Dinner For Few

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post the Animated Short Film DINNER FOR FEW by Award Winning Director and Animator Nassos Vakalis which an Allegorical Depiction of Society. I in Particular find DINNER FOR FEW to be Interesting and Entertaining is the Social Commentary that Reminds Me of Two of My Favorite fucking Books of All fucking Time. Those Two Books Being Animal Farm by George Orwell which is a Scathing Criticism on the Flaws and Failure of Communism. The Other is the Graphic Novel MAUS by Art Spiegelman which Depicts the Author’s Interviewing His Father about His Experiences as a Holocaust Survivor. Both Books and DINNER FOR FEW rely Heavily on Symbolism which I personally enjoy the fuck Out of (Especially Using Specific Animals to Embody Different Kinds of People. Example The Rich and Powerful) those that do per Animal Farm are Depicted in all 3 Works as PIGS.

The Best Part of Symbolism and DINNER FOR FEW is it actually makes You fucking think in the fucking age of Smart Phone Zombies and Laptop Ghouls. Swear to fucking God all the shit They put Out and Dare to call Entertainment is MINDLESS FUCKING DRIVIL. The Point and Click/Touch/Swipe Technology is causing Humanity to Actually De-fucking-evolve into Retarded, Mindless, Cavemen. Think I’m being over fucking Dramatic well then Ponder the fuck Out of This. Emojis are and have Always Been the Digital Equivalent of fucking Cave Paintings (No Hieroglyphs is too Advanced at this Point to be fucking Comparable).

Our View: DINNER FOR FEW does have One Unique Aspect that Sets it Apart from the Two Aforementioned Books, and that is it Depicts the Cycle of Life in Society as Opposed to just Commenting on the Social Situation/Issue/Problem at Hand. DINNER FOR FEW reminds Me of Two Sayings that for Me go Hand in Fucking Hand and They are the Following:

  1. “The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer.” This Serving as the Societal Circle of Life on the Macro Level.
  2. “Don’t Piss on My Leg and Tell Me it’s Raining.” The Day to Day Injustices in Society and Those Affected by Them on the Micro Level.

The Symbolism as We see it:

  • Pigs: Well Obviously as I mentioned before the Pigs are Symbolic of the Wealthy, Privileged, Greedy, Gluttonous, Self Serving Elitist Assholes Who Only give shit about Themselves.
  • The Chef: Stands for the System that Enables the Pigs without Question its His Only function is to Blindly Serve the Pigs.
  • The Cats: Represent Average Citizens/Every Day People aka Anyone Who isn’t a fucking Pig.
  • White Lion: Is Indicative of Revolution as the Cats Unite against the Common Enemy the Pigs and Revolt Against the Tyrant Swine. Not Only that But the Feline Uprising enables the Cats to Not Only Stand Up Against the Pigs but to Also Exact Revenge in the Form of a Brutal Blood Soaked and Murderous Massacre.
  • The Lion Sleeping: is Symbolic of Peace and in this Case the Peace is that Peace has been Restored to the Land so to Speak.
  • Chef Killing the Lion and Kittens: Represents the Cycle of a Sick Society Continues it’s Never Ending Circle where Unavoidably things will Always Remain the Same.

Description By Creator Nassos Vakalis:

During dinner, “the system” feeds the few who consume all the resources while the rest survive on scraps. Inevitably, the struggle for what remains leads to catastrophic change. The offspring of this transition turns out not to be a sign of hope, but the spitting image of the parents.



Credits and Shit:

  • Original title – Dinner for few
  • Director and writer – Nassos Vakalis
  • Producer – Nassos Vakalis, Katerinai Stergiopoulou
  • Music – Kostas Christides
  • Year – 2014

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome To Today’s FYB Post featuring SCREAMS FROM THE GOLDEN ARCHES by MeatCanyon. MeatCanyon’s Real Name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse. And SCREAMS FROM THE GOLDEN ARCHES stays True to the MeatCanyon Formula.

Synopsis: The Brutal Origin of The Mysterious McRib is Revealed and It’s Far from Appetizing.

It is what it is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to another madness inducing Monday post here at FYB featuring the Stop Animation video game parody  Claycat’s DOOM ETERNAL by Lee Hardcastle. DOOM ETERNAL (2020)  is a fucking BLOOD SOAKED GOREFEST first person shooter video game, and the 5th main game in the DOOM series and the Sequel to 2016’s DOOM.  Set some time after the events of DOOM, the story follows Doomguy once again, on a mission to END HELL’S CONSUMPTION OF THE EARTH, and foil the alien Maykr’s plans to EXTERMINATE HUMANITY!


If you don’t know Lee Hardcastle he is an insanely fucking prolific British Animator/Film Maker who specializes in all types of stop-motion techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty film Making.

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-

See you when I see you,

   Justin Sane   

Friday Splatter Horror Movie: COLOR ME BLOOD RED!

FYB is Delighted to bring You Tonight’s feature the 1965 Cult Classic Splatter COLOR ME BLOOD RED by None Other than “The Godfather of Gore” Herschell Gordon Lewis! Color ME Blood Red is the Third Movie in what Fan’s have Dubbed Lewis’s Trilogy of Blood/Gore along with Lewis’s Blood Feast 1963  (Also Featured on FYB), and Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964).


Brief Plot Summery: Color ME Blood Red is The Gruesome and Gory Tale of the Temperamental and Annoyingly Pompous Painter Adam Sorg. Adam is obsessed with becoming the Next Big Thing in the Fine Art World, and is Desperately trying to Sell His Paintings to a Local Art Gallery. A Prestigious Art Critic who was invited to the Exaction is Shocked and Appalled by the Sorg’s work much to His Dismay. The Critic makes a Snide Comment about how Sorg’s Paintings Lack True Color which set Sorg off Down a DARK, BLOODY, AND MURDEROUS PATH to Critical Acceptance.


Later back at Sorg’s Art Studio His Obnoxious Girlfriend accidentally Cuts Her Finger on a Nail sticking out of a Painting Frame. Sorg sees the Blood on the Canvas and His Psychotic Mindset leads Him to Believe that Blood provides the Color His Art has been Lacking. While convincing His Girlfriend to Use Her Blood She Recoils at the Thought, and tells Sorg to use His Own Blood. Sorg takes Her up on Her advice and Starts Painting Using HIs Own Blood, But there’s the Demented Dilemma that Sorg’s Body can Only Produce so Much Blood. Sorg then turns to Brutally Killing Female Models and HARVESTING THEIR BLOOD as a Source of Color for His Ongoing Works. Will Sorg’s Self Indulgent Slaughterfest make Sorg the Artistic Icon He Yearns to Be, Or Just an Insane Self Absorbed Serial Killer?! You’ll have to Watch and See. Enjoy

Hope You Enjoyed this Bloody Little Art Lesson as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB Presents a Monday Madman Movie: SCHRAMM

Tonight’s Monday Madman Movie features the 1993 German Horror Film SCHRAMM Directed by Controversial Writer/Director Jorg Buttgereit. The Movie begins as Serial Killer Lothar Schramm’s Life Flashes before His Eyes as He Lays Dying in a Pool of His own Blood.


Brief Plot Summery:

Lothar Schramm is a Lonely Cab Driver who is Polite and Often invited His Visitors in for a Glass Of Cognac, but He might also Slit Their Throats and Assemble Their Bodies in Sexually Suggestive Poses. Lothar lives a Tortured and Solitary Existence Plagued by Paranoia. Lothar has Seriously Deranged Sexual Desires including Fantasies about Vaginas with Teeth, or Nailing His Foreskin to Tables. It’s Safe to Say Lothar doesn’t have a Girlfriend (or Romantic Relationship of Any Kind), and has become accustomed to His Habit of Humping Inflatable Plastic Sex Dolls. Lothar’s Social Life is Completely Non Existent as He Trudges through His Life of Rejection, and Self Mutilation without a Friend in the World. The Only Source of Happiness in Lothar’s Miserably Pathetic Life is the Seriously Sick Crush He’s  Developed for His Next Door Neighbor and Local Prostitute Marianne. What will become of Poor Marianne, can She Survive Lothar’s Dementedly Lurid Lust or Will She Succumb to Lothar’s Deadly Desires??? You will simply just have to Watch and See for Yourself. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed this Little Tale of a Murderous Maniac as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB’s Friday Night GoreFest Film: DEAD -ALIVE!

Well after Posting Peter Jackson’s Man Eating Alien Cult Classic BAD TASTE last Week it started a rather Heated Debate around these parts which resulted in making the Natives Restless. The Issue at Hand is a Simple Disagreement. Some Here Believe Peter Jackson’s Second Feature Film DEAD-ALIVE (aka BRAINDEAD) to be Far Superior Compared to BAD TASTE. While Others Hold Their Ground that Peter Jackson’s First Film BAD TASTE is in fact the Superior of the Two Movies. So to Satiate the Scandal We decided in all Fairness that We should Also Showcase DEAD-ALIVE and Here We are.

FYB couldn’t be Happier to Present Peter Jackson’s Slapstick Splatter Zombie Horror Comedy Film  DEAD-ALIVE!!!


Brief Plot Summery: In 1957, Explorer Stewart McAlden and His Team Smuggle a Sumatran RAT MONKEY They have Captured on SKULL ISLAND. Monkey Rats are a HYBRID CRYPTO CREATURE thats Mean as Hell with The Bite to Match! Monkey Rats came to be when PLAUGE CARRYING WHARF RATS  from Passing Ships Invaded Skull Island and Raped The Indigenous Monkey Population resulting in the MUTANT MONSTER Known as the more than Infamous Rat Monkey.

During McAlden and His Team’s Escape from Skull Island’s WARRIOR NATIVES who Demand the return of the Captive Rat Monkey, Stewart is BITTEN by the Shanghaied Rat Monkey. This Results in Stewart being DISMEMBERED AND MURDERED by His Own Crew, Who are Terrified of the Effects of the Rat Monkey Bite. The Captured Rat Monkey is then Shipped to Wellington Zoo in New Zealand.


Lionel Cosgrove lives in a Large Victorian Mansion in Wellington with His Domineering Mother Vera.  To Vera’s Dismay and Disapproval Lionel falls head over heels in Love with a Lovely Spanish Romani Shopkeeper’s Daughter named Paquita Maria Sanchez. Maria is Convinced beyond reasonable doubt that Lionel and Her are Destined to be Together. When the Young Couple visit the Wellington Zoo together on a Date, Vera follows them and is BITTEN BY THE RAT MONKEY!

Although Vera seems fine Initially after being Bitten over the Next Few following Days Vera starts to become Sicker and Sicker even EATING HER OWN EAR (and Later Paquita’s Pet Dog) while having Lunch. Some After Vera DIES Only to be REANIMATED as a BLOOD THIRSTY FLESH EATING ZOMBIE, and KILLS Her Attending Nurse Mrs. McTavish Who also Turns into a Fiendish Flesh Eating Zombie. Lionel manages to Lock His Zombified Mother and Mrs. McTavish in the Basement where He keeps them Sedated with ANIMAL TRANQUILIZERS! Unfortunately for Lionel things Don’t Always Go as Planned and Vera is able to Escape from the Confines of the Basement, and ALL ZOMBIE HELL BREAKS LOOSE from there!


Can Lionel save Wellington before its Entire Populous is DEVOURED or Worse Transformed into MAN EATING ZOMBIES??? Find Out in Peter Jackson’s Cult Classic DEAD-ALIVE!!!

We Hope You Enjoyed This New Zealand Zombie Splatter Cinema Gem as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober