The All Consuming Sadness (Cartoon)

Alas another Monotonous Monday is upon Us Once Again. As We are all Aware Mondays are Infamous for Being the Shittiest Day of the Week  (as They are Mind Numbingly  Mundane).  Since Mondays seem to Literally Drain the Life Out of You We decided to Post The All Consuming Sadness by One of Our Favorite Animators Jake Lave.


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Presented By Les Sober 

A Different Perspective On Peter Pan.

I think its safe to say we are all too familiar with the Children’s Fairytale of Peter Pan be it in Book Form or the Classic Children’s Movie. Now believe it or not there are several theories about what is exactly going on. That is there various Schools of Thought that delve deeper than Face Value.

Here is just 1 of those Alternate Theories:

This theory states that the Children visited by Peter Pan are in fact Dead.

Peter Pan is not a Fantastical Character, but The Angel of Death or a Grim Reaper for Children.

Peter Pan has come to take the Children from the real world to a place called Wonderland which is this scenario would be a Heaven  (designed for Deceased Children) which is why No One in Wonderland ever gets old. Not to mention Never Never land is inhabited by only Children.

Opponents of this Theory Would Point Out Never Never Land is plagued by an Adult Pirate (Captain Hook), and his entire crew who are also Adults?

As for Captain Hook in this case would be Satan who attacks Never Never land in an attempt to steal the Children’s Souls.

Once Again The Opponents would question What about Captain Hooks Crew?

Now its true Captain Hook had a full crew of Loyal fellow Pirates who are representing The Damned Souls in Hell or Demons taking on a Human Form.

The Opponents are still not satisfied by this explanation of Peter Pan. They would continue to question, and the next (and last) question would be or is What about the Crocodile? The Crocodile while a Giant Reptile Carnivore who literally bit off Captain Hooks Hand isn’t a “Bad Guy”. The Crocodile never tries to hurt/eat any of the Children or Captain Hooks Crew, it solely wants only Captain Hook.

This in all do fairness is the thickest question posed against this particular interpretation of Peter Pan. Some People believe The Crocodile is an Angel sent by God to smite Captain Hook (aka The Devil). It is also thought The Crocodile is actually God, Jesus, or possibly The Holy Ghost.

I hold with those who think The Crocodile is Redemption. What if The Devil could not only be defeated what if He could be killed?! What Then? Would He just end up in Hell again or could He very well end up at The Pearly Gates resuming His previous job as The Right Hand Of God (thus redeeming Himself for his previous actions in the Eyes of God) ???

I concur with this concept, and I also believe the Clock that Ticks Ominously in the Belly of The Crocodile is a Reminder to Captain Hook that Time Heals All Wounds.

Thanks for Reading  By Les Sober

Time To Pay The Piper

It had been years since she had met the distinguished gentlemen on the long dusty dirt road that ran past her family’s farm. Unlike all the other men she had in her life, the distinguished gentlemen delivered on all that he had promised her.
She graduated college at the head of her class and had a prosperous career. She was introduced to the man of her dreams a tall, strong, ruggedly handsome man with a heart of gold, and they were married in Rio the following year. After marrying they bought their dream house with an impeccably managed lawn, white picket fence, and large oak tree in the front yard. It was as if the house was a Norman Rockwell painting come to life. The happy couple went on to have four fabulous children two boys and two girls just as she had imagined when she was a small child herself. The children were well behaved and never a bother, they were polite and well mannered, loving, and intelligent. Once her children had grown and moved away to start their own families she was blessed with several glorious grandchildren. She retired early with a healthy pension as did her husband. They two spent their golden years side by side as they traveled around the world, bought a new house and moved to Canada. She had time to indulge her hobbies, spending many a lazy day in the garage that they had converted into an art studio just for her. Her life had turned out exactly the way she had envisioned it nothing less than a miracle in her mind.
She only saw the distinguished gentlemen one more time, on her death bed when he came to collect her soul.