Electric Wizard

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring The Animated Series  THE ELECTRIC WIZARD by Eoin O’ Kane (Aka eoin O kane Which is not the Most Original User Name). Now it was fucking Fustrating as a True Motherfucker Attempting to find ANY fucking Information on Eoin O’ Kane. The Main Problem is when We Searched for Eoin O’ Kane We got Bombarded by Bullshit for Some Shrink named fucking Owen O’Kane. Almost EVERYTHING on Eoin Directs You Directly to Their Youtube Channel, But No Other fucking Social Media Platform. Now We did Locate a Linkedlen for a Person named Eoin O’Kane which just Simply didn’t Add up Compared to the Youtube Channel.

Now on the Topic of the eoin O kane Youtube Channel the Channel’s Stats are as Follows. The Channel has a Minuscule 1.48k Subscribers,, a Total of 13 Videos, has 46,625 Views, and Joined Youtube on November 5, 2018.

Plot: The Animated Short featuring THE ELECTRIC WIZARD and THE COSMIC SHREDDER as They Venture Forward to Their New Favorite Drinking Hole, “THE LAIR OF THE GOLDEN KING”, Only to Find that They have been Banned for Their previous Shenanigans.

Plot: THE ELECTRIC WIZARD and the COSMIC SHREDDER decide to have a Relaxing Day Out at Their local Theme Park, “THRASHWORLD”. The WIZARD immediately falls in Love with the Sheer Brutality and Pure Metalness of the Park. However, Their Fun is spoiled when the Owner of the Theme Park, THE GOD OF THRASH, is informed that He has Lost His Title as the MOST BRUTAL BEING IN ALL THE LAND. Thrown into a Fit of Rage THE GOD OF THRASH is Out for THE ELECTRIC WIZARD’S Head.

Plot: Upon returning the Prism of Insight to its Rightful Owner, Zeflon, the Most Intelligent Being in all the Universe, THE WIZARD and THE COSMIC SHREDDER ask for Directions to the Nearest Pub. Zeflon obliges, However , Things Don’t Go as Planned.

THE ELECTRIC WIZARD – Episode 4 Plot: THE ELECTRIC WIZARD and THE COSMIC SHREDDER encounter an Evil Cult on the Infamous Doom Mountain. THE ELECTRIC WIZARD decides to put a Stop to the Cult’s Nefarious Plan of pulling in a Meteor from Deep Space and Smashing it into the Planet when He realizes His Beloved Whisky Factory is in the Firing Line.

It Is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober