WTF Is Up With Worldsatcom.1

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring the Collection of Video Content by  Worldsatcom.1, and Their fucking Insanely Obscure (actually Unknown is a Far fucking Better Word) Youtube Channel. I stumbled across Worldsatcom.1 in the Usual Manner when it comes to the Weirder shit. Once I was on YT I simply Started by Utilizing YT’s Search Bar and Filtered the Results by “Uploaded Date”. This shows Me the Most Recently Uploaded Videos, Which More than Likely have ZERO fucking Views. After rambling around Worldsatcom.1 caught My Eye so I decided to take a Closer Look. What I found was Rather Interesting like the Channel was Started on March 3, 2023 but Hasn’t Uploaded anything in Over a Year. That Combined with the Fact Worldsatcom.1 has a Total of 11 Videos garnering a Measly 380 Views Total which all had 0-2 Comments at Best. I guess that shouldn’t be Surprising considering the Channel has an even Measlier Number of Subscribers at an Unimpressive Total of just 17 (I’m the 17th Sub).


Now the Titles are all over the fucking Place from USA and NATO should Forget about starting a war with China to Katbitch, Gotham City or Happy Vampire Evening. The Video’s Running Times are also Chaotic with the Shortest Video clocking in at 8 Seconds, and the Longest Tops Out at 10 Minutes 24 Seconds. Also every one of the Videos on Worldsatcom.1 are Minimally Lit and that’s putting it Lightly. What I find more Entertaining than the Bizarre Videos is the Central Character of all the Videos. The Person staring in these Videos is the Epitome of the Definition of Androgynous while Some Viewers may be of the School of Thought that the Person is Trans. In My Opinion the Person is Not Trans and would Only think so if the Person said So Themselves as I assume Nothing. Also for the Record I have Absolutely Nothing Against Trans People and Wish Them All the Best since Life ain’t Easy being Trans in Todays Social Environment.

The Person featured in the Videos has a Quite Interesting Look that’s for fucking Sure. This Person Appears to be Tall perhaps around 6’1″ to 6’3″ and to be rather Thin and Lanky. This Person wears a Small Amount of Black Eyeliner paired with a Matching Black Lipstick which is Pretty fucking Goth You ask Me. Now what Intrigues Me is this Person’s Skin Color because I seriously have to Wonder if the Gray Sickly looking Skin. To Achieve a Ghoulish Aesthetic this Person is Either using a Base of Gray Make Up They bought at The Spirit of Halloween or some shit. If it is in Fact Not Make Up then This Person hasn’t been Exposed to Actual Sunlight in Decades and in a Desperate need of Vitamin fucking D.

The Only time this Person’s Skin Color almost resembles a Normal fucking Human is in the 2 Videos Happy Vampire Evening and Women’s Rights in Afghanistan. It’s important to Note that More than Likely Both Previously Mention Videos were Filmed the Same Day and Probably back to back. The Person in the Videos has an Insanely Calming Voice to the Point it’s almost the Equivalent of Audio Ambien. Their Speech Pattern is Somewhat Unique as the Person has a Great Vocabulary and Purposely takes “Dramatic” Pauses while discussing a Subject. All in All the General Feel of Worldsatcom.1’s Videos feel like as the Viewer that You’ve walked Smack Dab into the Middle of a Conversation and without a Conclusion. So Lastly I included a Generalized Intro in an Attempt to Clarify what the fuck these Assorted Videos are/may be About.

USA cannot win a war with China Anywhere:

What’s interesting is while the first Minute or Two the Monologue is very vague and Repetitive references to the U.S., China, and Taiwan. Then the Video changes Gears and becomes a Personal Commentary on Religion. It’s Blatantly Obvious the Person in the Video is EXTREMELY Anti-Religion to Say the Least. They aren’t Biased against just One Religion but Every and All Religions around the World Entirely. Next comes some Commentary on The Afterlife which Science (and This Person is a MAJOR Fan of Science) has according to Them already Proven to Exist. Then there is more Anti Religious Content that touches on the Subject of Churches, The Wealthy, Evangelicals, and Gods. After that the Video just Abruptly Ends which makes the Viewer feel like They are Missing the Ending and thus the Point.

Gotham City:

This is a Short One so Here some Valid Points. One the Person in the Video is Wearing more Eye Make Up in Addition to Their trademark Minimal Black Eyeliner and Matching Black Lipstick. The Dialogue is a Scant 3 Words “Gotham City Kiddies” which One would Suppose its an Obvious Batman Reference (and I’m not Arguing that Point just Mentioning it). During the Video the Person in it is Staring Wide Eyed or what is more commonly called “Crazy Eyes” that remind Me of a Serial fucking Killer.

Katbitch, Gotham City:

This is another Short but Strange Video. The Comma after Katbitch would indicate Katbitch is a Part/Section of the Batman Based Gotham City. Now for Some Details starting with the Person in the Video is Shirtless and Wearing Bonoesque Sun Glasses. The room the Video is Set in is Pitch Black with the Acceptation of a Single Small Lamp on a Stand. The Aesthetic seriously fucking Reminds Me of the Band Marilyn Manson’s Videos from the Early 90’s. Anyway the Video Ends with the Person Saying 2 Words which I have No Idea if they too are a Batman Reference.

USA and NATO should Forget about starting a war with China:

The Most Entertaining part of this Video is the Opening Line which is as Strange as the Video itself. The Person in the Video Claims to have had multiple Previous Meeting with the Chinese Military in China. This Feels like a Sequel to the Video USA cannot win a war with China ANYWHERE Minus the Religious Commentary.

HAPPY Vampire Evening:

Essentially this Video consists of The Person in it Leering and Contorting in front of the Camera and Says the Title of the Video. I do have to Admit the Person’s Eyes are Pretty fucking Cringe.

Woman’s Rights in Afghanistan:

For the Best I can Guess the Person in the Video is Alluding to a Military Occupation in Afghanistan which They believe is Intricate Part of Upholding Women’s Rights in the Country.


The Video starts with the Previously Odd Opening Line as the Video USA and NATO should Forget about starting a war with China. The Person in the Video refers to the Ongoing Issue of China wanting to Take Control of Taiwan and Incorporate it as Part of China. One thing has become Apparent at this Point and that is This Person is Pretty fucking Obsessed with China and a Wide Variety of China Related Topics. I don’t know if its because this Person Served in the Military or Traveled Extensively for Work or if it’s a just an Odd Obsession.

Need new governments in Canada and USA 2023:

Starts off by Stating that “Results are Everything” and then Goes on to Shit Talk the Short Comings of the Canadian Government. The Video almost solely References Canada where there is Only One Mention of the USA at the Very End of the Video. Next the Person in the Video uses a Few Hockey Metaphors which I Believe along with the Numerous references to Canada means this Person is a Canadian Citizen. Then the Person talks on the Subject of the Prime Minister of Canada Not being Cut Out for the Job due to an Outdated 1970s State of Mind, and that Close Mindedness actually applies to the Entire Canadian Government Not just the Prime Minister. The Video Ends. on the Subject of Talent and that Talent is also Everything. What I noticed is this Video contains the Most Dialogue of Any of the Other Worldsatcom.1 Video.

Benjamin Netanyahu, how about you try this:

This Video gets Straight to the fucking Point which is the Person in the Video believes Netanyahu should Outlaw Islam in Israel. This isn’t actually that Surprising since by this Point it Undeniable that this Person Detests Religion in ANY Shape or Form.


This Video is the Preverbal Odd Man Out when it comes to this Series of Videos as it’s the Person in the Video playing a Melodic Tune on a Aquestic Guitar. I have to Say this Person is rather Talented and I honestly wish They had done more Videos like this One.

SocioPolitics, Languages:

The First Couple of Things I noticed was the Person in the Video is Wearing a Different Pair of Sunglasses. These Sunglasses look like Your Garden Variety of Sunglasses One could Buy at a fucking Gas Station. The Person in the Video is also Sporting a Patch made from Different Colored Bars reminiscent of a Military Jacket adorned with Medals. The Person then Claims they can Speak Several Languages which are English, Hindi, Cantonese, Russian, Arabic, and Mandarin. And of Course the Video has More References to Canada, The U.S., and of Course the Ever Present China. I also caught that the Person in the Video mentions They’re on TikTok which a such a fucking Shitty fucking Shitty Platform, BUT this Person is so Intriguing I think I just might Check it Out.


It Is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Old News in Music

On January 3, 1935 the New York Tribune wrote of blues musician Lead Belly’s coming to town as,

“Sweet singer of the swamp lands here to do a few tunes between murders”