What The Fuck Is Up With FYB?!!

Greeting to Whoever may still be Lingering around We know it’s been Over a Year of Insanely Little Posting so We thought Readers deserved to Know. For over a Year FYB’s Secondary Project The THC Ministry (THCM) took off rather Unexpectedly. This unfortunately led Us to have Severe Tunnel Vision focusing Solely on THCM and Essentially Inadvertently Neglecting FYB among other Projects. After a Year of Success the Social Media Platform We were Live Streaming On Shut Down Their Live Streaming Feature. This was to due to Money Issues, and the Fact the Platform’s Long Time Users being Complete Cunts by being Maddeningly Possessive of the Platform. Even thought the Live Stream Feature didn’t fucking effect any another Features/aspects of there Platform Some Assholes Fear Change. These Self Absorbed, Self Centered Assholes Couldn’t stay in Their Own fucking Lane and Fucked Up a Good Thing for Everyone Else. These Motherfucking Pieces of Shit damn well know Who They are and again FUCK EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU OLD TIMERS.

Anyway We Digress. To be Brutally Honest We were Recently considering the Option of Shutting Down and Shelving FYB putting it on an Indefinite Hiatus. In the Past couple of Days after Much Ambivalence on Our end We have Decided the Best Option for FYB was to Pivot and take FYB in a New Direction. And what Direction is that? Well Readers will have to come and See for Themselves which isn’t a Hype or Ego Deal it’s that We feel very Little need to Explain Ourselves unless Absolutely Necessary. So We aren’t fucking Psychic so We Don’t know How or If this Pivot will Revive FYB once again or Perhaps We will End FYB in the End but Who fucking Knows, Not Us.

It is What it is,

Les Sober & The FYB Collective

FYB: Behind The Scenes And Then Some

Hello and how the hell are ya,

Justin here with my new rebranded FYB UPDATES which allows the audience a peek behind the curtain at some of the fucking oddball bullshit and entertaining insanity that is FYB. I figured why not flesh out a few things to validate these posts to Les, and make it somewhat worth while. Anyway lets get the smaller shit out of the way right fast here.

  • We here at FYB have been talking over several collaboration concepts with C Nobody and N@P the main topic being discussed is starting a proper production company with the tentative working title: Vital Productions.
  • Les has been increasingly distracted by the world around him, and at this point it’s beginning to affect his capacity for creativity. LET SHIT GO LES YOUR HEART WILL THANK YOU IN THE END BY YOU KNOW NOT ATTACKING YOU. If you don’t chances are bud that you’ll slide down the slippery slope to becoming an ill adjusted drunk.


  • A reoccurring topic as of late around here is Tumblr vs. Twitter. Twitter obviously is a much bigger/popular platform, BUT since 2016 it’s been constantly dominated by politics which killed off all creativity for the most part anyways. As for Tumblr it is a notably less popular platform in the social media universe (in fact some people don’t know it still even fucking exists), BUT it never succumbed to the influences of the outside world remaining artistic to its core. The other main distinction is Tumblr is now far darker than Twitter when it comes to the matter of content. Twitter due to the political climate has become more restrictive feeling than in the years prior to 2016.

  • Lastly Les is working on a piece that most people that are aware of it do not think is wise post, but I for one side with Les no doubt about that. Les’s point really is that writers write, and sometimes writers write to exorcize some of the demons dwelling in their heads. Anyway like I said I’m with Les because I think his point is valid by staying true to form and not complying on any front.


  • For myself I bought a new truck a couple weeks back and its a fucking bad ass awesome truck at that. The process went ALMOST flawlessly with the acceptation of one day in particular. One of the things I have in common with Les is the determination to no matter fucking what go into debt. Something that royally chaps my ass is owing anyone anything. I fucking pride myself on paying my bills/debts on time and in full. This is why I have and will continue to buy all my vehicles in cash which actually means Pay in Full (no car payments and all). Anyways there is always one ignorant asshole in this case and I fucking kid you not this fucking jokers name was legitimately Johnny Dangerfield. I can’t (and won’t) go into what or how much of an assclown Johnny was, but because he was a belligerent lazy fuck I had to reconfigure my money which cost me a day before pick up. The guy just wanted me to do what the fuck was convenient for fucking him like a stubborn tool. I will end this by saying Johnny Dangerfield if your fucking out there FEDWIRE! FEDWIRE YOU USLESS FUCK!


Now the current battle of the bullshit is Les and Otto are at odds once again and are BOTH being disagreeable fuckers about it. As I mentioned in a previous FYB UPDATE Otto was and has taken over the DEVIANT DETECTIVE Project, but it took like I dunno a nano fucking second before Otto and Les butted heads like belligerent fuckers. The fucking irony is Otto was taking over to make things easier and funner only to slam immediately into the cliche brick wall.

The first thing Otto wanted to do is to do al little rebranding of his own by changing the name from THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE to what he feels is the far more appropriate name MR. SNUFF. I for one don’t know if the name switch is “appropriate” so to say, YET it does make a hell of a lot more fucking sense all in all. That’s not all Otto wants he would like Les to delete the first 3 if I remember correctly installments of THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE all together. Otto believes this is important since he deems that they are no longer relevant, and thus they should be done away with once and for fucking all. Otto is a staunch believer in the whole fucking scorched earth approach to things much like when a great empire in history fell. One of the first things the conquerors did was to wipe the previous leaders influence off the face of their newly acquired empire.

Les on the other fucking hand simply refuses to accept a title change or delete a goddamn thing using “for prosperity” type defenses because in reality he’s taking it personal (which it certainly is not). This though is why the name change is important as it is relevant unless Les wants to go the Old Testament/ New Testament style like the bible. Les is accusing Otto of taking what he wants to use from THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE and leave the rest which is exactly what Otto is aiming for. IT’S CALLED EVOLUTION LES AND YOU DIDN’T HEAR THE DINOSAURS BITCHING ABOUT IT.

One thing I have come to learn with FYB’s whole trial by fire mentality is regardless of the job duties I came on board to handle my actually job is primarily laying mediator (or the voice of reason as Les’s wife refers to it as) between a feuding Otto and Les. Compromise is NOT in either of their vocabularies they are both all or nothing personality types. The kicker is Les knows Otto’s right he just can’t fucking bring himself to admit it, and I get it he basically feels like THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE is his baby and now Otto is the new stepfather on the scene wanting to raise the baby too. Being conflicted is fine but you can’t use that as a fucking excuse to the fucking point its jamming up the creative process. Ego is exclusively for idiots and assholes.


Tomorrow I plan on presenting my solution to the situation which is if Les is so fucking hellbent on not deleting the earlier part of the series. I’m going to suggest Les keep THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE title, and just rename the lead fucking character. Simply, easy, and problem solved quickly. That way if once the series is evaluated as it were deleting would be minimal if actually required at all. There is a distinct possibility that they are fighting over nothing at all that they both jumped the gun as they are known to do.

We shall see wish me luck I’ll need it.


   Justine Sane  

To whom it may concern: status update for FYB 2021

Hello Everyone and Everybody,

My name is Justin Sane and I am excited to finally address everyone out there in FYB land, and i’m not sure where to start. This is one of those things you plan out in your head, and when the moment comes at last your brain goes blank so your left just standing there with your genitals in your hand. To get started here’s a basic run down of FYB for you.

The creative team: the who’s who of FYB

  • Les Sober Founder FYB Inc. and Creative Director
  • Justin Sane  Les’s righthand, long time friend, and Director of Content
  • Otto Rageous  Les’ lefthand man, long time  and Project Director
  • Lady Les’ wife, better half, handler, guardian angel, confidant, best friend soulmate, consultant, advisor, and unofficial 4th member of the FYB Team.
  • SpaceDog Les’s partner in crime, long time friend, and Content Contributor.
  • N@P Les’s close friend, content contributor, and Creative consult.
  • Coming soon!!! C-Nobody Les’s good friend, musician, creative consultant, and future content contributor.

What’s in a name?

The name thing actually started. Les, Otto,and I had a hardcore punk band called Stank breath. I can’t remember why exactly the reason we chose the name Stank Breath, but that’s high school freshmen boys for you. Since we were a punk band we all assumed stage names, and we have keep them for  every artistic project since. The point is we want people to know our work  not who we are. The point is Les isn’t the only paranoid introvert around these parts though he currently the local heavy weight champion, and will be defending the quad county championship belt next month in Muncie Indiana. Tickets on sale now $15 in advance $20 at the door. Doors open at 7 pm and the show starts at 8 pm Must be 21+ with valid proof of age for admittance is strictly enforced. Event is being held at the town’s local senior center use google maps for directions.

My 2 cents worth

The question of why I’m writing this now or why the hell am I here all of a sudden which is fare enough. FYB has been on an unplanned break due to circumstances mainly beyond our control. Some might say we are in some sort of “control”of situations when it comes to Les. Thats why I specifically stated for the record “mainly beyond our control” because have you ever tried to wrangle a fucking category 5 shitnado before?! It ain’t easy and damned near impossible.

To briefly recap Les is an extremely intense and some what emotionally unstable which makes him both a creative force to be reckoned with and an out of control asshole. Les has spent most of his life looking to master moderation so he could achieve some sort of balance in his chaotic existence. Les is a lot like moonshine in that as it ages Moonshine mellows as it becomes less abrasive and stronger with the passing of time. So if you meet Les and think he’s a motherfucking madman you can only imagine what dealing with him was like in the early days.


We collectively and in total agreement decided Les needed to try and take a break from everything in an attempt to keep him on the safer side of insanity. First off there was the hellishly busy and corrosively commercial holidays. What people including Les learned in 2020 is that getting a family together for a Zoom call in reality is actually harder to pull off than just gathering everyone in a group someplace. When you enter the Zoom universe you enter a suspended space and time continuum that is far more abstract is structure than that of the Physical realm or reality.

Unfortunately aside from the hell of the holidays a perfect fucking shitstorm has been brewing for several weeks in the land of Les recently. So it stay focused and on topic I’m going to paraphrase and use plenty of actual quotes from Les to give you a closer first hand view. The thing that you most likely notice is these are all things that SERIOUSLY Piss Les Off hence the perfect shitstorm scenario.


The Security Situation

Les has such high standards that the Lunatic can’t even live up to them. Thats right Les’s standards for People himself included are so High they are virtually unreachable. Its like dangling a carrot infant of a stubborn donkey to get it to walk. The donkey will never get the carrot but as long as it sees it hanging in mid air right in front of its face it remains obtainable as far as the donkey is concerned anyway. Customer service is a huge issue with Les who has gone on record making statements like :

  • “Is it too goddamn much to ask some fucking idiot to do their fucking job?!”
  • “They act like I’m bothering them, oh so fucking sorry for making you do the job you’re getting pain to fucking do in the first fucking place.”
  • “Incompetent or Uncaring either fucking way they’re all a bunch of motherfucking fuckers.”
  • “Apparently customer service is a dead industry and now asshole rule the fucking world.”

There was an issue with the FYB security system which I will not get into here as Les is already working feverishly on a Post about it with all the gritty details. Anyway the System was fucking up, Les spent 5 plus hours on the phone trying to remedy the problem with the alarm company, got so pissed that he switched alarm companies, and got a better deal. Even though Les is fond of saying “Alls well that ends well” he forgets to mention that in spite of the newer and far superior alarm system he will hold a grudge concerning how shitty the customer service of the original alarm company was. Les may not be able to carry a tune but he can carry a grudge for fucking YEARS.

Dealing with Les I am constantly reminded of my favorite scene from the movie From Dusk To Dawn. It’s the scene where the main characters have gained access to the Biker Bar and Harvey Keitel asks George Clooney’s character. Keitel’s character asks Clooney’s character if he is so stupid that he doesn’t know when he won. This is alluding to the fact while Clooney’s character’s plan is working and he’s hours away from being rich having escaped the authorities, but he’s willing to blow it all because he’s pissed at a Bar Patron for getting in his face. Thats Les in a nutshell. Sure the ordeal sucked like a $2 crack whore on a week long bender, yet as Les pointed out in the end he actually came out on top, but he rather focus on still being pissed about how it all went down even now that its over. Les I love you buddy but for Christ’s Sake LET IT GO LES JUST LET IT FUCKING GO BROTHER!!!

An apple a day keeps the doctors away….

Les is also been increasingly shitty due to his annual yearly doctor’s visit, and Les has let his contempt, disgust, and flat out hatred for all doctors (dentists included the sadistic fuckers) so no surprise he’s not a happy camper about having to see the doctor even if it is his. As Les has summed it up “Fuck doctors every fucking medical procedure is Painful or Uncomfortable, Costly, and usually rather embarrassing bordering on humiliating. Then all the greedy cocksuckers have to tell you is bad news followed by worse fucking news.”

See we all know doctors and all that shit sucks and the system sucks even worse, but we deal with it the best we can and life goes on. Not Les though he runs into a bump in the road and wants to fucking declare full blown fucking war on it. He becomes hyper focused to the point of obsession with destroying whatever is in his way or upset him. Les’s unofficial motto is “You fuck with me and I’ll fucking fuck you back 10 times over.” Les can be a truly vengeful son of a bitch. Its not good for his fucking health it fucking can’t be. I mean getting so stressed out or frustrated that you turn such a deep shade of red you look like the top of your fucking head is going to explode like a volcano. So at that point  I mean your blood pressure has to be totally fucked up.


YouTube lands on Les’s shit list

As You are more than likely aware Les has been fucking Livid because Youtube recently changed their policies concerning age restricted content playing on 3rd party sites. Ever since it first took effect (Les was caught off guard because he doesn’t keep up on current tech shit or what big tech is up to) Les went APE SHIT. Once he “Calmed down” he was spitting venom like crazy about how big tech are greedy capitalism driven corporate whores who look at people as walking talking ATM machines. Les SHIT HAPPENS BROTHER. All Les wanted to do was find away to thwart YouTubes Policies, but Youtube just implemented these policies so if there is a way around them no one has figured it out yet. In the mean time all that we need to do is research other similar platforms until we find one that we can use or use to replace Youtube all together.

I mean I don’t get how the hell Les didn’t see this coming, and I’m sure he did he just wasn’t giving the situation his full undivided attention. Les knew things were changing because things always change, and it was when he was doing our most in-depth piece on GG Allin that Les discovered YouTube was pushing for more of their content to be on a buy or rent basis instead of free. Then Les was aware of YouTube going ballistic with the whole fucking monetization thing from increased advertising to YouTube taking a hefty cut of YouTuber’s profits. Then came the age restricted content deal which simply funnels more traffic to their site to the detriment of smaller 3rd party sites. It’s the usual case of the big dogs throwing their weight around to subjugate the little guy.

I mean this age restricted bullshit happened at the same time YouTube made its first major move into the streaming market with the ironically named YouTube TV. I get everyone wants a piece of the streaming pie, but YouTube streaming tv shows and shit just seems like a conflict of interest to me anyway. AGAIN LES IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD FUCK YOUTUBE AND LETS BE PROACTIVE INSTEAD OF REACTIVE!!!

Health insurance is hell

Lastly Les has been dealing with several different health insurance companies pertaining to prescription drug programs (we have no idea why though as of yet) and its not goin well. “Its going from the frying pan into the fire back into the frying pan and then back into the fire once again” as Les has put it. Apparently things with his health insurance weren’t to his liking so he’s been shopping around. To make things worse Les’s wife got shitty information and subpar assistance from a healthcare professional who helped her select her and Les’s new plan.

Due to the poor advice she signed up to a plan that turns out she wasn’t even happy with. There was all this fine print bullshit and they failed to send Les’s wife the proper paperwork in time for them to review it and use the opt out clause. Les is fucking furious and had repeatedly yelled “This is by far the shittiest fucking bullshit plan I have ever heard of it’s fucking pointless. You pay out your ass and get nothing in return its a fucking racket, a goddamn fucking scam.”

Les does have a point though in that the health insurance company your paying to protect you incase of illness or injury EMPLOY AN ENTIRE DEPARTMENT who’s job it is to thoroughly direct each and every customer claim ti find a way NOT TO PAY THE CLAIM. So when you see those fucking bullshit health insurance ads on tv remember they’ll gladly take your money while simultaneously trying to fuck you over.

So all in all Les will be returning shortly and has agreed to accept the help he know he could use, but refuses to ask for. As far as the future is concerned you’ll be hearing more from me along with Otto and some new Content Providers such as C-Nobody in 2021.


Justin Sane  

YouTube Can Seriously Suck It.

So for Those Out there that are Unaware Youtube just Overhauled it’s Age-Restriction Guidelines. Part of these New bullshit Policies is that Content Housed on Their Server that is Age-Restricted can NO LONGER PLAY ON THIRD PARTY WEBSITES.


FIRST OFF : We Assure Our Readers Above All that We are Already Working on Circumnavigating YouTube’s New Age Restricted Material Bullshit Policies. We are Happy to Report We should have this issue well in Hand by Saturday Slasher Cinema on 12/19/2020 or Shortly There After.

In The Meantime:

When You reached the Video You will see a Grey Guy Box Stating that it is YouTube Age-Restricted Content. If You aren’t already aware Simply Click on the Box and it will Redirect You to the Video. Now YouTube will then Ask for Age Verification since this is a Futile Attempt to Keep Age Restricted Content from being Viewed by Minors.

Have No Fear Kiddies while FYB DOES NOT ENCOURAGE OR CONDONE IT, All You Have to do is Disable/Shut Off the Parental Controls which is Easy as Anything to Do. If You Don’t know How just Hit Up Google and You’re All Set.

This is fucking Stupid because Bottomline on the Whole Age-Restricted Material Issue is KIDS CAN DISABLE PARENTAL CONTROLS (As Mentioned Above). If They didn’t already know how They can just Goggle it and Problem Solved. I mean if I was Growing Up in Today’s Times and I was Under 18 this is what We’d do. When My Parents were gone/out We would hop on Youtube, Shut Off the Parental Controls, watch whatever crazy shit We wanted, and then before Our Parents Returned Home We’d Simply Reset the Parental Controls. That way  if They happened to Checked (to make Sure We couldn’t access Age Restricted Material) everything would look Fine, and They’d assume the Parental Controls were Working.

Lets be fucking Honest YouTube’s New Age Restricted Content Policy is just an Illusion that Youtube is Being Responsible (AGAIN All Anyone has to do is Simply go to Parental Controls and Deactivate Them), BUT really it’s an Attempt to Increase Traffic to Their Site. Every View, Like, Subscription, and Membership makes YouTube more Profitable. So Bottomline Censorship be Damned this is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY for YouTube the Greedy Bastards. DO NOT LET BIG TECH LIKE YOUTUBE MANIPULATE YOU FOR THEIR PERSONAL PROFIT.

Meanwhile YouTube are a bunch of Greedy motherfuckers They make a Killing of Selling Advertising which is all 100% Profit since They DON’T DO SHIT. They don’t make the Videos the Public Does so YouTube gets all Their fucking Content for fucking Free (Talk about keeping Overhead Low). In the Beginning Youtube like everything else wasn’t Shit. Then when They got Big Enough They attracted Advertisers, and at First They would give a Small but Profitable Cut to the Poster of a Video if the Video got Over 1 Million Views. Well that’s all fucking changed that’s for fucking sure.


YouTube has become Egotistical and Greed Driven now Taking Thirty Cents of Every Single fucking Dollar of a YouTube Channel’s income be it Through Memberships, Merchandise, and even Donations made to a Person’s Youtube Channel. They have Their grubby little Hands in Everyone’s Pocket just Reaping the Benefits of OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK. Then They Hit YouTubers with Endless Rules and Restrictions pertaining to Content which is Directly Linked to Monetization (See it Always comes Down to the Cash).

We swear Youtube is Turning into Facebook. Facebook in its early Days was Fun We admit that, but Now in 2020 Mark Fuckersberg has Transformed Facebook into a Social Media Shithole. Everything about Facebook has Changed and for the Worst. We can Say that We’re Exceptionally Happy as Hell that Facebook is Being Sued by 46 States Currently for Forming an Illegal Monopoly among Other Shady and Illegal Shit perpetrated by Facebook/Mark Fuckyouberg.

That’s All We got for Now just Frustrated as Fuck is All.

Thanks For Reading,

By The FYB Family  

FYB Update: We’re Back on the Radar

We would like to take a Minute to Thank Our Fans for Sticking with Us even when We suddenly go Off the Grid. The Honest Truth of the Matter is We needed to take a Vacation from 2020 the Year Everything went to Hell in a Hand Basket and Everything turned to Shit. No even a Extremely Hardcore Natural Born Pessimist such as Myself could have predicted a Royally Fucked Up Shit Storm which is 2020. And Lets fucking Face it 2020 has You either so Depressed Your contemplating Drowning Yourself in Your Toilet OR so Enraged that Your Blood Pressure leaves You on the Verge of having a Massive fucking Stroke 24/7.

In Fact We are of the School of Thought that when it comes to the American Timeline that We “13th Floor” 2020 all together. Just as the Elevator’s in Hotel and the like go from Floors 12 to 14 skipping 13 since Plenty of People (More than You Realize) throughout History are Superstitious, and 13 is perceived to be an Unlucky Number. This of course is ridiculous version of Out of Sight Out of Mind and, it Worked as Long as there technically isn’t a 13th Floor (which Obviously there is since You can’t build a Building minus an Entire fucking Floor) People chilled the fuck out.


Thusly We hereby Suggest when it comes to the America’s Historical Timeline that We turn a Similar Blind Eye to 2020. It’s really quite simple just like the Elevator’s appears to skip the 13th We should modify The American Timeline. Once 2020 is finally reached its Chaotic and Utterly Fucked up end We erase it We’ll just have the Years go 2018, 2019, 2021 thus Illuminating the Memory and Denying the Existence of 2020 all together.

Anyway We desperately need to take some time off to Clear Our Heads and try to Reassemble Our Decaying Sanity. Just like the Cliche “Change of Scenery” or “Stretch Our Legs” We took a rather Impromptu Road Trip. You see Every Year We visit My Wife’s Family around Mid August for a Group Birthday Celebration. This is Due to the Fact My Wife, Her Two Cousins, and Her Uncle all have August Birthdays. Many Years back the Family decided to do One group Birthday Celebration as opposed to One after the Other after the Other and So On. The Only Issue this Year was They all live in The Great Souther COVID Ridden Swamp know as Florida, and with all the Negative Press on How Florida fucked up the COVID response Worst than Most States made for a Daunting Trip to say the Least.


Let’s face it Florida has and Always will be rather Fucked up and Home to a Wide Array of fucking Weirdos, Lunatics, and Fanatics even before the Coronavirus. I mean there actual Slang Terms (all of which are Negative) for Floridians because of Their Odd and Bizarre Mentality or Behavior. One of the Most Popular is the Term “Florida Man” which refers to News Stories pertaining to some Seriously Stupid, Careless, or Out Right Retarded People Joke that the Story has to be from Florida since they’re Known to be Half Assed Idiots. Then there is My Favorite Term “Floridiot” which is Self Explanatory. Lastly since Unfortunately America has been Ravaged by COVID Floridians fall into the Demographic go the Populous referred to as COVIDIOTS. COVIDIOTS are Anti-Maskers, Trump Supporters, COVID Conspiracy Nut Jobs, or Any Dumbfuck that thinks the Coronavirus is Exaggerated or Even a Hoax. Again essential Trump Supporting MAGAssholes.


Luckily for Us it Turned Out the County We were Visiting did in fact have a Mandatory Mask Mandate and Enforced (for the most part) Social Distancing which was a Pleasant Surprise and quite a fucking Relief. We only went where Necessary and Avoided Everything Else so No We didn’t go to the Goddamn Beach, Bullshit Bars, or Any Amusement Parks Populated currently by Complete Assholes. Thats not to Say We stayed Totally Hunkered Down in One Place the Entire Time and the Trip was one of the Easiest Going and Relaxing Trips I’ve ever taken to Florida aka Hell. Going into it based on all the Negative News about Florida I figured it be a Bunch of White Trash Trump Supporters running amok Coughing on Everyone, Sneezing on Every Surface while They Gleefully Spit into Each others Mouths.


The Most Entertaining part of the Trip was My Wife’s Eldest Cousin Cliff. Cliff was a Fanatic and Adamant Republican before He could even fucking Vote. Well After 2016 and the Following Four Years of the Escalating Destruction of America by an Orange Asshole He has Abandoned the Republican Party and is Now Voting Democrat. But that Not the Entertaining Part as We all Know or recently have become Aware Boating and Dipshit MAGAssholes have become a Hot Topic if You Will. All I can Say about Boaters for Trump is where the Fuck is a Category 5 Hurricane when You fucking Need One?! Anyway My Wife’s Family have always been Big into Boats and Cliff just so happen to have Bought a New Boat Recently.

Apparently one of the First things He did upon Purchasing the Boat was to Equip it with a Flag. Cliff chose a VERY LARGE Black Flag with the Red Lettering that says “FUCK TRUMP”, and Drives it past Boaters with Trump Flags for the Sole Purpose of Pissing Them Off. And Let’s face it Stupid People are Easily Angered. The Best Part if Cliff is an Insanely Intelligent Person Who has A Master Degree in Spanish-American History (The Spanish have a long fucking History in Florida), and He just Finished His Phd Thesis Paper. So when Moronic MAGA Maggots get all Butthurt about the Fuck Trump Flag Cliff and I Quote “I Have No Problem taking on Any of those Idiots.” Let’s Just Say I couldn’t be Prouder and Cliff has earned a Great Deal of more of My Respect.


We apologize again for suddenly (and until now Unexplainably) Gone Off Grid as They Say. We are Back and Back with a Fucking Vengeance and We will be Increasing the Amount of Content as a Direct Result. Stay Tuned and Thank You to Our Fans for Tolerating Our Erratic Brand of Insanity.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

The Salvation in Sundays.

Alright it’s Time for Another FYB Update so here We go.  As We get Our shit together More and More and prepare the Serious Rule 2020 some Changes Obviously had to be Made and some still Do in All Honesty. The Current Change is FYB will be Posting a Minimum of  One (if Not more which is Our Goal in the “Getting Our shit together” Department. Since We have rather Drastically Expanded and Increased Our Content adding a Whole Dimension to FYB which We sincerely Hope Everyone Enjoys as Much as We do.

Now Why We increase Our Posts FYB will Post 6 Days a Week and, FYB will NOT be Posting on Sundays. The reason is My Friends, Family and Doctor have Suggested, Encouraged, and Damn Near Demand I take a Day Off. I don’t like the Idea in the Least, BUT I do realize How beneficial it would be for Everyone Involved Myself Included. Not only would a Day off (from ALL Work or Work Related Projects) would seriously Aid in Preserving what’s left of My Sanity and Health as well as My Wife’s, Friend’s, Family, and the Few Full Time FYB Contributors turning around Here.


So I’m willing to try and Abandon My workaholic Tendencies for 24 hours once a week for Now. I know its Not just about Me and that a Change, even if it’s an Extremely Shitty One like this One in The End it’s about the Greater Good. Thank You to ALL THOSE who have stuck with Us through Our initial Issues, Evolution, and Growing Pains We really and truly Appreciate it more than You will EVER Know.

P.S. FYB Up Dates like This One are NOT considered Content so This isn’t Today’s Minimum Post.


  Les Sober

Hey Heads Up…

I didn’t want to Leave Our Readers Hanging (which Sucks I know) so I’m taking a minute to let Our Readers know what’s going on Currently. My Brother (who I see once a Year for 3 to 4 days) is in Town visiting which was a Pleasant Surprise as They Say.

Apparently My Brother and His Wife needed to get Out of The Big City and Decompress so They planned a rather Impromptu Trip Down to The Woods, and will be Here for a Whole Week. I know since He came into Town I have been Negligent on FYB’s Daily Posting for which I Apologize. I assure You once My brother returns to The Big City things will be Back on Track, and FYB Daily Posting will Return.

Thanks for Reading,


  Les Sober

This Wasn’t Planned

I was planning on writing Today’s Post to give Our Reader’s a Heads Up that We were going on a Road Trip because it is Time. What Time you may be asking Yourself?! Well it’s one of those Times in Life when You just simply need To Get Away from All the Usual Bullshit in Life. A Time to Leave all the Happy Horseshit in the Rearview Mirror to Stretch One’s Leg while Getting a Change of Scenery.

I was going to say that New Posts may be scarce while We were going to be on the Road, BUT Alas I’m sitting at Our Home Office writing this Post instead.

We were on the Way to Board Our 4 Big Dogs and Little did We know one Hell of a fucked up Story was about to Suddenly Unfolded front of Our Eyes. It started with a Car Totaling Accident, and Ended with Several Felons getting Caught and Subsequently Arrested. It is truly one of the Strangest fucking Stories I have ever had the Unpleasant Privilege to be a Part of.

SO since the Trip has been Postponed due to the Fact it was Our Car that was Totaled (and Yes of course the Assholes We ran into Their Vehicle didn’t get a single fucking scratch) We Now have to Stay fucking put and Deal with the Insurance Shit/Buying a New Car before We can hit the Road Again.

THUS I will be Posting the Story, with Actual Accident Scene Photos, in It’s ENTIRETY Tomorrow, and I assure You it is a Story thats GUARANTEED to Utterly Blow Your fucking Mind.

Until Tomorrow I will sit here and Continue to Lick My Wounds as They Say.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

FYB Update

We had a Few Issues that We meant to Address, but before We could They became a Real Problem. We have been Working with Our Tech People to Fix the Current Problem (and Underlying Issues) and Eliminate said Problem in the Future. We are Confident that as of This Evening FYB should be Operating/Functioning Properly. Regular Content Posting Shall Resume Tomorrow. For Now I am Breathing a Sigh of Relief, Cracking Open a Beer, and Sparking Up a Fatty in Celebration of Another Bullet Dodged.

I would like to Personally Apologize for ANY and ALL inconvenience this may have caused Our Readers. I along with the Small FYB Team Honestly and Truly Appreciate Your Interest and Support. Sincerely Thank You.

 By Les Sober