Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation “The Price Of Ecstasy Is Pain”

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Song “The Price Of Ecstasy Is Pain” by Yonder Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory. Now this is One of Those Posts where due to the fact YCRF is in an Extreme Music Niche there isn’t much Information Out there on Them. YCRF is part of a Sub Genre of Grindcore Known as Animegrind so Information is Scarce. For those Who may be Unaware of the Genre here is a Brief Synopsis of Animegrind. Common Animegrind Themes are a Preoccupation with Pitch-Shifted or Extreme Low Guttural Vocals, Murder,  Gore Galore, Intense Violence, Mutilation, Anime/Anime Themed Art, Death, Bodily Fluids, Sexual Fetishes, Hentai inspired Lyrics, Destruction, Forensic Pathology, and Blisteringly Fast Tempos. While Other Grindcore Sub Genre like Goregrind or Pornogrind utilize Grotesque, Nauseating, Sexually Violent, Gore Driven, and Often Misogynistic illistrations Animegrind utilizes Various Variants of Disemboweled Anime School Girls (like Those see in Pro Guro or Erotic Gore Mangas, and Japanese Hentai Films often Combine Sex and Violence are used as a Backdrop). With that Said here is All the Information on YCRF that We were able to Scrap Together from Our Notes.


Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory:

  • Real Name Andrew Gonzales
  • YCRF is a One Man Project like Putrid Pile for Example (We have a Putrid Pile in Concert in Our Obscene Extreme Post in Our Music Section).
  • Based in Tehachapi, Kern County, California.
  • Years Active 2001-Present
  • Label: Impaled Ximena Records
  • Themes: Sadism, Gore, Extreme Violence, Sick Humor, and Anime.
  • Musical Aspects: Brutally Guttural Vocals, Explosive Down Tuned Riffs, and Anime Themes.
  • Though YCRF is in Fact a Animegrind Act but YCRF has also been mistaken for Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, and Slamming Brutal Death Metal.
  • YCRF define Themselves Specifically as a “Weeb Slamming Animegrind”
  • Weeb is a Slang Term used to refer to Someone who is Obsessed with Japanese Culture, Particularly Anime and Manga. Weeb is a Term used in a Mocking or Derogatory manner.


It is What it IS,

  Presented By Les Sober  

A Monday Night of Sickening Cinema: The City Of The Living Dead!!!

THE CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD is a 1980 Italian Zombie Splatter Horror Movie Directed by Lucio Fulci who also Wrote the the Screenplay, and plays Pathologist Dr. Joe Thompson in the Film. Although Fulci worked in a Wide Array of Genres as a Director, Screen Writer, Producer, and Actor over His nearly 50 Career in the Film Industry. Fulci garnered an International Cult Following for His Giallo (in the Movie Context, for Italian Audiences Giallo has come to refer to Any Kind of Murder Mystery or Horror Thriller) and Horror Movies. Due to the High Level of Visceral and Graphic Violence that present in Many of Fulci’s Films that He is Frequently Referred to as “The Godfather of Gore”, A Title Given to American Splatter Movie Gore Master Herschell Gordon Lewis.


The Movie was released in Italy in 1980 under the Title Paura fella cotta dei Mortifications Vivrnti  in Italy which translates to ‘Fear in the City of the Living Dead’, and was Released in the United State in 1983 the Title Twilight of the Dead, which Resulted in a Cease and Desist Order from United Film Distribution Company due to the Title’s similarity to Their Own Film, George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. Thus the Distributer, Motion Picture Marketing, withdrew the Film and Re-Released it under the New Title The Gates of Hell.

Brief Plot Summery:

The Movie is set in the Shunned Village of Dunwich (a Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror), where the Priest Father Thomas commits SUICIDE by Hanging Himself which Results in a GATEWAY TO HELL Opening, and Turning loose a Ravenous Pack of ZOMBIES OF THE DAMNED! Meanwhile during a Seance in New York, Mary Woodhouse sees Morbid and Horrific Visions of the Priest’s Suicide, and its Dire Consequences leading up to a ZOMBIE ONSLAUGHT on All Saints Day. Mary then suddenly Collapses to the Floor and Convulses then She appears to Die, Only to be Rescued from Premature Burial by the Journalist Peter Bell. The Two Travel to Dunwich to DESTROY THE GRAVE of Father Thomas in order to Stop the MASS ZOMBIE INVASION!


  • An Italian Newspaper La Stampa’s review of the Film “Not recommended for easily impressionable viewers.”, with a Story that grew Progressively into a “Expressive Nightmarish Atmosphere”
  • Jay Carr of the Boston Globe said “A Film Only a Diehard Necrophile could Love”
  • Dick Fleming of The Daily Times “Scenes Purely for the Sake of Shock Value”
  • Ringle wrote”Idiotic Sleaze Fest with Nothing to Offer but an Abundance of Filmed Animal Innards.”
  • AllMovie “City of the Living Dead benefits from Fulci’s ability to Create and Sustain an Intensely Creepy Atmosphere…. the Blending of Graphic Shocks and Surrealistic Atmosphere .”

Movie Quote: Mary Woodhouse “The City of the Dead. The Living Dead. A Cursed City where the Gates of Hell have been Opened.” Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Italian Supernatural Splatter Film’s  Flesh Eating Zombie Fiasco as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

An FYB Wednesday WTF Movie: BEGOTTEN

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday WTF Movie featuring the 1990 Gory Experimental Dark Fantasy Horror Film BEGOTTEN by Edmund Elias Merhige (Who also Wrote, Produced, Edited, and Directed the Film). Begotten contains No Dialogue and Mimics the Style of Aged Back-and-White Movies and whose Enigmatic Plot is Drawn from Various Creation Myths. Critics have Identified Several Major Themes in Begotten. According to Historian Scott MacDonald, the Film’s Allegorical Qualities and Purposeful Ambiguity can lead to Multiple Interpretations. In Intervies, Merhige Himself has Acknowledged the He Intentionally Incorporated these Themes into the Film, while also Inviting the Audience to Form Their Own Interpretations as Well.


Brief Plot Summery:

The Film starts inside of a Small Backwood Cabin, a Robbed Figure (Dubbed “God Killing Himself” in the Movies Credits) DISEMBOWELS HIMSELF using a Straight Razor!! After Removing some of His Internal Organs the Character Dies, and Mother Earth Emerges from His MUTILATED REMAINS!! She brings the Corpse to Arousal and Uses His Semen to Impregnate Herself. Time Passes and a Visibly Pregnant Mother Earth wonders off into the Vast and Barren Landscape to Give Birth to a MALFORMED Convulsing Man named Son of Earth. Mother Earth soon Abandons Son of Earth leaving Him to His Own Devices.


After an Untold Period of Time on His Own Son of Earth encounters a Tribe of FACELESS NOMADS who seize Him and take Him Hostage. Upon His Capture Son of Earth begins to Vomit Organic Pieces of God Knows What, which the Faceless Nomad Accept Excitedly as Gifts before throwing Him in a PIT OF FIRE!! Son of Earth is Resurrected by Mother Earth and the Two set off together Continuing across the Harsh and Unforgiving Landscape. Soon the Faceless Nomads catch up to Them Attacking and Murdering Mother Earth before Disappearing into the Wild Wilderness.

A Group of Robed Figures arrive and Carry Away Mother NAture’s MUTILATED and DISEMBOWELED REMAINS, before Returning and Killing Son of Earth by Disemboweling Him as Well. The Robed Group buries pieces of Both Mother of Earth and Son of Earth in the Crust of the Earth. In the Final Scene, Mother Earth and Her Son Appear in a Flashback, this Time Wandering through a Forrest. Enjoy.

WE Hope You Enjoyed this Slice of Experimental Insanity as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober