What With All The Warning/ What Are All These Warnings About?!

In the Fledgeling Days of FYB I specifically Stated FYB Would NOT use Warnings of Any Kind as We Deemed it a Form of Censorship. I mean How the fuck do We have Free Speech under the First Amendment, BUT the same Government Who gave Us Freedom of Speech creates the Federal Communication Commission?! The FCC’s ONly Job is to Censor What People Can and Can’t Say or Show so again how the Fuck does that constitute Freedom of Speech for Fuck’s Sake?

What We discovered was Not placing any type of Warning on the Kind of Content We Traffic in (the Unconventional, the Unorthodox, Strange, Controversial, and Disturbing/Dark) Opened Us up to Shit Storm of Complaints, Objections, and Pissed off People.


Since We hate dealing with Bitchy People We Knew We had to go back to the Drawing Board. I ended up writing a Subsequent Post that We would Provide a “Head’s Up” to Our Fans if there was Objectionable Content contained within a Post. I simply and Lazily Adopted the TV/Movie Rating System only to Abandon it a Day Later. Why I thought would I want to Emulate What I Objected To?

So We were back at Square fucking One Again needing Some Sort of Acceptable Solution for Us and Our Fans. Utilizing the Premise of the “Viewer Discretion Advised” Model We collected a Small Variety of Different Warning Labels. This of Course raised Questions unto itself as to Why and What was the Reasoning behind the Selected Warnings. Well We have grown Weary of Repeatedly Explaining it to People on a Individual Basis thus We concluded a Proper Post was Needed pertaining to Said Warnings.

This is the Warning We use When We Personally DO NOT Think there is Anything Really all that Objectionable, BUT We use this Warning to Over Our Asses just incase.

This is Our General Warning which again is Not that Serious in Our Eyes, But the Colors seem to Garner a Stronger Sense that One SHOULD HEED THIS/THE WARNING.

This One is about a Simple and Straight Forward as Warnings Come. We use this Warning when We Know There is Content within the Post that a Great Number of People would find OFFENSIVE. We also use this Warning once in a while as a Second Additional Warning incase We think We should still Cover Our Asses a Bit More. Think of it Ironically as an Exclamation Point backing Up THE ORIGINAL WARNING again Just in Case.

This Warning is the One We Use when We are Serious about the Fact that said Post Contains OFFENSIVE, OBJECTIONABLE, OBSCENE, or Otherwise DISTURBING CONTENT contained within it.

This is the First of Our Top 3 Warnings which Should Not be taken at Face Value. If You see This Warning You Should Expect the Content in the Post is BEYOND A DOUBT OFFENSIVE/OFFENDING, SHOCKING, DARK, OBSCENE, DISTURBING, AND WILL ILLICIT A STRONG REACTION From Most People!!!

This Warning is Almost Identical to the One Above it with One Serious Exception. The Exception is the Second Line of the Warning that States”VIEWER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED. If You see this Warning DO NOT take it Lightly. This Warning Guarantees there is More than Enough OBJECTIONABLE, OFFENSIVE, DISTURBING, SICKENING, SHOCKING, SEXUAL, GRAPHIC, VIOLENT, Or in Any Other Way Troubling. THIS WARNING IS NO JOKE so if You are Easily Offended, Angered, Sickened, or have a Weak Stomach DO NOT VIEW ANY POST WITH THIS WARNING!!!!!

This Warning is The End All Be All of Our Warnings. This is such a Serious Warning We have actually Only Used it Once or Twice over the Years. This essentially means what You are About to See is THE MOST ABSOLUTELY EXTREMEST, GRAPHIC, OFFENSIVE, OBSCENE, DISTURBING, SICK, TWISTED, DARK, VIOLENT, SEXUAL, DEMENTED, TRAUMATIC, AND DEEPLY TROUBLING Content Ever Created. If You See this Warning unless You’re HONESTLY a HARDCORE FAN of Some Seriously FUCKED UP SHIT then Please Do US both a Favor and SKIP IT. Again the Content in said Post is ONLY For the Most DIEHARD FANS OF THE EXTREME!!!!!!!

To be Truthful No One should Really View ANY Post with this Warning Period.

Thanks For Reading,

By    Les Sober & FYB 

Web Cam Sex Show Vs. 976-HUMP (4867)

Lets just be Adult about it and admit that since there have been People there has been Porn. Cave Paintings became Nude Portraits. Man invented Tools and Nude Sculptures two minutes later. Man created the Written word and Literary Porn was Born. The things really started to take off.

Then the Invention of the Camera changed the World. It all started with Nude Pictures then evolved through time into Pornographic Magazines such as Playboy or Hustler.

After The Camera blew Everyones Tits off Mr. Bell invented The Phone which led to Phone Sex, The Rise of the 976 SexLines, and Eventual demise due to the invention of the Internet (Why Pay for Porn when You can get it ABSOLUTELY FREE ONLINE FROM ANYWHERE?!)


Then Holy Shit someone invented the Movie Camera which introduced Society to Pornographic Movies.

Next the HOME VIDEO CAMERAS AND VIDEO TAPES. Now Everyone could make Their own Sex Tapes, AND with a VCR (first Beta then VHS) People could watch Porno Films in the Comfort, Safety, and Cleanliness  of Their Own Home.

At the same time of the Golden Age of VHS that PC’s were becoming more and more popular, and along with Computers came The Beginning of Gaming as We know it.

And OF COURSE People Invented “Adult 18+ ONLY” Pornographic Games. These Original PC Text Based Role Playing Games are the FARTHEST CRY from the Crazy CGI Adult Games They have out Today. It be like comparing an Atari 2600 to a Playstation 4.


The Internet grew to fruition, and that literally gave One the ability to see an ACTUAL WORLD’S WORTH OF PORN FROM AROUND THE GLOBE AND TO THE 4 CORNERS OF THE EARTH.

The Best had yet to come in the Invention of The Smart Phone. Smart Phones had EVERYTHING One would need for Pornographic Activities. It had a Camera, A Video Camera, and Internet Access.

Plus unlike PC and  Laptops Smartphones are Hand Held Devices, and thus can fit in Your Pocket allowing You to take it ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.

This provided the Platform for the Progression of Human Sexuality with such things as Sexting, taking/sending of Nude Selfies, Tumblr, Growler, Craig’s List (Casual Encounters), Emoji being Given Sexual Association. The Eggplant Emoji being designated as the sign for Penis for Example.


Now that We’ve covered the basic T and A Timeline heres the point of this for this Post: I will be Comparing/Contrasting Two of the Above: 976 Sex Lines of Yesteryear Vs. The New School Internet Live Web Cam Sex Shows.

As One may have already deduced Each The Old School and New School have Their own Pros and Cons its true. And While Live Web Cam Sex Shows are one of the Top Social, and Technological Pornographic Creation does that make Them Superior

Remember Porn is ENTIRELY FANTASY BASED, and uses the Greatest Sex Organ Available to Humanity (get Your Mind out of Your Crotch) The Mind.


I’ll start off with the Old School 976 Sex Lines. For those who are too young to remember or know what the fuck a 976 is it was a Toll Number (90% of which were Sex Lines) You could call for Phone Sex that charged by the MINUTE.

The Numbers always started 976 and the other four digits spelled out something sexual like 976-GIRL, 976-HUMP, 976-SEXX or something similar I’m sure You get the idea.

The FATAL FLAW that Ultimately brought down the 976 Phone Sex Empire was simply GREED. You see as I mentioned Dear Reader these Sex Lines charged per minute, But thats Not All.


The First Minute cost on average$2.99 to $4.99 or so. Then for each additional minute after that the Caller was charged a reduced rate of anywhere from $1.00 to $3.00 per minute.

I know reading this You must be wondering Who the fuck would pay that kind of cash for Phone Sex, and the Answer is FAR MORE THAN YOU THINK.

True there are a sparse handful of Late Night Ads for so called  “Adult Chat Lines”, BUT it basically just redirects the Caller in some one or another to a Web Cam Performer.

Nowadays though the Old School Patron’s of 976 Phone Sex Lines are either Dead or Graduated to Online Live Web Cams where They are Charged as Well because New School or Old School its ALWAYS BEEN PAY TO PLAY.


True there are Free Live Web Cam Sex Show FOOTAGE available to the Public on Free Adult Sites like YOUPORN, But the Clips are Time Restricted and usually have No Sound (or if music is playing its some shitty sounding R&B  that seems to be playing out of a Tin fucking Can under fucking water.)

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU DON’T HAVE ANY INTERACTION with the Performer like You do with Phone Sex or a Live Web Cam Sex Show. Interaction is the Key to Keeping the Customer Interested because it Fuels The Fires of Fantasy. Thats why Strip Clubs will NEVER DIE, but I’ll get back to that a bit later on.

The Fantasy Factor was MUCH, MUCH GREATER with Phone Sex because YOU HAD NO VISUAL STIMULATION so The Caller had to RELY on Their IMAGINATION as a foundation on which to build said Fantasy.


Phone Sex was WAY, WAY more Detailed Oriented making for a much more VIVID Fantasy. It was just The Caller and The Performer one on one with no additional distractions such a music, Computer Sounds, or Other People.

Now Others could argue that Live Web Cam Sex Shows are Superior BECAUSE You can See as well as Interact with the Performer, BUT there are Cons as well that I think FAR out number the One Pro of having the Visual Aspect.

I mean either way Your paying for it so why not get Your money’s Worth?!


The Problem with Web Cam Sex Shows is its like a Virtual Strip Club if you will in that You and the Performer are NOT Even close to being alone as there god knows how many other People who are also vying for the Performer’s time and attention. This Creates a Chaotic to Combative Environment since all the Users can see What one another is writing. This is a HUGE fucking Distraction, and Ugly one at that.

In addition to all the Unwanted Company anytime one of them Tips the Performer some annoying fucking Alert Noise goes off like some sort of hyperactive Smoke Alarm having a fucking Seizure. That too is a BIG Distraction, and Distractions Decimate Fantasy.

Lastly the Web Cam Performer’s all seem to be desperately trying to hold the whole production from falling apart by the Performer becoming overwhelmed by having to manage a constant non stop barrage of Comments and Tip Acknowledgements.


The Performers end up looking like Awkward like a Cross between a Deer in the Head Lights and a New Born Baby Horse struggling to stand minutes after being born. It’s not an Attractive Look to say the least.

976 Phone Sex Lines gave the Caller a much more Personal and Intimate Fantastical Experience  for the Money in spite of Lacking the Visual Component.

The Operator had to be Incredibly Gifted at Description and Enticing the Caller, They had to Act Their Asses Off since Their Performance could only be Heard and Not Seen. This Led to Operators creating several different Personas to Play with, and really losing Themselves in Their Alternate Work Personas. There was always a Strong Thematic Undertone. It took Skill. It took Talent. It was Professional Story Telling.


Now a Days You log into a Web Cam Show and its always the same deal. The Performers naked and fielding a myriad of User Requests. You see its not a One on One scenario instead You thrown into a MASSIVE MIX of Every Other Users Fantasies leading to a Schizophrenic Atmosphere.

That and a lot of the Other Users are just Barbaric Primal Male Scumfucks Type YELLING demands like “Shove such-in-such Up/In…” I mean talk about a fucking Distraction.

In Conclusion Which is Better The Old 976 Phone Sex Lines or The Live Web Cam Sex Shows of Today? Well I leave You to desert that for Yourself. If You give a flying fuck what I think then I’ll tell you. I have no fucking idea. It really comes down to the Type of Person You Are in the End I suppose.

Now before I sign the fuck off I will say I believe the Best Spank Bank Fantasy if You will for Your Money is The Strip Club. They Have Good Music, Booze, Plenty of Performers, and if You want more intimate Experience You can Buy a Lap Dance. Its the Best of Both Worlds really. You have the Visual Component AND a more Structured One On One Design.

Thanks for Reading,

   By Les Sober