Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (32/365)

Dizzy sat back on His Bar Stool, and stared at the Vast array of Liquor Bottles that lined the Wall behind the Bar as if He were memorizing the Wide Array of Labels for Future Reference. Perhaps Dizzy thought knowing a wide range of Liquors might come in handy if He suddenly found Himself on Jeopardy with Alex Trebec during Happy Hour. For whatever reason Dizzy had suddenly become silently introspective which didn’t bother Lee in the Least.

The way Lee saw it the ability to sit comfortable in Silence with a Someone was a true Testament to true Friendship. To be able to sit in a Room with someone and NOT feel Compelled to Converse since silence makes People uneasy in General. Lee recollected a saying He had heard year before something to the affect of “Silence Makes Guilty People Feel Uneasy.” which He always found Ironically Amusing. If that was indeed true Lee figured that made just about everyone Guilty of something, and that made Him wonder what They perhaps were Guilty of.


As Lee sipped His Beer He started to in gauge His curiosity surrounding the current situation as it related to Dizzy. Lee felt assured that this was the beginning of a Friendship, but exactly what kind of Friend could/would Dizzy be in Actuality? As We all know there are a Staggering amount of Different Personalities from which Dizzy May or May not Belong to so Time would be the Deciding Factor.

Lee might not ever even see Dizzy again after this Today’s chance encounter. If Lee did end up Hanging Out consistently with Dizzy would Lee find out quickly that Dizzy is a Shitty Person. What is say He was an Evangelical Fanatic, a MAGA, Hypocrite, or Fraud. Perhaps They’d be Friends for Now, but the Friendship would Fade Away after a pivotal point in the Friendship after a Seriously Heated Argument or if One of Them Moved a Way for Work or some such shit.

Dizzy could end up being one of those Friends You repeatedly cross paths with over the Years. The Kind of Friend were No Matter how fucking Long it has been You can pick Up EXACTLY where You left Off the Last Time Your Paths crossed. A True Kindred Spirit.

Perhaps They would become Friends and an integral in each other’s Lives. They’d both get Married and have a Few fucking Kids, a Mortgage, and a Asshole Boss. And each would be there for one Another during the Key moments in Their Lives a witness to Each Other’s  Trials and Tribulations in Life. Hell They might just end up picking up one another’s crappy Kids from Soccer Practice and Routine Life shit like that.


Only Time would Tell reminded Himself as He found His curiosity spiraling into Chaotic. For now Lee was just going to kick back and enjoy the fuck out of His Beer, and wait to see what was Coming up Next.

TUNE IN NEXT WEEK for the Next Exhilarating Installment of………


(Note to Readers: This Post was Posted at 12:42 am which again in FYB’s Book was still in this Case Sunday.)

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (29/365)

Lee stood up and stretched like a motherfucker. It been so damn long since His bathroom Break that just like on a long Road Trip Lee’s ass had gone numb. As Lee walked triumphantly out of the Theater with a Particular Kind of Pride at being the very fucking Last Person in the Audience by the End of the Show. It was like a Badge given out to People who’s God given Gift is being able to Survive Massive levels of bullshit without Breaking or Bailing.

When Lee reached the Lobby He walked right into a heated discussion between several of the Audience Members who had left the Show, and were still at the Theater arguing Tooth and fucking Nail with the Theater Manager. Of course They all were aggressively  demanding The Manager refund Their Money because the Show was complete shit.


Sitting on a Wobbly Old Stool behind the Vacant Concession Stand sat an Interesting looking Fellow who wasn’t actual involved in the Dispute, but apparently was getting a great kick of watching the Drama unfold with a Smile that was bordering on a Sarcastic Sneer splashed across His face.

Since the Show had been a Bust, and didn’t see the Point in fighting over a Few Bucks (the Tickets were $3) Lee figured  Why not stay and Watch too. At least He’d get some Real Entertainment instead of Pretentious, Lamenting Socially Objective, Over Indulgent Emo Artist Assholes plodding around the Stage thinking They’re all Provocative and Intellectually Deeply Symbolic Implements of Art. Lee strolled causally behind the concessions stand without a single person taking note all accept the Guy behind the Bar who watched Lee the entire way.


The Guy was wearing of Well Worn pair of Blue Jeans, Construction Boots that by Their Appearance were Older than Lee, and a Leather Biker’s Jacket adorned with a Collage of Patches and Pins. He had Long Dirty Blonde hair that hung half way down His back, and was sporting a AxCx (The Abbreviation used for the Band Anal Cunt) hat which Lee found very Cool. It was the Stranger’s Silencer T-Shirt that caught Lee’s Eye in particular because Silencer was an Obscure and Short Lived Experimental Black Metal Band Lee liked. This Rare T-shirt Earned Lee’s Initial Approval.


“This is fucking Beautiful Bud, This is the fucking Performance Art of Everyday Life. I’ve been here since the beginning and These People are gearing up to go to War over a piddly $3 Loss which is so not worth this Reality TV Show fucking Drama. I do have to admit though it’s one hell of a Show especially after that Buffett of Over the Top Exaggerated Bullshit.” said the Stranger in a matter of fact tone as if He was commenting on the Weather or some other banality.

“So what’s going on here exactly?” Lee asked inquisitively trying to get an Assessment of the Situation that was unfolding Before Him.


“Well the Dynamic here is this. As You can damn well tell the Theater Manager is the Angst Ridden Fellow with the Clip Board that looks like He’s about to have a Stress induced Aneurysm.” Said the Stranger who paused for a moment to take a Hearty Pull off a Pint of of Phil’s Fine Fortified Red Wine (that he had stashed in the Inner Breast Pocket of His Jacket) before continuing His tale.

Stay Tuned Kiddies for Tomorrow’s Insomnia Inducing Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Puddles, Insomnia, Ghosts

(All my blogs from now will have a song attached that tries to go with the blog ranging from quite well to quite well but only after 10 mixed drinks. link is below my ramblings.)

I had great big plans for today. A wonderful schedule written on the whiteboard. A premade breakfast in its properly place. And then you showed up. It happened when I least expected it. It always does.

Your face showed up on my ceiling. In between the tears that tasted so salty on my lips, I caught your glimpse. I briefly smelled your scent, heard you tapping at my window. Then it was all gone, just as soon as it began.

My puddle diver. I cannot believe it has been over five years since you went away. It seems like it were just yesterday. That I could see your smiling face. Hear your carefree.

Sure, I have to dig a little deeper ago then five years, because five years ago you had lost your shine. Well not the shine, I could never see you not bathed in some kind of wonderful light. Time had taken away your smile. Time had dulled a certain part of what made you so wonderful to me. It was subtle at times but probably was much deeper. All I could see at times was my ignorance in a reflection.

I know you are still here even as I write these lines. I’m for some reason listening to Ani DiFranco. She was always more your lesbian side. Mine was this ridiculous interest in sports, but not like playing them because I didn’t want to mess up my great skin.

We were once young and well in comparison to you I guess I am the younger one now. Any age is a much more desired one then the agelessness being a corpse provides. Ageless beauty is some myth an undertaker decided to vomit onto the general population one too many moons ago.

I still remember painting with you. I had camped out at your house for an entire week, not some stormy weekend that eventually became our trademark (and demise.) You painted me a shirt. It was the silliest thing ever yet I cherished it so much. I even wore it in public a few times. I was so proud to wear your colors.

Then I threw all the colors out the window. We all did. It was my own personal prequel to 13 Reasons Why. I was such a horrible person that I’m sure I would have made the list more then once. So afraid to help because I was still so afraid of how I felt about you. I was always completely petrified. Even though you are gone, I’m still lost because of you.

Yet here I am now. I’ve been waiting 5 years to write this. As if I am somehow immortal. Some alien form that is going to outlast the cockroaches. Sadly, this shan’t be the case. I simply want redemption. While I cannot have this with you, it is something I deeply need for myself.

I cannot sit my the window any longer watching life pass me by. Instead, I will run. Flat on my face. I will fall. A lot.  It is no longer my time to just stare out at the rain.  Because I am the storm. And you forever are my Puddle Diver.