FYB’s Sinister Friday Sci-Fi Horror Movie: CUBE

FYB is Psyched to Present the 1997 Canadian Indie Science-Fiction Horror Film CUBE Directed and Co-Written by Vincenzo Natali. Cube has gained Notoriety and a Rabid Cut Following, for its Surreal Atmosphere and Kafkaesque setting and Concept of Industrial, Cube-Shaped Rooms.


Brief Plot Summery:

Six Total Strangers Awaken One Day to find Themselves Trapped and Alone in a Cubical Maze. Once the Characters meet up, The Group Works Together (Each Using a Specific Skill They Posses) to Navigate Through The Complex Collection of Cubed Rooms.

There is Rennes Who is a Renowned Prison Escape Artist, Student Leaven Who is a Math Prodigy, Doctor Holloway (Who beside Being a Doctor is an Avid Conspiracy Theorist), Kazan is a Servant Who, Quentin is a Police Officer can Out Calculate Leaven, and Worth Who was Unknowingly part of the Design Team who Assembled the Cube.


Each Room is a Cube within the Cube, with Six Hatch Doors opening into Other Rooms, But a Percentage of those Rooms are Equipped with DEADLY BOOBY TRAPS! Not Only That But the Total of 17,576 Rooms ROTATE Their Position within a Set Time Limit causing Disorientation, Confusion, Frustration, and Down Right Insanity.

Using Math Prodigy Leaven’s Math Skill (and Eventually Servant Kazan penchant for Mathematics), The Group Press Forward, Upward, and Downward through a Series of Hatches to Try and Locate the Cube’s Outer Shell and Escape the Cerebral Nightmare. Will The Group Get Away or are They Doomed to Die in the Confines of the Menacing Cube? Will They be able to Unravel the Mystery of the Cube’s Creator(s) and it’s Intended Function? You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself!



We Hope You Enjoyed This Tale of a Killer Cubes as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober & FYB