Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring CLEAN FACES by the Content Creator known as Burden. Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.


Burden’s Stats::

First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
It has a Total of 469,063 Views
The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.


Honestly Our Best Guess is it’s some Seriously Dark Social Commentary on Society and the So Called Human Experience. The Stranger Scenes that may be Unsettling to Some of a Mass of Writhing Maggots, Rotting Animal Carcass, Horde of Hornets, and What Appears to be a fucking Bizzarro Autopsy seem to Symbolize Society/Humanity as a Large Unthinking All Consuming Mass of Parasitic Creatures that Lack Personality and Individuality. Also the Use of Clips from a Popular American TV Show Only Fuel the Social Commentary Hypothesis as Morning TV Shows are Know for being Mindless Fluff Masquerading as Entertainment. Some Key Points the Show Hosts Touch on that Promote the Social Commentary Hypothesis  are the Following:

  • “…Heal the Wounds in the Country Not Exacerbate Them.”
  • The Phrase “Tumultuous Times”
  • “Lost Sight of Ourselves…”

Yet in the End it’s Up to You to Decide for Yourself What You Believe CLEAN FACES is and is About or What the fuck it is Meant to Be.

Description By Creator Burden:

Wake up and smile. To be more present and in the moment.


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober 

My House Walk-Through

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH by the Talented and Allusive nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling.

Synopsis: The Narrator (Subtitle Warning, but Not to Worry they’ve been Translated into English) Wonders around Disoriented While Giving a Tour of His Home where He Lives with His Grandparents. The House is a Hellhole everything is Rotting or Decaying such as the Ceiling for Example, and Every Surface/Wall/Floor/Ceiling is Coated in Filth and Grime. The House is Decaying and Dilapidated there’s an Abundant amount of Mouse Shit on the Floor as well as Rat Nests in the Attic among Other Things.

The Sequences are Repetitive to a Degree during the Tour, BUT if You’re Paying Attention You’ll see Subtle Changes in the Dialogue, Additional Information is Added in, and the Creepy Factor Slowly Builds More and More Through Out the 12 Minutes of Madness that are MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Monday Make Up For Last Week’s Short Horror Film Friday: HOME EDUCATION

Welcome to FYB’s Make Up Monday Post Featuring the British Short Horror Film HOME EDUCATION Written and Directed by Andrea Niada. One thing I Noticed in this Film are the Following Three Reoccurring Topics: An Unhealthy obsession with Dust, Rot/Rotting, and Taxidermy. Well I don’t know about You, but that Definitely Peeks My Curiosity.

Plot: An Inquisitive Girl is Indoctrinated by Her Controlling Fanatic of a Mother that Her Recently Deceased Father will Resurrect Himself if They are able to Show how much They Love, Cherish, and Miss Him. The Daughter Dutifully follows Her Mother’s Lead that is, until Her Father Begins to Rot.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: BEEF STEAK!

What Can I Say some times the Oddest, Strangest, Absurdist, or just Plain Stupidest Shit makes Me Laugh. I’ve said it before that My Favorite Joke is:

Why Do Ducks Have Webbed Feet? To Put Out Forrest Fires.

Why Do Elephants Have Flat Feet? To Put Out Flaming Ducks.

As You can see it actually makes No Sense Whatsoever, But it always makes Me Smile. So when I was fucking around Online I came Across this Video and for some Reason (Even I DOn’t Know What it Is) I got a real Kick Out of It.

So Without Further Ado Ladies and Gentlemen I give you BEEF STEAK!


Brought To You By Les Sober