MILKMAN (Animated Music Video)

We were Perusing some of the Awesome Animation from David Firth (One of Our Favorite Animators) that He did under the Moniker fatpie2. While We were mucking around We Located this Little Slice of Insanity and Couldn’t Be Happier for It. It’s a Music Video that was Animated by David Firth (aka fatpie2) for the Aphex Twins Song MILKMAN  from the Girl Boy EP as Well as Some Versions of the RDJ Album.

All We can tell You about the Video is well Not a Whole Hell of a Lot. Your Ears hear a Cosmically Melodic Collage Radio Alternative Rock like Song, and Your Eyes see some Horrifically Violent Imagery of Murder and Mayhem straight out of a Slasher Movie from the 80’s. These Conflicting Messages from the Two Different Senses causes the Brain to Scramble to make Sense of the Vast Contrast in Information. The Video starts like a Kid’s Show Cartoon as the Lyrics pertain to a Milkman and Then a Bit About HIs Wife. After that things get pretty fucking Weird. The Only issue We have with the Song is the Lyrics get fucking Undecipherable, and End up sounding like a Melodious Moan of Sorts. Anyway after We follow the Milkman on His Delivery Route (and Meet His Charming Wife) He is Inexplicably Murdered by a Psychotic Customer at when He Visits Their House for a Delivery. The Killer is a Deformed Inbred Head Case and Necrophiliac Circa the Movie The Hills Have Eyes Who Proceeds to Murder the Shit Out of Everyone He Encounters. The Sick Serial Killer Murders and Mutilates His Various Victims in a Variety of Classic B Horror Movie Methods. So Whats the Meaning of it All? Hell if We Know.


Thanks For Watching/Listening,

Presented By Les Sober  

Friday Splatter Cinema Movie: THE BURNING MOON

FYB is Truly Psyched to Present One of the Goriest Splatter Movies EVER MADE Uncut, Uncensored, and Unconscionable as Ever. It’s None the then the Shot on VHS Notorious 1992 the German Cult Classic THE BURNING MOON Directed by Olaf Ittenbach!!!


Briefest of Plot Summaries:

The Burning Moon depicts a Junkie and Juvenile Delinquent, Named Peter, reading to HIGHLY GRUESOME Bedtime Stories To His Younger Sister (Which are Extremely Inappropriate for Children and Adults Alike) to His Kid Sister. In the First Story Titled “Julia’s Love” a Young Woman is out on a Blind Date who just so Happens to be a SERIAL KILLER! The Second Story Tilted “The Purity” follows a MURDERING PSYCHOTIC PRIEST and the MURDER of the Suspected Killer by an Enraged Villager, who is then SENT TO HELL and is TORTURED!


What Can Be Said about Such a Film? Here are Just a Few Peoples Thoughts on the Subject.

“Believe the hype! One of the goriest, nastiest, ad angriest horror films ever shot.” -Twitch Films

“The most lethally fucked up dose of depravity you will ever experience.”       -Severin Films

“The cinematic equivalent of humping gravestones after midnight on meth.” – Vice

“as much a splatter as humanly Possible in just over an hour and a half”  Mondo Digital

“If Peckinpah and Fulci ever has a crack baby that picked up a camcorder, this would be the result.” -Oh, The Horror!

“It will rip your dick off and shit on it.” – AGFA HQ


“German film Olaf Ittenbach didn’t just make The Burning Moon, he got away with it. It’s the sort of film that makes you want to call the Police. Detailing detestable murders…(Ittenbach’s Opus) concludes with a shocking decent into one of the most gruesome movie depictions of Hell Ever conceived.” -William Babbiani CraveOnline

Note to Viewers: We couldn’t locate an Original  Copy in German of The Burning Moon that had Subtitle/Closed Caption Options, BUT Fear Not! Funny Enough We found an Original Copy Below Dubbed in Spanish that DID OFFER SUBTITLE/CLOSED CAPTION OPTION. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed this Piece of Hellish Horror as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

A Monday Night of Sickening Cinema: The City Of The Living Dead!!!

THE CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD is a 1980 Italian Zombie Splatter Horror Movie Directed by Lucio Fulci who also Wrote the the Screenplay, and plays Pathologist Dr. Joe Thompson in the Film. Although Fulci worked in a Wide Array of Genres as a Director, Screen Writer, Producer, and Actor over His nearly 50 Career in the Film Industry. Fulci garnered an International Cult Following for His Giallo (in the Movie Context, for Italian Audiences Giallo has come to refer to Any Kind of Murder Mystery or Horror Thriller) and Horror Movies. Due to the High Level of Visceral and Graphic Violence that present in Many of Fulci’s Films that He is Frequently Referred to as “The Godfather of Gore”, A Title Given to American Splatter Movie Gore Master Herschell Gordon Lewis.


The Movie was released in Italy in 1980 under the Title Paura fella cotta dei Mortifications Vivrnti  in Italy which translates to ‘Fear in the City of the Living Dead’, and was Released in the United State in 1983 the Title Twilight of the Dead, which Resulted in a Cease and Desist Order from United Film Distribution Company due to the Title’s similarity to Their Own Film, George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. Thus the Distributer, Motion Picture Marketing, withdrew the Film and Re-Released it under the New Title The Gates of Hell.

Brief Plot Summery:

The Movie is set in the Shunned Village of Dunwich (a Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror), where the Priest Father Thomas commits SUICIDE by Hanging Himself which Results in a GATEWAY TO HELL Opening, and Turning loose a Ravenous Pack of ZOMBIES OF THE DAMNED! Meanwhile during a Seance in New York, Mary Woodhouse sees Morbid and Horrific Visions of the Priest’s Suicide, and its Dire Consequences leading up to a ZOMBIE ONSLAUGHT on All Saints Day. Mary then suddenly Collapses to the Floor and Convulses then She appears to Die, Only to be Rescued from Premature Burial by the Journalist Peter Bell. The Two Travel to Dunwich to DESTROY THE GRAVE of Father Thomas in order to Stop the MASS ZOMBIE INVASION!


  • An Italian Newspaper La Stampa’s review of the Film “Not recommended for easily impressionable viewers.”, with a Story that grew Progressively into a “Expressive Nightmarish Atmosphere”
  • Jay Carr of the Boston Globe said “A Film Only a Diehard Necrophile could Love”
  • Dick Fleming of The Daily Times “Scenes Purely for the Sake of Shock Value”
  • Ringle wrote”Idiotic Sleaze Fest with Nothing to Offer but an Abundance of Filmed Animal Innards.”
  • AllMovie “City of the Living Dead benefits from Fulci’s ability to Create and Sustain an Intensely Creepy Atmosphere…. the Blending of Graphic Shocks and Surrealistic Atmosphere .”

Movie Quote: Mary Woodhouse “The City of the Dead. The Living Dead. A Cursed City where the Gates of Hell have been Opened.” Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Italian Supernatural Splatter Film’s  Flesh Eating Zombie Fiasco as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB Sunday Night Slaughter Cinema: The Mountain Of The Cannibal God!!!

FYB Sunday Night Slaughter Cinema is Prouder than a Pig in Shit to Present the 1978 Italian Cannibal Horror Film THE MOUNTAIN OF THE CANNIBAL GOD! The Film was also Widely Released in the America in 1979 under the Title Slave of the Cannibal God, and was released in the UK under the Alternate Title Prisoner of the Cannibal God (The Film was Subsequently BANNED until 2001 due to the Films GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, and was considered a “Nasty Video”).


Plot Summery:

Susan Stevenson is trying to find Her Missing Anthropologist Husband, Henry, Deep in the Jungle of New Guinea. Along with Her brother Author Susan enlists the Services of Professor Edward Foster who thinks Her Husband may have headed for the Mountain Ra Ra Me. The Locals believe that the Mountain is CURSED, and the Authorities will NOT Allow Expeditions there, so the Search Party sneaks into the Jungle disregarding the Locals and the Law. Along Their Search the Group meets fellow Explorer Manolo who agrees to Join Them on Their Expedition. Matters become even more complicated as it becomes evident None of the Search Party are in fact concerned about Finding Susan’s Missing Husband including Susan Herself.


Upon arriving at the Mountain, Author is KILLED and Manolo and Susan are Captured by a PRIMITIVE TRIBE OF CANNIBALS and taken to Their Camp. Once They reach the Camp They discover the Cannibals Worshipping the DEAD REMAINS of Susan’s Husband (Who’s still Ticking Geiger Counter is mistaken by the Cannibals for Author’s still Beating Heart). Susan is subsequently Spared  from being SLAUGHTERED, and the Tribe of Cannibals Feast on other HUMAN AND REPTILE FLESH. Manolo is tied up and TORTURED, while the Other Members of the Group are EATEN. Meanwhile Susan has been transformed by Two Tribal Women into the embodiment of a Living Goddess. Manolo and Susan eventually manage to escape the Clutches of the Cannibals each having Suffered and Endured Their own Ordeals. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed The Cannibalistic Carnage as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented by Les Sober

FYB’s Sinister Saturday Night Cinema: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST!

FYB is Proud to Present Tonight’s Sinister Saturday Night Cinema’s 1980 Italian Cannibal Horror Film Directed by Ruggero Deodato and written By Gianfranco Clerici: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST!!

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST consists of a Documentary Crew’s Lost Footage, the Presentation of which Pioneered and Innovated the Lost Footage Genre which was Popularized later in THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST Achieved Notoriety as its GRAPHIC VIOLENCE aroused a Great Deal of CONTROVERSY! After its Premier in Italy, it was SIEZED by the Local Magistrate, and Deodato was ARRESTED on OBSCENITY CHARGES. Deodato was later Charged with MULTIPLE COUNTS OF MURDER due to Rumors that Alleged Several Actors were actually KILLED ON CAMERA!


Ultimately Deodato was Cleared of All Charges, the Film was BANNED in Italy, Australia, and Several Other Countries due to is GRAPHIC CONTENT, including Sexual Assault, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mutilation, Decapitation, Cannibalism, Murder, Nudity, Alleged Exploitation of Indigenous Tribes, and Genuine Violence Toward Animals

Some Nations have since Revoked Their Ban, it is Still Upheld in Several Other Countries. In Retrospective Analysis, the Film’s EXTREMELY VIOLENT CONTENT has been Noted as Commentary on Ethic is Journalism, Exploitation of Developing Countries, and the Nature of Modern Society, but These Interpretations have been highly Criticized.


Plot Summery: Harold Monroe an Anthropologist from New York University  leads a Rescue Team Deep into the Amazon Rainforest to Locate a Missing Crew of Film Makers. The Crew had gone Missing while Filming a Documentary on LOCAL CANNIBAL TRIBES. When the Rescue Team is ONLY able to RECOVER the Crew’s Lost Footage, Yet an American Television Station wants to Broadcast the Found Footage as a Sensationalized Special. Upon reviewing the Lost Footage Monroe is APPALLED by the Team’s Actions and Objects to The Station’s Intent on Airing the Documentary. The Only thing Monroe can do to possible Stop the Television Broadcast is to Show The Station’s Management the FINAL 2 ROLES OF FILM.


CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST is 1 of the Top Ten Most CONTROVERSIAL movies ever to be Made in fact We Honestly believe this Movie is one of those Rare tings in Life that has to be SEEN to be BELIEVED. With that said…


We Hope You Enjoyed Tonights Cannibalistic Slaughterfest as Much as We Did,

Presented by Les Sober

The Hypocrisy of the FCC has NO JURISDICTION Here.

Disclaimer Statement: I once again must raise the issue of America’s 1st Amendment giving Americans the god given right to say whatever they want however they want, BUT America also has the FCC. The FCC totally undermines the 1st Amendment as the FCC’s sole job is the CENSORSHIP of any and all forms of media. The FCC devised the rating systems for television, the movies and music. They also have the power to out right ban or completely shut down anyone that violates their “Codes of Ethics” essentially. This is one of the worlds LARGEST OXYMORONS in the entire History of Man.


I do not endorse censorship in any way, shape or form and as such I fully exercise the 1st Amendment here at, and will allow ANYTHING when it comes to content of articles posted.

Now I am also painfully aware that the American public is NOT as accepting, tolerant or open minded as they claim or think they are. There are also whole organizations outside of the aforementioned FCC that crusade against whatever they find “offensive”.

SO what am I going to do?!

I don’t want to deal with any insulted, angry, offended or self righteous people or groups because I have far better things to do with my time rather than to hear constant bitching. I ADVISE ANY READER IN QUESTION refer to an earlier post made pertaining to the “Mission Statement” of to help avoid initial issues/problems.  IS NOT FOR ANYONE UNDER 18 AND HONESTLY WITH NEW UPCOMING CONTENT SHOULD BE ANYONE OVER 21, BUT I DIGRESS. IS NOT FOR EVERYONE or a MAINSTREAM AUDIENCE or GENERAL PUBLIC. is a niche for unconventional and unorthodox writers who have trouble getting their writing out to their audience due to restrictions either by the government (FCC) or restrictions of publishers based on their view of the reading public (i.e. Moral/Ethical issues)

THUSLY this is how I will handle the subject of subject matter here at

I will issue WARNINGS to potential readers if and only if the posted article has 1 or more of the following:

  1. GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, not mild nor moderate violence ONLY GRAPHIC VIOLENCE. To help clarify my point here is the article reads like a modern horror movie that falls under the newly named “Torture Porn” I will give you the curtesy of mentioning it at THE TOP of the article. This is to help insure readers who aren’t fans of such writing won’t be subjected to it.
  2. SEX OR NUDITY, Only if the the article has pornographic content at the level of an actual porno movie I will give the readers a heads up as well since America is Sexually Repressed to say the least.
  3. DISTURBING SUBJECT MATTER, this includes things such as Suicide, Death, Self Harm, Hardcore Drug Use, Cannibalism, Incest, Murder, Satan/Occult, Necrophilia etc. Basically any social Taboo with have a Reader’s Warning.

THERE ARE 1 TOPIC THAT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE AT and that topic is Pedophilia. Even I Less Sober have at least one line I will NEVER CROSS and thats publishing posts pertaining to, including or endorsing pedophilia. I believe pedophiles should be castrated  in public and allowed to bleed out ( bleed to death). In my mind the only good pedophile is A DEAD ONE (Remember guns kill pedophiles dead for only 50 cents or the current price of a bullet.)