Facebook is F*cked and Zuckerberg is a Racist Scumbag

Let’s get one fact straight right from the get go. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg  AND Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey  are BOTH Trump Supporter Scum of the Earth. They’re spineless greed driven GOP Social Media Propaganda Puppets. The only fucking reason NEITHER CEO asshole has (and Never would) discloser Their Personal Political Views because the greedy sons of bitches don’t want to loose Users, and lets fucking face it thats just a nice way of saying MONEY.

If either asshole came out Pro Trump they’d lose a shit ton of Users and subsequently a literal shit ton of Money, BUT if They came out Anti Trump the exact same thing would happen. Though in Todays Chaotic Environment it’s very easy to Tell Who Zuckerberg and Dorsey Support through Their Shady and Hypocritical Actions and Claims.


A little over Two Weeks ago Zuckerberg informed the American Public that He/Facebook WOULDN’T DO A GODDAMN THING to Stop Politicians on Facebook Who Spew and Promote Fake News, Disinformation, and All Out Lies. It’s painfully obvious this is to Aid Trump the Obese Orange Asshole to commit MORE FRAUD, CRIMES, AND TREASON just like in 2016.

The Democrats to Their Credit DIDN’T Run a Massive Smear Campaign, Employ Bots to do Their Bidding, Hire Russian Hackers, Collude with Russian Dictator Vladimiro Putin, Spread Fake News, Spew Propaganda and disproved/unfounded conspiracy theories, engage in Voter Suppression Tactics, Purposely spread Misinformation, Use Racism as a Promotional Tool, and They Didn’t COMIT FUCKING TREASON.


Meanwhile Facebook is BY FAR the Largest Social Media Platform for Racist Hate Groups. You want to find the Flu Klux Klan, White Nationalists, Neo Nazis, Proud Boys,  all You have to do is simply Log onto Facebook where there’s plenty of White Supremacy Hatred to go Around. Again Zuckerberg has DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to Stop or Shut Down these Racist Hate Groups Facebook Pages. He has been completely Ambivalent about it as if He could care fucking less because the Scumfuck is making a Fortune, and is a fucking Racist piece of Shit Too.

Racist Birds of a Feather Hate Together. So basically Facebook’s Rules of User Use, Conduct, and Rules Don’t Mean a fucking thing. Regular Users get Penalized for Minor infractions while the Racist Hate Groups are allowed to Continue promoting Fear and Hate on a Daily Basis Worldwide on Their Social Media Platform.


Then this Week Zuckerfucker was CAUGHT LYING IN HIS GOVERNMENT TESTIMONY pertaining to Facebook hiring The Daily Caller as Fact Checkers.For Those Who may Not know The Daily Caller is a Major Well Documented Racist Organization.  Zuckerberg played the “I Run a Huge Global Company so I’m too busy to know Everything that Goes On” Card. After His Testimony the TRUTH came out and the Facts were far fucking Different than Zuckerburg’s bullshit claim.

It turns out Zuckerberg knew EXACTLY What the Daily Caller Organization was, was IN FAVOR of Hiring Them, and was Directly involved in the ENTIRE PROCESS. To Recap Zuckerberg Knowingly hired a Long Time Racist Hate Group as supposedly legitimate Fact Checkers, Yet another move that Aides Trump since Trump Supporters are inherently Ignorant, Uneducated White Trash Racist Scumbags.


Then just a Couple of Days ago Zuckerburg Announced Facebooks New Upcoming and I quote “Quality News” Platform. This sounded like more Facebook bullshit that was until it came out that one of the Top “Quality News” Organizations that would be Promoted on Facebook’s New News Platform was None Other than BREIBART. The American Public was introduced to Breibart in 2016 Thanks to Trump Loving Alcoholic Wife Beating White Nationalist Steve Bannon (who in the end apparently not a shitty enough of a person and Breibart booted Him out the Door).

Breibart built itself on a Foundation of RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, ANTI-SEMITISM, AND PROMOTING RACIST CONSPIRACY THEORIES. Breibart is so utterly fucking Despicable They were DENIED SENATE PRESS CREDENTIALS. Thanks to Their Hate Filled White Nationalist Views/Content More than 4,000 Companies have BANNED BREIBART FROM RUNNING THEIR ADVERTISEMENTS. Breibart has also been KICKED OFF OF ALMOST EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM SO FAR FOR RACIST PROPAGANDA. SO Once Again Zuckerburg Hired a Well known RACIST HATE GROUP to work for/with Facebook providing so called “Quality News”.

Lastly as far as the Moronic MAGA Maggots once Trump the Traitor had been Impeached, Removed, Arrested, and Imprisoned I believe We should DEPORT THE SACKS OF SHIT. Now I wouldn’t wish MAGAs on My Worst Enemy so the Question is Where the fuck do You send Human Garbage?! My Suggestion is taking a Page out of England’s Historical Playbook. When England back in he Day wanted to Elevate Over Crowded Prisons and Prevent future Crime decided to Deport all The Criminals to Australia and effectively Strand Them There for Good.

I propose America does the Same Thing, BUT instead of Australia We Deport and Dump the motherfucking MAGAs in Antartica. They can’t fuck with or talk shit to anyone since the current Population of Antartica is ZERO. That and MAGAs are so fucking proud of Being White, The Color White, and All Thing White Antartica would be fucking Perfect as its Entirely White.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

“Nazi Punks Fuck Off!” : No Room For Racists

Its fucking Tragic that I’m starting this post with the following Statement. The Statement is I’m glad as hell My Father Died before having to witness the resurgence of Racism in America (under The Obese Orange Fear Mongering Traitorous ASSHOLE like Fithly 45.

It has gotten to the point I throw My fucking Phone when I read about some Racist Fuckwit on Twitter or struggle like a motherfucker to not kick in My TV when I see that Racist Bullshit on the Fucking Nightly fucking News every other fucking day.

SO I’VE FUCKING HAD IT, In the immortal words of Popeye:

“I have had all I can Stands and I can Stands no more.”

Now is the Time for Me to do what I do Rant, Rave, Riot, Rebel, and Rail against these damnable Racist Twats. I’m so fucking Angry I’m on the fucking edge of giving Myself a fucking Aneurysm I swear to God.

I’m going to be making two points in this post (and possibly 2 separate parts. The First being a Commentary on the State of Affairs today pertaining to Racism, and the Second will be a brief and brutal History Lesson for all the ignorant Racist assholes.

Alright here We go Kiddies………

I would like to start by addressing the Basic Human Behavior that Spawns Racist Douche Bags. Now everyone agrees Racism stems from Hate, but thats not where the Psychology ends.

You see Dear Reader’s there as We all know 2 basic Human Emotions that ALL OTHERS are born from, and their not exactly what You think they are. I pretty fucking positive most People would simple roll Their fucking eyes, and say DUH everyone knows its LOVE AND HATE.

And They’d be WRONG. Close but NO CIGAR Guys.

You see Love is correct as it is one of the aforementioned basic Human Emotions, BUT the other isn’t Hate its FEAR. That is People Hate what They Fear hence the term “White Fear” which I will get back to later in this post.

With that said lets continue shall we.

The first point I’d like to make is the White Nationalists (or Nationalists as The Scumbags call Themselves now because White was obviously too blatantly Race Related) are the EQUIVALENT of the New Klux Klux Klan.

That’s to say They are Closet Racists who hide Their Racist Feelings/Ideology from Others, and only dare express Their Racist Beliefs behind closed doors.

Don’t get Me wrong now there are still a handful of The KKK Kunts (Yes I know I spelled cunt wrong for alliteration purposes) sprinkled around America still trying to rally the Organization back to its Heyday of the late 1800’s and Early 1900’s.

“Oh look at us dressed in fucking sheets! BOO I’M THE GHOST OF A CONFEDERATE SOLIDER.” Way to stay relevant Dipshits.

Thusly as Time Marched On The KKK for the most part has disintegrated into obscurity only to be found mostly in fucking History Books.

So like the Klan White Nationalists not only hide Their Racism They will flat out fucking deny it if Their confronted with the Question of are They Racist.

Their member demographic is similar in that the members tend to be Older Wealthy Prominent White Men who are Church going Christians who are considered “Pillars of Their Community”.

This is more than likely why these Racist Fucks hide Their despicable views from the rest of Society. They’re the Civilized Racists if you will.

On to the Proud Boys who are some of the biggest PUNK ASS BITCHES I have seen since the fucking Neo Nazi Skinheads.

For Their credit Neo Nazis had a distinct “Uniform” for one consisting of Black or Army Green Flack Jackets, Generic White T-Shirt, Jeans, and Combat Boots usually with Red or White Laces. AND MOST OF ALL the one and most important requirement to be a fuckass Neo Nazi was a SHAVED HEAD. Now its pertinent that I post out this was a time LONG before it became socially acceptable for balding Men to say fuck it and shave it. It was a time well before Shaving One’s head had become some sort of asshole trend.

Also Shitheads that They are also were decently organized having a Hierarchy, Club Houses, Compounds, and a nasty network connecting Each Neo Nazi Gang/Group with one another. This allows them to orchestrate and execute whatever fucked up shit it is They had in Their minuscular minds.

As for the fuckheads that are the Racist (and Homophobic) “Proud Boys” Group of Particular Scum. Well if You ever wondered what the fuck happens to Douchebag, Butt Chugging, Date Rapist Drunken Frat Boy Jocks after collage apparently They join The Proud Pussies.

These assholes are a very loosely run Gang that run around at random beating Minorities and Gays as They are running down the streets. They are generically dressed punk ass bitches sporting Ambercrombe and Finch T-Shirts, Kaki Cargo Shorts, and Sneakers/Birkenstocks.

The Proud Bitches have a founder/leader (who I won’t name because I don’t as to not acknowledge this prick) is a complete fucking tool if there ever was fucking one I assure You of that.

He’s looks like Your run of the Mill Lame Hipster Douche. I mean this motherfucker has the Short 1950’s type hairdo with one of those well manicured Lumber Jack meets ZZ Top fucking beards, and a pretentious Vintage Mustache thats a fucking throw back to The Wild West Days.

The thing I detest the most about both the Nazis AND Proud Bitches is this: They talk mad shit trying to shock the World into thinking Their some sort of Hardcore Hardasses who Everyone is terrified to fuck with.



My proof is this these two Groups fight in Gangs, YOU NEVER SEE ANY OF THEM SQUARE OFF ONE ON ONE.

And thats simply because They damn well fucking know one on one They’d get Their fucking faces split and asses kicked in mere Seconds. They have to fight in numbers because Their to WEAK and too much of a BUNCH OF PUNK ASS BITCHES to fight like a fucking MAN. 

Summation: Racist Cowards are Cunts.

Well Shit. Looks like as to not bore Our Readers I will if fact be posting this Post in 2 Parts.

Stay Tuned Kiddos For Part Two: Horrendous Horrors in American History

Thanks For Reading,

 By Les Sober