The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (Videos 15-19)

Welcome to the Latest Installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content Videos 15-19. If You haven’t Read/Watch the Previous 3 Installments We Highly suggest You Go Back and Watch since the Video’s are in Chronological Order. In Addition to the Video’s each Post contains Any/All New Information, Clues, or Details that We come across or Uncover at the Beginning of the Post. The Bottomline in the Meatsleep Mystery is simply are the Videos Fake or Are They Real, and if They are Real then They are the Work of an Actual Real Life Serial Killer Stalking and Kidnapping His/Her Victims and then Holding them Hostage until Meatsleep Kills Them/

In this Installment We have Learned Two New Key Pieces of Information pertaining to the Ongoing Meatsleep Mystery.


The First thing We have become Aware of Pertaining to the Meatsleep Mystery is a Two Parter. The First Part is that She had a Facebook Account. The Second Part Answers the Question why I referred to Meatsleep as a She. As We mentioned in the Privous Installment that Meatsleep has a Defunct Twitter Account (@Sewnskin Meatsleeps) , and She had a Facebook Page under the Same Name Sewnskin Meatsleeps. On Sewnskin Meatsleeps Facebook Page The Gender that had been Selected was Female, and other than that there wasn’t Anything else Worth Mentioning .This of course is quite Interesting unto itself, but in Reality it Doesn’t amount to much. Obviously Meatsleep could Select any Gender We do live in the Age of Cat Fishing.

The Second is as We mentioned in a Pervious Post Some of Meatsleep’s Video Titles look like Random Symbol Gibberish.The Strange Video Titles are in Fact in Inuit the Language of the Native People of Canada. Now this combined with the Fact that Viewers have Noted theres  a Handful of Signs (You can See or Locate) sprinkled throughout the Series that are all in French. So Most People Believe this Equates to Meatsleep being French Canadian and Thus Meatsleep must Live/Reside somewhere in an Unknown Location  in Canada.

So without Further Ado Here is Meatsleep’s Videos 15-19. Enjoy.






We Hope You’re Enjoying the Ongoing Meatsleep Mystery as Much as We are.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober