I Have The Body Of A Pig

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG Filmed by a Paranormal Research Group in England Several Years Ago. Now I’m NOT Saying I fucking Believe in Ghosts, Devils, Spirits, or Demons because I DON’T in My Opinion there is NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE of Their Existence.. On the Other Hand there is NO ACTUAL PROOF that They do Not Outside the Self Righteous Ignorance and Ego Driven Human fucking Being. You see ever since Man Climbed to the Top of the fucking Food Chain We suddenly Think that Means We Automatically know Everything about fucking Everything. I Refuse to Buy into that Bullshit. I’ll Stick with Socrates on the Subject of Humanity’s Self Righteous Ego Driven False Belief of Intellectual Superiority  when I say “I Don’t Know Shit.”

Description: Truly frightening EVP recorded in a secret location during my tenure as special guest and resident expert with a group that I cannot name. My association with the group ended due to reasons I cannot legally disclose.
But, as I am the bigger man, I wish them well.

My Thoughts: I already Covered the Paranormal Aspect above, BUT I still have Quite a Bit to Say About the fucking Description that’s fr Sure. I hate shit that starts “Truly Frighting” it’s a Bullshit Attention Grabber that Means Jack Diddly Shit. If Something is Frightening it’s Frightening there should be NO Need to Say Stupid Shit like “Truly Terrifying” because What Scares the Shit out of You may Not Scare Me in the fucking Least and all that. Second How the fuck can this Person be BOTH s Special Guest and a Resident Expert since Special Guests are Temporary per say and a Resident is a Long Term Group Member so that’s an Oxymoron.  Next What the fuck was this Person a so called “Expert” in Exactly Ghost Hunting, Camera Person, Tech Shit, Demonologist, Medium or What the Fuck?!

Why EXACTLY can’t this Person Mention that They Can’t Mention the Name of the Paranormal Group How About some fucking Details. Now Why the Fuck couldn’t this Person Say Why Their Association (I thought They were a Resident Expert in/of the group?!) with Said Paranormal Group? They Claim it’s for Legal Reasons well isn’t that fucking Conveenant since the Whole Description is Vague as it could Possibly be with Total Lack of Any Context or Details of Any Sort whatsofuckingever. Lastly Ironically is the Pompous fucking Last Line in/of the Description about being the Bigger Man. Adding that is a COMPLETE DICK MOVE. How do We know this Person isn’t a Fuck Up, Basket Case, Liar, Bullshit Artist, A Fake/Fraud, YouTube View Whore, A Totally fucking Moron, or just Plain making shit up?!!

Maybe that’s Why This Particular Person’s Association with the Group Ended was Due to the Fact The GROUP Ended the Association. In All Due Favor it could be due Possibility to this Person’s Possible Shitty Attitude or Perhaps They were just a Crappy Paranormal Hunter. If This Person actually  does “Wish Them Well” then Why the fuck did They Bother Turning the Entire Description into Personal Bitching?! The Description really has jack shit to do with the Video itself and is about The Group, The Person who Posted the Video’s Association or Lack there of with Said Group, and the Alleged Legal Bullshit Aspect is My Point. They could have Written the Decription WITHOUT MENTIONING any of that Happy Personal Horse Shit. Well that’s All I had to Say So I Digress (for Now anyways).

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Saturday Short Horror Cinema: SELF ASSEMBLY

Welcome to Saturday Short Horror Cinema featuring SELF ASSEMBLY  Written By Garret Shanley, and  Directed by Ray Sullivan. This Little Slice of Surreal Insanity reminds Me of  the David Lynch movie 1997 Cult Classic Eraserhead in Several Ways. Most Notably are the Fact that its Shot in Black and White giving the Film a Cold Stark Feel, and the Fact it Doesn’t need a Word of Dialog to be Creepy as Fuck.

Noteworthy Mention: The car that killed the son in the beginning is the same car that comes to retrieve the monster from the parents house.

Plot: In a Self-Assembly cabinet They Ordered Online Grieving Parents find a Truly Monstrous Substitute for their Deceased Son.


Self Assembly  Credits:

  • Produced & Directed by Ray Sullivan
  • Written by Garret Shanley
  • Based on the comic story by Garret Shanley & Cathal Duggan
  • A Monolith Pictures [IE] Production
  • Cast – Darryl Kinsella, Amy Kirwan and Ruben Kenny
  • Cinematography & Score – Terry Warren
  • Editing & VFX – Ray Sullivan
  • Special Creature Effects – Bobby McGlynn
  • Makeup by – Deirdre Fitzgerald

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: COMING TO LIGHT

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring COMING TO LIGHT Written and Directed by Hector Bell.

Plot Summery:

Coming To Light is a Story about Aaron Who was a Victim of Sexual Abuse when He was Growing Up as a Child, and has Lived for more than Half His Life with the Burden and Torment of being Abused as a Child. As a Result of this He has had to Adjust to a Life where the Physical Manifestation of His Past Trauma in the Form of a Horrific Demon is with Him Everywhere He Goes Relentlessly Torturing by Reminding Him of His Devastating Past.  When the Authorities begin an into an Investigation into His past Abuser,  Aaron becomes Conflicted between Carrying on with Life Socially Imprisoned by the Literal Demon or coming Forward about what happened to Him AND  Subsequently Confronting the His Demon head on.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Creepy Shit From The Dark Web: MOM.avi

This Little Bit of Creepy Footage was Allegedly Found Lurking Somewhere on The Dark Web.

The Video Starts with Someone Switching Off a Light Switch, and then the Viewer Can See a Humanoid Creature Barely Visible sitting in Almost Pitch Blackness. There is Absolutely No fucking Context Here so What is Going On and What it May Be are Limited Only by Your Own Imagination. Was The Creature a Ghoul, Ghost, Mutant, Monster, Alien, Devil, Demon, Inter Dimensional Being,  or a Person  Person Who the Hell Knows.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober   


FYB is Delighted to Present Tonight’s Movie the 1977 Surrealist Horror Film DEATH BED: THE BED THAT EATS Written, Produced, and Directed by George Barry in His Only Feature Film.


Plot Summery:

Long ago, a Demon fell in Love with a Woman and Conjured up a Bed on which to make love to Her. Unfortunately for the Woman She Dies During Coitus, and Devastated by Grief, the Demon Wept TEARS OF BLOOD which land on the Bed causing it to Come Alive. While the Demon Sleeps the Bed’s Evil is Safely Contained, but Once Every Ten Years the Demon Awakens from His Ancient Slumber. Once the Demon Wakes it Gives The Bed the Supernatural Power to Physically DEVOUR ITS HUMAN VICTIMS ALIVE!

Only One Man, an Artist named Aubrey Beardsley was ever Spared from The Bed’s Murderous Curse, But The Bed Condemned Beardsley to Immortality Imprisoned Helplessly behind a Painting. From His Eternal Prison behind the Painting Beardsley is Forced watch The Bed Satisfy its APPITITE FOR HUMAN FLESH Throughout Time.  Will Beardsley ever be Free? Can the Death Bead be Beaten and How? Will the Death Bed’s Curse Continue On? You’ll have to just Watch and See For Yourself. Enjoy.


A Few Reviews:

Death Bed is a Horror Flick destined for some small place in the Hearts of Psychotronic Fans who already treasure such Extreme Oddities…”

-Dennis Harvey (Variety Magazine)

Death Bed is such a True Original that you have to overlook all its faults and just go with it and enjoy this Whimsical Drug Induced Nightmare”

-Barry Meyer (Film Monthly)

” A Major Classic in the What-Were-They-Thinking School of Horror.”

-Brian J. Dillard (Allmovie)


“..One of the Most Disconnected and Impressive Low Budget Horror Films of All Time.”

-Joseph A. Ziemba (Bleeding Skull!)

“On the Other Hand, Death Bed Weilds a Strange and Unique Charm that kept Entrancing Me even when I was Bored Stiff. I’ll always take an Interesting Failure over some Uninspired By-The-Numbers Horror Flick.”

-Adam Tyner (DVD Talk)

“A Nightmarish Dream Existence.”

-Ain’t It Cool News

Hope You Enjoyed this Little Piece of Horrific Absurdity as Much as We Did. Goodnight and Sleep Tight.

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB’s Short Horror Movie Showcase: THE SMILING MAN & DON’T MOVE

Welcome to another Installment in the FYB Short Horror Movie Showcase featuring THE SMILING MAN and DON’T MOVE!!!

THE SMILING MAN By A.J. Briones in Association with ALTER (a Company that Traffics in Short Horror Movies) is a SINISTER little Endeavor. In The Smiling Man an Innocent Young Girl watching Cartoons starts to Follow a Trail of Balloons throughout Her House. At the End of the Trail the Little Girl comes FACE TO FACE WITH PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL!! The Smiling Man’s has an Overall “The Devil’s come for Your Daughter” Tone makes it Even more Unnerving. It lends itself to the You feeling You’re watching a Powerful and Vicious Predator Luring its unsuspecting Prey into Striking Distance.

What We particularly Enjoy about The Smiling Man is it reminds Us a Great Deal of Asian Horror. Asian Horror for the Most Part Deals in Disturbingly Demented Psychological Creepiness as Opposed to an All Out Gorefest. It’s a Truly Unique Stylistic Form of Creepy that irks You to the Bone. The Smiling Man is the Kind of Creepy “Cat in Mouse” Horror Movie that leaves You feeling Uneasy, and it tends to Linger Hauntingly in Your Mind for Days after Watching. Enjoy.

DON’T MOVE By Bloody Cuts and Directed by Anthony Melton is a Throw Back to the Devious Demon Centric Horror Movie Classics from the 80’s Ouija Board and All. One of the Impressive Facts about Don’t Move is though it was made on a Very Small Budget the Movie yields High Production Value Effects and That’s No Exaggeration We Assure You. The Other Amazing thing about the Film is the Acting is Exceptionably Good. Since Acting Terrified is One of those Things that People think is Easy When that couldn’t be Farther from the Truth the Actors really Bring it Home.

The Other Aspect of Don’t Move that We particularly got a Real Kick Out Of was if Don’t Move was a Roller Coaster it Starts with/on that First Massive Plunge Down sending You straight into the Heart of the Action. From the BLOOD SPLATTERED Opening Scene Don’t Move’s Backstory has Been Told, The Deed is Done, and The Demon has Come So DON’T MOVE!

We Hope You Enjoyed Coming Eye to Eye with The Vilest Evils as Much as We Did.

Presented By Les Sober

Quiz’s Quintessential Answer Key

Do to the insanely rigorous, highly detailed, and labor intensive nature of said Quiz only the TOP 20 Answers are Listed.

For the Rest of the Answer Key Results just shoot Us a Email at fyourblog404@gmail.com that simply says “DECODER RING”.

The Grading System is Strait Forward: Each Alphabetical Letter has been assigned a Numerical Value. Once You answered ALL 25 Questions You simply add up Your answers. Then check the Total against The Answer Key Located Below.

A. = 1,  B.=2,  C=3,  D=4,  E=5 and So On and So Forth.


The Top 25 Answers:

  • If You answers are ALL ODD: Your a fucking Wild Card. You deal in the Unconventional, and Unorthodox which leads some People to call You an Innovative Genius or Batshit Crazy. Your intensity drives Your Creativity, but if left unchecked it spiral out of Control words Self Destruction. Your walking an EXTREMEly thin line between Your own Personal Utopia or Your own Personal Hell on Earth. Remember Swords only have Two Sides.


  • If Your Answers were ALL EVEN: Your a walking talking Text Book Personality. Your Bland and Mundane the equivalent of a Blank piece of Copier Paper .You never allowed Yourself to Be Yourself, and thus suffocated  your Personality under Your own self implemented Restrictions. Break The Cookie Cutter that Molded You and Find Yourself before its TOO LATE. DOn’t let Your fucking disappointment drive You into the Grave of Regret.


  • If You Scored 1-24: Your indecisive I bet You take fucking forever to make a discussion. STOP ANALYZING EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE! Rock The Fucking Boat and Live DON’T JUST EXIST.


  • If Your Scored a 25: Break out the Tin Foil and Start making Hats, and Hanging Coat Hangers from Your Ceiling because Your about to be ABDUCTED BY MOTHERFUCKING ALIENS.


  • If You Scored 26-29: You will Travel to The Land of the Rising Sun more commonly known as Japan. You will go to Climb to the Summit of Mount Fuji. Unfortunately for You You hike through the Northwestern Flank of Mt. Fuji through Aokigahara Forrest or as its more commonly known The Suicide Forrest. Aokigahara is Notoriously known as the  WORLD’S SECOND MOST POPULAR SUICIDE LOCATION. You like so many others will simply Vanish never to be seen again. NO SWIMMING IN THE SEA OF TREES KIDS.

  • If You Scored a 30: Your a Trendy Hipster. Commercialism Defines You, YOU ARE YOUR POSSESSIONS. Your a fucking Sheep moseying to the Slaughter as it were. You should seriously think about doing the ENTIRE WORLD a fucking Favor and Hurry up and Die. Sorry You just SUCK that BAD.


  • If  You Scored a 31-39: Your Genetically Prone to Bear Attack so watch Your ass in the Woods. Smokey is NO Friend of Yours I assure You of that. He too is a Bear and will maul You possibly to Death just like Yogi or Boo Boo.


  • If You Scored a 35: You Have Genital Herpies, but hey thats better than fucking AIDS. Best You Stock up on Valtex now before its TOO LATE.


  • If You Scored a 36-39: You Will Be Killed By Spontaneous Combustion. Wish We had some advice unfortunately there is NO RESEARCH or Reliable Available Data on the Phenomenon.


  • If You Scored a 40: You will be part of the Colonization of Mars so Set Phasers to Stun, and Have a Safe Trip. Happy Travels and God Speed You Black Emperor.


  • If You Scored 41-44: We hate to be the ones to break this to You. Your Guardian Angel is a Demon in Disguise. We Recommend You See The Catholic’s about a Exorcism or Seek out a Reki Master to rid You of this certain Divinity Based issue. Tell Linda Blair Hi For Us.


  • If You Scored 45: Congratulations Your Related to Caligula one of the Sickest and Twisted Roman Emperors in all of Human History. Sorry not everyone can be related to Tom fucking Cruise or some other Famous Asshole.


  • If You Scored 46-49: You are Destined to be killed prematurely by a Tragic and Freak Colonic Accident. Talk about the Shit Hitting the Fan.


  • If You Scored a 50: WINNER, WINNER CHICKEN DINNER & GIVE YOURSELF A CIGAR. Make it a Fidel Castro Turn in His Grave.

  • If You Scored a 51-54: You will make Your Fortune by Buying Pork Belly Stocks and Selling Gold (Stocks). Just ask Mortimer I’ll bet You a Dollar He’s Trade Places with You in a fucking Heart Beat baby.


  • If You Scored a 55: Live Like An Angel, Die Like a Demon because You will certainly be Killed By Death. We’re NOT just spitting Venom are We Lemmy.


  • If You Scored a 56-59: You will be the First Person in History to Invent an ACTUAL WIDGET. You can use Economics to bring it to Reality.


  • If You Scored a 60: Your Not Real. You Believed Yourself into Existence. You Imagined Your Fiction into Fact. Keep the Faith or Literally Fade Away.


  • If You Scored 61-64: Your Your Own Doppelgänger a Non Biological related look a like Double (often considered Evil or Supernatural by Nature) of a Living Person. Technically You shouldn’t even still Exist. The belief goes if One meets Their Doppelgänger They BOTH WILL CEASE TO EXIST. You see  They cancel Each other Out of Existence like adding a Positive and a Negative Number. Well at Least Germany is Nice this Time of Year.

  • If You Scored a 65: Break Out the Spandex because You will be joining an 80’s Hair Metal Cover Band destined to become Local Legends. Just be sure to Remember along the way That Every Rose Has Its Thorn.


  • If You Scored 66-69: Get ready You’ll be Heading to Ozzy Osbourne’s Final Final Tour when it comes to your particular Town/City. You will have seats in the First Row Front and Center, BUT OZZY will be Tripping His Balls Off on a cocktail of Hallucinogens. Under the Influence Ozzy will Hallucinate that Your a Giant Fruit Bat, and will Bite Your fucking Head Off. At Least You won’t need to get Rabies Shots.

  • If You Scored a 70: You will have an illustrious Career as a Glu Sniffing Rhine Stony Professional Line Dancing Disco Cowboy. So Break Out the BeDazzler and Go fucking Nuts!


  • If You Scored a 71-74: You will become The World’s First BITCOIN MULTI BILLIONAIRE, The King of Crypto Currency. Unfortunately its NOT a RECOGNIZED CURRENCY by the Rest of the World so Spending it will be impossible. At least You can treat Yourself to one hell of a Dark Web Shopping Spree.


  • If You Scored a 75: You will be the One to Find Jimmy Hoffa who then union discovery will make You Disappear. At least its better than finding The Infamous  Bum Farto (and YES Bum Farto is/was a Actual Real Life Person, He’s good for a Google.)


  • If You Scored a 76-79: You will Win a Noble Prize for Your Research and Development of Robotics. Then You will venture into Fringe Robotic Sciences and start Experimenting on Yourself. Eventually You will become a Certified Cyborg, BUT You’ll have become Addicted to Robotic Body Modification. You will keep going until You in the end are 100% Robot. Look on the bright side Perhaps SkyNet is Hiring.


  • If You Scored an 80: You will Abandon Your current life, Home, Friends, Family, and Possessions for a Life as a Carnie bouncing From County Fair to County Fair, and Traveling Circus to Traveling Circus. You’ll become a Functional Alcoholic with a growing Meth and Pain Killer Addiction. You will Die leaving a 90 Pound, Toothless, Jaundice Ridden, Sickly Yellow Colored Corpse. You should have Listened to Nancy fucking Regan and just said NO.

  • If You Scored a 81-84: You will get Married and have a large Family. You will still live close to Your Parents and Siblings. You will have a successful enough career in Your Profession of Choice, and as so You will want to Care for Them incase You Die suddenly. So You get a Hefty Life Insurance Policy. 6 Months Later on One of Your Family Members (possibly working with One or More additional Family Accomplices)  will Murder You for the Life Insurance Money. Remember kiddies One of the FASTEST way to get Yourself Killed is Buying Life Insurance.


  • If You Scored a 85: You will become hopelessly Addicted to Hardcore Fetish Pornography and as a Result You will for Go Sleep and Food until You’ve Literally Masturbate Yourself to Death. Remember Kiddies TOO MUCH of a GOOD thing can fucking kill Your ass.

  • If You Scored a 86-89: You will meet Your Idol, Murder Them, and Take Their Place. DYI Bodysnatchers.


  • If You Scored a 90: You will be the First and Only Person to Navigate down to the VERY BOTTOM of The Maritime Trench more than 36,201 feet Below Sea Level. You will see Wonders that No other Human has ever laid eyes on. You’ll see Aquatic Sea Creatures No One even knew Existed. You will see the Secrets Beneath The Sea no one has been able to See, but not due to a lack of trying mind You. Sad to say You will never be able to tell a single Soul what You saw as You will Be Devoured by a Undiscovered Species of Giant Predatory and Deadly Jellyfish.


  • If You Scored a 91: Your Fate is Sealed. You one Day take a Tour of the Distillery where Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage is Made. During the Tour some impatient Asshole will shove His/Her way forward from the Back of the Group to the Front. Inevitably this Unknown Asshole will invariantly push You into a MASSIVE Fermentation Tank where You will Drink Yourself to a Euphoric Death while waiting to be fished out. So much for Drinking Responsibly.


  • If You Scored a 92: Well We’re not sure what the fuck to say really. 92 is obviously a PERFECT Score, Yet NOBODY IS IN FACT PERFECT. As far as We can tell You must be an Inter Dimensional Entity or Being from a Parallel Universe. Thats It. Thats all We got.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober