Dark Web Video Debunked: MAMA

This Video Referred to as MaMa was Allegedly a Video from the Dark Web. Now Sometimes Various Dark Web Videos borrow Clips from Non Dark Web Videos (Example: The Dark Web Video “Obey The Walrus” used Bootlegged Footage from a Performer who goes by the Name The Goddess Bunny) and This Video is One of Those. Granted without Context the Video is Seriously More Creepy and Unnerving.


The Truth Behind the Video is it’s a Movement/Motion Test for Actor Javier Botet who Plays the Ghost dubbed “MaMa” in Award Winning Mexican Filmmaker Guillermo del Toro’s  Supernatural Thriller of the Same Name. Actor Javier Botet has Marfan Syndrome which Allows Him to Move in Ridiculously Creepy Ways. Marfan Syndrome is an Inherited Disorder that Affects Connective Tissue- the Fibers that Support and Anchor Your Organs and Other Structures in Your Body. The Wires in the Video are used to Manipulate Javier like a Human Marionette on Top of His already Disturbing Performance. It’s worth Noting that CGI Effects were Added to the MAMA Character though Many People Objected stating Javier Botet’s Original Performance was FAR Creepier than with the Additional CGI.


The Movie MaMa is a Haunting Tale of Two Girls  (Victoria and Lilly) who Disappeared into the Woods the Day Their Parents were Killed. When the Girls are Rescued Years Later and begin a New Life, They find that Someone or Something still wants to come Tuck Them In at Night.

Below is First the MAMA Movement/Motion Test Footage Followed by a Clip  from the Movie in which the Character MAMA is Revealed, and Lastly is Guillermo del Toro’s  MAMA Movie Trailer #2.



Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

Dark Web Video: Abducted & Imprisoned Girl

Alright this Video is a Bit Different in We couldn’t find a damn thing Pertaining to it. No Information like when was it Posted and By Who or Has Anyone Uncovered Any Information or Possible Hypothesizes. This was a First for Us as We rather Pride Ourselves on Not just Providing the Video(s) Themselves, BUT Any and All Information We uncover About it as Well (Lets Face it Any Idiot can Post a Video and Call it a Day).

Now let’s dress the Obvious right off the Bat which is We all are well aware that the Internet is Full of a Great Deal of Bullshit. The Internet is the Embodiment of the Cliche “You Can’t Believe Everything You Read.” too a fucking T. There is so Much Bullshit it’s posses the Content Question is what I’m seeing/watching Real or just another Hoax, Joke, Art Project or Movie/Video Game Promotion?!

It’s for this Reason We pose this Question to Our Fans: In the Sea of Online Bullshit Nowadays wouldn’t it be Easy for Some to Post something thats Actually Real (and fucked up) without Consequence or Concern? What We mean is Since People have become so cynical Online They would just simply Disregard twitch an Automatic Assumption that it’s Fake. Point is No One would Question it for the Most Part thus allowing a possible real life Criminal to Avoid Capture. As for the small handful of People who think there’s something serious Wrong are dismissed as Nut Jobs or Conspiracy Theorists.


Also this is a Prime Example where People use 2 different Words interchangeably as if They mean the Same thing when they Do Not. The Deep Web and the Dark Web ARE TWO COMPLETELY SEPARATE THINGS. So whoever Labeled this Video did so Mistakenly as It’s the Dark Web that Deals in Some Seriously Sick Shit. As for the Deep Web it’s rather Benign consisting Primarily of Government Documents, Scientific Research Studies, and Other Obscure Academia.

There Several Aspects that Set this Particular Kidnapped/Hostage Video that separates it from the Heard. First off This Video is in Color, Not Black and White or Some Shitty Night Vision Crap Effect. The Video also Shows essentially the Entire room the You Girl is Allegedly being Held it. Usually in these Type of Videos most everything is Cloaked in Shadow so there little to No Additional Details can be seen by the Viewer. The Lighting in this Video is that of any Normal Room, again it’s not all Dark and Vague, You can see Everything in the Video Clearly for the most Part.

The Camera is also Stationary like its been mounted like a CCTV or Security Camera where usually the Camera work is Wobbly, Shaky, and tends to Jump Around all over the Place as the Camera swings around wildly between Glimpses of this or that. Lastly there is No Audio in this Video where usually in these type of Videos They Created utilizes Primal Screams, Whimpers, Crying, or smoother Sinister Sounding Noise Like a Metal Door Slamming Shut or some  Haunted House Shit like that.


Heres a Run Down of the Video:

  • Opens with the Young Girl Sleeping on the Floor in a Sleeping Bag.
  • a Box/Container is Thrown into the Room Startling the Sleeping Girl.
  • The Girls Sits Indian Style and Snack on Some Type of Food.
  • The Camera Cuts to a Later where the Girl is Staring into the Camera like an Exhausted Drugged Up Zombie.
  • The Girl returns to the Sleeping Bag.
  • The Camera Cuts again to a Later scene of the Girl with Her back to the Camera for some Reason.
  • The Girls begins to Write on Something.
  • The Girl then Holds up a Sign for the Camera that says “I have 2 days of Food Left There is No/Not Water”
  • Girl flips over the sign and I don’t know if the Video Quality is a bit Shitty (Blurry) or if its just a Shitty Service Here in the Woods. Anyway the Second side of the Sign Appears to Say Something to the Effect that if anyone sees this (her sign) to come Save Her. IT DOES say in the lower left corner of the Sign “Help Me”.
  • Then the Girl opens the Box/Container from Earlier.
  • Once She Opens it She flips the Fuck Out and Bolts to the Left side of the Screen where She appears to grab a Pole of some sort. She then Holds it like a Spear in a Self Defense Stance.
  • The Girl then abandons Her “Weapon” and runs full speed across the Room to the Right Side of the Screen. There She Scrambles in the Corner as if Trying to Climb Up to Escape Something.
  • She then makes a Panicked Plea to the Camera while Waving Her Arms, but without Audio We have No Idea what She is Saying.
  • Video Cuts Off/ Ends

So You’ll just once Again have to Watch and Decide for Yourself if You think the Following Video is just another Hoax/Art Project or Could it Possibly Be Real and Camouflaged by all the Bullshit?!


Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You  By Les Sober

Dark Web Video: Corpus Christus (Lobotomy)

Welcome to this Installment of Dark Web Video Featuring CORPUS CHRISTUS!

First off the Name is sort of a Shock Type Tactic as it’s a Play on the Latin Corpus Christi which translates into The Body of Christ, but that’s Not All. It turns Out Corpus Christus is in Fact the Stop Motion Nightmare By the wonderfully Demented David Hatch (Who Directed, Produced, and Animated Lobotomy for Hatch Films). Corpus Christus is actually Hatch’s 2005 Video Tilted Lobotomy with the Video’s Beginning and Ending Credits Edited Out. WE thought it Only Fare to Post Both Videos as Proof so Below You will Find Corpus Christus followed by Lobotomy.


Plot: A Man going through the Aging Process is Tended to By a Series of Demonically looking and Tortured Mechanical Minions throughout His Life.

Possible Themes:

  • It could be a Religious Commentary about How much Horrible Shit has been committed in the Name of God.
  • It could be a Social Commentary about Battling /Coping with One’s Inner Demons or about not letting Your age Define You or Possible its about Regret.
  • It could be about the Aging Process in that from the Moment We are Born are Bodies are Aging, and as They do They start to Wear Out, Break Down, and Fail. That and with more Recent Medical Developments People are Living Longer than Ever, but How can We Keep Our Bodies Maintained trough a Longer Existence?!

Thanks for Watching,

 Presented by Les Sober

Dark Web Videos: The Grifter

Welcome to Yet Another Dose of Disturbing Dark Web Videos Featuring: THE GRIFTER! Is the Grifter just a Prop for a CreepyPasta OR Could it be Proof of Illegal Human Experimentation?! Decide For Yourselves.

  • The Story Goes that the Video was first mentioned on 4Chan’s X Image Board.
  • The Very First Copy of The Actual Grifter Video was posted on September 8, 2009 by a user Named Jojacob666
  • The First Thread for The Grifter stated “A Video so Disturbing that it would take a HUGE Toll on the Mental State of Anyone Who Watched it.
  • The Second Thread pertaining to The Grifter referenced the Video in greater Detail Referencing “A Bath Tub Full of Maggots”, ‘Text in a Different Language”, and “A Cradle with a Child in It.” the Writer also wrote an Warning stating watching The Grifter is a Soul Rendering Experience Far More Horrible than Anything You Can Imagine.
  • The Strange Text that appears towards the End of the Video is written in the International Auxiliary Language Esperanto.
  • International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) are Languages Constructed with the Aim of Facilitating Communication between People who would Otherwise have No Other Language in Common. They are designed to be Significantly Simpler, and thus more Easily Learnt, then National or “Natural” Languages.
  • Esperanto has become “The Most Outlandishly Successful invented Language ever” and is the Most Widely Spoken Constructed International Auxiliary Language. Esperanto is believed to be one of Fifty Languages that are Most Used Internationally.
  • The Message that appears towards the end of the Video Translates to: “This Child is Still Alive and Now a Young Man living in a Local Shelter (Name Not Given). He Never Spoke and is still in a Catatonic State.”


Thanks for Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober