The Faceless Lady And The Bleeding Picture

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post THE FACELESS LADY AND THE BLEEDING PICTURE by Italian Artist, Graphic Designer, Published Author, Sculpture, and Illustrator Paolo Ferrante. Finding Information on Ferrante was/is Tricky as there isn’t a Whole Hell on A lot.

Here are We Found:

  • Ferrante was Born in 1984.
  • Ferrante was Born and Lives in the Italian Province of Lecca.
  • In 2008 Ferrante had His First Book “Le Commedie del Buio”
  • Ferrante Graduated from The Academy of the Fine Arts in Lecca in 2010.
  • In 2021 Ferrante made the Finals of the International Poster For Tomorrow Competition with the Theme “Fake News”
  • Ferrante has His Own Wesite www.ever.trip it/
  • Ferrante is also can be Found on
  • Ferrante has both an Instagram and Telegraph Accounts Under the User Name EverTrip in Addition to His YouTube Channel.

NOTE: Now everything about this 20 something Second Slice of Absurd Inanity would be just Fine at Face fucking Value, But there are 2 Apects/Details in the Video that I can’t fucking Stop Thinking about I just keep Mulling it Over and Over in My Free fucking Time. First is Who the fuck is the fucking Weirdo in the Background, and I’m Not Sure if it’s Supposed to be an Actual Photo or some Pop Art Bullshit Painting. Anyway I’m Referring to it as the Photo and I wonder what the hell is it’s Significance?!  I mean Why bother including it at all unless there is some sort of Method to the Madness. Second Why Does the Photo Begin to (and Continues Throughout the Rest of the Video) Start Dripping fucking Blood like a fucking 1980’s B-Horror Slasher fucking Movie. Again I ask What the fuck is the Reason the Photo is Bleeding What the fuck is the Point? Perhaps Adding it was the Point and the Point being its just Simply a Way to fuck with People’s Heads.

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Strange Disturbing Videos: “TERROR”

Welcome to Today’s Post here at FYB featuring a Little Oddity called “Terror” since its the Last Word in the Title. If You’re Wondering what the fuck all the Gibberish is in the Title there is aReason for This. The Reason goes a something like this: Originally if you added a Period in front of a Video Search You’d be able to Access Videos that are Public AND because of the Period could allude the Dreaded Algorithm. This way People could see the Videos that Normally would be Flagged by Youtube for Objectionable Content. Youtube of course heard about this and Fixed that particular issue.

Then You could Type “.” to Achieve the exact same thing but alas Youtube also caught on to this and Fixed the Glitch. Still there is a way to Post a Video Publicly and Avoid the Content Restricting Algorithm and Yes You guessed it it’s by Using Gibberish (which appears to be simply Text in Different Languages). By using this Bilingual Gibberish Posters Videos can stay Stealth and Under Youtube’s Algorithm Detection.

There is No Info or Context Provided for this Video so it’s Up To You the Viewer to Decide What the Fuck this Video is or is About.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober