FYB Musical Monday Part 2: The Oderus Urungus Interviews

Gwar became known/is known for Their Legendary Raucous Live Show’s Full of Beheadings, Buckets of Blood, Gruesome Props, Disembowelment, Over the Top Theatrics, Insane Characters, Executions, and Gore Galore all set to Kick Ass Songs. There is no Doubt Gwar had taken Performance Art to a Whole New fucking Level the likes Humanity has Never Known.

Gwar also garnered a Great Deal of Additional Attention from Their, No Holds Barred, Politically Incorrect, Obscene, Overly Sarcastic, Ridiculously  Loud, Extremely Enthusiastic, Out Spoken, Foul Mouthed Front Man Oderus Urungus (Who’s Real Name was Dave Brockie who Tragically Died in 2014 of a Drug Overdose. Also Brockie originally was the Gwar’s Guitarist from 1984-1986 before jumping behind the Mic as Lead Singer from 1986-2014).


Oderus served not only as Lead Singer but did Double Duty as the Main Mouth Piece for Gwar doing a Great Majority of Interviews and Press. Oderus was the Face of Gwar and what a Face it Was. Brockie was not only a Talented Musician and  Iconic Spokes Person He was a Master of Improv constantly thinking on His Feet No Matter Where No Matter When. Oderus could wax Poetically and Absurdly about Anything and with a rather Manic Mind Set could/would jump from Subject to Subject at Will or Whim. ‘s Oderus’s Interviews took on a Life of Their Own and became almost as Notorious as Gwar’s Live Shows (granted though with a Great Deal Less Blood and Gore).

We have Featured a Good bit of Gwar here at FYB over the Years from Official Music Video’s to Concerts to Movies to even Oderus’s rendition of the Classic Children’s Book Good Night Moon. So the Next move obviously was to Track Down a Couple of Our Favorite Oderus Interviews and Showcase Them Here. Enjoy

Hope You Enjoyed the Absurd Insanity of these Interviews as Much as We Did.

  Presented by Les Sober