
Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SOMETHING by One of Our Favorite Animators cyriak.  cyriak is a Legendary British Animator whose Real Name is Cyriak Harris. Harris is Known Mononymously as cyriak and His B3ta Username Mutated Monty (Harris has been a Regular Contributor to the British Website B3ta since 2004), is a British Freelance Animator and Composer. He is known for His Surreal, Creepy, and Bizarre Short Web Animations with the Frequent Use of the Droste Effect, and Features Original Dance/Electronic Music By Harris as Well.


If You’ve Never Done Hallucinogenics when it comes to this Video then Well Your Shit Out of Luck. With that Said it’s Time for Us to Cover Our Asses with the Following Disclaimer. FYB DOES NOT PROMOTE, CONDONE, OR ENDORSE ANYONE DOING DRUGS EVER. Now that the Legal People can Chill the fuck Out let Us Proceed. For those of Us Out There Who have Experienced Hallucinogenics Might liken the Video to having a Bad Trip, or Possible Ascending into a Bad Trip which Hunter S. Thompson would Describe as “When the Drug Turns on You.” and Things take a Dark Turn.

I would compare this Video to an Intense Trip as opposed to a Bad Trip and Here’s Why. You Don’t have the Feeling You’re in Immediate Danger or All Consuming Dread that You do with Bad Trips when You become Trapped in a Nightmarish Hell Scape of Your Own Creating. BUT with an Intense Trip You can Experience a Feeling of Concern that Things May have or are Currently getting the fuck out of Hand.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Hauntingly Ominous Lost Japanese Public Service Announcements (PSA)

To Whom it may concern,

It is I Otto here as Les and Justin took off on a impromptu road trip which I opted out of. I enjoy my own company to that of any other so being stuck in a hellishly small RV with Les and Justin is something I sincerely want nothing to do with. My idea of a vacation is alienation in isolation removed far from the confining shackles of a sick society. Last time Les called he wasn’t pleased that I had in all due favor neglected my FYB Responsibilities in their absence so here we are.

As what to post I was left up to my own dark devices having carte blanche to choose the topic and content of said post. Needless to say I was intrigued with this newly found freedom. You see my main function since I started assisting Les here in the haunted hallowed halls of FYB is research which I am quite fond of. I like being on my own to plunge  head first down any and every rabbit hole I wish with reckless abandon. Being that this was all unplanned and very last minute I didn’t have anything in particular in mind initially as it were. I pulled out a volume of notes I had compiled a few months ago and started parozing it to see if anything caught my eye. I then just so happened locate notes I had collected on Isamu Saburo Tadashi.


Isamu Saburo Tadashi had dedicated his life and his career to Japan’s Ministry of land, infrastructure, transportation, and tourism (MLIT). Tadashi married young at the age of 16 to his beloved wife Emiko, and just a year later Emiko gave birth to the couple’s first child a boy they named Masao. At a 18 Tadashi started his life long career at the MLIT, and as luck would have it the couple welcomed their second child a girl named Hiroko that same year. Time marched on and Tadashi’s career at the MLIT was taking off. Early on in his career Tadashi had received promotion after promotion along with a slew of various awards, and received the highest of Accolades from his superiors. Then one sunny summer day tragedy struck when Tadashi’s wife Emiko was struck an killed by an absent minded motorist. Tadashi lapsed into a alcohol fueled depression, but thanks to his loving and devoted children managed to fight through his inner demons.

Life rolled on and the family recovered from the loss until tragedy struck once again. One day on the way home from school Tadashi’s Son Masao then 14 years old and his 12 year old sister Hiroko decided to take a short cut home. Unfortunately for the siblings the short cut required them to cross several sets of train tracks which proved to be a fatal flaw. While crossing the tracks Masao one of his feet stuck in-between a set of rail road tracks, and it wasn’t long before Masao had a Tokyo commuter train barring down the tracks right at him. The panic boy fought furiously to free his foot before meeting a gruesome and untimely death. Hiroko refused her brothers pleas for her to escape to safety, and remained by his side trying in vane to save her brother until the very and deadly end. The commuter train wasn’t scheduled to stop at this particular station and was speeding along the rails at a top speed and hit the children dead on killing them both and obliterating their small fragile bodies.


Tadashi who was now battling PTSD as well as clinical depression started to experiment with unconventional hallucinogens developing a profound fondness for smoking the venom of the poisonous Bufo Alvarious Toad (a rare species of toad native to the Sonoran Desert). The Bufo toad’s is known as 5-MeO-DMT: an extremely potent natural psychedelic. 5-MeO-DMT is about 4 to 6 times more powerful than its better-known cousin DMT (dimethytrptamine). As one can imagine Tadashi’s unorthodox drug use quickly began to affect his work at MLIT where he was finally demoted to developing MLIT public service announcements (PSA). Right before his death at 81 from a massive stroke Tadashi set about creating his most dementedly disturbing series of PSA’s majority of which focus on train/train tracks safety.

The Gritty and some what distorted series not only was hyper focused on train safety but also feature 2 eerie characters both of which appear to be young children, and one if obviously male and his counterpart female. Due to the horrific deaths  of Tadashi’s son and daughter on the train tracks people became to speculate that Tadashi had gone mad with grief (and died of a broken heart) having lost his cherished children and adoring wife. The story began to take on a life of its own as it evolved into urban legend status particularly in the paranormal communities. The current version of the story is Tadashi consumed with sorrow at the loss of his family that he began to practice necromancy (the supernatural concept of actually raising/channeling the dead). At some point Tadashi employed the use of an Ouija board in his desperate attempts to reunite with his deceased loved ones, and it resulted in Tadashi accidentally trapping the ghosts of his dead children in the PSA’s where they remain to this very day. Due to Tadashi’s mental deterioration his final series of PSA was locked away and was never intended to see the light of day ever again. Then in 2013 while the MLIT was undergoing a massive revamping the lost Tadashi PSA where discovered stashed in a rusty old filing cabinet that was jammed into a dark corner of the basement.


So are Tadashi’s final PSAs in fact haunted by the ghosts of his deceased children? Are they cursed in some way? Will watching them induce insanity in the viewer? Probably not but that doesn’t make them any less creepy as fuck.

Sweet dreams & Bitter nightmares,

   Otto Rageous  

Permanent Trip (Found Footage)

Welcome to Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos Featuring PERMANENT TRIP. Now Granted this Video is a Significantly Different then the Usual Fare You’ll find in the Strange and Disturbing Video Category of Posts. There is No Overtly Ominous or Violent Overtones, No Bizarre Industrial Sound Track, No Hidden Messages/Code/Clues, No Crazy Flashing Visuals, No Morbid Imagery of Death/Doom/Destruction, and No Chaotic Content. With that Said it Simply was Too Good to Pass Up and We had to do a Post on it.

The Video’s Backstory: Allegedly in 2008 a Digital Camera was found sitting on a Park Bench in Philadelphia. It contained Only One Short Video Clip on it. No One has Any Actual Details or Information Pertaining to This Video and We can Only take the Video at Face Value. The Clip is of a Distraught Man who is Obviously Under the Influence of a Hallucinogen or a Psychedelic Drug, and He claims it’s been Two Months since He injected the Unknown Drug and it Hasn’t Worn Off as of the Time of the Recording. For those of You with an Eye for Detail You’ll notice a Handgun sitting on the Corner of the Dresser Directly Behind the Man. This could be an indicator that the Situation had pushed the Unknown Man to His Limits, and He may be Approaching His Breaking Point.


The Questions Facing the Viewer are:

  • Is this Video Real or a Hoax?
  • Who is this Unknown Man in Reality?
  • What Drug did He take/ is He Under The Influence Of?
  • What Happened to the Unknown Man After the Video was Recorded)?

The Video Below is the Earliest and Only Copy of the Video Available Anywhere, and is a Re-Upload of the Original. The Description has Also Been Posted Below the Video itself. After the Video We Discuss the Relevant Information We can Deduce from the Video pertaining to the Questions Listed Above.


Video Description:

“This video was uploaded to YouTube several years ago and I haven’t been able to find it recently. As I recall, the uploader claimed it was “found footage” – he said he found the tape on a park bench or something, and was concerned about the person depicted therein. It appears he may have been having rather a bad time with some sort of psychoactive substance, possibly Datura or some similar long-lasting deliriant. I apologize to the creator of the video if this is something he would rather not have publicized and will remove it immediately if requested by the creator. If anyone has any information regarding the welfare of this person and would like to share any details, please do so. It is a rather fascinating and perplexing recording.”


The First thing You’ll Notice is the addition of the Word Datura attached to the Title which was NOT part of the Original Upload. It seems to be Speculation on behalf of the Person who Re Uploaded the Video as to the Unknown Drug the Man could possibly be on. So what is Datura? Well Datura is a Powerful Plant Hallucinogenic Classified as a Deliriant. Unlike Traditional Psychedelics Datura causes Users Experience Full Blown Hallucinations that are Indistinguishable from Reality. Due to Its Intense Toxicity, Potential to Cause Long Term Psychological Harm, and its Propensity for Horrifically Traumatizing Hallucinations Datura is sometimes referred to as “The Devil’s Trumpet”.

Datura while Suspect it’s Extremely Unlikely that it is the Intoxicant that the Unknown Man has Ingested since His Behavior is Very Uncharacteristic of a Person on a Deliriant. Most People under the Influence of a Deliriant become so Disassociated that They can Hardly even Speak or Stand Up, and Often seem to be Lost in a World of Their Own. The Point Being the Man in the Video is Far Too Coherent and Articulate to be on a Deliriant. Additionally at one Point in the Video the Man states “I think I boiled the Roots Right”, and since the ay Datura is Taken it is Ingested as a Tea that’s made with the Plants Seeds, and the Roots are Not Used again Ruling Out Datura.


There Only Two Hallucinogens/Psychedelics that are made into a Tea by Specifically Boiling the Roots, and They are Sassafras and Ayahuasca. Sassafras’s Effects are Rather Subtle and consists of a Mild Euphoria, but Nothing as Dire as the Man in the Video is Experiencing by a Long Shot. Thus Sassafras is Not the Suspected Intoxicant.

As For Ayahuasca is an Ancient Amazonian Tea Ayahuasca has been used by Indigenous People of the Amazon as a Medicine to Endure Spiritual Experiences. Ayahuasca Tea consists of Two Ingredients Psychotria Viridis Leaves (that Contain DMT) and The Ayahuasca Vine. DMT is one of the Most Powerful Psychedelics known to Man which is Usually Smoked and Lasts about 15 minutes. During that Time it Incapacitates the User and Sends Them to an Entirely Different Reality.  Many Users Claim to have Profound Spiritual Experiences while Under the Influence of DMT. Now when DMT is ingested Via a Tea its Effects can Last Hours, but  Just Drinking the DMT Alone won’t do a Goddamn Thing. People have Enzymes in Our Stomachs that Break Up the DMT Molecules before it can Enter the User’s Bloodstream. This is where the Ayahuasca Vine comes into Play. The Ayahuasca Vine Contains Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) that Temporarily Prevents the Enzymes from Working thus Allowing the DMT to pass into the User’s Bloodstream.  This makes Ayahuasca the Most Likely Culprit when it comes to the Possible Intoxicant the Man in the Video Took. Especially since He Mentioned “Boiling Roots” which He may have confused  the Ayahuasca Vine for Actual Roots.

The Most Unsettling part of the Video was the Man claiming that He has been Tripping for Two Moths without any Sign of Coming Down. There have always been Rumors/Urban Legends of People who took a Certain Hallucinogen/Psychedelic and Suffering the Effects for the Rest of Their Lives. There though has Never been a Single Documented Case of Anyone experiencing a “Permanent Trip” as Once the Substance passes through the User’s Body the Trip is Over.

This Doesn’t mean Hallucinogens/Psychedelics aren’t Dangerous and High Risk by any Means. An Estimated 4% of Users Develop Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). With HPPD a Person experiences Perception Distortion long after the Substance has Worn Off. Examples of HPPD are Flashes of Color, After Images, Trails on Objects, and Sometimes Disassociation, and in Rare Cases can be Life Long After Effects. It’s Important to Note THIS IS NOT TRIPPING as the User is Completely Functional so Due to the Distress of the Man in the Video it is Safe to Assume We can Rule Out HPPD.

Another Danger/Risk of Hallucinations is a Concern if a User’s Family has a History of Schizophrenia or Psychosis. Someone with Latent Schizophrenia and Using Hallucinogens can Trigger the Disease into becoming Active Effectively Inducing Schizophrenia. Is this in Fact what Happened to the Man in the Video? Did the Substance He took wear off and He can’t Distinguish the Difference between the Hallucinogen’s Effects, and the Symptoms of Schizophrenia (Which Include Visual and Auditory Hallucinations). If You Ask Our Opinion this is the Most Likely Scenario.


Finally Some People have Speculated that The Man in the Video in fact has only been Tripping only a matter of a Few Hours or Even Minutes. A Common Affect of Hallucinogens/Psychedelics is Time Distortion which makes Hours Seem like Days or in an Extreme Case Months thus causing the Man in the Video to Believe He’s been Tripping for Two Months Straight.

Now for the Question of wether or Not this Video is Real or a Odd Idea for a Hoax. If the Video is Real and the Man claims He’s been by Himself Alone in His Home the Entire Time How does He acquire Food for Himself or Pay His Bills such as Rent? Also the Man doesn’t appear to be Malnourished Nor Sleep Deprived, BUT if Time Distortion is to Blame then in that Case it Explains it.

What is just as Strange as the Video is the Description that Accompanies which is the Testimonial of the User who Re-Uploaded the Video. The User claims the Video was Originally Uploaded by Someone Else, but for Some Reason it was Removed so This Person Decided to Re-Upload it. So How is this Person Re-Uploading the Video if the Original is Gone Unless perhaps They Downloaded it Before it was Removed. This Doesn’t seem all that likely and just Leads to More Questions. This Video got a Lot of Views so it’s Safe to say So Did the Original, YET Not a Single Person Remembers the Uploaded Original Version. To put it Simply Everyone who Knows of this Video knows about it from the Alleged Re-Uploader. This Raises the Question of is the Re-Uploader and the Original Uploader actually THE SAME PERSON, and the Man concocted the Bogus Found Camera Story. I mean the Found Camera Footage on a Digital Camera that just so happened to be in a Public Park of a Major City seems Far Fetched.


In The End We will Never Know if the Video is Real or Fake, What the Substance was, What Happened to the Man, and What the fuck it was all about Until/Unless the Man in the Video is Positively Identified.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

SpaceDog & Dullard’s Inter Dimensional Demise

Well hell I just don’t know wtf to begin with this little ditty but we must start somewhere. The Kiddies (Staff) mentioned in their post that as far as they knew SpaceDog was MIA, but they also stated I claimed to know the current whereabouts of SpaceDog and at that time I did. SpaceDog had taken sometime off during our move to live out his dream of true inner vision out in some god forsaken desert, and brought our Chief Editor Dullard Dillard along for the ride. As luck would have it while transversing the barren beauty of the vast desert plains SpaceDog and Dullard came across a small commune. The commune was a Hippy dinosaur disillusionment hangover from “The Love Generation” founded by Dr. Nirvana Namaste (who founded to commune in 1961 after fleeing from Berkley University where he was a professor of Geology.)

SpaceDog and Dullard were invited by the current Commune leader and son of Dr. Nirvana Namaste High Hippy Freedom Haberdasher or Clive for short. SpaceDog held lengthy conversations over the next 4-5 days talking about transcendentalism with the members of the Commune (dubbed The THC Ministry Farms by its 78 full time inhabitants) well into the wee hours of the morning.

SpaceDog had always dreamed of actually whipping up a big old punch bowl with what he called “Electric Kool Aid”, and figured he had an apt audience. So SpaceDog asked Clive if he could repay his and Dullard’s stay at the commune by making a metaphysical meditation medication. Clive not being to concerned of the risk because well they were 117 miles from anything remotely resembling civilization. SpaceDog went to work (as Dullard watched wide eyed in shock and Awe) without pause concocting his Enlightenment Elixir. First Spacedog filled a massive punch bowl (25 gallon to be exact) with cheap fruit punch that consisted mainly of water, sugar and red dye. The SpaceDog added the list of secret ingredients (which is a bit foolish to say as SpaceDog had told quite a few people over the years about his Holy Psychedelic Venture)

This is now time for our Disclaimer & WARNING:

  1. The views, opinions and actions portrayed in posts ARE NOT THAT OF
  2. We DO NOT Advocate, Encourage or Endorse ANY AND ALL  extremely dangerous acts that our subject (or subject manner) may pertain to in a post, we are just mere reporters, Documentarians, and Story Tellers.


We at f-yourblog do not condone drug use and believe Addiction to be a serious and dire subject.

DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING REMOTELY LIKE what SpaceDog did EVER. If you do the list of severely sick shit that can happen to you include but are not limited to:


NOW back to our story…

Spacedog proceeded to add MDMA, LSD, Ecstasy, Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin), Peyote, Mescolilne, PCP, Micro Dots, DMT, Ayahuasca, Salvia Divinorum, DXM, Areca catechu, Kava (Piper methysticum), Ipomoea tricolor, Khat,Fly Agaric Mushrooms, Datura Stramonium (Hell’s Bell’s or Jimson weed), Wormwood, Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds, Areca Catechu (Betel Nut), Plants containing Atropine/Scopolmine,Lysergic Acid Amide,Eboga,Mexican Calea,San Pedro Torch Cactus,Blue Egyptian Water Lily,Colorado River Toad Poison, and Cannabis Sativa. There were also likely a few more ingredients that were added in an impromptu manner in the making.

SpaceDog’s psychotic psychedelic punch made its debut at that nights Feast of the Full Moon Festival. Now this is were shit gets really fucking weird, and the details are sketchy as sketchy can get. According to the surviving Commune Members some of the things that occurred that evening are as follows:

  1. 9 Members Brains liquefied and drained out of their Nasal Cavities
  2. 2 Members Spontaneously Combusted
  3. 17 Ran off into the desert night claiming that they were going in search of The Gumdrop Gods to request that they be allowed to live in Candy Land Board Game, and have yet to be found.
  4. Several members climbed large cactuses nude.
  5. 3 Members became convinced they were ancient desert Tortoises and still believe that to this day.
  6. 4 Members were transported back in time, but their destinations in the historical timeline are uncertain.
  7. 11 Members blasted off into outer space to have a foot race using the Rings of Saturn as their race track.
  8. 1 member reverted from a full grown adult into a barely viable fetus.
  9. A Couple of Members listened to Chumbawamba and Tub Thumped one another to death.
  10. 6 Members actually jumped out of their own skin.

But what happened to SpaceDog and Dullard Dillard you ask? Well I can tell you what I’ve been told so here goes:

  1. Dullard Dillard allegedly came face to face with his Doppelgänger. A Doppelgänger is a German word that means “A Ghostly/Paranormal identical double or counterpart of a Living Person”. The Myth is if you encounter an apparition of yourself is/was an Omen of imminent death. The best way I can explain this subject further is “The Omen of Death” refers to a similar belief in Doppelgängers that if you encounter your Doppelgänger you will cease to exist. Think of it this way its the same as adding a positive number 1 and a negative number 1 together (-1+1=0). It was reported that when Dullard came face to face with his own Doppelgänger (No one else there saw Dullard’s Doppelgänger based on what happened though its considered the cause of Dullard’s disappearance) he exclaimed “I’m You, Your Me, together its We”, and then proceeded to turn inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in again then he simply imploded.

  1. SpaceDog Fared a much less detrimental outcome though it is equally bizarre. SpaceDog is alive but is still tripping his celestial balls off thus details as to his exact whereabouts are unknown. SpaceDog keeps referencing a “Emerald Triangle” (a infamous area of Marijuana Smuggling Routes) so we assume at this point he’s headed North West possible to Canada.

Thus we find ourselves at the end of this tale of Oddities, and I leave you to make up your own minds as far as wtf went down that night in the vast Desert.

Thanks for the Read,

Les Sober


DPT: Dipropylphyptamine, a hallucinogen similar to LSD but having an effect lasting only for an hour or two and considered somewhat safer.

From The Pocket Dictionary of American Slang copyright 1960,1967