Salad Fingers 20th Anniversary Special

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Salad Fingers 20th Anniversary Special by David Firth with Music by Locust Toybox and Boards Of Canada and Locust Toybox. For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years. Now We weren’t Salad Fingers Fans from the Very Beginning because well fucking Hell I’m not that fucking Old. The Fact remains that Salad Fingers is Celebrating its 20th fucking Anniversary is fucking Wild in My opinion.


To Those who may Not Know Boards of Canada are a Scottish Electronic Duo consisting of Brothers Michael Sandison and Marcus Eoin. The Band formed initially as a Group in 1986 before becoming a Duo in the 1990s.  Boards Of Canada Signed First to SKAM Records and then They were signed by Warp Records Back in the 1990s. The Duo received Recognition After Releasing Their Debut Album Music Has The Right Children in 1998. They followed Their Debut Album with the Critically Acclaimed Albums Geogaddi (2002), The Campfire Headphone (2005) and Tomorrow’s Harvest  (2013). “One of the Best Known and Loved Electronic  Musical Acts of the Last Two Decades.” by Music Critics.


The Duo’s work is Largely Influenced by Outdated Media and the Electronic Music of the 1970s which Incorporates Vintage Synthesizers,Sampling, Hip Hop inspired Beats, and Analog Equipment. Analog Equipment is a Combination of Both Analog Machine and Analog Media that can together Measure, Record, Reproduce, Receive or Broadcast Continuous Information.  Their Music has been Described as Exploring Themes related to Nostalgia as well as Childhood Memories, Science, Environmentalism, and Esoteric Subjects. Esoteric Subjects pertain to Extremely Unusual and Understood, or liked by Only a Small Number of People Especially those with Special Knowledge.


When it comes to Locus Toybox the Artist says it Best in Their Own Words: “My name is David Firth, I make all sorts of things like cartoons and pictures and music. This is my main solo music project. I start up different projects all the time, but this is one I keep coming back to. It’s a mixture of real instruments, samples and synth. I try and keep it as organic sounding as possible. I don’t know if you can dance to Locust Toybox, but you’re welcome to try.”

Description by David Firth: Salad Fingers is 20 years old so here is a special episode revisiting where it all began. In the original 2004 style.

It is What It Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Salad Fingers 13: Harvest

Welcome To Today’s FYB Post featuring Salad Fingers 13: Harvest the Latest Installment (Uploaded on September 27th) of the Salad Fingers Series By David Firth. For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Synopsis: Harvest begins with Salad Fingers preparing for what He calls “The Grand Feast” which He is Hosting, and Hopes that He can Move Up the Social Latter. Salad Fingers Crops are Virtually Nonexistent so He Ends Up Praying to Grandma Growth for Help. A While Later Salad Fingers develops a Parasitic Face on His back that can Talk, and Starts to Evolve Over Time into Mini Fingers. Salad Fingers starts to Train and Educate Mini Fingers but Mini Fingers has a Grim Hidden Agenda of His Own.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SOCK 6 by David Firth and is One of His Longer Videos with a Runtime of 16 Minutes 51 Seconds. For those Who are Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, Broadcaster, and Creator of the Now Legendary SALAD FINGERS. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Now Our Favorite David Firth Animation(s) is His SALAD FINGERS Series that is Until We watched SOCK 6 which fucking Instantly became Our new Firth Favorite. SOCK 6 ramps up the fucking Creep Factor taking it to a whole New fucking Level even for Firth and We think that’s P{pretty fucking Awesome. SOCK 6 takes Place in a Stark Post Apocalyptic Wasteland that Remind Us of the Old Stock Footage of Nuclear Bomb Test Sites from the 1950s. In the 1950s the American Military for some Reason would Construct Mock Towns Populated by Mannequins, and then Nuke the Holy Hell out of Them. Why the fuck would They go through All that Trouble Staging a Bomb Site, but Who fucking Knows what the fuck They were Thinking. The Story follows a Scievy  Nameless Main Character (Who looks like Your Garden Variety Meth Addict) Starting in a Grimy Cafe/Diner with a Cook that’s a Mass of fucking Tentacles Named Allen. As far as We’re Concerned Allen is a Interdimensional Entity that’s a Cross Between the Kracken and Cthulhu and Accesses Our Dimension via a Portal that looks like a Food Service Window at a  fucking Medival Times Restaurant.

From the Cafe The Main Character travels with a pair of Ghoulish looking Twins in a Car ride that can Only be Described as Hellish. The Woods are filled with Smoke, People Burning, People Melting Under the Intense Heat, Dying, and Some are Being Tortured. Then Arguably the Most Demented Part of the Video Occurs as the Main Character Engages in Beastiality with a Talking Female Cow. After fucking the Cow the Main Character Forces the Cow to Play a Childish Game with Dire Consequences. That’s when the Police get involved, Arrest, and Imprison the Main Character in in what Looks like a Solitary Confinement Cell in a Stank Basement Dungeon. Then the Main Character asks a Strange Woman Survey Questions about Pissing, Shitting, Suicide, and Sex while She is on the Toilet.

And Well That’s All We have to Say So On to SOCK 6!

Description: This is Sock Six, a story about a man and his special Genetical and bovine adventures.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Less Sober


Welcome to Today’s Post featuring the Animated Series NOT STANLEY By David Firth. For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, Broadcaster, and Creator of the Now Legendary SALAD FINGERS. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

The Animated Series Chronicles the Daily Life of an Eccentric Middle Aged Asshole called Not Stanley who Lives in the City. Not Stanley can Best be Described as Combative, Fast Talking, Abrasive, Cantankerous, Overtly Aggressive, and  Foul Mouthed.  Not Stanley Spends His Days running the Streets Hurling Insults, Arguing with His Elderly Mother, Talking Shit, Picking Fights, Bitching and Complaining Neurotically, Making Threats, and Ranting about Everything in His Life that Pisses Him, and Occasionally Murdering People.

Videos Below in Chronological Order:

  • Not Stanley | I Am Not A Serial Killer
  • Not Stanley | The Supermarket Is To Expensive
  • Not Stanley | Ain’t Got Shit
  • Not Stanley – The Last Episode

FINAL EPISODE IN THE CREATOR’S OWN WORDS: “Recorded July 2010 (the same session as all the other episodes) So here it is. The last of all the Not Stanley content. An extra long final episode using all the bits that I didn’t use before. This is both a prequel and a sequel since the part at the start in the shop was the first thing I recorded and gives context to later episodes in which he says things like “I went BACK down to the system office” and the part at the end was the last thing I recorded. I stuck it all together in a big lump and finally got around to animating it. It looks a bit nicer in HD I think.” David Firth

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Salad Fingers 12: Post Man

Welcome To Today’s FYB Post featuring Salad Fingers 12: Post Man the Latest Installment (Uploaded Yesterday March 8th) of the Salad Fingers Series By David Firth. For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Synopsis:Salad Fingers goes out on His Postal Rounds, and then Returns to the “Postal Counting Grounds where He finds a Woman He believes to be a New Employee. Salad Fingers Develops a SERIOUS fucking Crush on the New Female and Invites Her to a Ball in an Attempt to Romance Her. But this Being the World of Salad Fingers His New Love Interest is FAR, FAR FROM NORMAL. Will Love Blossom for Salad Fingers or will it Decay like the Rotten Remains of a Dead Dog?!


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Salad Finger – Market

Welcome to this Week’s Cure for Monday featuring SALAD FINGERS – MARKET By the One and Only David Firth. This is the Latest Installment in the Ongoing SALAD FINGERS Saga (The Entire Series is Posted Here for Your Connivence).

Six Months ago Firth Posted “SALAD FINGERS AND THE LOCAL TEACUP” which was a Deviation from SALAD FINGERS Animated Format, and was instead Stop Motion Using a Plush Salad Fingers Doll.  Now with SALAD FINGERS – Market it feels Nostalgic in many ways to the Early Days of  the Classic SALAD FINGERS with Short Run Time, The Absence of Overarching Storyline, and Choppier Animation. To put it Simply SALAD FINGERS – MARKET returns the Series to its Original Nature as a Creepily Disturbing land Simple Animated Series. The Cherry onto of this Surreal Sunday is the Return of the Character HUBERT CUMBERLAND!

Plot: Salad Fingers runs His own Market Stall but has some Issues with a Thirsty Local and the Surrounding Wildlife.

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Pre-Chewed Food

Welcome to this Monday’s Post here at FYB featuring PRE-CHEWED FOOD By One of Favorite All Time Animators David Firth. This One Minute Masterpiece Serves as a Warning that Capitalism in a Consumerism Obsessed Society is a Seriously Slippery Slope.

For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

“This was an advert for the PS4 game: Trover Saves the Universe. It still is an advert for a game, but it just didn’t get released when or before the game came out. Not sure why. Nothing from this video is really in the game. Sorry to mislead you.” – David Firth –


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

I’d Like To Be…

The thing that swayed me into giving Les a helping hand with FYB was the Strange and Disturbing Videos especially the Dark Web Videos. There is something about the intoxicating insanity of Dark Web videos that make them particularly appealing. Be it the Grim and Gritty Footage, Schizophrenic visuals, unnervingly sinister content, troubling subject matter, over all feeling of dread, and the almost sickening sound tracks that make your ears damn near bleed. Dark Web videos grab a hold of you with gleeful abandon, and happily skip with you hand in hand down the prim rose path straight to the deepest depths of hell. It sounds like torture I know, but I find it blissfully beautiful like the dreams of insane children.

That is why I am pleased to present I’d Like To Be… by David Firth one of FYB’s favorite artists.


For those who are unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to describe Firth’s body of work and why we are such diehard fans of his. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings over the years.

The Artist in His Own Words:

“Back in 2005 I tried to make a stop-frame short with a narrative and voices and stuff but grew bored after shooting about 80% of it, and so left it to get mouldy. Looking at it recently, I was still quite unhappy, so I jumbled it up with some other stopframe bits I’d similarly discarded, mangled up the voices and edited it to some lovely music.” -David Firth-

Sweet Dreams and Bitter Nightmares,

Otto Rageous 

Spiders From Hell

It’s been a long time since we showcased something that’s just fucking seriously strange that walks the borderline between genius and madness. That is why I am would like to Present SPIDERS FROM HELL By David Firth.

For those of you who do not know or may not be aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“I decided to make the most of the fact that my room was crawling with insects last summer and filmed them all close up.” – David Firth –

Until our paths cross again,

 Otto Rageous

Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup

Welcome to a the New Video Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup by One of Our Favorite Animators Mr. David Firth. The New Salad Fingers Video is the First New Salad Fingers Project/Video in Approximately 2 Years, and has  a Micro RunTime of just a Mere 1:06 is Wildly Entertaining None the Less.

Whats Most Notable is this Time Around Salad Fingers Appears in an Animation Format Other than the Classic Cartoon like the Previous Salad Fingers Series. Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup was Shot using the Stop Motion Format Utilizing a Plush Salad Fingers Doll (You can Buy One if You want just wait Until The End of the Video to Find Out How).


For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

Synopsis: Salad Fingers Rides the Local Friendly Teacup to an Unexpected Ending.


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober