Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring R.I.P By the Rather Mysterious Content Creator known as What I Make Is Random. The Reason I say Mysterious since there is No Viable Information on Who this Content Creator Outside of Their About Page on Their YouTube Channel. But That’s Not the Only Reason I say Mysterious so Allow Me to Explain.

So Here the what I mean What I Make Is Random created Their Channel on February 23, 2014 and has Only 228 Subscribers and Only 108 Videos. Now Here is Where it gets fucking Interesting. Up until 6 Moths ago All Content on the Channel was Gaming Content, Mainly MindCraft but there were a Few Exceptions then there was a SIGNIFICANT change in the Content being Uploaded. The Channel has Uploaded a Total of 9 Videos that are Bizarre to say the fucking Least.


What I’m wondering is Why? The Most Obvious Answer is this New Creepy Content Racks up FAR, FAR MORE VIEWS than all of the Gaming Content fucking Combined. For Comparison Purposes the Mass Majority of the Gaming Videos have under 10 fucking views with Very Few Exceptions (and even They get Under on 100 Views on Average). Meanwhile the New Content gets Approximately Hundreds (500 Plus) to Thousands (Top Video View Count 17,000 Plus. It could also be as Simple as the Content Creator getting Tired of Doing goddamn near 100 percent MindCraft gaming Videos, Or They Realized No One gives a Shit about MindCraft Gaming Videos.

As I see it What I Make Is Random is headed Straight into the Realm of Uncertainty. By this I mean the Channel’s Content is Ramping Up it’s Insanity Factor which Raises the Usual Questions: Is it an Art Project? Is it an ARG? Is it a Gorilla Promotion for a Movie/Video Game etc.? Is this all the Demented Delusions of a Seriously Mentally ill Person?   As of Now Who the Fuck knows, But I for One Can’t fucking Wait to See what Rabbit Hole the Content Creator is Spiraling Down.


Description: Funeral Video of Our Dearest Departed [CLASSIFIED] He will be Gone but Not Forgotten. If You would like to have a Video for Your Funeral made contact Sequere Diaboli Serva Funeral Care.

3 Important Notes:

  1. That is EXACTLY the Way the Description is Written So No I have fucked up the Wording. We Believe the Phrase “Made Contact” was inserted into the Description on Purpose.
  2. The Name of the Funeral Care Service is Latin.
  3. It Translates to: Follow The Devil’s Servant.

First Ominous Text in/From R.I.P:

  • 1st Strange Message Breakdown Below.
  • DIE  Repeated 22 times in a Row.
  • YOU
  • DIE  Repeated 39 Times in a Row.
  • WON’T
  • DIE Repeated 18 Times in a Row
  • BE
  • DIE Repeated 19 Times in a Row.
  • DIE Repeated 13 Times in a Row.


  • Friendship is what You make of it it Ends when the Time comes Yet it Stays when You Don’t need it. Do I Need You? Do You need HHHMELP ME HELP ME I NEED HELP SAVE ME SAVE ME WE WILL BEE SA VED COME NOW Chosen One GAR…………………….
  • R.I.P SAVE YOURSELF Keep Watching I Need to Tell You Something Before They Catch Me
  • .P SOE YUF Might be Too Late HELP
  • Once We were Holy but We Saw Oh We Saw. We see You can See it.We will come for You Too.
  • What He Knew was Too and He is Gone Now.
  • See What You Have
  • See What You Have Done.
  • R.I.P

It is what it is,

  Presented By Les Sober

WTF Am I Watching: My Sister

Well another Wednesday is upon us and today’s post MY SISTER is a true fucking internet oddity unto itself. There was NO INFORMATION provided so without a fucking crumb of context MY SISTER just kept getting fucking odder by the minute. To put it simply I was not even anywhere close to fucking prepared to research this shit.

I hit up the usual platforms like Youtube (including the fucking comment section) and Reddit but I found jack diddly shit. So I went a little farther and checked 4Chan which was big for me because I personally fucking think 4 Chan is a fucking cyber shithole. Anyway the 4Chan sacrifice I made turned up dick.


The first fact I found was basic as fuck and was MY SISTER was uploaded in May 2011 on an Old Youtube Channel called Raider Dawg. The fucked up thing is MY SISTER stuck out like a sore fucking thumb because all the other content on Raider Dawg was purely either gamer shit or straight up trolling shit. To sum it up outside of MY SISTER Raider Dawg’s content was just a bunch of fucking immature fucking punk ass bullshit.

Bottomline here is shit didn’t add up.


Well it turned out that Raider Dawg wasn’t the channel’s original name was DeeznutsFYC  until the name switch sometime in 2014. Since Raider Dawg apparently appeared to be a gaming enthusiast who wasn’t above fucking trolling someone told me to check something called LurkerFAQS. If you don’t know (and I didn’t either until this fucking post) is a ongoing continuous archive of posts from the GameFAQS message board.

So I started doing my own math and since the MY SISTER was originally posted in 2011 it made sense to me to search around using Raider Dawg’s old name DeeznutsFYC. What I found was that DeeznutsFYC posted 3 separate posts over the course of a year (2011-2012) about MY SISTER. I also noticed that he bumped the MY SISTER video several times which essentially means the old shit gets reposted at the top on the list. As you can imagine DeeznutsFYC was ask REPEATEDLY NUMEROUS TIMES about the Video and responded like a real fucking douchbag about it divulging nothing at all about the video.


The trail ended there so it was time to ask the usual questions like:

  • Is this a prank?
  • Is it a performance art piece?
  • Is it the work of a mentally disturbed individual?
  • Is this a gorilla promotion for a video game or movie?
  • Is this a promotional video since there is a fetish where people like to dress up like dolls and use high end silicone masks (since this fetish mainly applies to men who assume female form when “all dolled up”)?

Honestly this time around I don’t think any of those apply. The one hypothesis that I think honestly the most logical I have heard is that DeeznutsFYC/Raider Dawg created it, but it didn’t get the attention he wanted. So he resorted to posting the video several times while periodically bumping it to gain exposure by keeping it relevant to some fucking degree. Just like with his Youtube gaming channel the video MY SISTER posted on a gaming message board seems completely fucking out of place.


Now considering Deeznuts/Raider Dawg is obviously a gamer it sort of makes sense in the oddest fucking way that a gamer who created a video to freak people out (and failed to do so) on Youtube would post his creation on gaming message boards. This would not only serve to generate attention for MY SISTER, but it served as a way to get people from the gaming message boards to check out his gaming channel.

Anyway you fucking slice it this unsettlingly unnatural video is a fucking classic insane oddity, and who’s origins/creator/purpose will remain a fucking mystery from now until the fucking end of time.

See you when I see you,

  Justine Sane

The Story of Dark Web Horror Game Sad Satan

This is The Story of One of the Most Infamously Notorious Video Games to Ever Hit the Internet Sad Satan. It all started on June 25, 2015 when a Guy named Jamie posted His Sad Satan Game Play Video(s) on His YouTube Channel Obscure Horror Corner. Jamie posted a Total of 5 Game Play Videos of Him Playing Sad Satan from Beginning to End (which are Showcased Later on in this Post) Sparking an Internet Sensation.

Sad Satan Spread Across the Internet almost Immediately like an Out of Control Wildfire to Say the Least. Users  around the World Scrambled Franticly to Download a Copy of the Controversial Sad Satan for Themselves. It took Next to No Time for the Internet to get Worked Up into Frenzy as The Rumors, Warnings, Conspiracy Theories, and User Investigations Pertaining to Sad Satan to become Plastered Across the Internet and Social Media.

This Resulted in 99% of the Users familiar with the Game on Any and Every Level to All Say the Same Thing: DO NOT ACTIVELY SEARCH FOR THIS GAME AS IT CONTAINS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC IMAGERY AND IS REPORTED TO HAVE VIRUSES/MALWARE EMBEDDED IN IT. And for that Reason there are Several Pixelated Pictures in Jamie’s Sad Satan Game Play Videos, But You Can’t Blame Him for Not wanting to Traumatize/Offend Any of His Subscribers or Violate Youtube’s Terms of Service resulting in Youtube Shutting Down His Channel.


When Jamie was asked Where He Acquired the Disturbingly Demented Game in the First place Jamie said a Link to “Let’s Play” of the Game was E-mailed to Him by one of His Subscribers (Who wished to Remain Anonymous). The Anonymous User claimed He Discovered/Found the Game on The Dark Web. Now I must pause for a moment to Address the Fact People use the Terms Deep Web and Dark Web as if they are Interchangeable which They are Not. They aren’t interchangeable because They AREN’T the same fucking Thing They are Two Separate Entities. Bottomline There is a Deep web AND a Dark Web and with that I Digress.

To Navigate through Social Insanity Surrounding Sad Satan I’m going Split THE FACTS and THE FICTION into Two Separate Categories. So where shall We start?! Just kidding We’ll start with the Rumors/Conspiracy Theories since let’s face it Sensationalism Sells.

The First Rumor I will address is the Most Prominent Question about The Game Sad Satan being WHO created such a Sinister Game?! Here at the Following Theories: Sad Satan was created By a Real Life SERIAL KILLER, It was Invented by a SATANIC CULT as a Recruiting Tool, It’s Cursed and Can/Will KILL Those Who Dare Play It. Then there Theories that Sad Satan was Created by a Victim of Child Abuse or an Actual Pedophile. Other Theories are Sad Satan was created as a way to Conceal/Sell/Trade in Child Porn, is a Commentary on Child/Sexual Abuse, a MURDER CULT created it for some Unknown reason.


Even More Theories include its used by The Authorities (example NSA) to Catch PEDOPHILES, Would be  KILLERS, DANGEROUS CRIMINALS, and DEADLY CULT MEMBERS as well as Other Criminals as Well. Also Some People Think Sad Satan was created as some Bizarre PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST or Evaluation Tool or perhaps a EXTREME Therapy/Treatment.

Lastly there Theories that Sad Satan is a TOP SECRET EXPERIMENT  or that It was created by The Government as a MIND CONTROL Tactic. Some Schools of Thought believe Sad Satan is a Military Desensitizing Program to Prepare Soldiers for the BRUTAL HORRORS OF WAR. Lastly it was Rumored that Sad Satan is Infected with a Advanced BOT NET VIRUS that can circumnavigate around Virus Scanners and Even Virtual Machines.


Now this is where it truly is hard to Separate Fact from Fiction when it comes to the Allegation (True or Otherwise) that Sad Satan would Utterly Destroy Your Computer with a Myriad of Malicious Programs. You see Jamie wasn’t Naive, Ignorant or a Noobie and He Obviously tested Sad Satan  checking it for Viruses, Spyware, Malware Etc. and Didn’t find Any. Also I Never found ANYONE with Anything close to Definitive Proof that Sad Satan was riddled with Embedded Viruses and So On. It’s easy to see though how this Rumor came to be. Everyone knows that there is a Threat of Viruses and the Like and that all new shit should be Scanned to make sure its Safe to Download/Play, AND the Fact that Sad Satan Originated on the DARK WED only perpetuated the Theory that Sad Satan was as Infected as a Two Dollar Crack Whore.

It is just a tad Ironic that Players began to Report Physical Effects Themselves while or From Playing Sad Satan. The Alleged Effects Suffered by Players include but are Not Limited to: Ocular Distress (mainly Prolonged Period of Blurry Vision or Acute Pain), Nausea, Vomiting, Seizures, Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Panic Attacks, High Levels of Anxiety, Insomnia, Nightmares, Night Terrors, Psychological Drama, PTSD,  An Assortment Mental Health Issues (up to and including Insanity), Suicidal Thoughts, a General Feeling of Sickness that is Often Attributed to the Music played/used in the Game.


I also found a Few Miscellaneous Rumors to Boot. One is the Pictures of People that Pop Up randomly as You Play are ALLEGEDLY all Know PEDOPHILES, but there isn’t a Single Shred of Evidence to support this more outlandish Rumor. Also one of the more Popular Rumors is that if You Play or Own a Downloaded Copy of Sad Satan You run the Real Risk of Being Arrested. THIS IS UTTERLY FALSE You can Not get in Trouble for Being Curious enough to Download/Play Sad Satan though it is said the Authorities are in fact aware of the Game, and if that is True then They don’t seem to Care about Apprehending Anyone over it.

Now for here are THE FACTS Pertaining to the Game Sad Satan. By now most of You are probably wondering Why there so Many Rumors about Pedophiles and Child Porn (CP) and there are Two good reasons for this I will explain Now.  As I mentioned there are a Bunch of Pictures that Pop Up Randomly while You play Sad Satan. Unfortunately One of those Pictures is an Actual a Picture of Child Porn. This Fact combined with that toward the End of Sad Satan a Lowed and Distorted Version of The band The Door’s classic “Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar)” plays Eerily. Now its not the Song itself that adds to the Sleazy Creepiness of Sad Satan it’s the Fact the Only Lyrics from the Song are as Follows:

“Oh Show Us the Way to the Next Little Girl

Oh Don’t Ask Why

For We Must Find the Next Little Girl

Or if We DOn’t find the Next Little Girl

I tell You We Must Die

I tell You We Must Die

I tell You

I Tell You

I Tell You We must Die…”


Other Picture found in Sad Satan include (but Not Limited To) a Picture of Lady Justice, a Game Over Screen Shot, You Won Screen Shot, Four Pictures of Random People (the Alleged Pedophiles), The Child Porn Picture, and at Least Four Gore Pictures. The Gore Pictures are Four Real Life Pictures of DECAPITATIONS or SEVERED LIMBS as well as a Picture of Someone’s HEAD BEING CRUSHED under a Truck Tire. The Pictures are Disturbing Enough, BUT this is Sad Satan We’re talking about here so of course there’s a Twist when it comes to the Gore Pictures. The Twist is All The Gore Pictures are Not just REAL there of DEAD CHILDREN (Fueling the Pedophile/Child Porn Theories behind Sad Satan’s Creation and Purpose). It for This Reason the Game Play Videos included in this Post (and Elsewhere) have been Censored by Whoever dares to Post it again as to Not Violate Youtube or Anyone Else’s Terms of Service.

The Weird Music Playing at the Title Screen is a song called “I Love Beijing Tiananmen” by Kampflieder de that’s being Played in Reverse (Fueling the Satanic Theories). The Audio heard in the Hallways of Sad Satan are a Rhapsody of Radio Station Call Numbers that are again being Played Backwards. The Screams (Allegedly The Actual Audio of Victims of Violent Crime such as Rape) haven’t ever been Proven to Be Real or Fake for that Matter so It’s one of Those Decide for Yourself Scenarios.


The Version of Sad Satan that Everyone in the Know is in Fact a CLONE of Sad Satan simply referred to as The Sad Satan Clone. The Clone of Sad Satan is almost the same as the Original but with Subtle Differences. The Reason for this is NO ONE accept Jamie of Obscure Horror Corner has EVER Possessed a Copy of THE ORIGINAL Sad Satan. People have searched the Net far and Wide (Including the Dark Web) trying to Locate the Original Version of Sad Satan, But to No Avail. There is Believe it or Not a CLEAN VERSION of Sad Satan thanks to a Reddit User who edited Out the Offensive Pictures and replaced them with more “Acceptable” Pictures.

Now the Questions about the Possible Creator of Sad Satan that Aren’t Complete Speculation and Conjecture are the Following. Did Jamie of Obscure Horror Corner invent the Game? Jamie has been asked countless times by countless People if He was indeed the Creator of Sad Satan which He has ALWAYS DENIED. As for the People who Questioned Jamie They all seem to come to the Same Conclusion which is Jamie is telling the Truth and had Nothing to Do with the Games Creation. People have also wondered if Jamie was in fact the Anonymous Subscriber who He claimed E-mailed Him the Link to Sad Satan, and again there is No Proof to Back this Theory.

That does raise the Question in Some People’s Minds which is Could Jamie and The Anonymous Subscriber be in Cahoots, and are actually working Together. No Proof of this has ever been Discovered. Lastly there Those Who adhere to the School of Thought that the Anonymous Subscriber was the one who Created Sad Satan and e-mailed the Link to Jamie in an attempt to Promote the Game and to Build a Buzz around it. The only Problem with this   particular Theory is IF The Anonymous Subscriber did indeed Create Sad Satan and Sought to Promote it then WHY REMAIN ANONYMOUS? No One can give You credit if They have No fucking Clue Who You Are.

Well Thats Everything I uncovered about the Dark Web Video Game Sad Satan at Now for Least. Below You will find ALL 5 of Jamie’s Sad Satan Game Play Videos. Please Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed The Trip Down The Sad Satan Rabbit Hole as Much as We Did.

  By Les Sober

The Gaming Conundrum

Why doesn’t spacedog post as much as he should? The title of this blog basically explains it all.

While I cannot tell you why I am even play certain games that suck it always ends the same. With massive upheavals or drama.

I have a few moments I’m a bit more proud of then others.

My ultimate favorite is i got into one of the top 2 or 3 guilds in a castle invander style mobile game. Things went well at first until I simply asked about the discord. It was during some event and whoever was running the guild was too stupid/lazy to make one. SO I got the boot cuz i disrupt some event. No warning nada.

Then my revenge. It all started with some simple trooling nothing to brag about honestly. People do really hate when you shit on their kids though. Dude sent me a death threat. He got banned.

Then another person was really annoying me. Hardcore. They had a facebook linked account. I will not divulge my methods of madness but this occured in the end. I found a programming flaw in under an hour and got into their game account. Sold everything they owned. Flamed the chat room some after changing their name 10 times with their premium currency.

Honestly i haven’t had that much fun in a chat room since the AOL heyday. People gave out passwords like the oceans gave out salt. Nothing nefarious was done on my part. I had friends get credit card numbers through instant messages.

The best chat room was caller GNN. It probably only lasted for less than a year but it was basically 99 people chat rooms but you had the option to change your handle every 5 minutes.

Oh did we. We’d be ourselves, the elderly and 12 year olds mostly (we were 15 not a huge stretch). The best is when we got some dude to show up at a 7-11 to meet a nonexistent girl. This may have been the longest period of sustained laughter in my life when he showed.

Otherwise the game and chat shenanigans are relatively boring. Calling someone names, getting too drunk, hitting on someone in an unamusing (to them) way.

Right now I think I am having a fight about math. Seriously. Just when i didnt think it could get any nerdier. It really doesn’t matter though the game sucks. I will win either way. If i get kicked i quit and if i legit win my arguement i may actually lose. Conundrum.

It’s like coffee though. You have a bad cup or 2 to get your fix. ALL addiction is the same. I probably did something else ridiculous that i can’t really recall. I can’t think straight.

Time for my sludgy morning joe.

   By SpaceDog

Movie Lovers This is for YOU………

If Your the type of Movie Fan that enjoys B Horror,  Splatter, Slasher, Documentary, Independent, Troma, Punk Sci Fi, Underground, Banned, Forbidden, Controversial, Shockumentary , Giallo, Mondo, Grindhouse, Foreign, Cult,  Unconventional, Experimental, Apocalyptic Sci fi, Gorno, Splatstick, 70’s & 80’s Cannibal, Speculative Sci Fi or Found Footage Movies then This My Friend is for YOU………


N@P Inc., Lost Soul Studios, and Ponder This Pictures

in Conjunction With

Perverse Pictures and F-YourMovie


Present The TR McCoy’s Darkly Demented Documentary

“Shoot My Face Off…I LIKE IT! : Gamings Greatest Urban Legend”

In the Fall of 9/23/05  the Gaming World was set on FIRE like NEVER BEFORE when The Secretive Japanese Video Game Company Seki No Owari Released Their Instant Hit “Shoot My Face Off…I LIKE IT!”

By 12/16/05 “Shoot My Face Off…I LIKE IT!” was BANNED IN 189 out of the 195 Countries Around THE WORLD, was #1 on The Forbes 500 List, Revived the Underground Gamer Black Market, Discontinued by Seki No Owari who then went on to Destroy ANY AND All Evidence that the Game EVER EXISTED.

Billions of Dollars. Millions of Questions. Hundreds of Investigation.


(Please Enjoy The Following Collection of Movie Posters)












Thanks for Reading & STAY TUNED!   By Les Sober

Texting In The Eye of The Shiticane

Once again I find myself having to Apologize. Repeatedly in Our continuing attempt to raise f-yourblog.com up to its full potential have suffered another self induced delay. Well what can We say other than We fucked up, BUT We are working diligently to defuckulate the situation.

As it were We had f-yourblog.com had the offer of a lifetime so passing on it wasn’t even considered and option. Thus We have been away somewhere across The Pond for the last 10 days being Spoiled like motherfuckers. I’ll leave it at that for now as it will be covered in a Piece to be posted in the immediate future.

As soon as I was Stateside I texted SpaceDog and preceded to have yet another of Our Legendary Texting Sessions, and This One Made The Cut.

So without further ado I give you TEXTING IN THE EYE OF THE SHITICANE:

SpaceDog: Oh Shit were u in Italy? I think that’s where u told me u were going at one point. Oh you missed it a 120 minute trump shitshow press conference. Highlights include him saying Democrats are gonna dig up dirt on george washington and that the world at the UN was laughing with him not at him (complete with nonsensical 10 minute explanation)

Les: Yeah We were in Tuscany. 120 minute trump conference…did Hell freeze over while I was gone?! Did hear trump got his fat orange ass laughed outnof the UN LMFAO!!! So officially the entire fucking world is mocking the shit out of trump while laughing right in his fucking face!!!

SpaceDog: Fuck u diane lane. I mean nice. Nah he was talking a lot of crazy all week cuz the UN came to NY.

Les: We should lock the White House down like a CDC Drill, pump it full of MDMA through the AC Vents and let the GOPieces of Shit rape the shit out of each other to death. Problem Solved.  MDMA or Flakka Smoke. MDMA is too good for those fuckers! BATH SALTS IT IS!! That way the scumfuckers can eat each others faces while violently raping each other’s orifices beyond Surgical Reconstruction. LMMFAO

SpaceDog: Yeah bath salts. Maybe flake for trump so he’s also disfigured as he’s getting eaten. OK I’ve taken matters into my own hands.

Les: Seriously who the fuck goes to Medical School and decides to be a fucking Proctologist or Urologist?! I mean its the actual shittiest/ pissiest job of fucking medical Professionals?!!

SpaceDog: I’ve been deleting games and quitting games from my phone and computer so far taking me 2 hours. Trying to give all my shit away so i have no desire to fucking play.

Les: Someone’s parents happy about that? Like do they go to cocktail parties and brag their asses off about their wonderful son The Rectologist Ass Doctor OR do they just leave the Ass Doctor part out and just refer to their kid as Doctor?! DAMN.

SpaceDog: IDK maybe someone that likes seeing a lot of dick, but idk its not like u are seeing good dick. I mean i guess u are comparing best case scenario for dick and all i guess.

Les: That’s dedication to the cause. 2 hours of deleting shit?! You sure you don’t work for the government? LOL!

SpaceDog: Like maybe one day u see someone 60 and say we;; I’m glad my balls may only sag a little bit and do not touch my knees. Yeah hillary had me delete some emails. It was mainly 90 minutes in one game mindlessly donating tokens.

Les: DICK WARS on FOX this Fall!

SpaceDog: Then finding  all the games in hidden places on my computer like a 14 year old with porn magazines or a guy trying to hide booze from the wife.

Les: So what finally made you want to get out of gaming? At 60 I’m tucking my testicles into my knee socks.

SpaceDog: Because I’ve been doing it 10-12 hours a day for 6 years.

Les: 90 minutes thats kinda hardcore.

SpaceDog: I keep going to all kinds of anonymous meetings and they tell me its not a problem even though I’ve told 3 different sponsors (recent) and 11 in total over the course of my life.


SpaceDog: Makes me think if dammer ever went to AA or NA they would say “Well as long as you are not drinking and reading the big book I really don’t see any issue with you eating a few boys every once in awhile.

Les: I apologize I haven’t smoked in 9-10 days and my Wife got CHinses Food so I’m all fucking over the fucking fuck

SpaceDog: No ganja in Tuscany? Haha i had Chinese today i think the greasy ass egg roll threw me into a rage.

Les: I looked into where you can get it and like America either you know a fucking guy or find a guy that knows a fucking guy. They said students and places with a younger demographic areas were where to look. That though is just painfully fucking obvious. Italy does sell legal “Marijuana Light” called so because of its fucking low ass THC level.

SpaceDog: The O’douls of Reefer

Les: Bullseye!

SpaceDog: I guess Amsterdam or Portugal would be better, actually even Canada is better.

Les: Its low as fuck all compared to the killer shit America is growing now a days and shit. People called it “fake weed” and complained about it giving them headaches and shit.

SpaceDog: I mean the cheapest legal place is Uruguay but I’d be scarred I’d get abducted there. Yeah if its from a machine its bound to be crap.

Les: Yeah I do love weed but not even I am going fucking anywhere near Africa, fucking everything in Africa fucking kills you. There was a store that was faker than fuck called CANNABIS that I looked into after hearing a ton of people shit talking it. Everything says Marijuana on it BUT ITS CBD ONLY, no THC whatsofuckingever. Its a classic fucking bait and switch false advertising scam.

SpaceDog: Uruguay is in South Africa but Africa yeah 1000 x’s over i don’t wanna go there. Maybe Casablanca if i can go back in time to when the movie was made or ancient Egypt but fuck current Africa. Oh whoopee do LOL! Thought i did almost buy gummies with CBD and melatonin but the dude wanted $30.

Les: Its all derived from the same fucking plant, but these cunters where misleading people by making them think they’d get a buzz, but it was just CBD your not getting Amsterdam Merch Here.

SpaceDog: Oh yeah so i may be quitting beer specifically because that entitled douchbag supreme said he really liked beer 15-20 x’s during his hearing. Maybe i will start the red wine. That’s the only booze i projectile vomit. That’s always fun.

Les: Kavanaugh is a complete CUNT, that fuck is getting raped by Hitler in Hell the fucking piece of living breathing fucking shit. CASTRATE KAVANAUGH! Cut his rotten cock off. AND NOW the rancid pecker fucker ruined BEER?!! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT. Is there any fucking thing Trump and his GOPieces of Shit don’t fucking shit all over for fucking fucks sake. Waterboard that Supreme Court Cunt with Natty ICE till he’s fucking deader than dead the asshole deserves it. Well if you gotta vomit projectile is the best way to go I believe.

SpaceDog: All things projectile is better except when you jazz past your face and have no idea where the wad landed.

Les: Who the fuck green lit Murphy fucking Brown 2018?! How the fuck is Candice Bergeron not dead as fuck?!

SpaceDog: Out of all the reboots (including Fuller House) it is by far the worst.

Les: Thats why I where a face mask when I jerk off.

SpaceDog: I fell asleep 3 different nights trying to watch.

Les: Yeah but unlike typically rebooted shit their continuing it like it never went off the air or some fuckshit, I mean Candice looks like a blonde Liza Minelli. Botox Bombed out Blound. I guess 45 to 50 fucking facelifts at least, and she still is older than fuck, and not that mush better looking in spite of the gross amount of Plastic Surgery. No one remembers that fucking show so in the end who fucking cares?! LMMFBO!

SpaceDog: They should remake this horrible show. Watch “Dangerous Women TV Show Intro” on Youtube. I vaguely remember my parents watching it and it not being very funny. Not the women murphy brown not so funny.

Les: Yeah it was all political as shit. “The Series Return” that’s how fuck me Fox is billing this Bullshattery.

SpaceDog: Only one I’m honestly glad returned from the dead is Will and Grace since no one seems to be in much of a hurry to do it. Christ sometimes i think I’m gonna have to do it myself. Though that Australian show with the gay guy was good. The Stuff nightmares are made of. It’s like they sewed together the faces of all the dead Golden Girls to remake hers.

Les: I think bringing back Will and Grace would definitely be interesting shit. TV has become boring as shit. I’d especially like to see it comeback under your direction. That be entertaining.

SpaceDog: Its been back gonna be year 2 this year.

Les: What Australian Show was that?! I must have missed that one? Getting older is a shit reason for being absent minded. What Really?! Dear fucking Christ on a cocking where the fuck have I been? Oh wait living under a fucking rock apparently.

SpaceDog: Please Like Me…..i think it’s on HULU. The main guy is gay but thats mostly it besides the guys he dates. It was on the networks on some weird channel i never heard of that got axed.

Les: Cool I just scored my Brother’s HULU password so GAME FUCKING ON!

SpaceDog: Do u use IMDB? If i sign up for an account, do you know if i can get alerted to when actors/actresses have new projects coming out? Like how Spotify tells me about albums and concerts.

Les: Sounds like one of those shows ahead of its time and shit so at the time the general moronic public couldn’t understand it and it met an untimely demise.

SpaceDog: Yeah its pretty fucking dark sarcasm humor not all daisies and bullcrap.

Les: I’m not even sure I can recollect what the hell IMDB is, I’m the Technology Anti-Christ or some shit.

SpaceDog: Internet movie database

Les: Dark Sarcasm I’m in.

SpaceDog: I see one hot guy in one movie and i cyberstalk everything they’ve been in.

Les: I really wish I knew of this database much fucking sooner.

SpaceDog: And drunk tweet them and shame delete in the morning.

Les: LMFBO! Shame Delete!!

SpaceDog: I just assumed everyone knew. I’ve been on the internet since AOL.

Les: Think we have all but been there. I’m a Techtard. I’m always having to fucking catch the hell up LMTB!

SpaceDog: The biggest “celeb” that responded was the sprint/Verizon guy. Can u hear me now? Trump would say thats bigly sad.

Les: That be trump for you that fat orange fucktard, that baby dick having bitch boy, could he want to fuck his daughter any more?!! The fat filthy son of a bitch scumfucking scumfucked scumfucker scumfuck! ORANGE WANK MAGGOT! I can’t WAIT to shit on Trump’s fucking grave. I’m talking downing Exlax like Beer before hand and a German Industrial Institutional Grade Enema on Site.

+I sent SpaceDog one of those Personalized Emojis that fucking look like you. It’s one of the really fucking random shit that just appears from time to time. Its Me holding the 50 pound Shit Emoji thats as big as my Avatars fucking head. And not only does the Shit Emoji have the classic Smile and Wide Eyes but this one has a bright pink ribbon on top. My avatars head is slightly tilted with a slight smile that makes me look like a fucking sociopath.+

Les: WTF is this emoji for?! I had to wait a fuck long time for an opening anyfuckingwhere to use this absurd fucking thing.

SpaceDog: Idk 1) when i tell you that may fiber is working? 2) I just gave someone Benefiber recently maybe then? 3) can’t wait to shit on your face 40 text it to the Wife immediately before you give her a Dutch Oven.

Les: It looks like I came to your house, rang your fucking doorbell, and then presented you with a 50 pound pile of shit emoji like some fucking welcome to the neighborhood type shit cake or perhaps its a congratulatory “Its a Girl” new born baby gift?! Or just plain old pile of shit thats as big as my fucking head with a bow on the bitch to make it what a fucking present?! IT FUCKING DOESN’T ADD UP BABYCAKES! #3 Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Second Place #4.

SPaceDog: Third place i shit so hard your toilet is clogged u need a plumber. They need a guy with his asscrack showing emoji.

Around this Time Gorged on Opulent amounts of Chinese Take Out, and High as a fucking Kite I fell the fuck asleep so sue me. And thus concludes this installment of Les and SpaceDog’s Textology.


By Les Sober & SpaceDog