Behind The Scenes And In Front of The Insanity…..

Tonights Post Has Been Postponed Due To The Fact I am Burned The Hell Out from Doing a Load of FYB Behind the Scenes Bullshit.

I spent the Day trudging through a Back Log of Posts that need to be Categorized and Tagged. I’m Stubborn, Belligerent, and Stand Offish. I have No One else to Blame but Myself.

I Ignorantly Ignored Organization. Now I have the Unpleasant Pleasure of doing Damage Control. There  Hundreds of FYB Posts that Languish in the Infinite Uncategorized Digital Purgatory where Past Posts Linger Lost in Limbo That need Rescuing.

FYB Started to Get its shit Together Merely a Year ago, and there is Now an Increased Need for New Content. FYB is Primarily to Showcase My Writing along with a Couple Others, but FYB is Evolving None the Less. It’s Morphing into My Own Personal Online Oddities Shop of Sorts. A Way to Elaborate on My Other Interests Outside of Writing Alone.

My Shoulders are Cramped. My Eyes feel like to TVs stuck on Static. My Brain is Failing Me. Thinking Straight is becoming Increasingly Difficult. I’m well worn Out and fucking Exhausted. I must Rest and Regroup for Tomorrow’s Harrowing Adventures Toiling Away Burning the FYB Candle at Both Ends.

10-4 Over and Out,

  Les Sober (12:57 am)