Venison, Your Vehicle, and You

I am not at all sure why I feel the need to relate this little kid bit of information to our fine Readers, but hey what the Hell right?!

When it comes to Car Accidents involving Deer people assume that it happen one of two ways.

1st The startled Driver swerved to miss the Deer in the road and drove into a ditch or tree. The 2nd is the Panicked Driver couldn’t avoid hitting the deer which bounced off the vehicle’s bumper before the terrified Driver drove into a corn field or into a lake/pond. These are both valid and real scenario’s BUT there is a 3rd.

The 3rd is far more grousome, far more brutal than the first two thats for sure. The 3rd scenario the Driver freaks out and plows head on right into the Deer. The impact causes the Deer to roll up onto the hood of the vehicle where 1 of 2 things occurs. The Deer barrels rolls into the windshield shattering it into smithereens feet first in which case you have a fully grown, frantic, shocked, and flowing with adrenaline Deer’s legs kicking and flailing like mad. Now you are more than likely picturing sitting behind the wheel of a car and then adding the injured Deer concluding that the Deer will simply kick you in the head repeatedly until your dead, and you’d be right thats exactly what happens. Now there is a chance that the Driver hit a mature Male Deer or Buck who slams through the windshield and whips its head equipped with a decent (or better) set of Antlers those Antlers will stab and slash you to pieces like a group of enraged spears on Adderall.

Now then what was my point exactly?

Oh yeah theres a chance if You hit a Deer while on the road there is a 1 in 4 chance it will come through your windshield and kick you in the head until you are dead and your head has the consistency of a bashed rotten cantaloupe.

There is also a 1 in 4 chance you’ll hit a Male Deer and will be gored to death.

Fuck Bambi Right??!

Thanks For The Read,

Les SoberĀ