The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #3: UP

With all of the Chaotic Bullshit in the Mass Media and Social Media with Lies, Misinformation, and just Plain Fake News getting Accurate Information has become Increasingly Hard to Find.

So We decided Everyone needed a Break from the Psychotic News Cycle, and Here is Some News We All Can Enjoy. This is The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #3: UP by One of Our Absolute Favorite Animators of All Time Mr. David Firth.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.


David Firth in His Own Words:

“Trying to make sense of the news. Hello my name is David Firth The news won’t happen. The rotting newscorpse. We make the news. he news exploded. Big bits in a bag of newspiss. Bits of buggery newsy shit that nobody news about. When no one news. No one could nevernews spilling the news it’s a factbomb or truthbomb not lying news newsergate newsbomb often called the dogsmack news witnessing the great news crash clickbait cracknews makes a stink news from the dogpipe. Nothing is happening anywhere ever. There is no news. The news hasn’t happened yet. The news didn’t happen, did it? The news won’t happen, but you’ll forget about old news that never happened as the promise of new news will replace it. Exploding newspiss. This was just my thought process for the title. I thought I’d leave it here. Otherwise it’s just a hidden compost heap in a file on my PC that will never again be accessed.”  -David Firth-

The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #3 : UP Headlines:

  • The Debate Over if a Pigeon Flew into the International Space Station.
  • Experts Claim Everything is Perfect.
  • 3 New Brand New Species of Bird Found on The Moon!
  • Does the Moon in fact Even Exist, and if Not What about the Birds?
  • Are Birds just Tiny Dragons?
  • Is Life actual an Illusion?
  • Inter-dimensional Space Rabbits!
  • UP gets Banned!
  • Is Space a Hoax?
  • The Dispute over the Existence of the International Space Station.
  • Are People Being Brainwashed?
  • Space Lizards!
  • What exactly is UP?
  • Are People Happier or more Depressed than Before?
  • Where Can We Find Space?

Enjoy.  (Music By Locust Toy Box)

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #2: Clonka Minkus

With all of the Chaotic Bullshit in the Mass Media and Social Media with Lies, Misinformation, and just Plain Fake News getting accurate Information has become increasingly Hard to Find. Especially after the Last For Years the American Media have Lost Their Spines, Guts, and Testicular Fortitude. The Days of Hard Hitting Questions and Championing the Truth have given way to Sugar Coated, Watered Down, and Weak Willed Drivil. So We decided Everyone needed a Break from the Psychotic News Cycle, and Here is Some News We All Can Enjoy. This is The News Hasn’t Happened Yet 2: Clonka Minkus by One of Our Absolute Favorite Animators of All Time Mr. David Firth.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“Trying to make sense of the news. The news won’t happen. The rotting newscorpse. We make the news. The news exploded. Big bits in a bag of newspiss. Bits of buggery newsy shit that nobody news about. When no one news. No one could nevernews spilling the news it’s a factbomb or truthbomb not lying news newsergate newsbomb often called the dogsmack news witnessing the great news crash clickbait cracknews makes a stink news from the dogpipe. Nothing is happening anywhere ever. There is no news. The news hasn’t happened yet. The news didn’t happen, did it? The news won’t happen, but you’ll forget about old news that never happened as the promise of new news will replace it. Exploding newspiss. This was just my thought process for the title. I thought I’d leave it here. Otherwise it’s just a hidden compost heap in a file on my PC that will never again be accessed.” -David Firth

On This Episode of The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #2:

  • The Crisis in Clonka Minkus
  • Dog Abortion in Switzerland
  • The Question: Do Dog’s Exist
  • Have Certain Videos Been Manipulated: Where the Subjects in the Videos Even There?
  • 70,ooo Immigrants Migrate to Clonka Monka after it’s Voted The Nicest Place to Live.
  • The 70,ooo Immigrants Disappear from Existence. Where Did They Go and Are They Coming Back?
  • Conspiracy Basket Cases/ Nut Jobs Share Their Opinions.
  • The Popularity of Surveys and Polls Among Different Age Groups and Who would take One?


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

Cartoons Craziness: Practicing Pat

Welcome to Cartoon Craziness Featuring the Animated Short Practicing Pat One of Our Favorite Animators David Firth Under His fatpie2 Moniker. The Cartoon is about a Kid and His Special Friend.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

Premise: A Young Boy has an Imaginary Friend Named Practicing Pat who Lives in a Broken TV in His Backyard. At Night Practicing Pat Taps on the Boy’s Bedroom Window and They take Walks Along the Sea Front. That is Until One Day the Boy’s Father comes Home from Work Angry and Starts a Fire in the Backyard. The Boy’s Father then Tosses the Broken TV into the Flames. What Happens Next and What Happens to Practicing Pat? You’ll just have to Watch and See for Yourself.

From The Creator Himself:

“This is a Cartoon I made for Playboy website in 2008. I’m not sure if They ever used it. Their Animation Section didn’t show up on Google for some reason and They mysteriously Disappeared.” -David Firth aka fatpie2-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

The News Hasn’t Happened Yet: Andrew Tolvern Is Dead

With all of the Chaotic Bullshit in the Mass Media and Social Media with Lies, Misinformation, and just Plain Fake News getting accurate Information has become increasingly Hard to Find. So We decided Everyone needed a Break from the Psychotic News Cycle, and Here is Some News We All Can Enjoy. This is The News Hasn’t Happened Yet: Andrew Tolvern is Dead by One of Our Absolute Favorite Animators of All Time Mr. David Firth.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“Trying to make sense of the news. The news won’t happen. The rotting newscorpse. We make the news. The news exploded. Big bits in a bag of newspiss. Bits of buggery newsy shit that nobody news about. When no one news. No one could nevernews spilling the news it’s a factbomb or truthbomb not lying news newsergate newsbomb often called the dogsmack news witnessing the great news crash clickbait cracknews makes a stink news from the dogpipe. Nothing is happening anywhere ever. There is no news. The news hasn’t happened yet. The news didn’t happen, did it? The news won’t happen, but you’ll forget about old news that never happened as the promise of new news will replace it. Exploding newspiss. This was just my thought process for the title. I thought I’d leave it here. Otherwise it’s just a hidden compost heap in a file on my PC that will never again be accessed.” -David Firth-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: Science (Animated)

We are Amused to Present Science by David Firth under His fatpie2 Moniker. Science is Through back to the Stark and Often Asinine Educational Science Films of the 1950’s.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

Synopsis: Science (2008)- 2 Scientists fill in some gaps in our collective knowledge. Dr. John Science and Dr. Research Jones have teamed up to work on Tobacco Studies for the Big Cigarette Companies. The Two Scientists agree a lot of Scientific Experiments have been Done throughout History and A Lot Haven’t, and there Many Gaps to Fill. The Question the Scientists face is “Why haven’t More Animals Tried Smoking Tobacco Products?” This leads the Scientists to taking a Trip to the Land of Gazelles. Once the Scientists reach Their Destination They make an Amazing Scientific Discovery pertaining to Gazelles.

“This Cartoon I made for the Playboy Website in 2008. I’m not sure if they ever used it. Their animation section didn’t show up on Google for some reason and then mysteriously disappeared.” -David Firth (aka fatpie2)


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

MILKMAN (Animated Music Video)

We were Perusing some of the Awesome Animation from David Firth (One of Our Favorite Animators) that He did under the Moniker fatpie2. While We were mucking around We Located this Little Slice of Insanity and Couldn’t Be Happier for It. It’s a Music Video that was Animated by David Firth (aka fatpie2) for the Aphex Twins Song MILKMAN  from the Girl Boy EP as Well as Some Versions of the RDJ Album.

All We can tell You about the Video is well Not a Whole Hell of a Lot. Your Ears hear a Cosmically Melodic Collage Radio Alternative Rock like Song, and Your Eyes see some Horrifically Violent Imagery of Murder and Mayhem straight out of a Slasher Movie from the 80’s. These Conflicting Messages from the Two Different Senses causes the Brain to Scramble to make Sense of the Vast Contrast in Information. The Video starts like a Kid’s Show Cartoon as the Lyrics pertain to a Milkman and Then a Bit About HIs Wife. After that things get pretty fucking Weird. The Only issue We have with the Song is the Lyrics get fucking Undecipherable, and End up sounding like a Melodious Moan of Sorts. Anyway after We follow the Milkman on His Delivery Route (and Meet His Charming Wife) He is Inexplicably Murdered by a Psychotic Customer at when He Visits Their House for a Delivery. The Killer is a Deformed Inbred Head Case and Necrophiliac Circa the Movie The Hills Have Eyes Who Proceeds to Murder the Shit Out of Everyone He Encounters. The Sick Serial Killer Murders and Mutilates His Various Victims in a Variety of Classic B Horror Movie Methods. So Whats the Meaning of it All? Hell if We Know.


Thanks For Watching/Listening,

Presented By Les Sober  

Three Skins Without Men

We are Amped to Present THREE SKINS WITHOUT MEN By One of Our Favorite Animators Mr.David Firth. . For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

The Animation Includes:

  • A Little Boy and a Girl controlled by a Evil Severed Head
  • A Paranoid Man Who believes Everyone Wants o Piece of His Skins He has Hanging in His Apartment that are His Pride and Joy.
  • A Flashback to a Fancy Dinner Party Attended by Elites that Goes Horribly Wrong.
  • The Evil Severed Head with a New Insect Body.
  • A Painting Called Three Men Without Skins Who’s Subjects come to Life and Go To Bar.
  • Creepy Canine Like Creatures Who’s Heads are Skulls.
  • Mutilated Murder Victims.
  • The Girl Replacing Her Own Head with the Evil Severed Head.
  • The Evil Severed Head goes to Gun Store (Via the Girls Body) to Buy a Gun to Commit Suicide.
  • Store Owner Making a Deal with the Severed Head pertaining to the Gun Purchase.
  • The Murdered Children.
  • The Evil Severed Head Begs Guy Store Clerk to “Finish The Job”.
  • a Flock of Strangely Demented Old Women Float Down to Earth From the Sky.
  • Mutant Dog Singing


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

Animation Abominations: CREAM

Welcome to this Installment of Animation Abominations (aka Cartoons That Aren’t For Children) Featuring CREAM By the One and Only David Firth. For those Who do Not Know or May Not BE Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered Large Followings.


The Time has Come for CREAM- the Latest Product that will Fix Your Life. If Your Ugly CREAM will make You Handsome, If You had Your Leg Amputated CREAM can Grow You a New One, and MORE! This is the Story of Dr. Bellifer, a Scientific Genius, who Years of Smashing Particles Together, Reveals His revolutionary New Product with the Power to Fix all of Your and The World’s Problems. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

David Firth’s CROOKED ROT

Being the Huge David Firth Fan’s that We are We felt it was More than appropriate that We Showcase some of His Intensely Surreal Stop Motion Animation. Crooked Rot is a Prime Example of Why the Word NIGHTMARE is used Most Often to Describe Firth’s Body of Work (and Why We are such Diehard Fans). Crooked Rot Does Not Disappoint with its Haunting Imagery, Disturbing Visuals, and Unnerving Content.


Our best guess is Crooked Rot is a Commentary on Technology/Social Media and Its Affects upon Humanity as a Whole. The Video follows a Variety of Disembodied Heads and Hands as They Navigate a Frantic and Sometimes Hostile World. The Heads Only interact with One another when They have a Pipe Like Tube Screwed into their Heads linking Their Brains.

We are basing Our Belief that Crooked Rot is a Commentary on Technology on 3 Key Clues Located within the Video. The First is The Pig Head Types Manically on a Computer Keyboard before constructing a Brick Wall. The Second Clue is when the Wall Deconstructs there is a Head inside of a Computer Monitor, and Lastly there is the Generic Computer Error Message. The Error Message appears for an instant right at the end of the Second Set of Flashing Images. We viewed the Video numerous Times and were able to Decipher that at the Top in the Blue Bar it says: DSLR REMOTE PRO, but unfortunately We were Unable to Read the Text (Though Not due to a lack of Trying as We watched the Video Relentlessly Attempting to Isolate the Text until Our Eyes Bled).

The Most Interesting and Intriguing part of this Video as Far as We are Concerned is in the Intro Title Sequence the word CROOKED appears followed by the word ORCUS, and finally Rot. We looked into Exactly What the Word ORCUS Means or What it Is and this is what We uncovered. ORCUS is a Fictional Demon Prince and Lord of the Undead in Many Campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Role-Playing Game. He is named after ORCUS of Roman Mythology.

In Roman (and Italic) Mythology Orcus was the God of The Underworld, The Punisher of Broken Oaths, and Tormentor Evildoers in the Afterlife. Orus’s Origins may have Lain in the Etruscan Religion which was comprised of a Set of Stories, Beliefs, and Religious Practices of the Etruscan Civilization Originating in the 7th Century BC.  Orcus was Worshipped in Rural Areas as He had No Official Status or Following in the Cities. The Remoteness allowed for Orcus to Survive in the Confines of the Countryside Long After more Prevalent Gods had Ceased to be Worshipped. Orcus even went on to Survive as a Folk Figure all the way into the Middle Ages, and is even Referenced in Modern Day European Wild Man Celebrations.


Thanks for Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

Animation Abominations: METACHAOS and HELL

Animation has Gone Far Beyond the Classic Limitations of Cartoon Animation  Ascending to Whole New Levels of Creativity and Ingenuity. We are Fans of the Following Talented Animators and wanted to give Our Readers/Viewers (whichever the case may be) a Chance to Lay Your Eyes Upon some of Their Perspective Work. Enjoy.

METACHAOS  by Alessandro Bavari

Bavari Explains His work METACHOAS in the Following Way:

“Metachaos, from Greek Meta (beyond) and Chaos (the abyss where the eternally-formless state of the universe hides), indicates a primordial shape of ameba, which lacks in precise morphology, and it is characterized by mutation and mitosis. In fact the bodies represented in METACHAOS, even though they are characterized by an apparently anthropomorphous appearance, in reality they are without identity and conscience. They exist confined in a spaceless and timeless state, an hostile and decadent hyperuranium where a fortress, in perpetual movement, dominates the landscape in defense of a supercelestial, harmonic but fragile parallel dimension. In its destructive instinct of violating the dimensional limbo, the mutant horde penetrates the intimacy of the fortress, laying siege like a virus. Similar to the balance of a philological continuum in human species, bringing the status of things back to the primordial broth.

METACHAOS is a multidisciplinary audio-visual project, articulated in a short film, a set of photography and mix-technique paintings. The purpose of the project is to represent the most tragic aspects of the human nature and of its motion, such as war, madness, social change and hate.”

WARNING: Some Viewers May Find The Following Videos to Contain Imagery or Content that Some Viewers May find Upsetting, Unsettling, Unnerving, Disturbing, Troubling, Objectionable, or Offensive. Please Enjoy.

For those Who May Be Unaware We Here at FYB are Serious Fans of David Firth So We Decided to Delve Deeper into Firth’s Horrific Body of Work.

The Only Way We could Describe Firth’s “Hell” is to use a Quote from Firth Himself pertaining to His Work:

“It’s a Nightmarish Stream Of Conscience” -David Firth

Please Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed That Dark Double Dose of  Derangement from  Alessandro Bavari and David Firth as much as We Did. And as Always Thanks for Watching.

 Presented By Les Sober