Backrooms – Found Footage #3

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – FOUND FOOTAGE #3 that was Uploaded to the Async Research Channel a Few Days Ago. BACKROOMS FOUND FOOTAGE – #3 is the Latest Installment of a Psychological Horror Series “Inspired” by the Original BACKROOMS Content Creator Kane Pixels. Some Explanation may be Needed. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series has been Posted over the Course of the Many Months. All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence as Well as Our Original Post on the Backrooms Creppypasta.

Well Then What The Fuck IS The Deal With The A-Sync Research?

As it Turns Out there is a Second Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. And fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Granted though at this Point in the BACKROOMS Trend there are More and More Convincing Copy Cat Videos being Posted. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that was Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast. Oddly Enough We seem to be in a Gray Area Impasse as far as the Continuation of the Series. The Last Backrooms (Backrooms – Betrayal) was apparently the Last of the Lost Cameraman Chris Footage it left Many wondering if the Series was indeed Over. Then there is this Additional Video and No One is certain what it may or May Not Signify going Forward, BUT for Now Apparently there are or will be several Additional Found Footage Videos.

Description: 10/18/89

It Is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – EXIT The Latest Installment from the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

As it Turns Out the A-Sync Research Channels which we thought was a Secondary Channels created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line and We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. This Person/People are OBVIOUSLY Collaborators working Side by Side with Kane Pixels since the Video Theme, Quality, and Feel of Each others Videos Coincide with One Another. The Last Installment from Kane was Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common a Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well.


This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience.

Our 2 Cents:

First Off We would like to Acknowledge that this Incredible Series Sense of Utter and Total Isolation that Drives the Series is Building and Building Quickly. In this Video the Lost Camera Man (the Last Possible Survivor of a Group of 3) Explores Various Anomalies He finds along the Way. The Most Interesting Development is the Camera Man locates a Elevator that He takes to a Couple Different Levels. Now are They Legit Levels of the Backrooms or are They a Part of A-Synch Research’s Control or Observation Area(s) since They are the Ones Pioneering the Backrooms Project? What We like Best about this Video was the Somewhat of a Surprise Ending so be Sure to Check it Out.

Description Accompanying Video:

This is a continuation of the tape ….- that was recorded by civilian Christopher -..-. E. ******* on .—- February 1st, —– 1984.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring THE BACKROOMS – PITFALLS by the More than Talented Kane Pixels. THE BACKROOMS – PITFALLS is the Latest Installment in the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

Description: 5/6/1990


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Evolution of THE BACK ROOMS from Humble Beginnings to the Internet Sensation it Became. The Mystery  Where and What The Backrooms Are and What They Mean has been a Point of Contention from Day One (and Still is to this Today). The Backrooms Operates using common Psychological Horror Themes such as Being Isolated, Fear of the Unknown, Trapped without Viable Escape, Fear of the Dark, and Being Watched while Being Hunted are Prime Examples. So without Further Delay let’s Jump into the Nightmarish Horrorscape known Simple as THE BACKROOMS!!

The Origin of The Backrooms:

  • In May 2019 a Strangle Unnerving Picture was Posted on 4Chan and immediately garnered a Great Deal of Attention. The Picture was of a Multi-Roomed Interior with Sickly Yellow Wallpaper (with a tinge of Underlying Green) and a Cheap Generic Brown Carpet like the kind You’d find in an Office Building. Whoever took the Picture was standing in One Room while Taking the Picture through an Open Doorway into an Empty Identical Room, and You can See a Third Room also Identical room Branching Off to the Left.
  • There was a Grim Description that Accompanied the Photo: “If you’re not careful and you no clip out of reality in the wrong areas, you’ll end up in the Backrooms, where it’s nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in.”
  • It is believed by Most that The Backrooms has a Total of 3 Levels: Level 0, Level 1, and Level 2.


  • Level 0 is a Labyrinth of the Aforementioned Monotone Yellow wallpapered Rooms, the Moldy Stench of the Moist Carpet, and Loud Buzzing Hum of the Overhead Florescent Lights.
  • All Rooms Appear to be Identical, but if You can Stay Focused instead of Panicking and going Utterly Insane there are a Few Minor Changes along the Way so You have to be Vigilant.
  • There are Humanoid Creatures (Referred to as Hounds) Who look like Disfigured People Roaming the Maze Walking on All Fours.
  • The Hounds Admit a Low Rumble Sound which is One of a Very Few Indicators that They are Present/Near By.
  • The Hounds are to be Considered VERY DANGEROUS so Avoiding them is in Your Best Interest, But if You run into a Hound DO NOT LOOK AT IT and Slowly Back Away to a Safe Distance before making a Run for It.
  • No One is Sure How You get from Level 0 to Level 1 there are rumored to be No Clipped Walls that have the Potential to Send You back to Reality or Plunge You Even Deeper into the Hell of the Backrooms, or They could just Send You back to the Beginning where You’d have to Start All Over Again.


  • Level 1 is More Dangerous than Level 0.
  • The Walls and Floor of Level 1 are made of Concrete as Apposed to the Nauseating Yellow Wallpaper and Repulsive Moist Carpet.
  • The Sounds of Level 1 are Also Different. In Level 1 in Addition of the Intensified Buzz of the Florescent Lights, the Continuous Drone of Machinery, and Creaking Sounds Coming from Unseen Rooms.
  • The Lights on Level 1 Flicker and Shut Off periodically Leaving You in Pitch Blackness and That’s When You’re in the Greatest of Dangers.
  • When the Lights Go Out and Your plunged into Darkness is when the Creatures of Level 1 come. The Creatures make a Disturbingly Distorted Screaming Sound and are Invisible as They are Cloaked in the Darkness. If Encountered in Spite of the Blackness DO NOT LOOK AT OR IN THE DIRECTION OF THE CREATURE, and again Slowly Back away from the Direction of the Distorted Screams of the Creature.
  • Once Agin No One is sure How You get from Level 0 to Level 1, but Most adhere to the No Clipped Theory.

Level 2:

  • Level 2 is considered by Most to be the Final Level of the Backrooms.
  • The Walls Change, and the Hallways Narrow to the Point of being Claustrophobic.
  • The Florescent Lights have been Significantly Amplified with a almost Deafening Buzz and the Heat coming from the Lights Raises the Temperature of Level 2 to Over 100 Degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The Halls seem to Mimic Service Tunnels as Pipes and Various Machinery Lines the Walls.
  • The Creatures that Dwell in Level 2 are Hostile, Aggressive, and Dangerous of All. The Only way to Escape one of these Creatures if You encounter it is to Run as Fast as You Possibly can in the Opposite Direction of the Creature and DON’T EVER LOOK BACK.
  • Escape from Level 2 is Nearly Impossible as there No Viable Exit Points.
  • Extremely Few People have Claimed to have Survived the Backrooms by 1) Accepting the Situation 2) Satying Cool, Calm, and Collected 3) Imagined the Backrooms were Their Home.
  • If You can’t do the Above or it Doesn’t Work for Some Reason YOU’RE FUCKED AND CONDEMNED TO THE CONFINES OF THE BACKROOMS FOR ETERNITY.

Theories, Speculation, and Hypothesis:

  • Most People Believe there 3 Levels (0 through 2) that make up The Backrooms. Some People Believe that The Backrooms Consist of 100 or More Individual Levels. A Few People Believe that there Aren’t Any Levels, but that The Backrooms is One Continuous Level.
  • Some Believe The Backrooms is a Metaphor for the Desolation of the Modern Work Environment (Office Building, Cubicles, Shitty Florescent Soul Sucking lights, and Drably Depressing Surroundings. All culminating in a Feeling of Utter Alienation.
  • There is a Theory that The Backrooms is a Never Ending Coma known as “Pre Death” which is a State of Eternal Dreaming.
  • There is a Belief that The Back Rooms are Purgatory and if You can manage to Escape You send to Heaven, You are Doomed to Wonder The Backrooms for Eternity, or The Creatures that Inhabit The Backrooms are Demons that if They catch You will Drag You into the Pits of Hell.
  • A Theory pertaining to Discovering How to Travel from one Level of The Backrooms to Another. Some think to get from Level 0 to Level 1 that You stumble upon a Door, Hallway, or Even an Elevator that will take You to the Next Level. Others Think that after 4 Days of Wondering in Level 1 that the Scenery Changes when the Flickering Lights Go Out, and when They come back on They Reveal the Level Change to Level 2.

Theories, Speculation, and Hypothesis on How DO You End Up/ Access The Backrooms:

  • Some Say The Backrooms can be Accessed through People’s Dreams or Visions. For this Reason Many People Claim to Recognize The Backrooms from the Original Photo, and Some Reported Feeling some sort of Nostalgic Fear when They look at the Picture.
  • There is a School of Thought that the way to access The Backrooms is Particularly Tricky and Requires a Great Deal of Luck. They believe the way to get to The Backrooms is by Utilizing Actual Glitches in Reality. Just like in Video Games These People Believe that on Occassion Objects from Our Reality will “No Clip”.
  • “No Clip”/”No Clipped is When part of the Video Game Map becomes “No Clipped” and if You bump into it You’ll Pass Right Through It and More Than Likely Fall Off the Map Entirely. Once a Player has encountered a “No Clipped” Object or Area the Player is Stuck still Inside the Game, BUT in an Endless Void Beneath the Game’s Map.
  • Some People think Some Objects in Our World are Not “No Clipped” to Begin with, Yet They can become “No Clipped” from Reality. If You have a Keen Eye You can Spot and Avoid Them. Some Examples Include A Wall that Appears Darker then the Others Around It, Or You may find a Door that You’re Positive there is Nothing on the Other Side.

Are The Backrooms Real: The Truth

  • The Backrooms is a Creepypasta inspired by a Comment on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic.
  • The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels ).
  • The Short Horror Movie The Backrooms by Kane Pixels was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th 2022. The Basic Plot is while Filming a Camera Man Slips Through a Hole in Reality and Ends Up Trapped in The Backrooms.
  • The Horror Series The Backrooms also by Kane Pixels was First Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Month.
  • The Backroom Series by Kane Pixels is Located Below in Chronological Order and  in its Entirety thus Far.


Short Horror Film:

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented by Les Sober   

Short Horror Film Friday: THE DOLLMAKER

Welcome to this Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE DOLLMAKER” Directed by Al Lougher which is a Cautionary Tale Pertaining to Death, Mourning, and Grief. Let’s Face it People have been trying/Longing to Cheat Death Indefinitely Clinging onto Life with every Fiber of Their Being.


From Juan Ponce de Leon searching Endlessly for the Mythical Fountain of Youth to The Infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory (Who served as the ACTUAL inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and Not Vlad the Impaler. Legend has it Bathory bathed in the Blood of 650 Servant Girls She had Tortured and Killed because She believed the Blood of Young Girls had Age Defying Powers). Death is the Fact of Life We all Know to be True, but Still Never Rightfully Accept.

Plot Summery: A Grieving Mother latches on to a Mystical Surrogate for Her Deceased Little Boy, but Small Miracles come with Big Consequences. “The Dollmaker Serves as a Warning  Be careful What You Wish For because You might Just Get It.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring AVARYA Written, Directed and Created by Turkish Director and Cinematographer Gokalp Gonen and Showcased by Omeleto. AVARYA is Considered to be a Visionary Short Animation By Fans and Critics Alike.

Plot Summery:

AVARYA opens with Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics:

  • Robots Must NOT allow Humans to come to Harm.
  • Robots Must Protect Human Existence.
  • Robots DO NOT have to Follow Orders that would Conflict the Previous Directives.

An Elderly Man Drifts throughout the Galaxy, with a Robot as His Only Companion. The Spaceship is Designed just like Elderly Man’s Favorite Room back on Earth, even down to the Minutest Detail such as a Particle of Dust, according to the Robot. But the Elderly Man is anxious to Leave the Ship in Search of a Better Quality of Life. Together, They Duo Travel Throughout the Endless Expanse of Space as They search for a New Habitable Planet, since Earth has become Uninhabitable.

The Robot, however, is Sworn to keep Humans from coming to Harm. Every Alternative Planet discovered is Not Good Enough for the Elderly Man to Live on, according to the Robot. But the Man is Tired of being Stuck on the Ship, NO matter how Comfortable it may be. As the Elderly Man becomes Increasingly Desperate to Leave the He Reaches His Breaking Point and finally Rebels Against His Overbearing Robotic Overseer.  It’s Only Then does the Elderly Man Discover just how Seriously the Robot takes its Duty to Protect the Elderly Man, even if it’s from Himself.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented by Les Sober

Weird Shit Wednesday With Otto: CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW

Welcome to weird shit Wednesday featuring CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW by Robert Morgan. Robert Morgan has spent the last two decades creating a body of work characterized by nightmarish stop motion, and described as a disorienting trip into the subconscious. Morgan has sited Francis Bacon, Edgar Allen Poe, and The Brothers Quay as some of his biggest influences.


CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW is a David Lynch-esque trip down a schizophrenic rabbit hole of  unholy hallucinations, dire feelings of dread, sheer psychotic terror, and suicidal insanity.

Until We Meet Again,

  Presented By  Otto Rageous   

The Town Where God Chose To Look The Other Way

The Nomadic Traveler stood like a weathered Tombstone just inches Outside of the Town Limit. Typically this would be the Point in the Nomad’s Journey where He’d Tidy Up His Appearance before making His presence Known to the Towns Folk. Normally He’d take the Time and Effort to Clean Himself Up as best He could (considering the Conditions) as Traveling through the Desert always left Him covered from Head to Toe in a Thick Coat of Dust, Grim, and Sand like Soil. He was accustomed to taking some Water from His Canteen to Wash His face and Hands as Thoroughly as Possible. Then He would precede to Wet His Bandana to Wipe off the Latest Wear and Tear of the Road From His Boots to seem more Civil than He actually was. The Last Part of the Process He’d remove His Duster and beat it with Palms of His gnarled Hands. This would send overlapping Billowy Clouds of Dirt and Dust into the Air. The Clouds were so Propionate One could see them wafting across the desolate landscape, and One might Misidentify  them as Smoke Signals from a Near By Tribe. With the Rising Prevalence of Cannibalism in this Barron Landscape One could never be too Cautious when Passing Through. The Unofficial Motto that the Area had garnered was “Better Safe Than Supper.” because Plenty of Wayward Travelers had Ended up on a Dinner Plate.


This time though He forwent His usual routine because He was about to Enter one of the Most Isolated, and Thus Depraved Towns with a Notorious Reputation that was well Warranted. The Town had been Named Desperation which summed up Life there to a Tee, and Why the Nomad  deemed His Clean Up Routine Unnecessary. Desperation was so Bad Off that He could have arrived walking down Main Street Buck Naked and Drenched in Blood, but Not garner a Single Glance from the Locals. The Nomad wasn’t sure what He’d find awaiting Him in such a Hellhole, and soon to Soon to be just another Ghost Town. The Only Thing the Nomad knew was whatever He found it Sure as Hell  wouldn’t be Pretty.


Figuring there was No Point in Delaying the Inevitable the Nomad started His Trek into the Infamous Town of Desperation. He paused for a Minute and Stood at the Top of Main Street so still Not even His Coat moved in the Steady Afternoon Breeze. The Reason was Not intended to be Standoffish Nor Intimidating He simply did this to Provide any Uppity Outlaws, Wannabe Badasses, or Perhaps a Corrupt Sheriff (That is if Desperation even had a Sheriff Currently) to Confront the Unknown Interloper.  If any such Person was willing to take Issue with the Nomad’s Arrival He would take them to Task with great Ease. Thus Establishing Himself  as Someone definitely Not to to fuck with unless You wanted to Tempt Death to come for You. This Point was especially Valid in a Town such as Desperation where No One Was Living They were barely Surviving.  The Last of the Residents were just trying to get from one dismal day to the next Trapped in a Hard and Hellish Existence. In the Nomad’s Extensive Travels He had learned through Observation that when Times are Tough the Nefarious Prosper, and the Lawless Thrive as Light can Not Live in Darkness.


Seeing that No One wished to Air a Grievance about His Presence the Nomad continued His walk down Main Street unobstructed. His Eyes Darted around Calculatingly as He took in His New Surroundings recording every Person, Face, Place, And Detail in His Mind for Future Reference. Desperation was the Failed Cliche of a Prosperous Mining Town Fallen on Hard Times. Originally some Hapless Hillbilly Prospector stumbled across some Gold Nuggets Solely by Chance Triggering The Gold Rush Reaction. As soon as word got around that Gold had been Found in the Area People started to arrive in Droves and causing Over Crowding in the Mining Camps. Finally the Population Grew to the Point that a Town was Built to accommodate the various needs of First the Prospectors followed in Time By the Miners. When the Mayor was asked Why He chose the Name Desperation The Mayor replied “I chose so because Everyone who comes here is Desperate for a Better way of Life, and Gold has the ability to lift someone from Poverty to Prosperity in a Single Day living in a Prosperous Mining Town.”


Once a Large Enough Handful of Prospector’s Hit it Rich the Commercial Mining Companies made Their way onto the Scene. The Mining Companies Ended Up Dominating the Gold Mining in the Area Forcing Out Independent Prospectors. As the things go Desperation was Transformed into a Boom Town Money making Machine until that is the Mines dried up. Once the Mines stopped producing Gold the Mining Companies Packed Up and Moved on to Their Next Mining Endeavor. While this was Obviously good for the Mining Companies it was Devastating to the Town and Decimate its Population. By The Nomad’s Calculations there appeared to only be a Small Group of Locals, and a Couple Struggling Businesses left behind to Fend for Themselves. The Farming Supply Company had Boarded Up its Windows and Left Town Long Ago, The Resident Hotel stood Abandoned and in a State of great State of Disrepair. The Clothing Shop Windows were Empty and almost Blacked Out by the Accumulation of Dust and Dead Bugs while The Bank had a Sun Bleached Closed Sign hanging on the Door. The once Busy Blacksmith Shop stood Vacant as a Testament to a Dying Town on its Last Wobbly Leg ,and the Sherif it turned out had Deemed it too Dangerous to Hang around and had Split along with almost Everyone Else. Even the Local Priest had Locked the Door to Desperation’s Small Church to go Seek His Salvation Elsewhere leaving Desperation a Godless Town.

What Remained Behind Clinging on by the Skin of Their Teeth were The Saloon, and The Brothel located above the Saloon. They were also the Only Places that showed Signs of Life. While the Hotel that severed the Wealthy Owners of the Mining Company (as well as Their Business Associates, Personal Friends, and Occasionally Their Family Members) had been Closed there was a Boarding House that remained Open for Business. This was likely Due to the Increasing Economic Troubles in Desperation had forced a Home Owner to Rent Rooms in an Attempt to make Ends Meat. The General Store appeared to be Limping along with a Meager Inventory that barely covered the Basics. The Last Viable Business in Desperation was a Grim Indicator that the Town was Running on Borrowed Time, and the Clock was Running Out was the Undertaker. The Rest of the Desperation appeared to made up of the Decaying Domiciles of Residents Past a Haunting Reminder of what had once been a Thriving Town.


Large Mangy looking Buzzards perched on Hitching Posts like Gruesome Gargoyles Luridly Leering at Him as if He were Their Next Meal. A Small Group of the Beastly Birds had Gathered at the Feet of a Corpse that was Hanging from a Decrepit Gallows. The Deseased had been left there to Mummify in the Relentless Sun and Unbearable Heat of the Desert Summer. The Sickly looking Scavengers were Squabbling with one another as They Pecked Mercilessly at the Corpses’s Withered and Brittle Toes Until They Successfully Snapped one Off like a Twig from a Bush. The Nomad made took special Notice when it came to the Corpse. The Deadman Hanging from the Gallows (based on the approximate Timeline it takes for a Human Cadaver to Mummify) had been the Work of the now Absent Sheriff, But the Nomad Knew You Didn’t Need a Sheriff to Hang Someone.

Piles of Horse Shit lined the Streets though the Horses had all gone with their Owners to Search Out a Better Quality of Life. The Pungent Stench of Stale Urine permeated the Air  making the Nomad’s Eyes Water something Furious. A Dwindling Pack of Stray Dogs rummaged in a Trash Pile rooting around for whatever meager Scraps of Sustenance They could Find. The Traveler thought to Himself the Scene with the Dogs was Rather Fitting since the Residents of the Town were Strays as Well.

To Be Continued…….

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: DON’T LOOK AWAY!

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring DON’T LOOK AWAY Directed,Written,  and Edited by Christopher Cox. DON’T LOOK AWAY was Finalist in Annual Cinema Los Angeles Film Festival 2018 -Preselected for Washington Film Festival 2018 -Official Selection in DAMN! Film Series Festival 2017.

Synopsis: When a Teenage Girl spots a Sinister Figure Standing in Her Backyard Staring at Her Father in a Panic. She informs Her Father  about a Ominous Figure Staring at Her,  and Her Father Pleads Desperately with Her to No Matter what “DON’T LOOK AWAY”!!!


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober