What With All The Warning/ What Are All These Warnings About?!

In the Fledgeling Days of FYB I specifically Stated FYB Would NOT use Warnings of Any Kind as We Deemed it a Form of Censorship. I mean How the fuck do We have Free Speech under the First Amendment, BUT the same Government Who gave Us Freedom of Speech creates the Federal Communication Commission?! The FCC’s ONly Job is to Censor What People Can and Can’t Say or Show so again how the Fuck does that constitute Freedom of Speech for Fuck’s Sake?

What We discovered was Not placing any type of Warning on the Kind of Content We Traffic in (the Unconventional, the Unorthodox, Strange, Controversial, and Disturbing/Dark) Opened Us up to Shit Storm of Complaints, Objections, and Pissed off People.


Since We hate dealing with Bitchy People We Knew We had to go back to the Drawing Board. I ended up writing a Subsequent Post that We would Provide a “Head’s Up” to Our Fans if there was Objectionable Content contained within a Post. I simply and Lazily Adopted the TV/Movie Rating System only to Abandon it a Day Later. Why I thought would I want to Emulate What I Objected To?

So We were back at Square fucking One Again needing Some Sort of Acceptable Solution for Us and Our Fans. Utilizing the Premise of the “Viewer Discretion Advised” Model We collected a Small Variety of Different Warning Labels. This of Course raised Questions unto itself as to Why and What was the Reasoning behind the Selected Warnings. Well We have grown Weary of Repeatedly Explaining it to People on a Individual Basis thus We concluded a Proper Post was Needed pertaining to Said Warnings.

This is the Warning We use When We Personally DO NOT Think there is Anything Really all that Objectionable, BUT We use this Warning to Over Our Asses just incase.

This is Our General Warning which again is Not that Serious in Our Eyes, But the Colors seem to Garner a Stronger Sense that One SHOULD HEED THIS/THE WARNING.

This One is about a Simple and Straight Forward as Warnings Come. We use this Warning when We Know There is Content within the Post that a Great Number of People would find OFFENSIVE. We also use this Warning once in a while as a Second Additional Warning incase We think We should still Cover Our Asses a Bit More. Think of it Ironically as an Exclamation Point backing Up THE ORIGINAL WARNING again Just in Case.

This Warning is the One We Use when We are Serious about the Fact that said Post Contains OFFENSIVE, OBJECTIONABLE, OBSCENE, or Otherwise DISTURBING CONTENT contained within it.

This is the First of Our Top 3 Warnings which Should Not be taken at Face Value. If You see This Warning You Should Expect the Content in the Post is BEYOND A DOUBT OFFENSIVE/OFFENDING, SHOCKING, DARK, OBSCENE, DISTURBING, AND WILL ILLICIT A STRONG REACTION From Most People!!!

This Warning is Almost Identical to the One Above it with One Serious Exception. The Exception is the Second Line of the Warning that States”VIEWER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED. If You see this Warning DO NOT take it Lightly. This Warning Guarantees there is More than Enough OBJECTIONABLE, OFFENSIVE, DISTURBING, SICKENING, SHOCKING, SEXUAL, GRAPHIC, VIOLENT, Or in Any Other Way Troubling. THIS WARNING IS NO JOKE so if You are Easily Offended, Angered, Sickened, or have a Weak Stomach DO NOT VIEW ANY POST WITH THIS WARNING!!!!!

This Warning is The End All Be All of Our Warnings. This is such a Serious Warning We have actually Only Used it Once or Twice over the Years. This essentially means what You are About to See is THE MOST ABSOLUTELY EXTREMEST, GRAPHIC, OFFENSIVE, OBSCENE, DISTURBING, SICK, TWISTED, DARK, VIOLENT, SEXUAL, DEMENTED, TRAUMATIC, AND DEEPLY TROUBLING Content Ever Created. If You See this Warning unless You’re HONESTLY a HARDCORE FAN of Some Seriously FUCKED UP SHIT then Please Do US both a Favor and SKIP IT. Again the Content in said Post is ONLY For the Most DIEHARD FANS OF THE EXTREME!!!!!!!

To be Truthful No One should Really View ANY Post with this Warning Period.

Thanks For Reading,

By    Les Sober & FYB 

The Hypocrisy of the FCC has NO JURISDICTION Here.

Disclaimer Statement: I once again must raise the issue of America’s 1st Amendment giving Americans the god given right to say whatever they want however they want, BUT America also has the FCC. The FCC totally undermines the 1st Amendment as the FCC’s sole job is the CENSORSHIP of any and all forms of media. The FCC devised the rating systems for television, the movies and music. They also have the power to out right ban or completely shut down anyone that violates their “Codes of Ethics” essentially. This is one of the worlds LARGEST OXYMORONS in the entire History of Man.


I do not endorse censorship in any way, shape or form and as such I fully exercise the 1st Amendment here at f-yourblog.com, and will allow ANYTHING when it comes to content of articles posted.

Now I am also painfully aware that the American public is NOT as accepting, tolerant or open minded as they claim or think they are. There are also whole organizations outside of the aforementioned FCC that crusade against whatever they find “offensive”.

SO what am I going to do?!

I don’t want to deal with any insulted, angry, offended or self righteous people or groups because I have far better things to do with my time rather than to hear constant bitching. I ADVISE ANY READER IN QUESTION refer to an earlier post made pertaining to the “Mission Statement” of f-yourblog.com. to help avoid initial issues/problems.



f-yourblog.com is a niche for unconventional and unorthodox writers who have trouble getting their writing out to their audience due to restrictions either by the government (FCC) or restrictions of publishers based on their view of the reading public (i.e. Moral/Ethical issues)

THUSLY this is how I will handle the subject of subject matter here at f-yourblog.com.

I will issue WARNINGS to potential readers if and only if the posted article has 1 or more of the following:

  1. GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, not mild nor moderate violence ONLY GRAPHIC VIOLENCE. To help clarify my point here is the article reads like a modern horror movie that falls under the newly named “Torture Porn” I will give you the curtesy of mentioning it at THE TOP of the article. This is to help insure readers who aren’t fans of such writing won’t be subjected to it.
  2. SEX OR NUDITY, Only if the the article has pornographic content at the level of an actual porno movie I will give the readers a heads up as well since America is Sexually Repressed to say the least.
  3. DISTURBING SUBJECT MATTER, this includes things such as Suicide, Death, Self Harm, Hardcore Drug Use, Cannibalism, Incest, Murder, Satan/Occult, Necrophilia etc. Basically any social Taboo with have a Reader’s Warning.

THERE ARE 1 TOPIC THAT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE AT f-yourblog.com and that topic is Pedophilia. Even I Less Sober have at least one line I will NEVER CROSS and thats publishing posts pertaining to, including or endorsing pedophilia. I believe pedophiles should be castrated  in public and allowed to bleed out ( bleed to death). In my mind the only good pedophile is A DEAD ONE (Remember guns kill pedophiles dead for only 50 cents or the current price of a bullet.)










The Hypocrisy of Freedom of Speech

I have just one question that sums up my point on the Freedom of Speech we supposedly have here in America and the question is:

If as American citizens truly have the right to free speech then can you explain then if we have total freedom of speech do we have the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) who is an independent agency of the United States government, created by Congressional statute to regulate interstate communications by radio,television,wire,satellite and cable.

Now the word regulate is used in place of Censorship which is the primary objective of the FCC, who dictate what and when we can say shit.