Date Night

Welcome to one serious Motherfucker of a Monday here at FYB. This has been Our First Day Back from one of the most fucking Bizarre Road Trips I have ever been a part of. It was one of those Road Trips You go on to Relax, but When You get Home You realize You did a ton of shit Accept Relax. Something to that Effect Anyways I Digress.

This Monday’s Post is DATE NIGHT by the Masters of the Macabre, The Oracles of Odd That’s Right it’s by Creeptoons. I was Saving this Dark Slice of Absurdity for a Particular Day, and that Day has most fucking Definitely Come. A Day as Surreal as it was Shitty shall We Say.

PLOT: An Argumentative Couple goes out for Dinner on Date Night, but things go awry, and the Cantankerous Couple end up Headed to Divorce Court.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober   

The Nuclear Family is DEAD.

The So Called Nuclear Family is Extinct a Relic from the Past. The Nuclear Family also Referred to as The Traditional Family Consisted of a Heterosexual Husband and Wife, 2 Kids, House in the Suburbs, White Picket Fence, and a Dog Named Spot. The Husband was the Provider who went to Work Everyday while the Wife was a Housewife who stayed Home to Raise the Children and Tend to the House (aka Cleaning).

Over the Decades from the 1950’s to Today Society has Undergone Countless Changes and Restructuring. The Nuclear Family Norm is Long Gone and Almost completely Forgotten wading Fast into the Past. Some of the Characteristics of such Changes in the American Family Structure from 1960 up to 2019 are as Follows.

  1. The Median Age at the Time of Marriage in 1960 was 23 for Men and 20 for Women. Today the Median Age at Marriage is 29 for Men and 27 for Women
  2. 2.The Median Size of the Family relating to the Number of Children Fell from 4 in 1960 to 1.7 2019.
  3. More People are Choosing to Remain Single rather than to Marry.
  4. More People are Marrying at a Later Age
  5. The Increase of Cohabitation.

6. The Increase in Cohabitators with Children (44%)

7. The Increase in Childless Couples

8. Fewer Children Overall in Modern Families of Today.

9. The Increase in Same Sex Marriage

10. The Increase in Mothers with Young Children employed Outside of the Home.

11. The Increase of Stay at Home Dads.

12. The Increase in the Divorce Rate DOUBLED from 1960-1980 to 50% Decrease in the Divorce Rate Since 2000 to 40%.

13. The Increase in Single Parent AND Binuclear Households.

14. The Decrease in the Number of People Remarrying.

15. The Increase of Young Adults Living with Parents.

16. The Increase in the Number of Families Living in Poverty.

17. The Decrease in Middle Income Families.

Thats All the Sociology for Today Hope You Enjoyed the Post and Perhaps Learned Something as Well Along the Way.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

My Decade of Debauchery : The Foreshadowing Preface

After High School I didn’t have a fucking clue what the hell to do. I was young, and hated authority in any form. Needlessly to say I was jobless and had NO DESIRE to ever enter the Workforce. I had no desire to become one of those poor people who waste the prime years of their life at work only to retire and resent it. I drank like a fucking fish while smoking cigarettes excessively from the time I opened my eyes to the time I passed the fuck out. I was on numerous illicit substances usually a combination of several daily morning, noon or night. I was what is referred to as a “Functioning Drug Addict” which simply means I can party my ass off and still function.

I  was EXTREMELY Opinionated and not afraid to state it no matter where or when I had an opinion on every fucking thing there was or is. My Mother I remember took me aside one day and said,”You have to watch your mouth because unless someone REALLY knows you at some point you’ll insult, offend, shock or anger someone, and their going to turn around and punch you in the face.”

I lived at home with my Mother as by then my parents had been divorced for a couple years. I also had the habit off pissing off one of my parents after a few months and then bailing to go live with my other parent. This was great for at one point I was living with my Father in a Dope Apartment in the center of town over a fancy ass restaurant, and was never there because of work and he was dating a good bit ( I met several women who’s names and faces I forget and don’t mind that I’ve forgotten.) So I had the place all to my self I had the entire run of the place. I digress for now that that is a completely different set of Stories all together, and I plan to save for another time.

I also had an extreme impulsive control issues as I had none at the time, with a horrendous temper I inherited from my Father (R.I.P) Whatever I thought to say I said and whatever I thought to do I did immediately without a single thought about any possible consequences. It was also true I had a Knack for getting in trouble, but ultimately I never suffered any serious side effects (Example: Getting Arrested Numerous Times)

I knew I needed cash to fund my” Low Life” life style and feed my various addictions as the grew bigger and badder over time. I was what is referred to by Narcotics Anonymous as a “Garbage Can” meaning we didn’t have one particular drug we craved and indulged in as opposed to others. I did them them all. I did whatever I could get my deviant hands on because my true drug was MORE. I never cared what it was just give me MORE AND MORE, but I”ll never be satisfied. I did Cocaine (I snorted and injected it), Smoked Crack, Shot/ snorted Heroin, Dropped Acid (Paper or Liquid), Ate Ecstasy and MDMA, Crystal Meth, Peyote, Micro Dots, PCP, and the some pills such as Vicodin, Xanax, Valium, but thank fuck I got out of the drug game before Pain Pills became EXTREMELY POTENT and READILY AVAILABLE. The one addiction I’m glad I narrowly avoided is/was gambling as I’m positive I suck at it from the get go, and would have lost even more shit in my life than I did with the Drink and Drugs.

I don’t include Marijuana because I don’t consider it a drug and remain a daily smoker.

With no prospects for a future outside of our shitty little town that we both despised with people we fucking hated Armenian and I decided to Sell Drugs. I don’t personally consider Marijuana to be a drug, but unfortunately the DEA decides these matters. With that said we dealt mainly in Pot, LSD and PCP. If we didn’t have what you wanted at the time we knew where to get it. This lead to a  good bit of middle man work done on our part and of course charge a finders fee which could be paid in cash or stash we weren’t picky per say.

Now the Armenian was dating this girl E which meant it wasn’t just me and Armenian it was a goddamn package deal. On top of that bullshit we found out an acquaintance of ours named Guru who happened to be selling the same shit in the same area. Armenian and I decided joining forces was better than fighting for turf and customers, yet E was highly opposed to the idea and protested loudly. In spite of her opinion Armenian and I proposed to Guru our merger idea and we partnered up.

Thats Enough of That Now with More to Come.

Les Sober