For Shits and Giggles: The Bottle and The Bottle 2

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Double Header of THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2 by Cool 3D World. And Who Exactly is Cool 3D World You may be Wondering to Yourself? Well when Brian and popcorn10 ( Their Youtube Handles) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

Let’s be fucking Honest THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2 could have fucking Simply been One fucking Video Considering THE BOTTLE’s Runtime is a Minuscule 38 Seconds and THE BOTTLE 2 is Barely 1 Minutes and 5 fucking Seconds. So All We can Venture to Guess is THE BOTTLE was Never Initially Intended to have a Sequel since the Videos are Poste 2 Years Apart. Anyways We Digress so We can get the fuck Back on Track.

THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2 Star a Insanely fucking Creepy Naked Old Man with a Real Pedophile fucking Vibe and isn’t Helped by the Fact the Creepy Old Pervert Character makes Infant Baby Noises. The Plot is this Creepy Old Bastard Roams the Country Side with a Head in a Glass Bottle. We know Sounds pretty Tame and We Don’t want to Spoil Anything since the Videos have Microscopic Runtimes but Trust Us it gets Weirder and Weirder as it Goes like Teletubbies on fucking Bath Salts.

Here are Some Things/Details that Pertain to THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2:

THE BOTTLE ONE: Key Word “Shithead”

THE BOTTLE 2: The Shithead Doesn’t Fall Far from the Shit Tree.




It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Interplanetary Revolution

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Posted by Content Creator known as Toadsmiles. Toadsmiles YouTube Channel is SO Obscure (Only 4 Videos Posted Over 15 Years and a Total of a Mere 146 Subscribers) that if it was Any More Obscure it simply wouldn’t fucking Exist. Now this Video is Exceptionally fucking Weird because it’s an “Art Imitates Life and Life Imitates Art” Scenario. What We mean by that is INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION is an Actual Russian Anti-Capitalist  Propaganda Cartoon Fantasy Short Released August 18, 1924 . The Cartoon Short was Created (and Co Directed) by Nikolai Petrovich Khodataev and the Experimental Studio State Tech Kino. Khodataev was a Russian and Soviet Artist, Sculptor, and Animator who was a one of the Founders of the Soviet Animation Industry.

When it comes to Watching INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Luckily there is No Dialogue so No Annoying Subtitles to be Concerned with, and All Russian Text is Translated Directly on the Screen as Opposed to Closed Caption. Whats interesting is there are Several Different Types of Animation from Traditional Cartoon to Monty Python like Animation, to some Strange shit You’d See on Adult Swim at 2 in the fucking Morning. Now this Cartoon is pretty fucking Far Out in the Deepest Depths of Left fucking Field that’s for sure. It can get Chaotic and Confusing so We have Key Point Pertaining to INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Below.


  • The Alien Monarch of Mars Never Invented Democracy.
  • The Closing Sequence Features a Portrait of Vladimir Lenin.
  • The Animation is Best Described as “Deranged”.
  • The Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy – The Alien Emperor’s 4 Guards Defend Him Triumphantly, Slaughtering Rebels in DOZENS of Shots. In the Later Shots the Guards seem to be Poorly Armed and Won by Sheer Numbers Alone.
  • The Leader – The Commissar (An Official of the Communist Party, Especially in the Former Soviet Union Responsible for Political Education/Organization) brings Revolution to the Planet Mars just by Speaking to a Local Proletariat ( A Proletariat is a Working Class of People, Regarded Collectively and Often Used with Reference to Marxism).
  • The Planet Mercury is Featured by a Man Resembling a Pre-Revolutionary Russian Shopkeeper. The Many Armed and Unfriendly Fellow isn’t Identified but is Believed to Most likely be the Planet Jupiter.
  • We See a the Eyes of the Moon turning into a Man and Woman who start Hugging and Kissing. The Commissar finds this to be Wildly Amusing BUT it has NO Relation to the Plot of INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION.
  • Those Fucking Nazis: The Time being 1924, INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Features a Rather Wacky Italian Faschist (Who at that time were Best Known for Fighting Communism).
  • The Cartoon States (INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION) is “A Fully Probable Event in/of 1929” just a mere 5 Years after INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION came out and was Said in All Seriousness.


It is What it Is,

   Presented By Les Sober   

Two Horses

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring TWO HORSES an Advertisement Directed by  Artist, Filmmaker, Producer, Director, Educator, and Virtual Reality Content Creator Doug Garth Williams Who also Came Up with the Concept for said Ad. Williams has a well earned Reputation for Creepy Concepts and Disturbing Imagery. Williams Most Widely Viewed Work are the Infamous Viral Videos He created for the Now Defunct Little Baby’s Ice Cream (You can find the Little Baby’s Ice Cream Ad in a previous Post in the Strange or Disturbing Video Section). The Two Horses Ad has been Described as “Pure Nightmare Fuel” and “Cringe Worthy”.

What is Two Horse?

Well Two Horses is a Stable of Creativity for Lifestyle Adornment in Montreal, Canada. It’s founders, Jessi Preston & Sara-Isobel Mulder, Prolific in Their own Fields of Tattooing and Hair joined Forces to Develop a Space where People come to Relax, Unwind, and Leave Transformed. One part Tattoo Shop, one part Hair Salon, and ever Changing Contributors form a Unique Space that is an Exclusive Stop for those with Discerning Tastes.

Synopsis: This Video is Something David Lynch and Takashi Miike came up with Brainstorming Over a Couple of Beers. I suggest watching the Video Several Times because it Gets even More fucking Demented when You Start picking up on Subtle Nuances.

It is What it is,

 Presented By Les Sober

A Little Taste of Insanity: This Is Special Time

There is a First Time for Everything, and This One is a First for Us here at FYB. As Our Reader’s may Very Well Be Aware We Pride Ourselves on Thoroughly Researching a Post to bring Our Reader’s all the Facts, Hypothesizes, Rumors, Theories, And Pertinent Information relating to the Subject Matter of Said Post. We have continued to do so with This Post as Well accept for the Fact there isn’t a whole hell of a lot to tell, BUT it was still so fucking Unnerving We had to Help Bring it to the Eyes of the World. The Backstory is the following Video This Is Special Time is a REAL Advertisement for an ACTUAL Ice Cream Company called Little Baby’s Ice Cream.

After watching the Video You will see the Company’s Name just adds an Extra layer of Uneasiness to it. The Question still remains Who the fuck Came up with such a Creepy Concept, and Why did They opt t Hire a Sociopath Who Apparently is going through a Psychotic Break to Star in it?! The Imagery makes the Viewer so Uncomfortable that Not even the Calm and Reassuring Voice of the English Gentleman Narrating it Fails to Elevate the Eeriness. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober