Yokai Bob The Builder

Welcome to Yet Another FYB Monday Post featuring Yokai Bob The Builder by MeatCanyon. It occurred to Me that We have Used Several of MeatCanyon’s Works Particularly on Mondays for the Last Few Weeks Creating an Unofficial MeatCanyon Monday Situation. Mondays fucking Suck so MeatCanyon’s Odd Ball Alternative Comedy just seems to be Great at Combating Monday Melodrama. With that Said this Week We are Showcasing some of MeatCanyon’s Darker Work this Time Around. Whats Uniquely Different About this Certain MeatCanyon Animation is its in Japanese with English Subtitles. Yokai has the definite Presents Itself as a Cautionary Tale Crossed with a Moral Fable with a Very Folklore Feel.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His Online User Name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some Viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have Described Them in just one Single Word “Horrifying”. A Common on going gag in Hancock’s Video’s is that something Normal or Mundane gets You killed or Possible Worse.


Young Asian Couple is eating dinner at home when a Hideous Troll like Gnome Appears out of the blue asking “Can we fix it?” The Sight of this Ghoulish Gnome Terrifies the Young Couple, but Alas the Ghastly Gnome Kidnaps Wife. Man Obviously Panics and Demands that the Gruesome Gnome return His Wife to Him. Unfortunately the Ungodly Gnome Tells the Husband matter of Factly that “You can’t fix this.” before Disappearing into the Night. Will The Poor Man ever Cross Paths with the Godless Gnome Again, and be Provided the Opportunity to have His Beloved Wife Returned to Him? Watch and See.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

David Firth’s CROOKED ROT

Being the Huge David Firth Fan’s that We are We felt it was More than appropriate that We Showcase some of His Intensely Surreal Stop Motion Animation. Crooked Rot is a Prime Example of Why the Word NIGHTMARE is used Most Often to Describe Firth’s Body of Work (and Why We are such Diehard Fans). Crooked Rot Does Not Disappoint with its Haunting Imagery, Disturbing Visuals, and Unnerving Content.


Our best guess is Crooked Rot is a Commentary on Technology/Social Media and Its Affects upon Humanity as a Whole. The Video follows a Variety of Disembodied Heads and Hands as They Navigate a Frantic and Sometimes Hostile World. The Heads Only interact with One another when They have a Pipe Like Tube Screwed into their Heads linking Their Brains.

We are basing Our Belief that Crooked Rot is a Commentary on Technology on 3 Key Clues Located within the Video. The First is The Pig Head Types Manically on a Computer Keyboard before constructing a Brick Wall. The Second Clue is when the Wall Deconstructs there is a Head inside of a Computer Monitor, and Lastly there is the Generic Computer Error Message. The Error Message appears for an instant right at the end of the Second Set of Flashing Images. We viewed the Video numerous Times and were able to Decipher that at the Top in the Blue Bar it says: DSLR REMOTE PRO, but unfortunately We were Unable to Read the Text (Though Not due to a lack of Trying as We watched the Video Relentlessly Attempting to Isolate the Text until Our Eyes Bled).

The Most Interesting and Intriguing part of this Video as Far as We are Concerned is in the Intro Title Sequence the word CROOKED appears followed by the word ORCUS, and finally Rot. We looked into Exactly What the Word ORCUS Means or What it Is and this is what We uncovered. ORCUS is a Fictional Demon Prince and Lord of the Undead in Many Campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Role-Playing Game. He is named after ORCUS of Roman Mythology.

In Roman (and Italic) Mythology Orcus was the God of The Underworld, The Punisher of Broken Oaths, and Tormentor Evildoers in the Afterlife. Orus’s Origins may have Lain in the Etruscan Religion which was comprised of a Set of Stories, Beliefs, and Religious Practices of the Etruscan Civilization Originating in the 7th Century BC.  Orcus was Worshipped in Rural Areas as He had No Official Status or Following in the Cities. The Remoteness allowed for Orcus to Survive in the Confines of the Countryside Long After more Prevalent Gods had Ceased to be Worshipped. Orcus even went on to Survive as a Folk Figure all the way into the Middle Ages, and is even Referenced in Modern Day European Wild Man Celebrations.


Thanks for Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

Virginia’s Most Notorious Urban Legend: The Bunnyman

The Following Newspaper Article was Published in The Washington Post on October 22, 1970.


“Fairfax County Police said yesterday they are looking for a Man who likes to wear a “White Bunny Rabbit Costume” and Throws Hatchets through Car Windows. Honest.

Air Force Academy Cadet Robert Bennett told the Police shortly after Midnight last Sunday He and His Fiancée were sitting in a Car in the 5400 block of Guinea Road when a Man “Dressed in a white suit with long Bunny Ears” ran from the nearby bushes and shouted: “You’re on Private Property and I have Your Tag Number.”

The “Rabbit” threw a Wooden-Handled Hatchet through the right front car window, the first-year Cadet told the Police. As soon as he threw the Hatchet, the “Rabbit” skipped off into the Night, Police said. Bennett and His Fiancee were not injured.

Police say they have the Hatchet, but no other clues in the case. They say Bennett was visiting an Uncle, who lives across the street from the spot where the car was Parked. The Cadet was in the area to attend last weekend’s Air Force-Navy Football Game.”


The Bunnyman is MOST often seen in Secluded Locations in Fairfax County Virginia though He has been Spotted Through Out the Entire State of Virginia. It is Believed The BUnnyman’s Primary Territory is the Area surrounding the Bridge (Known as The Bunnyman Bridge) along the W&OD Railroad Tracks. Some Say in the 1800’s 2 Mental Patients Escaped from a Near By Mental Asylum. One Patient was found a few Days Later Hanging from a Tree, the Other Patient was NEVER seen Again. Was this the Origin of the Legendary Bunnyman and if so What accounts for the Modern Day sightings in the 1970’s and 1980’s? Is it a Copy Cat or Possibly the Cursed Spirit of Bunnyman doomed to Roam the Earth wreaking Havoc on Virginia for all Eternity?! No One knows and probably NEVER will.


Reports of the Infamous Bunnyman first began in the 1970’s where Usually a Person in a White Bunny Costume carrying an Hatchet/Ax Scarring or Threatening Children or in some Cases Vandalizing Property.

By the 1980’s though the Bunnyman had Evolved into an Evil Entity Hell Bent on Murder who according to Most had committed SEVERAL BRUTALLY GRUESOME MURDERS Already. In one Story Bunnyman Allegedly Butchered His Entire Family before Fleeing into the Deepest, Darkest Parts of the Surrounding Forrest.


Brian A. Conly a Historian-Archivist working at the Fairfax County Library wrote a Summery of University of Maryland Patricia Johnson’s Paper on the Folklore of The Bunnymansimply titled “The Bunnyman” were She had interviewed 33 Locals to get Their accounts of The Bunnyman Phenomenon. Cony’s Summation is as Follows:

  • . 14 Different Geographic Locations for Bunnyman Encounters (Mostly in Virginia) are Mentioned.
  • 18 Encounters Involve The Bunnyman Chasing or Frightening People, Usually Children, with a Hatchet or Ax.
  • 14 Encounters report an Attack on a Cars.
  • 9 Witnesses/Victims claim Bunyman Attacked a Couple in a Parked Car.
  • 5 Witnesses/Victim’s accuse The Bunnyman of Vandalism on Homes or Buildings.
  • Only 3 instances Mention Murder/Murders allegedly committed by The Bunnyman.


So is The Bunnyman just a Eccentric Prankster? Is The Bunnyman just an ongoing Virginian Hoax? Is the Bunnyman a Blood Thirsty Murderer? Is Bunnyman an Evil  Supernatural Spirit still Roaming around in Virginia? Could Bunnyman possibly a yet Undiscovered Cryptid or could it be Bunnyman is just the Star of another Urban Legend We will mostly likely NEVER Know the Truth behind Virginia’s Illusive Bunnyman.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

FYB’s Freaky Friday Night Film: GOZU

Welcome To FYB’s Friday Freaky Friday Film GOZU!

This Movie takes Surreal to Levels NEVER Before Believed Possible!!!

A Mind Melting Bizarre Movie that Goes Down the Rabbit Hole To HELL, and BACK from Revered Japanese Director Takashi Miike!!!

So Any Fans of David Lynch or Dario Argento will Be VERY PLEASED with this Film Selection.


There are Some People that Honestly Believe the only way One can Understand Gozu is to Be Under The Influence of a Hallucinogenics. I think if Anyone Tried that it FRY THE FUCK OUT OF THEIR BRAIN Leaving Them Tragically as a Drooling Catatonic a Mere Step Above BRAIN DEAD.

FYB DOES NOT Encourage OR Condone The Use of Hallucinogenics.

So What is GOZU You’re asking Yourself??!

Well in Japanese Buddhism GOZU is a COW HEADED DEMON who is A GENERAL who guards The Gates of HELL! He appears as a TERRIFYING ONI (Evil or Malicious Ghost)  with a COW’S HEAD!!!

GOZU is Extremely POWERFUL and is capable of Physically Moving MOUNTAINS, and is a Servant of GREAT KING ENMA The Ruler of HELL, and is 1 of the CHIEF TORTURERS & PUNISHERS of The Wicked!

GOZU is 1 of the First DEMONS that You Encounter upon Entering HELL, and IF You manage to Escape From HELL, GOZU is Sent to BRING YOU BACK!


PLOT SUMMERY: Gang Member Monami respects His Brother Ozaki who always Protected Him in the Past. Tragically However, Osaka seems to be Going INSANE! Gang Leader Azamawari is Unsympathetic to Ozaki’s Insanity and DEMANDS THAT MINAMI KILL HIS OWN BROTHER!!!


NOTE: You will Have to Turn On The Closed Caption as the Film Doesn’t Come with Them. For those with an Aversion to Subtitles Better Luck Next Time (Week)

Hope You Survived The Master Mindfuck that is GOZU.

Good Night and Sleep Tight.

   Presented By Les Sober