What America Needs Is A Second Revolution.

Have You ever had Something or Someone who is REALLY Pissing You Off, and You tell Yourself You won’t let it get to You in the End the Anger Wins?! I believe We have all been there at Least Once in Our Lives Regardless. With that said My Id is RAGING like a True Motherfucker that is Slamming around in My Skull like a fucking Wrecking Ball. So in True Writer Form I am going to Write some of the Enraged Insanity Out of My Head before it fucking Explodes.

The GOP is DEAD replaced by the Orange Asshole’s GQP which is Far More fucking Corrupt and Crazy than the GOP ever was (and thats saying a lot. An Actual Shit Ton to be Exact). Now that the Orange Assclown is Out of Office the GQP remains to be Dealt with as They Exploit the Quickly Increasing Wealth Inequality to Manipulate Americans into Submission. The Answer is Simple America needs a Second Revolution to Free Its People from the Billionaire Tyrant Scum.

In My Opinion the GOP started to Corrode into the Horrendous Bullshit Sideshow it is now Started in 1980 with fucking GOP Personified Ronnie Regan. Seriously We went from a fucking Shitty Two Bit B List Actor to a Failed Businessman Reality Show Wannabe Dictator. That sums up the GOP in a fucking NutShell. The last Four Years under the Orange Asshole the Vail of Conservative American Values the GOP used to disguise itself has been lifted. The Orange Asshole has a Self Destructive Component that caused His Stupid Ass to Reveal all of the GOP’s Sick and Twisted Tactics. Not Only that but He Championed The GOP’s Dark Agenda to Dominate America as the Ruling Class to Anyone Who’d Listen. Like the World’s Shittiest Magician the Orange Asshole explained all His Magic Tricks obliterating the Illusion that Magic just might be real (killing the Experience for the Audience).


The Key to the Disgusting GOP’s Quest for Ultimate Control comes directly from the Power Their Obscene Bank Accounts Afford Them. The GOP have used Their Filthy Blood Money made on the Backs of The American People to Buy and Sell Republican Politicians. Thus if You have the Cash and are corrupt as these fucks You can Buy Political Power allowing the GOP to Serve Only Themselves. As long as the Republican Ratfucks can live in the Lap of Luxury will all the Best Available to Them then FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. The GOP only care about the GOP period. The Problem with this is How to Keep in Power? The GOP have been spending BILLIONS over the Years to do Their Damndest to make Sure American’s are Poor Enough that They can’t Stand Up the the GOP. The End Game is to Plunge American’s into Poverty to Keep American’s Struggling Financially just to Get By.

So The GOP raise Taxes on the Poor to, and Fight to keep the Minimum Wage as Low as Possible to insure They STAY POOR since being Poor is a SERIOUS FUCKING DISADVANTAGE.. That way as the Cost of Living, Education, and Healthcare Increase and American’s Pay Doesn’t then in the End the GOP would become the Ruling Class. American Citizens would be Reduced to Financial Slaves and Indentured Servants. They’d spend Their lives Suffering just to keep these crooked cunts comfortable in their Multi Million Dollar Mansions and Do Their Bidding. The GOP wants the American People to Open the fuck Up and Eat whatever Shit Sandwich They want to Feed US and Not do a damn thing about it.


Cut Americans Access to Healthcare so They struggle to Afford Doctors/Medication because if Your Sick or Dying You don’t have Time to Challenge the GOP wannabe Overlords. Also Plenty of Republicans have MAJOR Financial Stakes in Pharmaceuticals so They get Rich making Sick People Suffer NEEDLESSLY just so They can Stay Rich and Powerful. Remember these Elitist Republican Assfucks have More Money than God so They can Afford the Best Medical Care There is.

Then The GOP toys to make Public Education as Shitty as Possible while Raising Tuitions to Private Schools and Collages. This is to try to keep the American People Dumb as Fuck because Stupid People aren’t Smart Enough to Realize Their getting fucked over constantly by the GOP. Also Dumbfuck Dipshit Don’t think for Themselves They are more like Cattle They do want Their Told without Question or Challenge to the Farm in Control if You will. Uneducated Assholes also are Hindered even if some of Them realize what the fuck is going on because Moronic Motherfuckers are hard to Organize into a Viable Threat to the GOP’s Quest for Superiority.

Lastly the GOP scumfuckers have been working on for YEARS as well in Their attempt to make Americans Serve Them and that lies with Women. Ever fucking wonder why Half of the GOP seem scarred of Women and the Other Half are Rapists and Child Molesters? To in effect control Women the GOP has made sure Women don’t get Equal Pay again putting Them in a Financial Based Disadvantage. They Also Push Their Pro-Life Agenda on Women having the fucking balls to claim They dictate what a Woman can do with HER OWN FUCKING BODY. HOW SICK IS THAT? Twisted GOP Fucks.

As You can See the GOP uses Their Vast Wealth to Rig the System against the Very fucking American’s that VOTED THEIR FUCKING ASSES INTO OFFICE IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE. The Answer as I said is Simple America must Unite and Rise up Against the Wealthy 1% that effectively Own America. First of All We Freeze Their Bank Accounts and Size All Their Assets Immediately. Without Their Vast Fortunes We would Cut Their Power/Influence Off at the fucking Knees because without it Their Utterly Helpless. Secondly We Sell Off ALL of Their Assets and Donate ALL PROCEEDS to Charities across the Board. The Third and Last Step We Drain every goddamn Dime from Every/All of Their Bank Accounts, and Cash in ALL of Their Investments and Drain Their Portfolios Dry as Death fucking Valley. We then take the Money and Put it Directly into Government Programs to Benefit Americans on Every Level like Education, Infrastructure, Hospitals, Employment Programs, Scientific Research Etc. So when its all Said and Done We leave these Criminal Pieces of Republican Crap with NOTHING not even the Clothes on Their Backs. Leave Them sitting on the fucking Curb Naked, Broke, and with NO Advantages of Wealth.


Bankrupting the Billionaire Republicans will also provide American’s with an ACTUALLY FREE MARKET since 90% Wall Street is in Fact Owned by the 1% NOT THE CITIZENS. If You think I’m wrong go fucking Google GameStop. In a Nutshell GameStop was Broke and on the Verge of Collapse and a Bunch of Hedge Funds (along with Wall Street Brokers and Investment Bankers) were planning to put GameStop out of Business once and for all. The American Public found out and Organized on Reddit to Buy GameStop Stock since it was Cheap as Hell with the Company Tanking and Drove Up the Price of the Stock. This Not Only Foiled the Wall Street Sons of Bitches from putting the Last Nail in GameStop’s Coffin it Cost the Dirty Bastards $5 BILLION. A Couple of the Hedge Funds involved Lost so Much Capital that THEY went Bankrupt resulting in Them Closing. The problem was after the Rich Elitist Wall Street Shitheads pitched a fucking Fit about it immediately RIGGED THE SYSTEM AGAIN to Prevent the American People from Participating in an Actual Free Market. Thus the Republican’s used Their Money to FUCK OVER AMERICANS and Keep Control of the Stock Market which provides Them with Millions of Dollars worth of Income.


Even if there is a Second American Revolution against the Gross Wealth Inequality was Waged and Won it Still would be Over. Once the Initial Problems Remedied there is still plenty of Work to Do to Ensure that this sort of Wealth Inequality NEVER Occurs Again. This Requires EXTREME METHODS of Damage Control as We are Fighting Against DECADES of Republican Self Serving Corruption. As I said the Republican Party is DEAD and Replaced by the Despicable GQP Habitually Lying, Self Saving, Wealth/Power Oriented, Domestic Terrorist Hate Group. Considering this THEY SHOULD BE DEALT WITH AS SUCH. The GQP are Parasites that should be Exterminated like any Termite or Roach. We Must Drive EVERYTHING GQP from America not just Now but FOREVER.We must Purge this GQP Plague and Sterilize Our Country. Just like a Cancerous Tumor the GQP will ONLY be Removed by Taking Action, and that action is REMOVING THEM WITH FORCE IF NEED BE.

To Do This We must SHUT DOWN The GQP Propaganda Channels of Communication crippling Their Influence on the America. That would me putting Fake Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN out of Business and ARRESTING They’re On Air Talent along with Management and CEO. The On Air Personalities and Management should stand Trial for fucking Treason for Spreading Lies and Propaganda on Behalf of Their GQP Loyalty. They WILL be convicted regardless because We will use the GQP’s Model of a Kangaroo Court. Once Convicted They should be Sentenced to LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. This Also Applies to GQP Websites, Social Media Platforms, and Any Other viable Method of Mass Communication (ie Radio, Magazines, Newspapers Etc.).


Any GQP Supporters among the American Public should be Rounded Up and Detained in Prison Camps while We decide They’re Fate for Them. There Three Options in My Opinion the First Deport the Sacks of Shit to Antarctic without Provisions Nor Supplies to Fend for Themselves. I mean these assholes spent Four fucking Years Spouting the Racist Motto “Love it or Leave It” so this would be a Taste of Their Own Medicine. The Second option is We Load them Up on a Fleet of Cargo Ships and Sail Them Out to See and Strand Them There. We Disable the Engine, Take all Tools, and Disable the Navigational Equipment and Leave Them Adrift to again Fend for Themselves. The Third Solution is to find a Deserted Island in the Middle of the Ocean and Leave Them There. It would be like Britain deciding to Transport its Convicts to Australia and use it as Their Dumping Ground.

The Final Step in the Process would Be ABOLISHING THE GQP ENTIRELY. Make being the Member of the GQP would be the Equivalent of being a Member of a Racist/Hate Group or Domestic Terrorist Organization or Convicts (who as a condition of Their Parole are Forbidden to associate with other Convicts or known Criminals). With the GQP straight up OUTLAWED the Last Task at Hand is deciding what to do with Promote Members of The Defunct Political Party. I say Arrest Them All Immediately and Try Them For Treason along with the Other Litany of Crimes They Committed and CONVICT EVERY LAST ONE. When it comes to Their Punishment for Engaging in a Full Blown Insurrection I would like to Refer to the Constitution. Our Forefathers who Wrote and Signed the Constitution of America were quite specific on the Punishment for Treason. Our Forefathers deemed the ONLY Punishment for Treason was DEATH.

With that Said The Orange Asshole, His Inner Circle, Lindsey Graham, Lin Wood, MTG, Josh Hawely, Ted Cruz, Lauren Boebert, Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr, Dejoy, DeSantis, and the More would be Executed PER THE CONSTITUTION. I say allow the American People to Assemble on the White House Lawn and have The Republicans marched Out one by One and Fed to the Rabid Mob. The Mob would beat the fuckers to Death or Literally Tear Them Limb from Limb like a Zombie Horde in a Horror Movie. Let the American People go all World War Two and Drag the Republicans Carcasses through the Streets to Cheering Crowds. Let The American Public String Up these Republican Savages’s Beaten, Broken, and Blood Corpses from Light Posts and Beaten like the World’s Shittiest Piñatas. The American People should Decapitate the Republican Cadavers and Display Their Severed Heads on Pikes Outside the White House. Once the Crows have Picked the Republicans shitty Skulls Clean the Skulls should be taken and Displayed in the Entrance to the White House as a Permeant Reminder to Other Devious Assholes if They Attempt to Harm America (or Its People) this would be the Result.

In Summation the Only Good Member of the GOP/GQP is a fucking Dead One.

Thanks For Reading,

 By Les Sober