Open Letter To Face Book (Well a Copy of The Letter I sent Them)

(If it isn’t obvious to some I added the Pics for the Post Only They weren’t included with/in the Original Letter.)

Dear To Whom It May Concern,

I am attempting to reactivate My Facebook Account (of which I am currently Lock Out of) from over 8 years ago. I am aware there is an Identity Verification Option where I present you a copy of My Driver’s License that would resolve this Issue. I though have never been offered said Option for reason I Do Not Know or Understand.

Instead of the Identity Verification Option I am limited only to Bot Tests.The problem I am facing with these tests is based on the Question where The User is asked to Match 20 Names of Your Facebook Friends to Their Faces. I find this Bot Test Utterly Absurd to Say the Least.


I say that based on the argument that Facebook Friends are anything but a User’s actual Friends. I am fully aware that obviously FB Users have Actual Friends on their FB Pages, BUT those are Their Friends the Knew Previously in Real Life. And I am aware of the possibility that in rare cases FB users do befriend each other and meet up in Real Life. This though is a Rare Exception to the Rule.

The Rule of Thumb is You will is that FB Friends are in fact nothing more than an endless Joke from Professional Comedians to The Man of the Street. The Joke is the Reality that though Their You’re so called Friends Your Nothing but Strangers.

The Mass Majority of FB Users will Never meet or Communicate outside of the initial Friend Request. User’s know NOTHING/NEXT TO NOTHING about Their fucking FB Friend(s), and a lot of the Time Users don’t even fucking know what the hell Their FB Friends even fucking  look like as They use an Avatar or some sort.


The Reason FB Users utilize Their FB so called “Friends” is mainly because thats just simply what the fuck Users do. Ego is another motivator as People love to fucking brag about how many FB Friends or Twitter/Instagram Followers They Have like its some major fucking accomplishment.

The Last reason for the FB Friend phenomenon is People racking up Their FB “Friends” to get Attention usually Because They want to further a Project (like Monetizing a Youtube Channel, Website Promotion, Blog Advertisers, or to be Social Media Famous. FB Friends aren’t viable Human Relationship, They’re just a fucking stepping stone to Bigger and Better things FB Users Rather Be Doing or Accomplishing OUTSIDE OF FB.

The Irony of it all is You had virtually fucking NO SECURITY for its Users, and basically created the perfect Tool for Stalkers, Pedophiles, Burglars/Robbers, and Scammers of all kinds. It was ONLY due to PRESSURE from the American PUBLIC, and under great security by the Media that FB finally Back Peddled like a son of a bitch. ONLY then did You fain concern for Your Users Privacy and Safety. So the fact the FB is acting like Self Righteous Assholes over Their New Security to  be a fucking Laughable.


Not to mention FB got caught selling User information unbeknownst to Them to 180 different Commercial Companies. FB also funneled User’s PRIVATE INFORMATION to Political Companies can You say CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA?! Thusly with the History of FB’s Extremely Lax Security until recently, and  FB EXPLOITING THEIR USERS PERSONAL INFORMATION for PROFIT on SEVERAL LEVELS to be down right Criminal, but Zuckerberg knows that He had to Testify down in DC pertaining to the aforementioned FB problems.

This is the Solution I would like to suggest in/with this Letter. FB stops being complete cocksuckers, and Unlock My Old Account by The End of the Business Day. Then FB and I can go back to co existing, and will hopefully never have further communicate with FB on this or Any Other bullshit FB “Security” or Scandal Issues or Problems in the Future.


 Les Sober

Facebook Follies

Hello Readers,

I would like to Apologize in ADVANCE for the Lack of New Content for the Next Day or Two. I know You all must be getting tired of these interim issues, and again I apologize.

This is a Small Independent Operation of a handful of Like Minded Writers and Artists as such WE ARE BROKE AS HELL. Thats why We have to work exponentially harder to promote Ourselves than some of these other Blog Bitch Asses that hire a Professional Public Relations Department for Hundreds of Dollars a Month. Then They sit back and act Arrogant like They had something to do with the Promotion of Their Product.


People have suggested going the GoFundMe route to raise funds, But I have a strong aversion to that idea (for now anyway). I’m Hard Headed as Hell and Stubborn as shit.

Its more than likely a fucking Pipe Dream, but I’d LOVE to keep FYB totally Independent because the more outside influences invade FYB the more the Product will/would suffer.

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen and The Food Goes to Shit as “They” say. Only Time will Tell.


Anyway We are experiencing a All Hands On Deck to handle/combat the FACEBOOK PROMOTION PROBLEM. You see as Much as I despise FB its fucking FREE. And lets face even with The Cambridge Analytical (and other crooked as fuck shit orchestrated by MARK “Face Book” Zuckerberg) People are SO fucking ADDICTED They still use FB.

Even if They Object to all the Pimping of Personal Information to fuck knows Who, and for God knows for what fucking Purpose They can’t say NO MORE and QUIT FB. They’re strung out Social Media Junkies, FB is The Opium of the Masses circa 2019.

Well if You remember quite a few Moons ago I tried to Return to FB for the reason of FYB Promotion and 48 fucking hours later I was LOCKED OUT OF MY PERSONAL PAGE AND FYB’S PROMO PAGE.


Apparently FB tends to think I’m a Bot which is Mind Boggling. So I Said “Well I tried and FB still SUCKS DONKEY KONG DICK.” It has been suggested to Me that in My Manic Intensity jumping fully into the Project could lend someone to believe I must be a fucking Machine to work that Fast. And That Was That.

I realized recently I needed to get over Myself, Burry the Preverbal FB Hatchet, and Start Anew.

A Good Bud of Our’s by the Name of Norman McCoy volunteered to step in as Our Interim Social Media Supervisor, and We more than Happily took Him up on His offer.


On Tuesday Evening of this Evening McCoy has to a Free minute so He set up a Face Book Page to Chronicle the Goings On at FYB.

Wednesday McCoy logged into FB and spent an Hour and 17 minutes just putzing around more or less. That was until FB cut in and subjected McCoy to an impromptu Security Check. McCoy FULLY COMPLIED as best He could. I say that because some of the Questions didn’t have actual answers.

One of the Numerous Questions was the Bot Check You know the one where they show You a bunch of random Pictures and ask ‘Which are Pictures of Roads, Houses, Bridges etc. BUT FB’S READ ONLY: What am I Looking At?

It never specified WHAT You were supposed to be looking for to Answer the goddamn Question. So McCoy had to guess what the fuck FB wanted and replied “Random Street Scenes.”


After FB sudden and Schizophrenic Security Questions They demanded a Picture of McCoy sent to Them for “Review” WHICH HE DID SEVERAL TIMES. Yet FB has effectively locked Him out of the Account pending Their bullshit fake as fuck Security Picture Demand. I think its Safe to Say FB won’t be letting McCoy back in ANYTIME SOON or EVER for that Matter.

We took a internet stroll over to Good Old Reddit to see if anyone else knew what the fuck was going on as McCoy hadn’t violated FB’s Rules & Regulations as far as We and He were/are Aware.

We found more than a few People who were facing FB issues similar to McCoy. People were confounded as They too had been suddenly and unceremoniously by FB for Unknown reason(s) to Them. Some Poor Users managed to straiten the issue out ONLY TO HAVE IT HAPPEN AGAIN AND AGAIN every several Days to Weeks to Months.


SO as far as Any of Us can decipher is it looks like after YEARS of virtually \unrestricted Use FB finally caved into PUBLIC PRESSURE to seriously beef up Their so called Security.

Also getting caught red fucking handed LYING, DECEIVING, and EXPLOITING FB User’s and selling Their Personal Information played a HUMUNGOUS part in FB’s PHONY APOLOGIES & BULLSHIT PROMISES to do better (and NOT COMPLETELY FUCK OVER Their Users FOR PERSONAL GAIN OR PROFIT.)

Thus FB is Scrambling Frantically Back Peddling like the Scumfucks They are to “Fix” the problems mentioned above. And in doing so have built a chaotic BiPolar Frankenstein Security “System” of some sort. Point is due to time requirements FB is SO HALF ASSING IT.

Regardless of all the issues, problems, and bullshit We at FYB have experienced with The FB Fucks We have NOT GIVEN UP. NOT BY A LOOOOONG SHOT.

We have phoned in a Designated Hitter if You will in Our Dear Friend, and Long Time FYB Family member Mr. JJ Jackson.

We Will Be Back, Just Try and Stop Us Fuckerburg. All You can do is Delay the INEVITABLE:E VICTORY OF FYB ON/OVER FACE BOOK.

Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober