The Purity Knight Murder Controversy (Police Footage Found)

We been sitting on this Little Oddity for Quite a While having Allocated it to the Preverbal Back Burner if You Will. This Tormented Tale has Not One, BUT Two Twists So You Don’t want to Miss that Shit Trust Us. Honestly the Second is the so called Big Twist, but You may opt to Not watch the Video and just Read the Rest. It’s Up to You.

  • In 1997 a Young Woman by the Name of Purity Knight and Her Roommate where having a Growing Problem with a Unknown Stalker.
  • One Night Knight’s Neighbor Notices Someone Outside and Goes to Investigate Startling the Stalker who Took Off Running into the Night.
  • The Stalker was so Startled that He/She had Left Their Camera Behind on Which were Several Pictures of Knight obviously taken without Her Knowledge.
  • Several Days After the Neighbor-Stalker Run In Knight Disappears, and During the Investigation the Detectives working the Case Received 3 Pieces of Mail.


  • The First Piece of Mail was a Map with a Taunting Letter:

May 1, 1997


I cannot believe that you are unable to locate Purity Knight. Are you blind? Will I have to deliver her to your door?

In this most humble, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief.


I do not expect her condition to improve. If she dies in there it will be on your hands. Your hands–not mine.

A friend.

  • The Second was a Photo of Knight inside of some Bizarre Box, and on the Back there was a Note that Read: In the Silence of the Night How we Shiver with Affright.
  • The Last Piece of Mail was another Picture this one a Close Up of Knight still Confined in the Bizarre Box.
  • Less than a Month Later Knight’s Corpse was discovered in a Pine Grove by a Man out Walking. He was just taking a stroll and just so happened to Notice the Bizarre Box laying off the Beaten Path.
  • Corey Taylor the Lead Singer of Slipknot it was Rumored had read the Knight Case, and had used it as Inspiration for the Slipknot Song “Purity”



  • Purity Knight is NOT a Real Person.
  • The Purity Knight Case was a Fake.
  • The Case was Posted on CrimeScene.Org which features Fictitious Cases for Law Enforcement/Government Agencies/Amateur Detectives/Private Investigators Etc.
  • Slipknot was hit with a Copy Right Infringement Lawsuit by the Creator of the Purity Knight Case, and Pulled the Song from Their then Upcoming Album. Slipknot went on to claim the Song “Purity” was in Fact inspired by Movies like The Collector and Boxing Helena. In the End Slipknot Won the Law Suit and are Now Allowed to Play Their Song “Purity” Live in Concert.

NOW WITHOUT FURTHER AWAIT THE SECOND TWIST (aka The BIG ONE)! which Stems from the Video Posted Below with the Pertainent Information Undernieth It.

  • Thirteen Years Later in 2010 the Above Video Titled RARE Purity Knight Buried Alive (Police Footage Found) was Posted to Youtube. The Video claimed to be From the Camera The Stalker Dropped when He/She Ran Away from the Neighbor, and that it had been Kept from the Public Pending Investigation.
  • Accompanying the Video was an Alleged Police Report that Reads:

In early March of 1997 Purity Knight and Her Roommate Perez were the victims of a stalking incident. A neighbor, Johnny McPhail, spotted the stalker sometime before 11:00pm in a tree in front of the apartment outside their windows. He reported seeing lights from the Tree. Mr. McPhail went out to check and then pursued the subject through the woods. The suspect was not caught. Mr. McPhail described the suspect as small build, approximately about 5″8″ in Height with a light complexion. Footprints where found at the scene when the Responding Officer Arrived. Also Recovered at the scene was a 35mm Digital Camera dropped by the Fleeing Suspect. The camera showed a number of photographs taken, and a video which will not be shown to the public, and will only be shown to the Detectives and those Directly involved in the Case. For Police Eyes Only.


  • Though the Purity Knight Case was a Fake it NEVER Mentions or Alludes to a Video.
  • If the Creator intended the Video to be Part of the Case Why didn’t They Ever Provide a Link for it? I think it’s more than Safe to say the Creator did Not intend the Video to be a Part of the Case to Begin with.
  • During the Entire Slipknot Song LawSuit on which Cory Taylor/Slipknot Commentated Extensively on Neither EVER Mentioned or Alluded to the Video.
  • Also there in NO Mention of the Video on 99% of the Forms pertaining to the Purity Knight Case.
  • The 2010 Video and Audio far Exceeded that of a any Available Video Camera in 1997.

So Where Does This Leave Us You May be Wondering at this Point and We wouldn’t Blame You. This Leaves Us with just a Single and EXTREMELY UNNERVING THEORY which is as Follows. The Video is Indeed Real and Shows an Actual Victim is Being Buried Alive, and The Killer is using the Purity Knight Case as a Cover Up ( possibly as Unsolicited Fan Fiction) to Hide the Crime.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB