Mark Zuckerberg’s Acid Bucket Challenge

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MARK ZUCKERBERG’S ACID BUCKET CHALLENGE by Lee Hardcastle.

Why? Because Fuck Facebook, Fuck Threads, Fuck Instagram, Fuck Meta, and Most of All FUCK MARK ZUCKERBERG.

If You Don’t Know Lee Hardcastle he is an Insanely fucking Prolific British Animator/Film Maker who Specializes in All Types of Stop-Motion Techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty Film Making!

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring YOU TUBE IS KILLING ME…by One of Our All Time fucking Favorite Animators/Content Creators MeatCanyon. For Those Who may be Unaware MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better known by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

One of the Main Reasons We’re such fucking Fans of MeatCanyon is He is a True Master of Mockery. MeatCanyon  has made a Myriad of Scathing Parody Videos on Famous Personalities, Popular Fictional Characters from TV/Movies, BUT the Ones where He Slams Famous People are by Far Our Favorites.  MeatCanyon has Openly Mocked Famous Fuckwits such as Asshole Elon Musk the Bratty Trust Fund Brat, The World’s Biggest Foodie Douchebag Guy Fieri, and The Absurdist One Man fucking Freak Show on the fucking Planet Nikocado Avocado for Example. Now in this Video MeatCanyon takes on YouTube in a Damning Commentary pertaining to the Youtube Platform itself, and We for One find it fucking Wildly Entertaining.

Basically We like Underdogs and let’s fucking face it in 2023 Content Creators on Youtube Ironically have become the Underdogs of the Platform.  They Supplied/Supply Youtube with an Endless Stream of TOTALLY FREE CONTENT which Youtube uses to get Advertisers. We have become well fucking Aware that Youtube over the Last Several Years has become Increasingly more Restrictive concerning it’s Ever Changing Content Guidelines. These Tightening Restrictions have put an Effective Strangle Hold on what a Content Creator can Upload to Youtube. Last fucking Month for Example Youtube Announced that if You curse in the First 15 Seconds of Your Video is INSTANTLY Branded “Unsuitable for Advertisers” which would Prevent Advertising thus Financially Cock Blocking Content Creators.  This Obviously fucks Not Only with the Content Creators can Upload but it also Directly fucks with Their Income/Finances as Well. We personally Think the Whole Monetization System is just Bullshit, BUT We do Understand with the Highly Competitive Market being a YouTuber has become Expensive.  To Stay Competitive and Viable on the Platform YouTubers now Essentially have to Buy the Latest (and Most Expensive) Equipment. The Days of a Singular Light and Recording on One’s Cell Phone are LONG Gone as Production Value becomes More and More Relevant to Keep Up with Competitors.

Now incase You’re Wondering on what Grounds would Youtube Demonetize a Videos Now a Days and the Answer is PAINFULLY fucking Simple. Take the New Crackdown of Cursing which includes the No Cursing in the First 15 Seconds of a Video Rule. The Rule again is Curse in the 1st 15 Seconds then the Video is NOT SUITABLE for Advertisements, and if You Curse in the 1st 7 Seconds the Video is Demonetized. Youtube claims the New Language Rules are Meant to Ensure that Uploaded Videos are “SUITABLE FOR ADVERTISERS”. Let that Shit sink in for a fucking Minute.

The Bottomline here is Youtubers are Demonetized when Their Content is DEEMED NOT SUITABLE FOR ADS. What’s Our Point? Our Point is in the Beginning Youtube was a Fairly Decent Platform with Amazing Potential, and Actually Provided some Sort of Support for the Content Creators. Then like fucking Everything in fucking Life Money entered the Picture and Greed came Following Right After. So Youtube  Who gets Their Content for FREE Mind You No Longer gives a Shit, Rat’s Ass, or Flying Fuck about the Content Creators or Their Content. Youtube has become the Advertisers Obedient Bitch waiting like a Loyal little Lap Dog  at the Advertisers Beck and Call Bending to Their every Whim.

In Response to Youtube’s Constantly Changing and Increasingly Restrictive Rules/Policies We noticed a Trend Evolving in the Youtuber Community. At First Some Bigger Channels with Around a Million to Five Plus Million Subscribers would Tell the Viewer to Check Out Their Twitch Channel for Unedited, Uncensored, Videos taken Down by or Demonetized by Youtube, and Full Length Videos. This seemed Rather fucking Odd since Twitch is a Gaming/Gamer Platform, BUT the Reason These Content Creators were Suddenly Pitching Twitch made all the fucking sense in the World. The Youtube Content Creators were Using Twitch as an Additional or Alternate Platform for Their Content that’s been Shit Canned for One Reason or Another by Youtube. Then the Trend Changed and Twitch Fell by the Wayside as the Youtubers Searched for a Solution to Their Youtube Problems. Patreon has Apparently become the Number One Alternative Go To Platform  for Frustrated/Aggravated/Annoyed/Pissed Off Content Creators. So One has to Wonder What is it about Patreon that’s so Appealing that More and More Youtubers are Moving and Promoting Their Content on the Patreon Platform?!

Well while Youtube is Free with Ads They’re at the Mercy of the Advertisers and Grovels Shamelessly at the Their Feet Patreon uses a Paid Membership Model. For those Who may Have Been Living under a Rock with Their Heads up Their Asses Patreon is a Crowdfunding Platform that Enables Fans to Pay and Support Content Creators and Their Work. And so Once again Money is the Bottomline in that Patreon is Simply a Better Option than Youtube because Members Donate to the Content Creators Directly and They receive a Higher Percent of the Members Donations. This Allows Patreon to Operate without Depending on Advertiser’s Dollars which would render Patreon like Youtube into a Sniveling Slave to the Advertiser’s Almighty Dollar.


It seems Utterly fucking Insane to Us that Youtube has become So Prioritized with Their Profits that They’re Actually causing some of the Biggest Channels on the Platform to Jumping Ship. For Example this Particular MeatCanyon Video Alone Racked up 1.5 Million Views in the First 24 Hors after being Uploaded. Not to Mention but it Helps that MeatCanyon has 5.6 Million Subscribers on His Main Channel and Over a Million on His Second Channel. Youtube is Literally Banking on Longevity alone to Survive and Thrive in the Face of Growing Competition. Youtube just like Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter All Who’s Reputations have Plummeted Straight down the Shitter are Relying on Their Addictive Nature.

That’s to Say in Spite of all the fucked up and Foul shit the Previously mentioned Social Media Platforms are Involved in People will Continue to Use Their shit No Matter What. People are so fucking Fake that During the Day They talk shit about these Platforms/Companies and How bad They are, BUT by Night behind Closed Doors They’re still using Them Every goddamn Day. Unfortunately it Follows Human Behavior to a Tee since People Know Booze, Drugs, Gambling Etc. are Bad well We’ll put it this way a Crackhead is Gonna Smoke Crack.



It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Goonlord – Caveman (Official Video)

Mondays are a Motherfucking Pain in the Ass so it seemed fucking Appropriate to Post this Considering the Extreme Frustration Surrounding this Post. This FYB Monday is the Official Animated Music Video for the Song “Caveman” by the Death Metal Band known as Goonlord. In a Cool Collaboration the “Caveman” Video was Animated by Non Other then a Recent Favorite of Ours Creeptoons.

Now this is the fucking Frustrating Part of this Post was/is the Lack of Available Information. Allow Me to Explain What I’m Talking about. First Off when You fucking Type Goonlord into a fucking Search Engine it Responds with “Did You Mean Goodlord?” which I damn well didn’t. I don’t know Who the fuck or What the fuck Goodlord is, but it sounds like a Christian Organization and after this Post I fucking Hate Them. I also Check Numerous Websites and Music Platforms and Here is What I Found which isn’t a Hell of a Lot.


  • As I mentioned before They are a Death Metal Band.
  • Goonlord is from Florida.
  • The Album “Caveman” was Released on Monday November 29th 2021.
  • You can Find Goonlord’s Music on iToons and Spotify as well as Several Other Music Websites.
  • Goonlord Albums: Wide Eyed, Caveman, Inhuman, Pariah, and Someone May Die Here.
  • I Found what I fucking Thought was a Real Lead: which was completely fucking Useless. Their were Picks of the Band with No Bios, and There was Merchandise for Sale but No Band Information. It’s fucking Bizarre Yet Death Metal is a Fairly Niche Genre so Maybe I shouldn’t be that fucking Surprised after all. Who fucking Knows Not I.
  • Band Members:
  • Wesley Mitchell – Vocals
  • Jono Sanchez – Guitar
  • Quentinn “Super Q” Hembree – Guitar
  • Las Miles – Bass
  • Jon “Tree” Lelesi – Drums

Now this bring us to Creeptoons which is even more fucking aggravating then Researching Goonlord which was a Real Kick in the Nuts. So without Further Ado here is What I found on Ye Old Creeptoons:

  • Creeptoons is a Singular Artist
  • Creeptoons is Male.
  • Creeptoons has had Art Exhibits at the Modern Eden Gallery.
  • Besides His Youtube Channel He has an Instagram Account.
  • He is also on Etsy.
  • He is on Facebook/Meta (Yeah Right Zuckerberg You Dick).
  • There is No Personal Information in Any of the Bio aka “About” Categories.
  • Creeptoon’s Once Described His Work as “Creeptoons are Disgusting, Loveable Monsters that Live in the Clogged Arteries of Your Imagination.
  • The Closest thing to Anything Personal is Creeptoons refers to/ Describes Himself with just one fucking Word: Artist.

I think the Reason for the Horrendous Lack of Information is Perpetrated by Creeptoons Himself. Remember Kiddies there Artist Who are the Acceptation to the Rule. There Some Artist who are Honestly all about Their Art, and have No Interest in Being Famous or the Hassles that come with it. The Artists want to get Their Art Out there but Don’t want to go out in Public and Get Swarmed with People Badgering Them for Autographs or Picture. It was No Secret that Kurt Cobain for an Example Struggled with Fame and it made Him fucking Miserable. Also there Artists that to Avoid a Kurt Cobain Scenario go to Great Lengths to Keep Their Anonymity like Banksy or Sia for Example. I fully Believe Creeptoons is one of these Artists that wants His Work to Speak for Itself and Keep His Private Life Well Just that Private.


Thanks For Watching/Lisening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Mystery of Magiczny Swiat Ani

Welcome to Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos featuring the Mysterious and Surreally Creepy Polish Web Series Magiczny Swiat Ani (which Translates to The Magical World of Ania). The Grim Story Centers around the Mysterious Disappearance of a Girl Named Ania, and of Her Friends and Family as They try to Find Out what happened to Her.

Series Description:

Missing person Anna Słowińska. Anna was reported missing on May 29, 1993. She was 20 years old, Dutch language and literature student. She was last seen on 27 May 1993 at her flat. Anna is 165 cm tall, straight blond hair with fringe and blue eyes. To date, she has not contacted her familly or friends. If you have any information regarding Anna Slowinska, please contact us immediately.”

This is most definitely one of the most Complex Series I have ever encountered, and I’ve encountered more than a few. The Series Video’s include Codes, Hidden Social Media Pages, Cryptic Imagery, and Uses a variety of various Languages from around the World to convey certain clues. The Format for this Post is Simple: There will First be the Video and Under each Video I will Include any Information that I have come across while Researching the Series.

Enjoy. (Note To The Viewer: You May want to Enable the Closed Caption Option or Not it’s Up to You).

Title: Bone Crystallization

Description: The Bones Crystalize Only Under the Conditions of Real Love.

  • The Woman in the Mask seems to Represent Ania.
  • At the End of the Video when it Cuts to the Shot of a Lake there is Morse Code right before it Ends.
  • The Morse Code Spells the Word: Pomozmi
  • Pomozmi is Slovenian.
  • Pomozmi Translates into “Help Me”
  • This is the Introductory Video setting the Stage for the Forthcoming Series.

Title: Anno Domini 1993 (Translation: In the Year of Our Lord 1993)

Description: NONE.

  • The Title is Written in Medieval Latin.
  • It Translates into: In The Year Of Our Lord 1993.
  • The Video can be Separated into Two Parts with the First Half consisting of Some Very Strange Imagery.
  • The Second Half of the Video is a Phone Call with a Woman Named Krystyna Reporting Ania Missing to the Emergency Services.
  • The Viewer is Presented with a Numerical Code that when Decoded Spells out the Word “Tumblr” the Lower Their Social Media Platform.
  • On the Tumblr Page is an Audio Broadcast to the General Public Informing them of Ania’s unexplained Disappearance.

  • While the Audio Announcement Plays a Picture of an Eye Appears on Screen with more Morse Code Included.
  • When the Morse Code is Decoded it is a String of Text combined with the Previous Tumblr translation leads the Viewer to Another Tumblr Page that is again about Ania’s Disappearance.
  • The Masked Girl Representing Ania in this Video Walks Cautiously Backwards as if trying to Avoid/Escape Someone Following Behind Her.
  • This is Confirmed by Dialogue in a Man’s Voice that states “I couldn’t Hurt Her.”

Title: Haven’t We Met Before?

Description: She finally raised her eyes willy-nilly and looked him directly in the eyes.

  • The Three Images that Stick Out are: A Female Face on the TV that We can assume is Ania, A Crying Doll Head with Cameras in Front of It, and the Existence of a Dancing Doll.
  • There is a Letter Code that Translates into “Hallucinations”

Title: AboutBeautiful Krystyna and Her Wonderful Dream.

Description: NONE.

  • The Video’s Opening Appears to be Krystyna’s Actual Dream.
  • When the Camera cuts to a Subterranean Dungeon Krystyna is being Interviewed.
  • The Unknown Man Interviewing Krystyna is Obsessively Admiring Porcelain Dolls as He Strokes then in a Truly Strange Matter.
  • Why is the Masked Girl in the Video Holding Animal Skulls?
  • Krystyna says in the Interview that She in Fact Believes Ania was Abducted by a Cult.

  • Next Krystal retells the Story of How Ania was Almost Kidnapped as a Child by a Strange man. This is Why Krystyna thinks Ania was being Followed (and Subsequently Abducted) by a Cult.
  • Krystyna then goes on to claim Ania may have been Seeing Someone Inappropriate.
  • Another Interview in the Video is with one of Ania’s Neighbors or Family Friend who Claims Ania was a Good Girl and Very Sweet.
  • The Interview with the Neighbor/Family Friend leads to a Odd Revelation.
  • The Revelation is a There was a Insanely Eerie Hobo who lived in a Hut by the Forrest at the Time Ania was Abducted.
  • The Video also contains yet More Dolls so What is Their Significance?!

Title: Tabula Recta

Description: NONE.

  • The Title is Written in Latin.
  • In Cryptography, the Tabula Recta is a Square Table of Alphabets, Each Row of Which is Made by Shifting the Previous one to the Left.
  • The Term Tabula Recta was invented by the German Author and Monk Johannes Trithemius in 1508, and use in His Trithemius Cipher.
  • 23 Seconds into the Video Appears some Jumbled Words.
  • The Top Code is the Previous Code for the Word Hallucination.
  • Under it there is a Second String of Code that hasn’t appeared in any other Videos.


  • A Reddit User Named Olik L. determined the Letters were Encoded with an Auto Key Cipher.
  • When the Second Line is Decoded Your left with a Youtube Link that takes You to a Video Called “The Magic of Nature”
  • Pertinent Video Quote ” The Human Body is Atoms and Molecules You Die and Absolutely Nothing Changes.”

Title: 3…2…1

Description: NONE.

  • The Masked Woman Acts Confused or Disoriented, but Why was She Drugged? Is She having some sort of Metal Breakdown? Is She having a Panic Attack?
  • The Pictures of Other People Wearing Masks like The Woman Representing Ania indicates She is Not the Only Captive.
  • At one point in the Video the Camera Cuts to a Prison Cell Like Area more than likely Used to Detain Captive Victims.
  • There is also Another Numerical Code Contained within the Video.
  • Using the Decoding Cipher at the Beginning of the Video You get the Result: KRWRZTUMBLR.
  • The Decoded Message is a Link to Yes Another Tumblr Page that gives the Viewer some of Ania’s Backstory on the Abduction/Capture of Ania.
  • The Video Ends with an Interview with a Polish Woman Named Maria who recounts a different Story from Ania’s Past where She was Knocked to the Ground by a Strange Running Man.

Title: Supreme Being

Description: NONE.

  • This Video Does Nothing But Raise More Questions.
  • Is the Man Symbolic of the Kidnapper?
  • Are the Two Women supposed to Represent His Victims/Captives?
  • Why are the Women Decapitated? Does this mean the Kidnapper is Also a Murderer who Kills His Captives when He tires of Them?
  • The Man is Also Decapitated is this indicative of some kind of Murder Suicide?
  • Does it Mean the Kidnapper will Only Stop when He’s Dead?
  • Does the Title Supreme Being to let the Viewer know that like So Many Serial Killers the Kidnapper is Egotistical, Narcissistic, and/or Megalomaniacs? This would Explain the Title as it would mean the Kidnapper sees Himself as God or a God at Least.

Title: Disembodiedness Of The Dead Things

Description: What is it for anyways?

  • The Key Piece of Information is the Man who is Talking at the Beginning of the Video about How HE has set up Temples in the Woods.
  • Each Temple has a Name Attached to it (Are These Past/Present Victims?)
  • The Man States He is currently working on a 7th Temple.
  • Each Temple is Inhabited by Other Masked People (Captives) agin showing the View Ania is Not the Only Abductee.
  • Does the Scene of a Girl (Ania?) who loses Her Teeth (which are one of several reoccurring Themes), Collapses on the Ground, and is Covered with Vegetation. Why Though? Did She Die of Starvation or Trying to Escape Her Capture and was Murdered for Her Effort? Is this scene supposed to convey the Kidnapper is Physically Abusive or again Possible a Serial Killer?!

  • The Video End with Yet Another Interview with a Woman who claims She found Pictures of Ania in the Trash along with Her Diary.
  • The End Shot of the Video Shows an Outdoor Shower Nestled in the Woods. Is this a POV Shot by Ania or One of the Other Captives?
  • Reddit User Olik L. decoded the Morse Code and Other codes contained in the Video and Discovered ANOTHER Tumblr Page containing a Hidden Video.
  • The Tumblr Page includes Encoded Audio.
  • When the Audio is Decoded to leads to Another Video Titled “…..” which shows Excerpts from Ania’s Diary.

Title: Inhale

Description: NONE.

  • The Video Opens with Several Porcelain Legs sticking out of the Ground and then Followed by More Porcelain Heads (Porcelain Reoccurring Theme).
  • There is a Scene with What We can Assume is The Actual Real Life Ania hanging Out with Some Random Guy (Is this the Inappropriate Person Krystyna talked about in Her Interview?) Could this Be One of the Aforementioned Cult Members or the Ania’s Actual Abductor?
  • The Video Ends with Two of its Ongoing Themes being Teeth and Dolls.

Title: What The Eye Does Not See

Description: What is it for anyways?

  • The First Thing Noticeable is the Description is a Repeat  of Video Six’s, But What is the Point/Meaning of using the Same Description for Two Entirely Different Videos?
  • The Video Opens with a Shot of Outer Space and the Word KOSMOS written in Greek.
  • The Next Word that appears with the Shots of the Woods NATURA which is an Italian which is Defined as: In the Nature of Things in the Woods of Nature as Distinguished from the World of Human Beings: In the Realm of Material Things.
  • The Next Word to Follow is Magia the Spanish word for Magic.
  • Then the Word Aura in English which means: The Distinctive Atmosphere or Quality that Seems to Surround and be Generated by a Person/Living Creature.
  • Then 2 Words appear on the Screen the First is EZO which is Ania in Turkish.
  • The Second Word on the Screen Below EZO is the Word SWIAT which is Hungarian for World.
  • Do all these Various Languages correlate with Ania’s Abduction? Are they Clues to Places Ania has been or taken To?

  • In the Video there is a Close Up of a Man’s Bloody Eyes as He preforms some sort of Ritual. The Ritual apparently is a type of Energy Ritual (Remember the Word Aura appears earlier in the Video).
  • During the Video a Woman’s Voice Recites a Series of Numbers. Unfortunately I haven’t been able as of Yet to find a Decoding of the Numerical Code.
  • During the Images of a Woman sort of Dancing or Swaying rather with Her hair Obscuring Her Face there is an Unidentified Woman doing an Interview. In the Interview She discusses how She had Cancer and Cured it.
  • Again there are Shots of the Creepy Subterranean Dugeon during which the Viewer can hear the Distinct Sound of a Old School Telephone’s “Out of Order” Tones.
  • There is a Shot of a Table with Crystals (that in all actuality look very much like Himalayan Sea Salt Lamps), and One Falls breaking when it Lands. Something Wafts out of the Broken Crystal and by My Best Guess is supposed to be Magic, a Magical Force, or Magical Powers.


  • During the Video the Viewer can Her Distinct Human Footsteps and a Classic Sliding Prison Door Opening. Is a Captive be Taken Out or a has a New Captive been Abducted?!
  • There is a Scene later on in the Video where a Woman Identifies Suspect #4 from a Police Suspect Line up. Could Suspect #4 be one of the Inappropriate People Ania was Seeing? Are They Cult Members? Could this in fact be the Eerie Hobo?!
  • During the Shot of the Mountains there are More Numerical Code, and again I have Unfortunately been Unable to Find a Decoded Version as of Yet.
  • The Video ends with Some Shirtless Guy Wearing a Gas Mask Freaking Out as if the Gas Mask is Stuck and the Man is Frantically/Desperately trying to Free Himself From It. Again Who is this fucking Guy, and what’s with the fucking Gas Mask?!


Here is the Translated Newspaper From One of the Tumblr Pages:

Regained identity

The police announced that the woman’s body which was found on May 20th in a suburban forest has been identified. The relatives of the woman confirmed the identity of the deceased as Irena Kornacka, 39 years old. The body was found by the scouts who were camping nearby. “First we smelled that terrible stink. Then as we approached that lake, where those old sun loungers were, Matthew saw that something was floating in the water. As we came closer we saw that it was a dead body. The whole thing was swollen, and on his neck we could see somethink like a leather belt. Our team leader ordered us to go back to the camp immediately and he headed to the store to call the police” – says Kacper Kurek, one of the scouts who found the corpse.Irena Kornacka was last seen on May 7th. She has been treated for cancer for several years and her mental condition was poor. That is why the investigators initially suspected suicide. The autopsy however, excluded suicide as the reason of death and confirmed the involvement of third parties. We learned unofficially that the corpse had got all the teeth removed in unexplained circumstances. This in combination with the advanced state of the decay greatly delayed the identification.

…whoever knows.
On May 29th. a 20 year old student Anna Słowińska went missing. She was seen in the evening of May 27th at her home. Anna is about 165 cm tall, has straight blond hair, blue eyes. To date, she has not contacted her familly or friends. If you have any information regarding Anna Slowinska, please contact the police or our office immediately.

The Translated Narrative From One Of The Tumblr Pages:

Today, (i.e. 31.05.93) in the course of my duties, I intervied the residents of the building, where the missing woman and her mother are living. During the interview of Maria Bednarska (flat no 42), I determined that on the morning preceding the day when Anna Słowińska went missing (i.e. 28.05.93), she was involved in an event she described as unusual, the course of the mentioned event as follows: on the square in front of the building she got hit and overturned to the ground by a running young man, age 20-25 years. Mrs. Bednarska said that the young man was running north from the south, across the square towards the street, between the buildings and toward the tram stop. Mrs. Bednarska claims that she does not know the identity of the young man. She is sure he is not a resident of the building she lives in. She claims to have remembered his face and that she would be able to identify him.

In the course of further activities carried out in the flat of the missing woman, several newspaper clippings regarding the murder of Irena Kornacka were found in her room. There is a separate investigation being conducted regarding Irena Kornacka case. In light of the evidence gathered there are no grounds at the moment to link the two investigations.

To be attached to the files.

Sgt. Oliwia Zalewska

(NOTE: The Two Hidden Videos were Taken Down or Removed for Some Unknown Reason. If You Try to View One You will beInformed that it is UNAVAILABLE.)


Interpretations and Hypotheses:

The Real Abduction: The Series could be Linked to a Real Life Abduction and possible Murder. This Hypothesis is Based on the Existence of a Facebook Pageant Newspaper Clippings that Display Missing Person Pictures for Anna Slowinska. Both of which Directly Coincide with the Series Itself.

The Cult Hypothesis: This is Based on the Concept that the Inappropriate Person/People Ania was associating with were in Reality Cult Members. Also there is Ania’s Friend Krystyna’s Story about How Ania was almost Abducted as a Child by a Mysterious Man (this led Krystyna to believe a Cult was Watching and Following Ania). There is also the distinct possibility that Ania may have decided to Run Away and Live in the Woods with The Other Cult Members VOLUNTARILY of Her Own Free Will. In All Honesty once You watch Video Six You see the Temples in the Woods are Inhabited Solely by Women in Latex Masks it DOES NOT Seem to be at all Voluntary in the Least.


The Fashion Interpretation: This Interpretation was posed by a User Named Greenland Is Evil on Their Sub Reddit. This starts with Video One and the Heavy Use of the Color Red which in this Case Represents Evil. In Episode Four the Doll Crying in Front of the Cameras could Symbolize Ania and the possible pressures of Fame in the High Pressure Fashion World. In The Second Video of the Series Ania is a Small Child walking with a Man who We can assume here is Her Father. Ania’s Father’s Face is Splashed with Red and Ania appears to be Struggling to Keep Up Appearances in the Public Eye. In Episode Four the Interviewee claims Ania was Stressed Out and Visibly Losing Weight to Keep Up Her Appearance (which is a Factor of being in the World of Fame and Fashion). The Strange Man that Appears in the Videos could be a Representation of the World Ania has to Endure due to Her Job in Fashion. The Man in the Videos is Obsessed with Capturing Perfection that is Represented by the Porcelain Dolls.

Simple Abduction Hypothesis: This is Very Similar to the Fashion Interpretation with One Major Difference is the Elimination of the Allegory Aspect. In this Hypothesis Ania could very well be just a Regular Person Wo is Unhappy with Her Life and is Depressed. The Cameras then would be Symbolic of Ania’s Social Life. As We all Know by Now with Social Media and Cell Phones People’s Privacy has Diminished to a Spectacular Degree.


Escapist Interpretation: Did Ania Run Off into the Woods to Escape the Immense Pressure(s) of Her Life, and Accidentally Ran into the Part of the Forrest Inhabited by the Creepy Hobo inadvertently becoming one of His Captives? Once Ania as Captured by the Hobo She was Kept Hidden Deep in the Wood Totally Isolated from the Rest of the World. The Hobo is His Captives Only Source of Survival for His Victims and is Represented in Episode Five. If His Victims are Dead or Alive since all the Hobo gives a flying fuck about is PERFECTION/THE PURSUIT OF PERFECTION.

The Underground Sex Ring: This Hypothesis is pretty Straight Forward in the Belief is the Series Showcases the DOLL FETISHISM. Doll Fetishism is a Sexual Fetish in which Individual is Attracted to Dolls and Doll like Objects such as Figurines. The Attraction may Include the Desire for Actual Sexual Contact with a Doll, a Fantasy of a Sexual Encounter with an Animate or Inanimate Doll, Encounters between Dolls Themselves, or sexual Pleasure gained from Thoughts of being Transformed or Transforming Another into a Doll. Doll Fetishism is a Form of Agalmatophilia, which is Itself a Form of Object Sexuality.




Thanks for Reading/Watching,

Presented by Les Sober  

YouTube Can Seriously Suck It.

So for Those Out there that are Unaware Youtube just Overhauled it’s Age-Restriction Guidelines. Part of these New bullshit Policies is that Content Housed on Their Server that is Age-Restricted can NO LONGER PLAY ON THIRD PARTY WEBSITES.


FIRST OFF : We Assure Our Readers Above All that We are Already Working on Circumnavigating YouTube’s New Age Restricted Material Bullshit Policies. We are Happy to Report We should have this issue well in Hand by Saturday Slasher Cinema on 12/19/2020 or Shortly There After.

In The Meantime:

When You reached the Video You will see a Grey Guy Box Stating that it is YouTube Age-Restricted Content. If You aren’t already aware Simply Click on the Box and it will Redirect You to the Video. Now YouTube will then Ask for Age Verification since this is a Futile Attempt to Keep Age Restricted Content from being Viewed by Minors.

Have No Fear Kiddies while FYB DOES NOT ENCOURAGE OR CONDONE IT, All You Have to do is Disable/Shut Off the Parental Controls which is Easy as Anything to Do. If You Don’t know How just Hit Up Google and You’re All Set.

This is fucking Stupid because Bottomline on the Whole Age-Restricted Material Issue is KIDS CAN DISABLE PARENTAL CONTROLS (As Mentioned Above). If They didn’t already know how They can just Goggle it and Problem Solved. I mean if I was Growing Up in Today’s Times and I was Under 18 this is what We’d do. When My Parents were gone/out We would hop on Youtube, Shut Off the Parental Controls, watch whatever crazy shit We wanted, and then before Our Parents Returned Home We’d Simply Reset the Parental Controls. That way  if They happened to Checked (to make Sure We couldn’t access Age Restricted Material) everything would look Fine, and They’d assume the Parental Controls were Working.

Lets be fucking Honest YouTube’s New Age Restricted Content Policy is just an Illusion that Youtube is Being Responsible (AGAIN All Anyone has to do is Simply go to Parental Controls and Deactivate Them), BUT really it’s an Attempt to Increase Traffic to Their Site. Every View, Like, Subscription, and Membership makes YouTube more Profitable. So Bottomline Censorship be Damned this is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY for YouTube the Greedy Bastards. DO NOT LET BIG TECH LIKE YOUTUBE MANIPULATE YOU FOR THEIR PERSONAL PROFIT.

Meanwhile YouTube are a bunch of Greedy motherfuckers They make a Killing of Selling Advertising which is all 100% Profit since They DON’T DO SHIT. They don’t make the Videos the Public Does so YouTube gets all Their fucking Content for fucking Free (Talk about keeping Overhead Low). In the Beginning Youtube like everything else wasn’t Shit. Then when They got Big Enough They attracted Advertisers, and at First They would give a Small but Profitable Cut to the Poster of a Video if the Video got Over 1 Million Views. Well that’s all fucking changed that’s for fucking sure.


YouTube has become Egotistical and Greed Driven now Taking Thirty Cents of Every Single fucking Dollar of a YouTube Channel’s income be it Through Memberships, Merchandise, and even Donations made to a Person’s Youtube Channel. They have Their grubby little Hands in Everyone’s Pocket just Reaping the Benefits of OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK. Then They Hit YouTubers with Endless Rules and Restrictions pertaining to Content which is Directly Linked to Monetization (See it Always comes Down to the Cash).

We swear Youtube is Turning into Facebook. Facebook in its early Days was Fun We admit that, but Now in 2020 Mark Fuckersberg has Transformed Facebook into a Social Media Shithole. Everything about Facebook has Changed and for the Worst. We can Say that We’re Exceptionally Happy as Hell that Facebook is Being Sued by 46 States Currently for Forming an Illegal Monopoly among Other Shady and Illegal Shit perpetrated by Facebook/Mark Fuckyouberg.

That’s All We got for Now just Frustrated as Fuck is All.

Thanks For Reading,

By The FYB Family  

No One Care What The Hell You Had For Lunch.

Social Media has been a crucial tool since its creation that has Contributed to the Ever Growing Societies’s  Egotistical Idiocy. Tech has/had unlimited potential, But People became Addicted to Social Media and its False Sense of Importance. People actually think ANYONE gives a flying fuck what They had for Lunch?! Yet People Post Pictures of Their Lunch likes its the most Awe Inspiring Event of Their fucking Lives.

The One Aspect in the Social Media’s Dumbing Down of America that’s Never Mentioned is the Personal “Status Updates” that People love to Use like there’s No Tomorrow (Facebook being the Number one Offender). You know what I’m talking about it’s those Pre Written Idle Bullshit like “Linda is Loving Life”, “Matt is at Starbucks”, or “Phil changed His Relationship Status to It’s Complicated.” that Users have come to Rely on.


Again Who fucking Cares How You Feel every Minute of the Goddamn Day?! You’re Not Nearly That Special. That’s the trick of Social Media it makes You feel far more Important than You actually Ever will be in all likelihood.

It’s the Utter Distain and Unfathomable Contempt for such Social Media Drivel is the Reason I have created a New (More Honest and Way More Realistic) List Status Updates. Enjoy.

  • Barry is Currently having Wild Sex with a Goat.
  • Louis is Busy Cooking Meth
  • Chuck is watching Hardcore German Porn.
  • Dave has Explosive Diarrhea.
  • Warren is Donating Sperm Again.
  • Linda is Hungover as Hell and Projectile Vomiting.
  • Francis is Window Shopping on Amazon like an Asshole.
  • Quinn is Writing Erotic Stories about a Nun and an Alter Boy.
  • Rex is considering a Career as a Urologist.
  • Aron is a Closet Nazi.


  • Gill is Bidding on an Antique Chastity Belt on eBay.
  • Luke is Ordering a Mail Order Bride from Croatia.
  • Marry is Doomsday Prepping for the Apocalypse.
  • Richard is Googling How to Preform an At Home Prostate Exam.
  • Will is Surfing the Dark Web for a Hitman.
  • Jerry is Busy Manscaping.
  • Blair is having a Heavy Flow Day.
  • Arnold Believes Pimping Ain’t Easy.
  • Kelly just woke up in a Pool of Her Own Vomit.
  • Zelda is Wondering Why Animal Assholes and the Opening is Soda Lids look the Same.


  • Brittany just tried Anal Sex for the First Time.
  • Valerie is Waxing Everything.
  • Billy is Ordering Asian Sex Toys Online.
  • Beth is Considering getting into Porn.
  • Shelby is Eating a Shit Sandwich.
  • Florence is working on Her New Fuzzy Costume for The Furry Ball.
  • Steve is Tripping Balls on Some Insane Blotter Acid.
  • Francine is Getting Furiously Finger Fucked.
  • Larry is imagining what it’s like to Titty Fuck Bob’s Man Boobs.
  • Rick just made an Appointment to get His Taint Tattooed.=


  • Carl can’t Handle is Booze.
  • Scott Tried Smoking Crack and Loved it.
  • Alice took a Massive Shit and is Looking at it Now.
  • Nick is Writing Shit on a Bathroom Wall.
  • Gill is refilling His Prescription for Viagra at The Pharmacy.
  • Travis is making All Natural Hand Made Tampons for His Wife.
  • Racheal is Learning How to Taxidermy and Practicing on Roadkill.
  • Sam is practicing making Balloon Animals Using His Dick.
  • Zander Enjoys Hot Sauce Enemas.
  • Albert is a Colonicholic.


  • Alice is starting a Flea Circus due to a Vaudeville Fetish.
  • Blair Farted and it smells like She Needs a Proctologist.
  • Stan just Shit Himself standing in Line at a Fast Food Restaurant.
  • Ralph is Thinking of Purchasing a High End Sex Doll for Christmas.
  • Stella is Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor behind WaWa.
  • Freddy is Attending a Family Reunion Where He’s the Creepy Uncle.
  • Stacy still Wets the Bed Weekly.
  • Benny was Banging an Inflatable Sex Doll and it Exploded Blowing off Both His Balls.
  • Nina is becoming Sexually Aroused watching Animals have Sex in a Nature Documentary.
  • Walt is Listening to Anal Cunt’s Greatest Hits.


  • Trent is Reading the Current Copy of Guns & Ammo at His Grandmother’s Funeral
  • Tiffany is Coated Head to Toe in KY Jelly.
  • Robbie is Wondering if Sex with a 3rd Cousin Removed Constitutes Incest.
  • Ken is Hiring a Prostitute.
  • Karen is Scoring Drugs Right Now in a Shitty Neighborhood.
  • Eddie is on Psychedelics and Hiding from a Plate of French Fries.
  • Bart just lost a Staring Contest with a Bowl of Oatmeal.
  • Dominic is Sucking off the Band Hanson Backstage.
  • Annie is Considering getting into Fisting.
  • Paula is having Sex in a Coffin to see if Necrophilia is for Her.


  • Vivian is Popping Pain Killers and Downing Them with Whiskey.
  • Holly is Polishing Her Nipple Clamp Collection.
  • Herbert is a German Cannibal.
  • Taylor is paying for Collage with the Money He made in Porn as a Stunt Cock.
  • Ryan is Measuring His Dick.
  • Stewart is trying to Figure Out if occasionally peeking at Another Man’s Pecker at the Urinal makes Him Gay.
  • Tiffany is Bleaching Her Asshole because She’s about to get Back into the Dating World.
  • Gary is Cat fishing His Sister.
  • Olga Thinks Hand Jobs are Outdated.
  • Jillian has a Habit of Humping the Homeless.


  • Bart got His Dick Stuck in a Swedish Penis Pump.
  • Becky thinks Lindsey Her Best Friend is kinda of a Cunt.
  • Eloise is on the Way to the Emergency Room with a Ruptured Breast Implant.
  • Diana has a Surgically Reconstructed Asshole.
  • Ari is getting Botox Treatments for His Scrotum Wrinkles.
  • Peter is walking His Dog and Watching as it Takes a Shit.
  • Deloris just crapped so Hard She Prolapsed Her Asshole.
  • Sue is Sniffing Glue getting a White Trash High.
  • Dale is making Wind Chimes out of Natty Ice Cans to Sell in the Local Trailer Parks.
  • Gabby Ate Her Inner Child.


  • Henry is Growing Shitty Ditch Weed in His Attic.
  • Donovan is in Reddit Chats while Wearing His Grandmother’s Underwear.
  • Jake shot a Man just to Watch Him Die, But Got Distracted and Missed it.
  • Reese got His Dick Stuck in a Chinese Finger Trap He won at the County Fair.
  • Lucy is in Love with an Alcoholic Carnie that reminds Her of Her Dad.
  • Reggie is walking around is House looking for Things He can Use to Improvise a Cock Ring.
  • Selma had Her Stomach Pumped just for the Experience.
  • Trina is Reading About Historic Safe Sex Methods/Practices.
  • Brittany is having Her 17th Abortion.
  • Oliver May Have Been Abducted by Aliens and Extensively Anal Probed.


Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober

(Posted @ 1:37am)

Twitter: #SocialMediaHypocrites

Let Me start off by Saying it absolutely NO SECRET I Hate, Loath, and Despise Facebook and All it Stands For. Fuckerberg swore He was keeping His users Personal Information Safe, BUT it turned out HE was selling User’s Personal Data to 188 Different fucking Companies. There also the Fact FB is the Number One Social Media Platform for Racist/Hate Groups because FB doesn’t do Dick about Stopping Them. FB also let us Not Forget was also involved with the Rigging of the 2016 Election.

Can You Say Cambridge Analytica?!! CA was a former British Political Consulting Firm that Fuckerberg also Sold User’s Personal Info Too. Cambridge took the User’s Personal Data to Exploit for Political (Republican) Propaganda Purposes such a  Misdirection, Misinformation, and it was designed to Specifically Target Voters. That combined with the Fact FB said it will NOT limit or Stop the Spread of Lies, Insult, Fake News, Misinformation, Bullying, Racism, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Threat of Violence (or Infighting Violence). FB does have ONE thing going for it which is it Doesn’t try and Hide its Fucked Up Agenda Anymore They put it Right Out in Front.


Twitter on the Other Hand is Steeped Neck Deep in Utter and Total fucking Hypocrisy. They claim They want a “Safe Environment for its Users” meanwhile They Let Racist Tweet like there’s No Tomorrow and just Pretend They Don’t. Twitter has also Enabled a Certain Orange Asshole to straight out Lie/Insult/Bully on Their Platform with NO CONSEQUENCES.

Oh I’m sorry after almost 4 fucking Years Twitter managed to summon up the Testicular Fortitude to Tag just 2 (out of Hundreds if Not Thousands of Tweets) with Fact Checking Tags. The Obese Orange Bastard had a fucking Tween Level Temper Tantrum and THREATENED TO TAKE TWITTER DOWN WHILE USING TWITTER TO DO IT. How much of a Gutless Punkass Bitch do You have to be to Let a User Shit Talk and Threaten Your Platform on Your Platform, and DO NOTHING about it. Talk about being a fucking Door Mat.


Now The Reason for this Post is Quite Simple for the Umpteenth Time I have been a 7 Day Twitter Induced Suspension. I have mentioned in a Previous Post about Being Suspended Multiple Times, and even went as Far as to Talk Mad Shit about How Twitter Suspensions were a fucking Joke. Well all that Trash Talking circled around and bit Me Squarely on the Ass. Twitter apparently became aware Their “Punishments” for Violation of Their Terms of Service was Feeble at Best. Twitter has recently become MUCH more Strict about Handling Alleged Violations by its Users. Now You can’t Tweet, Retweet, Like, or Respond to a Tweet like You could before during its Lame Suspensions. Twitter has Also increased Their Suspension Time Frame from 24/48/72 Hour Suspensions to an Entire fucking Week.

I’m not going to Bullshit and Say I haven’t pushed the Envelope when it comes to Twitter’s Terms of Service over the Years. I also have been Suspended as I mentioned, BUT I have to admit at Least then I understand Why I was Suspended. An Example I Responded to a Tweet of a Well Known Asshole (You See I don’t engage with Regular People, I’m not a Dickless Basement Dwelling Troll. I have gone after Public Figures like Politicians, Musicians, Actors, essentially Famous People who live in the Eye of the Public) that They could Save the Planet by Killing Themselves. I also told a certain Washed Up Hollyweird Actor and wannabe Political Commentator that if He was so Unhappy about Things He could do US all a Favor and Kill Himself as well. OBVIOUSLY these Tweets were in DIRECT and FLAGRANT Violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service. I know that Now AND I damn well knew it when I Tweeted them.


I have always been Intensely Critical of America’s Police Force and Still think Their Fascist Scumfucks Who Use and Abuse Their Power any and Every Chance the Motherfuckers get. So with all of the Protests against The History of Systemic Racism of the Police, but Police Brutality as Well I have been more than Vocal on the Issue. When I was informed of My Newly Acquired Suspension I Honestly thought it was Due to the Anti-Police Hashtags I have been Using over the Last Few Weeks. The Hashtags are as Follows: #BlueLivesAreBullshit, #BlueLivesMyAss, #BlueLivesMean Nothing, #OnlyGoodCopIsADeadOne, and the Classic #FuckThePolice. To My Total Surprise that WAS NOT the Reason I got a 7 Days Bullshit Twitter Suspension.

For those Who May Not Know or Those Who need a Quick Refreshing on Twitter’s Terms of Use pertaining to “Hateful Content” is and I Quote:

“Violating Our Rules Against Hateful Conduct. You may not promote violence against, Threaten, or Harass other People on the basis of Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Gender Identity, Religious Affiliation, Age, Disability, or Serious Disease.”

Here is the Tweet I got Suspended for VERBATIM:

@anananavarro Funny thing is at the First Sign of Trouble this Hillbilly and His Red Neck Friends would Run like Scared Rabbits.

This was a Reply to a Retweet by Anana Navarro who Retweeted a Video of some MAGA Asshole Who referred to Himself as a “Hillbilly” and His Friends as “Rednecks”. This Scumbag was THREATENING to have His Friends and Himself ARM THEMSELVES WITH GUNS and take to the Streets to Administer VIGILANTE JUSTICE if Their Cocksucking Police Deparment ended up being Defunded. The Asshole Actually then said “Me and My Friends Won’t Be Using Rubber Bullets that’s for Sure.”

SO To Recap a Hateful Fucktard angry over the Defunding of Police Issue THREATENING to walk the Streets ARMED, and THREATENS TO KILL PEOPLE (“…Won’t be using Rubber Bullets”. Twitter did NOTHING about the Video that wasn’t just Tweeted it as being countlessly Retweeted, and as Far as I am Aware it is STILL UP ON TWITTER TO THIS VERY DAY.


Thus I got suspended for insinuating that Racist are in fact Cowards who tote Guns and Talk Shit, BUT in reality They are completely Spineless Cowards who’d Run from Trouble (Not Confront it as They would have You believe). All I can figure is Twitter itself didn’t Flag Me the Algorithm/Bots didn’t Report Me. I think its safe to Assume a Fellow Racist who Supports Dumbfucks who Threaten Armed Violence in Response to Something They Don’t Like Reported Me. I think this Proves Racists are Punk Ass Cowards. Again They Talk Mad Shit, Yet No One “Came to get Me” or Contacted Me at All for That Matter. Instead Some Racist Bitchass Hid Behind Twitter and Reported Me like a the Fucking Cowardly Cunt They Truly are.

Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober

The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (32-40)

Welcome to Another Installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content featuring Videos 32-40.

  • If You Haven’t Watched the Previous Meatsleep Installments We Suggest You View Them First as all the Videos are Posted in Chronological Order.
  • The Mystery is are Meatsleep’s Videos a Bizarrely Disturbing Art Project Or are they the Chronicling the Life of an Actual Real Life Serial Killer.
  • Along with the Videos Additional Information Pertaining to The Mystery are Included in Each Post.

Some of the Pertinent Information Covered in Other Meatsleep Installments are as Follows:

  • Meatsleep all of Sudden out of the fucking Blue Made a Hasty Announcement that “It was all a Art Project and Fake”, and then Immediately Deleted all of Their Youtube Content.
  • Meatsleep under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep had a Facebook Page but it too has been Deleted.
  • Meatsleep technically has a Defunct/Abandoned Twitter Account again under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep. Nothing has been used in 6-7 years, and has only 6 Vaguely Cryptic which don’t provide any Information.
  • Is the Name Meatsleep mean anything example: Meat could mean Victim and Sleep could mean Death.
  • Meatsleep’s Alternate User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep possibly be a Reference to Homicidal Cannibalistic Serial Killer HorrorMovie Icon Leatherface?
  • Could Meatsleep Be a Cannibal as well as a Possible Serial Killer?


Additional Information:

On Meatsleep’s since Deleted Youtube Channel in Their Youtube Channel list was a person who went by or Goes By Iwan Fals. All of Iwan Fals Video Content always Focused on Something Negative Particularly Bad Shit that Happens to Animals. Due to the Animal component there is a Hypothesis the Iwan Fals is/was involved with a The Dark Web Website called Animal Nightmares which Deals Solely in Animal Abuse/Neglect in some Capacity.The Other Hypothesis is Iwan Fals and Meatsleep were in Cahoots as They were Working Together in some way. Did Iwan Fals create Their Youtube Channel as a Way to Collaborate with Meatsleep or is Iwan Fals in Fact Meatsleep either to Provide More Clues/Details or to Throw People Off the Trail who are Looking into the Meatsleep Mystery.

Now there 2 more Interesting Pieces of Information the first being if You Google or Search on Youtube for Iwan Fals who will find He is an Indonesian Singer/Songwriter. The Question here is what (if any) is the Significance of Meatsleep’s alleged Associate deciding to Use Iwan Fals as Their Username? The Last Thing pertains to the Title the Meatsleep Video longpig (#32) is a  Fijian Cannibal Term Designated for the People They Ate. The Best Example is the 19th Century Cannibal Chief  from Fiji Chief Ratu Udre Udre. Chief Ratu has the distinction of Holding the Guinness Book of World Records for the Morbid Record of being the “Most Prolific Cannibal” having Eaten between 872-999 People during His Life Time. Chief Ratu once was quoted as saying that “Long Pig is My Favorite Meal.”











Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Brutality and Bloodshed: Girl Goes Psycho During Make Up Tutorial

The Back Story to This Savage Slice of Insanity is Simple if Not Cliche. The Video was sent Anonymously to the Youtube Channel The 15Experience who wrote the Following Description: “This video was sent to me anonymously. I do not have any information beyond that. It is for you to decide on your own whether it is Real of Fake.”

The Video at a Scant Minute and 25 Seconds Unfolds in the following Way.

  • Nikki Introduces Herself.
  • She then Talks about the Products She will be Using.
  • She starts to Provide Instruction for Application of said Makeup.
  • Nikki appears to be Logged into Facebook on a 2nd Screen (is She Live Streaming?)
  • Nikki is Interrupted by Loud Bleeping Noise.
  • The Facebook Screen cuts to CCTV Footage of a Dark Room.
  • Nikki seeming Utterly Unfazed fixes Her Feed.
  • Then The Video takes a Dementedly Dark Turn for the Worst.
  • The Dark Room Image Returns on the Facebook Screen.
  • Nikki goes into a Trance Like State (Is She being Brainwashed? Is this actual Mind Control?)
  • Nikki suddenly starts Repeatedly and Violently Slamming Her Head into the Desk in Front of Her.
  • Nikki stops Her Psychotic Head Slamming and sits in a Catatonic State with Blood Pouring Out of Her Head which has been Split Open, and With Right Eye that is Swollen Shut.
  • The Video Then Promptly Ends.


In the End it Turned out the Video was indeed Fake as Confirmed by Actress Nakia Secrest Who Played Nikki in the Video. The Video was to Help Promote a Movie being Produced by the Creator of The The Intent of the Video was to Showcase Special Effects which You can’t Deny are pretty fucking Realistic (Fuck CGI!).  We did Locate in addition to the Original Video a Second Edited Version featuring a Unnerving Ending put out Specifically by The In the Alternate Version of the Video the 3 Key differences are Most Significantly the Demonic Message Personally sent to Nikki from Satan in Hell. The Message preempted by a Red 666 that appears comes up over the Image of the Dark Room in Red Colored Text. The Second is the Death Metal that plays Simultaneously with a Generic Baby Laugh/Giggle that closes out the Video. Both the Original and Alternate Version are Below. Enjoy.

The 15Experience.Com Version:


Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (Videos 15-19)

Welcome to the Latest Installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content Videos 15-19. If You haven’t Read/Watch the Previous 3 Installments We Highly suggest You Go Back and Watch since the Video’s are in Chronological Order. In Addition to the Video’s each Post contains Any/All New Information, Clues, or Details that We come across or Uncover at the Beginning of the Post. The Bottomline in the Meatsleep Mystery is simply are the Videos Fake or Are They Real, and if They are Real then They are the Work of an Actual Real Life Serial Killer Stalking and Kidnapping His/Her Victims and then Holding them Hostage until Meatsleep Kills Them/

In this Installment We have Learned Two New Key Pieces of Information pertaining to the Ongoing Meatsleep Mystery.


The First thing We have become Aware of Pertaining to the Meatsleep Mystery is a Two Parter. The First Part is that She had a Facebook Account. The Second Part Answers the Question why I referred to Meatsleep as a She. As We mentioned in the Privous Installment that Meatsleep has a Defunct Twitter Account (@Sewnskin Meatsleeps) , and She had a Facebook Page under the Same Name Sewnskin Meatsleeps. On Sewnskin Meatsleeps Facebook Page The Gender that had been Selected was Female, and other than that there wasn’t Anything else Worth Mentioning .This of course is quite Interesting unto itself, but in Reality it Doesn’t amount to much. Obviously Meatsleep could Select any Gender We do live in the Age of Cat Fishing.

The Second is as We mentioned in a Pervious Post Some of Meatsleep’s Video Titles look like Random Symbol Gibberish.The Strange Video Titles are in Fact in Inuit the Language of the Native People of Canada. Now this combined with the Fact that Viewers have Noted theres  a Handful of Signs (You can See or Locate) sprinkled throughout the Series that are all in French. So Most People Believe this Equates to Meatsleep being French Canadian and Thus Meatsleep must Live/Reside somewhere in an Unknown Location  in Canada.

So without Further Ado Here is Meatsleep’s Videos 15-19. Enjoy.






We Hope You’re Enjoying the Ongoing Meatsleep Mystery as Much as We are.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober