Russian Scientist Vladimir Demikhov’s 2 Headed Dog Experiments

Vladimir Petrovich Demikhov was a Soviet Scientist and Organ Transplant Pioneer, Who preformed Preformed several Transplants in the 1940’s and 1950’s, including the Transplantation of a Heart into an Animal as well as a Heart-Lung Replacement in an Animal. Demikhov is mostly Known for His Notoriously Extreme Experimental Transplantation reminiscent of something out of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. Demikhov became Well known (to say the Least) for His Dog Head Transplants, conducted during the Late the 1940’s, Resulting in TWO HEADED DOGS. These Sci Fi like Experiments where a SUCCESS and the Two Headed Dogs that Demikhov Surgically Created lived anywhere from just 2 Days all the Way up to an astonishing 38 Days before Death.


On February of 1954 Demikhov’s first Transplantation Experiment was conducted, He transplanted a Dog’s Head onto ANOTHER Dog’s Body, using Vascular Connections to the Host Dog’s Heart.  Utterly Ignoring the Condemnation from His Critics, Demikhov continued with this particular Line of Experimentation, becoming More Successful over time. His Transplantation Work was Widely Reported inside the Soviet Union (Now Russia), where it was CONTINUOUSLY CRITICIZED for being Utterly UNETHICAL.

Below We have Included Two Explanatory Videos (The Long and The Short Version) first and Foremost. We have also included Two Additional Video’s that are ACTUAL FOOTAGE of Demikhov’s Experimental 2 HEADED DOGS ( located below the Explanatory Videos). Enjoy.

Explanation of Experiment with Actual Footage (Short Version)

Explanation of Experiment (Lengthy Version 19 minutes and 32 Seconds)

Addition Footage:

Hope You Enjoyed the Sinisterly Sick Science as Much as We Did.

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 Brought to You By Les Sober