“Well Twitter Me This Batman…”

Its no secret my favorite one and only Social Media Platform I use is Twitter. I’ve been told I’m prolific and am lucky enough to have a cult following. That doesn’t mean I don’t have issues with Twitter mind you because I do.

Twitter like so many before it has to balance precariously on the thin line of Free Speech. Society can’t make a simple Yes or No answer. Free Speech is a Black and White issue, there is not Gray area of ambiguity here.

If We truly have Free Speech then its for EVERYONE, or let me put it this way if you can say whatever you want SO CAN EVERY ASSHOLE IN AMERICA.

So to deal with this delicate matter Twitter like every other fucking Social Media Platform established a set of Rules and Guidelines designed to allow Free Speech. Thats ONLY IF it does’t violate their User Guidelines which in effect is CENSORSHIP, thus negating True Free Speech.

But I digress as the issue of Free Speech warrants an Entire Post for itself.

Yet Twitter seems to violate its own Rules of Conduct by openly allowing batshit scumfucker’s like Alex “Asshole” Jones or The Obese Orange Fuckass Traitor 45 to continually use their service apparently free from all penalties for violating the established Guidelines for Rules of Conduct.

Now I respect Twitter and Other Social Media Platforms (Except Face Book which is complete Bullshit, and Zuckerberg is a Slimy Little Money Grubbing Millennial Shitfuck.) To try and prevent Nazi’s, Rapists, Religious Fanatics, Political Scumbags, Homophobes, Anti-Semites, Corrupt, Crooked, Criminal, or illegal elements from getting exposure of any kind. That just is common sense to Me.

Now here is my issue with Twiter. Twitter has a rather basic and Parental plan in place to help address any issues of possible violation of Their Rules with a preverbal “Time Out” Yes that is correct.

Your screen will go blank and then a Template Letter Statement from Twitter appears. I can’t quote the fucking thing but I get the fucking gist.

It basically says that Twitter embraces Free Speech AND wants a user friendly platform. Then it accuses you of possibley might have gotten close to breaking the rules so this serves as an Slap On The Wrist if you will.

It informs you that since there could possibly been an issue your account is Limited Access for 12 hours. That means ONLY your followers will be able to see you account/tweets for 12 hours at which point your account is returned to normal.

What pisses Me off to no fucking end is the fact that though the messages says your account has been flagged for possible misconduct IT NEVER GIVES YOU THE/AN EXACT ANSWER.  Its just this vague play nice or be punished reminder babble.

To date I have racked up a total of 19 “12 Hour Time Outs”.

I also had My Account put on a Stricter “24 Hour Time Out” Twice thus far.

I recently was given the harshest “Time Out” Yet with the “48 Hour Time Outs”

Now I don’t really understand at all why the fuck My Account is constantly being plagued with this Twitter bullshit. For the Records I do not engage in participate in, or support in any way of the following: Trolling, Threats of Violence to Anyone/their friends/their family/ personal property,  pictures of anything of a Pornographic nature, Gun/Weapon Worship (ex. The NRAssholes), Anti-LBGTQ bullshit, Anti-Semetic Bullshit, Nazi Sympathizer Racist shit, Promotion or Glorification of Drug/Alcohol Use, Big Tobacco Bullshit, or anything of an Illegal, Criminal or Corrupt Nature.

The funniest fucking thing is how at this time in my life I’m not just aware of the Rules, BUT I do everything in my power to BEND but NOT BREAK the rules in Life. I seriously TONE DOWN my opinions and Posts by 10 fucking fold, trust me the shit you see I Tweet is just the TINIEST TIP of the fucking IceBurg. And not only that but when I do get put on one of these asinine “Time Out” deals I continue to Tweet, but again I tried much more lightly which I feel is respectful as fuck.

What I do is I do RAIL AND RAGE against primarily the Scumsucking Scumfuck Politicians, Trump the Traitor, Motherfucking MAGA Morons, Rancid Racists, Rapists, Homophobes, Police Brutality and Corruption, Bullshit Big Business (Fuck Walmart, Eat Shit Amazon), The Pharmaceutical Industry, Health Care, and any injustice I perceive. I fully support Underdogs as well as Those wronged by a Shitciety.

My feeling is if your a fucking ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANT aka a Politician and you fuck up or turn out to be a piece of fucking shit than your open to ANY AND ALL RIDICULE from the People who ELECTED YOU and for whom you supposedly work (REMEMBER FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE YOU WASHINGTON DC DICKHEADS?!!)

So yes I admit I insult the hell out of those I deem to be utterly shitty fucking people, and I talk mad shit about them (I do not Troll them, I say what I have to say on my Feed not Theirs.

I also get a kick out of BLOCKING MAGAs because their so fucking stupid that they respond to a Tweet of mine like I give a flying fuck what those fucktards have to say FUCK THE LEMMINGS!)

BUT these aren’t the General Public these are Elected Officials and other People in Power who by the nature of their job deserve to reap what they sow. And if you Sow Shit Seeds you Deserve to Reap Shit Plants.

Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober

I Was A Teenage Murder Junkie pt.3: Here Come The Cops

As suddenly as they were switched off the stage lights burst back on. The confused and intoxicated crowd mingled around desperately trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with the on and off again lights. Just then the basement door flung open with such impact that when it slammed against the wall it sounded like a goddamn concussion grenade. The Bar/Club owner bum rushed into the room like a bull released from its pen at a rodeo. He strode to the middle of the room and promptly announced that do to “The Destructive Behavior Bullshit” and ” A Totally Fucked Up Band Lead By A Bald Degenerate Fucking Nightmare” was shutting the show down immediately. This did not bode well with the fans in the least. Instantly the Owner (and the 4 or five bouncers he had brought with him to work security, mainly his own) was plunged into a barrage of insults, violent threats, and pro GG Allin rhetoric. Needless to say the Owner made an extremely hasty retreat back upstairs to his bar. GG then took this pause in the pandemonium to address the crowd.

“Fuck is this Shit?! We want to keep playing but these motherfuckers keep cutting the power! The owner wants to shut our show the fuck down, do you want us to stop?!” GG yelled belligerently at the still awe struck audience. The unanimous answer of the crowd rang out like riot as fans screamed over each other like methhead auctioneers.


This incited GG like gasoline being pissed on a fire. GG was scowling in intense hatred apparently for everything and everybody present. GG was pacing the stage back and forth like a caged fucking animal as he quickly picked up his pace. GG grabbed a crushed beer can from the side of the stage and then used it to slash his torso preparedly  like some primitive caveman’s knife.

From what I had reseated about GG Allin this kind of shitshow common occurrence at GG’s concerts. GG Allin concerts/shows on average only lasted 15-20 minutes total before (like now) the Club owner cut the power or the venue was stormed by the police. GG had been at this point in career to be arrested 52 times for lied acts, indecent exposure, obscenity and even shitting on stage. I had watched the infamous GG Allin documentary films called “Hated: GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” by a young Todd Phillips in 1994 (a year after GG’s death due to surprise, surprise a Heroin Overdose on June 28th 1993) In the documentary GG’s older brother Merle Allin and bass player for The Murder Junkies is interviewed rather extensively throughout. In one of the interview clips Merle even states this fact further.

Merle commented that”When you went on tour (with GG) you never expect to finish the tour and thats for one of two reasons either The Hospital or Jail.” referring to the fact due to his stage show GG not only could/would be arrested , but due to his intense performances GG could also just as easily end up in the ER.

Thats when a small calvary of cops started to slowly file into the basement show venue like the fucking gestapo. Apparently the Owner had fled back upstairs and called in the cops ASAP to bail him and his Bar out of serious trouble. The crown seemed to split into to distinctly different groups this point. The one group were the ambivalent and angst filled Anarchistic fans who stood their ground while antagonizing the cops relentlessly. The second group were the polar opposite as the scrambled for any exit out of the show before getting beaten and arrested by the militant police personnel.

My buddy and coworker Chuck has decided being antiauthoritarian to the core of his basic being was siding with those who chosen to enter into the escalating conflict with the cops. Meanwhile my other friend and coworker Mike and I agreed it was in our best interest to skedaddle like our lives depended on it.

While the insanity ensued The Murder Junkies stood on the stage just a confused as anyone else caught up in the may lay. GG had abandoned the stage and immersed himself in the crowd to avoid initial detection by the conclave of cops. A handful of GG’s hardcore fans had grouped up and were now attempting to get GG out of the building before being apprehended by the asshole authorities.


“GG Over here, Over Here GG Come on lets get you the fuck outta here” yelled the group of hardcore fans desperately trying to get GG’s attention, and aid him in his escape from prosecution. Finally at last GG’s then girlfriend Liz (who was leading the group) managed to grab GG”s arm and redirect him. The problem was while the escape group comprised of die hard fans had united and caught up with their quarry still had no real plan for escape. The motley crew of super fans circled around GG and were aimlessly migrating through the crowd towards the stage at the back of the room (being the farthest point away from increasing police presence). Once they reached the stage GG pushed and shoved his way over to his brother Merle who was still standing on the right stage smoking a cigarette. Mike and I figured GG and his Mega Fans were experts at exactly this, and being we too wanted to bail the fuck out for the identical reason figured it be wisest to follow them. We managed to make our way through the small sea of human bumper cars to the back of the room by the left side of the stage.

By now the the fight the power fans  were locked in full on combat with the cops. Swearing at cops had turned into swinging on the cops. Beer bottles were being pelted at the police along with anything else that wasn’t bolted down. The police retaliated with excessive amount of mace and then upped the ante by taking their tazers out. As the first few fans were rendered enabled by the first wave of tazings the crowd got crazier. Fans were using chair legs and other various debris to club the cops like police piñatas. Some fans were flailing all over like snakes having seizures as the police used zip ties to restrain them. Others were continuing the chaotic carnage by battling the police, and others already detained and restrained were being led out of the show in a single file line. A security guard of the Owner had been leveled to the ground and was being mercilessly kicked and stomped by a growing gang of blood thirsty violent minded fans. The building noise was reaching a deafening level as all hell and high water had laid complete waste to any as resemblance of a concert.

Mike and I while following GG and his escape artist hardcore fans we had become stuck up against the left side of the stage. We could no longer move having been blocked in by a number of other concert goers who launched into a fan on fan full out fist fight. At this moment I looked over at Mike who shot his gaze up to the actual stage and I instantly knew what he meant. Mike hoisted himself up onto the stage accidentally bumping into the then guitarist for The Murder Junkies William Weber. Mike then helped me as clambered up on stage. The members of The Murder Junkies barely batted an eyelash at us as if to let us know they could care less who the hell we were. We weaved around behind the drum kit and the drummer Dino The Naked Drummer who was vacantly staring off into space or some shit. Once we had achieved moving across the stage Mike grabbed my arm. I asked him what the fuck could he possibly want, and thats when Mike directed my attention to behind the curtain hanging behind Dino. It was hiding the back wall where there to our enormous luck there was loading dock door. Its one of those street level doors you see walking down the street that opens from the basement of the building, and onto the street for receiving deliveries and such. This was the chink in the aggressive storm of utter anarchy that would be our escape to the freedom on the street. Just then Mike did something that surprised the shit out of me and then some. Mike fought his way over to the front right of the stage and blurted out,

“GG! GG! We can get you out right fucking now, COME ON!!”

READERS: Stay tuned For The Final Installment Of This 4 Part Piece.                       I Was A Teenage Murder Junkie pt. 4: The Salvation of the Street                 COMING SOON DATE TBD