Short Horror Film Friday: GUEST

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring the British Film GUEST  Written and Directed by Finn Callan and Produced by Ivan Veselov. What Stands Out is the Film’s Ability to be Truly Terrifying without the Use of Cliche (and Grossly Over Used) Jump Scare Tactics. Also be Sure to Check Out the Message from The GUEST Team after the Credits.

GUEST has been Described by Viewers as Dark and Disturbing, Eerily Haunting, Beautifully Horrific, A Surreal Nightmare, and that (in Their Personal Opinion) it Captures the Horrible Sorrow of Having Suicidal Thoughts.


My Favorite Explanation of the Film is the One I find closest to What I Believe to be True. The Hypothesis states GUEST can be Interpreted as a Woman with Schizophrenia Who tried to Escape the Eerie Visions through Self Mutilation. All She wants is for the Visual and Auditory Hallucinations that Torment Her to Stop, but Ultimately You Can’t Escape Your Own Mind. Your Mind can be Plagued by Unwanted Guests in the Form of Mental Disorders.

It’s Sad to Say it’s not Uncommon for Those Suffering from Schizophrenia to Go Through Moments such as This.


A Home Owner Returns Home to Find an Unknown and  Seriously Injured Woman Lying on Their Bathroom Floor. What the Home Owner is Unaware of is Their Mysterious Guest isn’t Alone… She Brought a Guest of Her Own.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: NO THROUGH ROAD 2

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring  the Found Footage Short Horror Film NO THROUGH ROAD 2! We have already Posted the Original NO THROUGH ROAD in a Previous Installment of Short Horror Film Friday, and were Thrilled to Learn that a Sequel had in fact been Made. We Highly recommend You Go watch NO THROUGH ROAD  First before Watching the Sequel so that You’re Not Confused as to what the Hell is Happening in NO THROUGH ROAD 2.


James and the New Cameraman Dave go to put Flowers on Steven’s “Grave” which is Actually a Spot on the Side of the Road where Steven was Murdered.  While at the Gravesite Dave and James reference the First Movie with James Stating that He has No Recollection of that Night’s Events, and hasn’t Spoken about that Night Since.  While Driving Back from Steven’s Grave the Duo gets Completely Turned Around, and find Themselves Lost in the Middle of Nowhere without Cell Service.

That is Until James Notices a Road Sign for Bennington as They Drive, and Realizes that They’ve been Driving in Circles. As things go from Bad to Worse James and Dave Realize They’re Trapped in an Endless Loop from which They can’t Escape No Matter how Hard They Try. Growing more Frantic James and Dave pull over to try and gather Their Thoughts and Devise a Game Plan. Then all of a Sudden Steven appears Outside the Car Window His face Covered in Blood, but Very Much Still Alive.

Steven is in a Severely Disoriented State, and Rambling a Mile a Minute Incoherently as the Three of Them try to Get a Grip on the Reality of the Situation. James explains to Steven that He’s been Missing for Three Years, and that He has been Presumed Dead at this Point and Time.  James Comforts Steven as He is sitting in the Middle of a Dirt Road having a Minor Mental Breakdown before the Film Cuts to Black.

A Moment after the Movie goes Black the Following Words appear on the Screen:

“The Tape Ends Here. It was found in a camera case along with a camera. The Camera was Broken, but Another Tape was found Inside it. While severely damaged efforts are currently being made to retrieve the Data on the tape.”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: There Are Monsters

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring There Are Monsters the 2008 Canadian Phycological Horror Short Directed by Jay Dahl. There Are Monsters is Based on the Apocalyptic Concept that the World is being Slowly, Quietly, and Efficiently being Taken Over by Creatures from an Alternate Dimension that Look Just Like Us. Dahl turned the Concept of There Are Monsters into a Feature Film of the Same Name in 2013.

Synopsis :

Garth and Maddie are about to Host a Dinner Party when They see a Strange Little Girl in Their Backyard. She is the First Sign that the World has Suddenly and Inexplicably Changed. Now, There Are Monsters.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

A Sick Saturday Cinema One Movie Double Feature: TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD

FYB is Deviously Delighted to Bring You the 1972 Spanish- Portuguese Zombie Horror Film TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD Written and Directed by Amando de Ossorio. The Original Spanish Title is La note del terror ciego which Translates to The Night of the Blind Terror in English. The Film was the First in Ossorio’s “Blind Dead” Series that Spawned Three Sequels, and Who’s Success Helped Kickstart the Spanish Horror Movie Boom in the 1970’s.


This Movie Presentation is a Little Different than the Normal FYB Format Granted, But Aside from that Please Allow Us to Explain Ourselves. This Particular Double Feature is the Same Movie and there is a Reason for that. The First Version is the English Version then Following it is the Original Spanish-Portuguese Version. Aside from the Fairly Obvious Difference of Subtitles there are In Fact Several Major Differences Between the Two Versions of The Tombs of the Blind Dead..

In the English Version a Flashback of the Living Nights Templar Torturing and Drinking the Blood of a Female Victim was Removed from the Beginning of the Movie. Most of the SEX AND GORE was Removed from the English Version as Well which was Heavily Edited By American Film Distributers. For Example The Scene Depicting the Lesbian Relationship between Betty and Virginia, a Scene in which Pedro Rapes Betty, and a Sequence on a Train in Which the Knights Kill a Woman in Front of Her Child were All Removed.


Brief Plot Summary: In the 13th Century there Existed a LEGION OF EVIL Renegade Knights known as the Templars, Who Quested for Eternal Life by DRINKING HUMAN BLOOD and Committing HUMAN SACRIFICES FOR SATAN! Executed for Their Unholy Black Magic and Inhuman Savagery, the Templar’s Bodies were left Out for The Crows to Peck Out Their Eyes. Now in Modern Dat Portugal, a Group of Unsuspecting People stumble Upon the Templar’s Abandoned Monastery, Thus Reviving Their ROTTING ZOMBIFIED CORPSES to Terrorize the Land Feasting on the Blood of the Living!!


We Hope You Enjoyed This Tale of The Undead Monk Madness and Murder as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober &  FYB  



We all damn well know Mondays Well Mondays just Plain Fucking Suck. After Two Days of Freedom You’re Back on Monday a Slave to The Grind, Endless Bullshit, and Son of a Bitch Bosses. So based on the Universal Hate for all things Monday We decided to Post a Movie as Brutal as Mondays can Be.


Tonight We are Proud to Present the Infamous 1985 Japanese Short Gore Film GUINEA PIG: DEVIL’S EXPERIMENT Directed by Satoru Ogura. In Spite of the Movie’s Minuscule Run Time of 43 Minutes total most Viewers are Unable to Watch the Entire Movie (That Goes Even for Hardcore Gore/Splatter/Torture Porn Fans).


Plot Summary:

A Video Tape and a Letter are given to the Tokyo Police in a Small Discreet Envelope with No Return Address or Postal Mark. The Accompanying Letter Tells of an Experiment on Human Endurance and How Much Punishment the Human Body and Mind can Endure before Succumbing to Death. To Explore the Unknown Boundaries of Suffering and to Push the Threshold of Pain, Three Sociopathic Explorers of Anguish Abduct a Helpless Young Woman. Intent on putting Their Youthful Subject through the Seemingly Endless Ordeal of Their Sadistic Research, The Explorers use Increasingly Brutal Techniques to Test the Theoretical Limits of Human Endurance.

So Pour a Stiff Drink, Pop a Xanax, and Enjoy.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Little Slice of Seriously fucking Sick Cinema as Much as We Did.

Presented By  Les Sober  & FYB

Friday Horrorfest Film: THE LAST SUPPER

Welcome to Friday Horrorfest Film featuring THE LAST SUPPER the 2007 Japanese Cannibal Slasher Horror Film Written and Directed by Osamu Fukutani. The Last Supper is Based on the Work “The Shonan Flesh Eating Conspiracy” by Kei Ohishi ( a Writer Know for His Novelizations of Popular Horror Movies). Just the Mere Mention of Cannibalism would make Most of Us Feel Uneasy Due to its Disturbing and Taboo Nature. In the World of Film Cannibalism could be considered an Important Sub-Genre of the Exploitation Movie Era which was Popular in the 1970’s and 1980’s.


Brief Plot Summary: A Plastic Surgeon named Kato Excels at His Job hides a Dark and Deadly Secret. After Finally Succumbing to His Desire to Taste Human Flesh, Kato soon finds Himself ADDICTED TO THE TASTE OF HUMAN FLESH! Kato’s Newly Indulged Cannibalistic Tendencies lead Him to Discover Further Culinary Delights at a Seedy Underground Restaurant with some Extremely Sinister Dishes. MURDER AND MAYHEM ENSUE as the Dementedly Detestable Doctor Continues to find New and Gruesome ways to Satisfy His Abnormal Appetite.


The Last Supper contains a Ton of Bloodshed and Splatter Movie Gore (Including Decapitations, Face Ripping, Limb Dismemberment, Heart Ripping) and Seriously Bizarre and Chilling Highlights that include Kato talking to the SEVERED HEADS OF HIS VICTIMS while Dining on Their Flesh, a BLOOD CURDLING Wedding Finally, and a Sequence where the Underground Restaurant/Night Club has a Sickening Special on Their Menu where a Female Dancer is Decapitated with Her Body Sliced Up and Cooked. Kato is the Film’s Main Viewing Strength in the Manner He Remains Cool and Calm while Performing GRISLY AND MURDEROUS ACTS upon His Victims (and Let’s Face it Kato and the Gore are the Main Reason to Check Out The LAst Supper).


We Hope You Enjoyed This Tasty Tale of a Flesh Eating Psychopath as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

(Post Time 12:19am)

FYB Wicked Wednesday Movie: THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY!

FYB is Proud as a Pig in Shit to Bring You the Italian Cult Horror Movie THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY Directed By the Goliath of Gore Lucio Fulci!


Brief Plot Summery:

When the Boyle Family temporarily moves not a Mason near Boston so the Father can do some Research, His Son Bob starts seeing the Ghostly Spector of a Young Girl motioning to Him, and this leads Bob to uncover the Basement’s TERRIBLE SECRET! Lurking in the Shadows of the Gloomy Basement lives Dr. Freudstein who has been residing in the Basement since 1879 after He was Banned from the Medical Profession, and has managed to keep Himself Alive by Murdering the Various Residents of the House and Harvesting Their Cells to Keep His Body Going.

A Grossly Oversized Bat Attacks the Father, Floors come Apart and Crush Unsuspecting Victims, and at one Point the Bob’s Head is Held against the Basement Door by the Evil Doctor while HIs Father is Wildly Swinging an Ax through the Door to Save His Son’s Life. Scenes like these and Others are the REAL OBJECTIVE of the Movie-The Strange and Irresolute Ending, and the Leaps and Gaps in the Storyline, are Prime Indicators that alll Else is Dispensable Pretext- GORE IS THE GOAL, AND IT’S DELIVERED IN SICKENING DOSES!!!


Some People’s Opinions of the Movie:

“The House by the Cemetery is truly unsettling experience whose different parts never quite add up to a coherent whole, and linger in the Darkest Passageways of the Mind.” -Anton Bitel (

“What No to Love about film that has a Haunted House, a Mad Scientist, A Cemetery, Flesh Eating Cellar Dwelling Zombies, an Evil Imaginary Friend, A Clueless Cavalcade of Victims, Gore Galore, AND an Over The Top Vampire Bat-Bite?” – Staci Layne Wilson (Horror.Com)

“I had a Blast with this Horror Classic even if it is Highly Evocative of Other Isolated Scary House Movies.” -Ed Travis (Hollywood Jesus)

“Wonder after Grimy Wonder.” – Fernando F. Croce (CinePassion)

“The Violence Inflicted on the Various Characters throughout the Film (which includes GOUGING, STABBING, THROAT RIPPING, DISMEMBERMENT, AND DECAPITATION) is nothing Compared to the Violence Fulci Inflicts on Logic and Storytelling.”

-James Kendrick (Q Network FIlm Desk)


We Hope You Enjoyed This Little Mash Up of Murder and Mutilation as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober