What The Hell am I Watching 2: Obey The Walrus

This Installment of “What The Hell Am I Watching 2” is VERY DIFFERENT than its Predecessor. The Main Difference is as I found Myself Obsessing a Bit over this Particular Video I went, and Researched it I actually was able to Track Down ALL of the Available Information pertaining to “Obey The Walrus”. Though even with the Details it  Doesn’t make it any less Strange.

The Video “Obey The Walrus” (or “Obedeca La Morsa” in Spanish) was Allegedly created by a Latin American Cult know as “La Morsa” which Translates into The Walrus. The Video was posted in 2008 and Spread Across the Internet like Wildfire.

Soon there were Rumors that the Video was in Fact Haunted, and that Bad Things/Bad Luck will Happen to Whoever watches the Video. There is Nothing Supernatural about this Video as the Rumors of it Being Haunted or Cursed were Made Up to Scare the God Loving Shit Out of You Plain and Simple.


The Man Featured in the Video is American Born Entertainer/Actor Johnnie Baima who is an Anorexic Cross Dresser who Contracted Polio when He was a Small Child. Later on in Life Baima adopted the Drag Queen Stage Name of Sandie Crisp, but is Best Know by His Moniker “The Goddess Bunny”.

The Goddess Bunny has NOTHING to do with the Cult La Morsa as it is Simple Archieved Footage from Baima’s 1994 Biographical Film Titled “The Goddess Bunny” that has been Edited. The Video was edited to include the Additional Footage of Andros from Star Fox singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” followed by some LSD Induced Graphics, and the End of the Video Picture of a Walrus. To Date No Researcher has EVER been able to Locate Hide nor Hair of Any Real Life Cult Called La Morsa. This lack of Any/All Evidence of its Existence has lead Most to Believe it NEVER Existed in the First Place.


The Other Extremely Odd thing about the Video is the Dramatically Different Reposes that People have after or while Viewing it. Some People are Freaked the Fuck Out or Scared while on the Opposite side of Spectrum there People who Laugh or Just simply Shake it Off as They Say. Luckily there is a Psychological Reason which is as Follows:

The reactions to the Video are a Natural Reaction of a Psychological Nature that has NOTHING to do with Demons and Subliminal Messages, let Alone Satanic Organizations. It is Due to Mental Conditioning to Various Factors such as Deformity, Transexualism, the Colors, The Dance which can be Distressing. This is Accompanied by a Sound that the Brain has Trouble Processing, it Provokes a Reaction of Terror that in EXTREME Cases can cause Dizziness, Vomiting, and Some other Unpleasant Physical Reactions. On the Other Hand to the Contrary it can Provoke a Reaction of Happiness, Laughter, and Laughing to the Point of Crying. The Bottomline is It All Depends on the Reaction of Your Brain to What You See.



Hope You Found Tonight’s Video Entertaining. Good Night and Sleep Tight.

 Brought to You By Les Sober

( www.goddessbunny.com/info.asp)

(Sources: David Nunez, Scare Theater, and HoodoHoodlumsRevenge)

Prologue To A New Project Piece

Lets get to the point I’m a huge GG Allin fan though even I can’t agree with all of his Rock’n Roll Rhetoric and a few of his Batshit Beliefs. Plenty of people over the decades have attempted to chronicle the life and music of GG Allin.

There are 2 documentaries (Live Fast Die and the more known Hated In The Nation) that are extremely different in how they cover the subject/subject matter. The first follows a Punk Music Fan as he learns about GG Allin after reading a short 75 word article in a Hardcore Music Mag. The second was directed by none other than Mr. Todd Phillips while attending NYU in his junior year, and actually followed GG Allin on Tour/On The Road. Both are exceptionally well done and deserve proper recognition in their own right.

GG Also appeared quite promptly in the early 1990’s (1990 after his release from prison to his death due to a drug overdose on Heroin combined with Alcohol in the summer of 1993) He is most notoriously known for his appearance(s) on the Geraldo Riviera Show where he was known for his furious ranting and raving (much of which was incoherent) and combative attitude especially towards the disapproving audience members.

GG was also covered predominately in print through countless Magazine articles on his life/music, and News Papers articles on his arrests/trials/outlandish antics or behavior (GG was arrested over 51 times during his life mainly for his extremely aggressive and raunchy stage antics.)

GG even wrote his own book (his prison-era memoirs) titled “My Prison Walls” containing letters, illustrations, prose, and GG’s personal account of his time spent in prison.

So I’ve decided if a picture is truly worth a thousand words, and that GG has already been immortalized in Film, the Media, and Television alike I will be posting a solely pictorial piece on GG Allin. It has take an extraordinarily long time to hunt down a sufficient number of pictures, but its not been an impossible.

Now with that said I feel it is important and pertinent to list the most prominent facts pertaining to GG Allin and because of that I am writing this Prologue Post.

  1. GG’s Father was an religious fanatic who was vehemently anti Social and more than likely suffered from Schizophrenia though that has remained unfounded. GG’s father didn’t have friends and hated most everybody and detested society. He was also know for flying into rages where he would go into the backyard and dig 3 graves (one for his wife, one for GG and one for his older brother Merle), and told them he’d kill them and bury them in the backyard if they didn’t obey him.
  2. The GG moniker came from the simple fact that his older brother Merle couldn’t pronounce Jesus so he would call his little brother GG.

3. When GG was born his father named him Jesus Christ Allin after having a conversation with God in which God told him his son would be coming of Christ.

4. GG grew up in a small cabin in the woods with no running water or electricity.

5.GG’s father demanded absolute silence after 9pm so after 9 no one was allowed to talk.

6. GG’s Mom finally ditched her abusive husband and renamed GG Kevin Micheal Allin.

6.GG Allin started his music career as a drummer and transitioned into singer when he formed the band The Jabbers.

7.GG Allin promoted excessive amounts of Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, and Violence against Authority, Society and Haters/critics/wannabes mainly.

8.Again GG was arrested over 51 times during his musical career and in 1990 was sentenced to 3 years in Prison after alleged allegations of abuse by a fan. GG served 18 months of his sentence before being paroled. GG broke parole almost immediately to go on Tour.

9.GG never completed a full Tour due to personal injury or being arrested/jailed.

10.GG believed Rock’n Roll had been watered down into a bullshit form of music and he wanted to return the “Edge” to Rock’n Roll returning it to its former deviant form.

11.GG worked with numerous bands such as The Aids Brigade, The Jabbers, The Texas Nazis (who kicked him out), The Murder Junkies, AntiSeen, The Toilet Rockers, and The Scumfucs just to name a few.

12.GG used to attend High School in Drag and attended his brother’s wedding as both The Maid of Honor and Best Man.

13.GG Allin stage acts consisted of: Nudity (stripping buck naked during his performance was a GG staple) or GG appearing in just combat boots and a jockstrap with the words “EAT ME” written on it. GG was also known for Pissing on his fellow band members, Self Mutilation (GG would cut and carve himself up with broken beer bottles or crushed beer cans), Fights with the audience, Smashing the microphone into his clenched teeth (he once knocked out 6 of his own teeth during a single show, Live sex acts (fans would preform dude sex acts on or with GG during the show), Drinking Excessively/Drugs, Vandalizing Clubs/Venues, and GG’s most famous act of shitting on stage. GG didn’t just shit on stage he rolled in it, smeared it on himself and audience members, threw it at the audience, and even eating it.

14.GG’s shows usually lasted only 10-15 minutes before the promoter, club owner or Police shut it down due to violence, obscenity, assault or destruction of personal property (The Venue/Club)

So with that I end this pre emptive prologue piece and hope you check out the forth coming GG ALLIN: The Man, The Myth, The Monster Pictorial.

Thanks For The Read as Always,

Les Sober

Why Does Anyone Give A Shit About Tyler Perry??!

I for the life of me can’t figure how the hell Tyler Perry (whose initials match with the initials for toilet paper ironically) has made a career out of writing comedy/dramas for television and film. Perry is nothing more than a talentless hack. His tv shows where such blandly generic photocopies of old school, out dated cliche ( late 80’s early 90’s ) mass produced sappy family sitcom fodder. Perry’s writing is so lack luster that in spite of having multiple shows (for a while in the dying years of the WB network 90% of it shows where done by Tyler Perry) I honestly, even after trying like hell can’t remember the single name even one of his shows. I have the same issue/problem when it comes to his movies which are exactly the same poorly written, over acted and dick in any way of direction, they’re  just longer versions of his talentless tv shows with the same rehashed plot lines and generic characters. Perry seems utterly devoid of even a scrap of originality, he’d be better off writing mindless ads.

Obviously I have to address Perry’s biggest fucking claim to fame, the Madea movie franchise and even that is completely vacant of any original thought(s) or creativity. As far as I’m concerned the Madea movies are Tyler Perry’s answer to the crappy Ernest movies (i.e. Ernest Goes To Camp/Saves Christmas) I could tell you every plot of every goddamn motherfucking Madea movie ever made: Holy shit not tired of Perry in drag too bad, Madea has a loving family and friendly fucking neighbors, but hijinks in sue and then they issue is resolved as everyone learns a valuable life lesson that brings them even closer. The themes are interchangeable be it Madea Saves Christmas (where the fuck is Ernest I ask) or  Diary of a Mad Black Woman (The 1st Madea movie made) it doesn’t fucking matter because they all follow the same tired format.

Bottom Line: Tyler Perry The Man, The Myth, THE MORON.

Caitlyn Jenner Homicidal Hero

When Bruce Jenner announced to the world he was in fact transgender (which lets fucking face it if you ever saw him on that Kardashian exploitation show already figured Bruce wished to be a woman) the media took to it like gas to a flame. Next thing anyone knows is her face is plastered on countless newspaper/magazine covers, the internet was buzzing like a hive of rabid bees, TV personalities clambered for interviews, entertainment shows went ballistic and the radio was all a chatter about Bruce becoming Caitlyn. The highlight of the Bruce-Caitlyn story thus far was when Caitlyn won a extremely presidios  life time award from the LGBT community for her bravery in pioneering the transgender community’s fight for acceptance.


Bruce never officially came out, no iconic news interview with Barbara Walters nor did he announce it at a LGBT convention/event, BECAUSE Bruce was still barricaded in the closet.

Bruce came out because he had too, see Bruce’s secret was exposed when police and emergency personnel  responded to a FATAL CAR CRASH that BRUCE JENNER CAUSED and found Jenner in full on drag.

So Bruce is no LGBT hero, Bruce commited vehicular homicide when the result of the crash he was responsible for were KILLED AS A RESULT.

I mention this because as far as anyone can tell Bruce was arrested but what happened to the trial and any possible conviction?

My guess is the victims families were bought by a large settlement check courtesy of Chris “I Pimp My Family Of Media Whores” Kardashian. Really Chris your only “claim to fame” is not your deceased OJ Simpson lawyer husband BUT FOR A LEAKED PORNO TAPE FEATURING KIM KARDASHIAN (and some asshole who no one remembers)

So Bottom line Caitlyn is a Killer and a Fraud and Chris “Queen of the Kardashians” Kardashian is a human piece of shit.