, and You’d have to find the Subtle Differences in the Details between them?
  • What do the Symbols on the Masks Mean/Represent could They be something  like The Occult, Witchcraft,VooDoo, Black Magic, Paganisim, or Possibly Demonology?

Summation: So What the Fuck are the Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 all About? WHO THE HELL KNOWS. I honestly think the FROM the NOTH FILMS wanted to Leave it Open to Interpretation. To put it Simply the Viewer is Left to Draw Their Own Conclusions.

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Shits and Giggles: The Spinning Man An Exercise In Creepy

This little piece of creepy creativity originated on the Dark Web and is known as The Spinning Man.  While I appreciate fear driven horror I much prefer more creepy surreal insanity. I like creepy shit because it worms its way into your brain like a maggot into a dead animal carcass, and slowly feeds gnawing away at your subconscious. Creepy is the kind of shit that sticks in your head if you like it or not (and lets face it there really is no actual like about it, but more of a morbid appreciation) lingering inside your minds eye until you wished it go blind. To put it simply creepy is like dog shit on the bottom of your shoe in its a real bitch to get rid of and can push you to your limit. Fear can be forgotten where as creepy endures the test of time.

Now while your first instinct would be to immediately dismiss this video as just a bit of dark fuckery that is not necessarily the case. What it does is provide an exercise in the realm of creepy shit.

The exercise is simple: Watch the video several times consecutively, and while you do so focus on the eyes/lock eyes with the Smiling Man as he spins.

Sweet dreams and bitter nightmares,

Otto Rageous

Blank Room Soup 3 and 4

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday Post featuring BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) along with BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location). Now for Those Who may Not Know We did an Extensive Piece on BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI which was the Original Blank Room Soup Video. In Addition to the BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI Video and the “Sequel” BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE. To be Totally Honest the BLANK ROOM SOUP AVI/ BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE is one of My Top Three Favorite Posts I’ve Done here at FYB. If You haven’t Checked Out the Original Post I SERIOUSLY SUGGEST YOU DO SO NOW.

With that Said I was more than Excited when it was Brought to My Attention that there was in Fact Two more Installments to the BLANK ROOM SOUP Saga. I immediately looked Them Up with Great Anticipation first BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) and then BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location). What I found was Something Odd that much is True, but it was also a bit Anti Climactic.  Now before I Go To Far here is a BRIEF Recap for Those just Joining Us.

BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI : A Man Sits at a Table in a Empty Sterile White Room sitting at a table Sobbing Away while Eating a Mysterious Soup. The Man is Not Alone there are To Individuals in Elaborate Costumes are Present. The Two Costumed Individuals Attempt to Comfort the Crying Man as He chokes Down Spoon Full after Spoon Full of the Sinister Soup. The Costumed Individuals are Eerily Rub the Mans Back, Pat His Head, and Have Sympathetic Mannerisms/Body Language (Although They appear to be the Ones Holding this Poor Man Hostage in the First Place).

BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE : While the Title is Ominous there is No Actual Torture it’s more or Less an Implication. Again Same Man, Same Room, and Still Forcing Himself to Eat the Sickening Soup. This Time though the Camera has been Moved to the Left so the Viewer can See a Blackened Doorway in the Far Left Corner of the Screen. A Costumed Individual Slides into the room Hugging the Wall and Stands just Next to the Side of the Doorway. A Second Costumed Individual Enters Standing in the Doorway as the Man looks over His Shoulder in Fear. After standing Motionless Momentarily the Costumed Individual in the Doorway Suddenly Bum Rushes the Man from Behind, the Screen Goes Black, and We Hear Him Yell Out in Surprise before the Audio Cuts Out at the End.

With that Out of the Way I will say that BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) and BLANK ROOM SOUP (Hidden Location) are Something Completely Different. I think it’s Appropriate that You watch BRS 3 (Abduction) and BRS 4 (Hidden Location) before I get into I do the Whole Compare and Contrast Deal between the First Two BRS Videos and the Second Set of BRS Videos.


My Two Cents:

  • I don’t believe that the First Two BRS Videos have a goddamn thing to due with BRS 3 and BRS 4 that is I don’t think this is a Series.
  • The Drastic Difference in the Two Separate Sets of BRS Videos are so absolutely different Aesthetically that it reminds Me of the Vast Cinematic Difference in the Tom Six Films Human Centipede 1 vs. Human Centipede 2.
  • The Runtimes are Also Extremely Different in BRS.AVI has a Runtime of 1:06 and BRS 2 Torture tops out at 1:07. In Comparison BRS 3 (Abduction) is a minuscule 10 Seconds Total and BRS 4 (Hidden Location) has a total Runtime of just a Mere 11 Seconds.


  • The thing that I can’t get out of My Head. While the Second Set of BRS Videos are Significantly Shorter than the Initial Set They do Share Something in Common with the First Two Videos. Like the First BRS Videos the Second Set also have a One Second Difference in Their Runtime just like the Original Two BRS Videos.
  • I have the Sneaking Suspicion (especially with No Current Viable Information which isn’t all that Odd considering it took Years before BRS.AVI blew up on Facebook and Youtube) that BRS 3 and BRS 4 where made by a Different Person/People then the Original Two BRS Videos. I Believe the reason being BRS 3 and BRS 4 are fucking Rip Offs that are trying to Capitalize on the Phenomenon created by BRS.AVI.

The Break Down: BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction)

  • The Camera Work is Really Shitty, The Camera isn’t Steady, The Lighting is complete shit, the Picture is Grainy/Blurry as the World’s Shittiest Auto Focus on the Obviously Outdated or Older Tech.
  • The Hostage looks like the Bastard Offspring of a Circus Ring Master and Willy fucking Wonka.
  • The Hostage is Acting and Doing a Truly Shitty Job Shuffling Around like a Bad imitation of a Drunk. All I’m saying is if I was Kidnapped and Shit by Motherfuckers in Elaborate Costumes I’d be Struggling and in spite of being Gaged would make as Much Noise as I could. Meanwhile the Will Wonka Ring Master just lolly gags through the Shot even looking at the Camera at one Point which is an Acting No No.

  • The Location is also Randomly Out of Place as it appears to be some Dirty, Dark, and Disgusting Back Ally or some shit.
  • The Shit Camera Work is due to the Fact there is a Camera Man where in the First Two Original BRS Videos more than likely were shot using a Standard Tripod thus keeping the Shot Steady.
  • The Costumed Individual Acts Nothing like the 2 Individuals in the First Two BRS Videos. There is No Interaction with the Hostage (other than awkwardly pushing him Across the Screen) and Seems to have No Actual Purpose other than to Play the Classic Role of Bad Guy/Kidnapper. The Sutle Nuances aren’t there its just Basic as Basic Gets. There is No Deeper Meaning or Reason to BRS 3 it’s seems to be just Generic Shock Type Content. As a Viewer I have No Vested Interest in anything as the Video is Purely a Face Value Scenario.

The Breakdown: BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location)

  • First Off What the Fuck does “Hidden Location” Supposed to mean since Someone with a Camera found it and Filmed it Catching The Costumed Individual Standing to the Side in the Shadows.
  • Basically I won’t waste Your Time so to Sum it Up BRS 4 it has the Same issues as BRS 3 in Shitty Camera Work, Old Ass Tech, Out of Place Location, Abnormally Acting Costumed Individual (who lets face it is standing there for Sheer Creep Factor), Shitty Audio, and Crap Acting.
  • I doubt it but this could be Someone Ripping off BRS and Trying to Use the Concept to Launch Their Own ARG. I say this because for the Sake of Argument One could Say that The Hostage from BRS 3 is being Held at the So Called “Hidden Location”. If this is the Case it’s not Only Unoriginal Artistic Plagiarism it’s also Done in a Exceptionable Shitty Fashion.

Well That’s All I have to Say on the Subject So I’m Off into the Wild Blue Yonder.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Unexplained Mystery of the Crying Man Radio Transmission

On June 11th 2020 a Tok Tok User Named Aiden (aka cidlid) was parked near a Church in Elka Park near Hunter Mountain located in New York State. Aiden was sitting in Their Car doing a Livestream when Suddenly something Sinister started to Happen. A Strange and Disturbing Transmission started to Playing on Their Car Radio for No Apparent Reason.  The Transmission starts with some assorted Noises that Aiden states sounds like Footsteps (possibly Running) and “Tape” Noise like when You start to Peel off a Length of Duct Tape. Aiden also comments that the Acoustics of the Transmission made it sound as if the Man was in a Bathroom due to the Specific Type of Echo heard in the Transmission. The Odd Noises was followed by Four Minutes of a Man Sobbing, Crying, Moaning, Groaning, Sniffling, Whimpering, Panting, and Breathing Heavily before Transitioning into a Creepy Distorted Audio of some Surreal Song Starts to Play. The Song Ends and the Transmission Ends as Mysteriously as it Started.


Aiden didn’t have a Clue what the fuck was Going on and was Visibly Shaken by the Unknown Occurrence. Aiden wonders aloud if the Man is in Actual Distress and Needs Emergency/Professional Help, but Who would They Call for Assistance in a  Situation as Bizarre as this?  Several Days Later Aiden Posts the Second Additional Part of the Original Video of the Crying Man recored on the Same Day. The Audio Quality in the Second part of the Video is Far Superior to that of the First Video being Louder and Much Clearer so You can Hear Every Nuance of the Transmission. The Unexplained Transmission was Broadcast on the Radio Station 89.9 WKCR FM in New York. This begs the Question was this a simple case of Someone Hijacking WKCR’s Radio frequency?


Lets fucking Face it thanks to New Technology for Listening to Music such as Spotify, Pandora, Satellite Radio, Internet Based Radio, iTunes, and all the Other Music Listening Alternatives equates to Radio being a Dying Medium, and as such is Widely Disregarded by the Public. The Reality is Radio Relies on Advertising Dollars for its Revenue, and thus the Exodus of Advertisers to Alternative Music Listening Platforms is the Last Nail in Radio’s Coffin. Also with the Advancement of Technology Anyone Nowadays can Sit on Down and Watch a Tutorial on How to Hijack a Radio Station. Not Only That but an Average Joe can also Purchase the Exact Equipment for Cheap You’d Need as well. Thus All anyone has to do is Buy the Equipment, Watch a Tutorial or Two, and Wallah You’re ready to Hijack a Radio Station. It is Important to note that HIJACKING A RADIO STATION IS EXTREMELY ILLEGAL and if Caught You Will Be Charged with a FEDERAL CRIME BY THE FCC (Federal Communication Commission) SO DO NOT HIJACK RADIO STATIONS!!

A Little While Later Aiden Posts another Video to Tik Tok explaining How They actually contacted WKCR pertaining to the Seriously Weird Broadcast. WKCR 89.9 FM belongs to Colombia University Located in New York City Several Hours Away from where Aiden heard the Ominous Broadcast. WKCR replied that They had Nothing being Broadcast in/around the Area Aiden was at the Time of the Incident, and that They were in No Way Responsible for the Eerie Crying Man Transmission. In a Nut Shell Aiden at the Time of the Occurrence was Out of WKCR’s Broadcast Range. A Staff Member at WKCR named Jeremiah Wrote Aiden Stating: “Elka Park is Not NYC. Our Signal is Most Likely Intermittent up there. Those Recordings are Not being Broadcast from Our Radio Station- This is Someone in the Vicinity of the Elka Park Area.” What this Means is the Crying Man Broadcast was being Transmitted by Someone Running a Pirate Radio Station (a Pirate Radio Station is a Radio Station that Broadcasts without a Valid License which makes it Subsequently Illegal according to the FCC Guidelines) somewhere in the Elka Park Vicinity.


It didn’t take Long for People on the Internet to Start Hypothesizing about Who or What the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast was all About. The First Hypothesis was the Broadcast was an Audio Recording from a Dark Web Red Room Broadcast, and is of a Real Person being Tortured for the Amusement of the Viewing Audience. The Second was it was just Some fucked up Person’s Sick and Twisted Prank. Both of these Hypothesis can Not be Confirmed because of a Almost Total Lack of Clues as well as Any Pertinent Information.

Then Speculations Began that the Crying Man Broadcast was the Audio from the Notorious Alleged Dark Web Video Titled “Blank Room Soup”. Blank Room Soup Video has been around 15 years and is Still Complete Mystery to this Day that Features a Man Sobbing while Eating what is Assumed to be Soup. He is sitting in a Blank White Room being Comforted by Two Individuals Dressed in Ray Ray Costumes. If You’re confused or want to know more about Blank Room Soup check Out Our Piece on it in the Dark Wb Video Category (We Promise You won’t be Sorry). Now Outside of some Minor Vocal Inflections it becomes apparent Quite Quickly that the Two Audio Recordings in Question Are Not the Same.

After some time the Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast was Identified as the Song “Taxonomies” by Larry Gus of His Album Years Not Living. this Led Many People to wonder if the Album Title had was some sort of Clue to the Meaning or Purpose of the Crying Man Broadcast, Unfortunately No Connection between the Two has ever been Identified. Other People thought the Crying Man Broadcast might be Part of an ARG (Alternate Reality Game), But that Hypothesis is Unlikely since there is No Awkward Amateur Acting, Puzzles, Unusual Images, Insane Imagery, Cryptic Codes, or Any of the Usual Fare You find with ARGs. The Crying Man Incident appears to be a Freak One Time Occurrence that just so happened to be Caught on Camera by a Tok Tok User totally by Accident. To Date NO ONE other than Aiden has come Forward as an Actual Witness if You will to the Mysterious Broadcast.

So the Last Prominent Question is Did Aiden Stage the Whole fucking thing? The Septics would use this Explanation to Discredit and Dismiss the Entire Incident, Yet I really Don’t think that’s the Case. From watching Aiden’s Content on Tik Tok They come of as a Normal User, and by that I mean He isn’t a Social Media “Try Hard”.  Aiden comes off as Your Usual Casual Tok Tok User Who isn’t looking to Become the Next Social Media Star, Influencer, or to have the Next Viral Video. You can spot Try Hards by the almost Desperate Look on Their Faces and How Hard Their Trying to Force some kind of Social Media Success. Well That’s just My Opinion.


One of the Curious Things that Aiden mentions in One of Their Tik Tok Videos is a Cult that’s Active in the Elka Park Area. The Cult is an International Community known as Bruderhof and Started in Germany. Since its Inception Bruderhof has Established Small Communities around the Globe Such as New York State, Pennsylvania, New South Wales (Australia), Thuringia (Germany), Asuncion (Paraguay), and London (England). The Bruderhof Members live a Lifestyle Similar to The Amish where Everyone is Equal, No One Gets Paid for the Work They Do, There is No Acknowledgement for Hard Work or Job Well Done, Everyone works for the Benefit of the Community and its Members. Yeah it’s Basically Communism. Aside from Their Deviant Lifestyle the Members of Bruderhof seem for All Intents and Purposes to be Harmless and a Threat To No One.

It then came to Light that WKCR 89.9 FM had suffered an Incident that occurred approximately Twenty Five Years Ago. At the Time WKCR was in Fact Hijacked and the Culprits were Never Found. The Hijackers Played a Disturbing Transmission consisting of Unusual Fuzzy Music that turns into Ear Irritating High Pitch Electronic Sounding Screeching. Next the Screeching Ends a Robotic Voice comes on Reading a List of Names and Various Other information. When You examine What the Voice is Saying is it’s an Obituary List of People Who Have Died (and Surviving Relatives) or Supposedly Will Die. In Spite of the Existing Audio the Hijackers Broadcast there is No Actual Proof that this Hijacking Ever Took Place. There were Zero News Reports, Articles, or Documented Evidence of Any Kind. This hasn’t Stopped Some People from Investigating the Possible Connection between the Two Incidents. As of Now No Connection has been Made. On a Side Note I have a Vague Recollection that FYB did a Post on the Alleged Hijacking Incident but I’m not Positive. If You’re Curious Please Check Out Our Dark Web or Strange and Disturbing Video Section to Find Out for Yourself.

Then Eleven Months Ago there was what Most Consider to be a Big Break in the Crying Man Radio Broadcast Mystery. A Person that Goes by rayn3.schzo1d drew Peoples Attention to a Independent Greek Movie which at the End of Larry Gus’s song “Taxonomies” the Exact Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast. At the End of the Movie Suntan the Main Character Breaks down in Tears before “Taxonomies” Plays at the Start of the Credits. Unlike Black Room Soup this Audio is Undeniably Identical including the Footsteps/Running and Tape Sound Aiden Mentioned. Also Coincidentally the Last Scene of Suntan is Four Minutes Long the Exact Same Broadcast Time as The Crying Man Broadcast. Now it’s worth Mentioning that the Main Character in Suntan breaks Down into Tears After Failing to Sexually Assault Someone. Ironically at the End of the Movie the Main Character Drugs and Kidnaps a Woman, but Can’t Assault Her, and The Main Character Tends to Her Wounds while Nursing Her back to Health. While Suntan Doesn’t Fall into the Torture Porn Arena it is Still an Insanely Dark and Disturbing Movie. This Led Many to Speculate that Someone Used a Radio Transmitter that provided Them Access to Any FM Radio Station, and would Allow Them to Play Whatever the fuck They Wanted to.


In the End the Question of Who was Behind the Crying Man Broadcast, and Why would They Opt to Use the Ending Scene of a Hard to Find Independent Greek Film or They could have Broadcast it in its Entirety. If Whoever is Responsible for  Broadcasting the Entire Movie Suntan (which is only Available in Greek) I personally Wonder could it have Something to Do with the Bruderhof Cult? What I Saying is  They are Known to Operate in the Specific Area of Elka Park, and are an International Community with Members from Around the Globe. So Could have some Cult Member Decided to Broadcast the Movie Suntan in its Entirety as a Way to Entertain the Other Bruderhof Cult Members? Could this Simply be a Case of Someone Combating Boredom within Their Community? Alas in the End We more than likely will Never Know the Who or Why behind the Crying Man Broadcast. Anyone Nowadays can Learn How to (and Buy the Equipment Needed to)Hijack a Radio Station, and it’s Even Easier to Run a Pirate Radio Station. This means that Any fucking Local Elka Park Resident could have been Behind the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

I’d Like To Be…

The thing that swayed me into giving Les a helping hand with FYB was the Strange and Disturbing Videos especially the Dark Web Videos. There is something about the intoxicating insanity of Dark Web videos that make them particularly appealing. Be it the Grim and Gritty Footage, Schizophrenic visuals, unnervingly sinister content, troubling subject matter, over all feeling of dread, and the almost sickening sound tracks that make your ears damn near bleed. Dark Web videos grab a hold of you with gleeful abandon, and happily skip with you hand in hand down the prim rose path straight to the deepest depths of hell. It sounds like torture I know, but I find it blissfully beautiful like the dreams of insane children.

That is why I am pleased to present I’d Like To Be… by David Firth one of FYB’s favorite artists.


For those who are unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to describe Firth’s body of work and why we are such diehard fans of his. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings over the years.

The Artist in His Own Words:

“Back in 2005 I tried to make a stop-frame short with a narrative and voices and stuff but grew bored after shooting about 80% of it, and so left it to get mouldy. Looking at it recently, I was still quite unhappy, so I jumbled it up with some other stopframe bits I’d similarly discarded, mangled up the voices and edited it to some lovely music.” -David Firth-

Sweet Dreams and Bitter Nightmares,

Otto Rageous 

Creepy Shit From The Dark Web: MOM.avi

This Little Bit of Creepy Footage was Allegedly Found Lurking Somewhere on The Dark Web.

The Video Starts with Someone Switching Off a Light Switch, and then the Viewer Can See a Humanoid Creature Barely Visible sitting in Almost Pitch Blackness. There is Absolutely No fucking Context Here so What is Going On and What it May Be are Limited Only by Your Own Imagination. Was The Creature a Ghoul, Ghost, Mutant, Monster, Alien, Devil, Demon, Inter Dimensional Being,  or a Person  Person Who the Hell Knows.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober