I Have The Body Of A Pig

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG Filmed by a Paranormal Research Group in England Several Years Ago. Now I’m NOT Saying I fucking Believe in Ghosts, Devils, Spirits, or Demons because I DON’T in My Opinion there is NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE of Their Existence.. On the Other Hand there is NO ACTUAL PROOF that They do Not Outside the Self Righteous Ignorance and Ego Driven Human fucking Being. You see ever since Man Climbed to the Top of the fucking Food Chain We suddenly Think that Means We Automatically know Everything about fucking Everything. I Refuse to Buy into that Bullshit. I’ll Stick with Socrates on the Subject of Humanity’s Self Righteous Ego Driven False Belief of Intellectual Superiority  when I say “I Don’t Know Shit.”

Description: Truly frightening EVP recorded in a secret location during my tenure as special guest and resident expert with a group that I cannot name. My association with the group ended due to reasons I cannot legally disclose.
But, as I am the bigger man, I wish them well.

My Thoughts: I already Covered the Paranormal Aspect above, BUT I still have Quite a Bit to Say About the fucking Description that’s fr Sure. I hate shit that starts “Truly Frighting” it’s a Bullshit Attention Grabber that Means Jack Diddly Shit. If Something is Frightening it’s Frightening there should be NO Need to Say Stupid Shit like “Truly Terrifying” because What Scares the Shit out of You may Not Scare Me in the fucking Least and all that. Second How the fuck can this Person be BOTH s Special Guest and a Resident Expert since Special Guests are Temporary per say and a Resident is a Long Term Group Member so that’s an Oxymoron.  Next What the fuck was this Person a so called “Expert” in Exactly Ghost Hunting, Camera Person, Tech Shit, Demonologist, Medium or What the Fuck?!

Why EXACTLY can’t this Person Mention that They Can’t Mention the Name of the Paranormal Group How About some fucking Details. Now Why the Fuck couldn’t this Person Say Why Their Association (I thought They were a Resident Expert in/of the group?!) with Said Paranormal Group? They Claim it’s for Legal Reasons well isn’t that fucking Conveenant since the Whole Description is Vague as it could Possibly be with Total Lack of Any Context or Details of Any Sort whatsofuckingever. Lastly Ironically is the Pompous fucking Last Line in/of the Description about being the Bigger Man. Adding that is a COMPLETE DICK MOVE. How do We know this Person isn’t a Fuck Up, Basket Case, Liar, Bullshit Artist, A Fake/Fraud, YouTube View Whore, A Totally fucking Moron, or just Plain making shit up?!!

Maybe that’s Why This Particular Person’s Association with the Group Ended was Due to the Fact The GROUP Ended the Association. In All Due Favor it could be due Possibility to this Person’s Possible Shitty Attitude or Perhaps They were just a Crappy Paranormal Hunter. If This Person actually  does “Wish Them Well” then Why the fuck did They Bother Turning the Entire Description into Personal Bitching?! The Description really has jack shit to do with the Video itself and is about The Group, The Person who Posted the Video’s Association or Lack there of with Said Group, and the Alleged Legal Bullshit Aspect is My Point. They could have Written the Decription WITHOUT MENTIONING any of that Happy Personal Horse Shit. Well that’s All I had to Say So I Digress (for Now anyways).

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Micro Horror Movie Marathon: SMILING WOMAN 1,2,3, and 4!!!

I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Five Minutes (Flat) or Under.

Brief Synopsis: All Installments Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña
  • Smiling Woman – Merlynda Sol
  • Runtime 2:15
  • On a late night at an empty train station, a Lone Traveler is Accosted by a Demented Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña Co-Writer – Jed Brian
  • Smiling Woman – Ariel Fullinwider
  • Smiling Woman ‘Body Double’ – Allison Marie Reyes
  • Runtime 2:13
  • After a Late Night at Work, a Lone Woman is Stalked by a Sinister Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña
  • Smiling Woman – Prathyusha
  • Runtime 2:09
  • While Home Alone, a Woman is Tormented by a Ominous Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor. Executive Producer – Alex Magaña Executive Producer. Grip – Oszkar Romé Co-Writer – Jed Brian
  • Mortician/Smiling Woman – Anna Dahl
  • Smiling Woman (Morgue) – Michelle Twarowska
  • Runtime 3:28
  • While Working the Graveyard Shift, a Nurse is Terrorized by a Creepy Smiling Woman.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Yokai Bob The Builder

Welcome to Yet Another FYB Monday Post featuring Yokai Bob The Builder by MeatCanyon. It occurred to Me that We have Used Several of MeatCanyon’s Works Particularly on Mondays for the Last Few Weeks Creating an Unofficial MeatCanyon Monday Situation. Mondays fucking Suck so MeatCanyon’s Odd Ball Alternative Comedy just seems to be Great at Combating Monday Melodrama. With that Said this Week We are Showcasing some of MeatCanyon’s Darker Work this Time Around. Whats Uniquely Different About this Certain MeatCanyon Animation is its in Japanese with English Subtitles. Yokai has the definite Presents Itself as a Cautionary Tale Crossed with a Moral Fable with a Very Folklore Feel.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His Online User Name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some Viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have Described Them in just one Single Word “Horrifying”. A Common on going gag in Hancock’s Video’s is that something Normal or Mundane gets You killed or Possible Worse.


Young Asian Couple is eating dinner at home when a Hideous Troll like Gnome Appears out of the blue asking “Can we fix it?” The Sight of this Ghoulish Gnome Terrifies the Young Couple, but Alas the Ghastly Gnome Kidnaps Wife. Man Obviously Panics and Demands that the Gruesome Gnome return His Wife to Him. Unfortunately the Ungodly Gnome Tells the Husband matter of Factly that “You can’t fix this.” before Disappearing into the Night. Will The Poor Man ever Cross Paths with the Godless Gnome Again, and be Provided the Opportunity to have His Beloved Wife Returned to Him? Watch and See.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober