The Art Of Self Mummification

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post pertaining to the illegal Art Of Self Mummification. While the Practice of Mummification (made Famous by the Egyptians) has its Own Page in the Book of Demented History it like so many things gets Even More Extreme. And what could be more Extreme than Mummifying a Person’s Corpse? Well how about Mummifying Yourself while You’re still Alive. That was the Case in back in the Day with Certain Sects of Buddhist Monks in Japan until Emperor Meiji Outlawed the Practice along with any Forms of Suicide (even though those who Practiced Self Mummification did Not consider it Suicide) back in 1879. It’s important to Note that there was a Good Deal of Terminology So Much so that We decided (for Time and Length Purposes) to Comprise a Glossary. The Glossary is Located Below the Text for Your Connivence and Now back to the Interesting Shit. You might be Wondering What was the Practice of Someone Mummifying Themselves while Alive all about? Well let’s find out Shall We.

First off the Term used in for the Process of Self Mummification in Japan was called Sokushinbutsu which Translates to “Buddhas in Their Own Bodies.” Sokushinbutsu is referring to the practice of Buddhist Monks observing Asceticism to the Point of Death, and Preforming mummification upon Themselves while still Alive. Traditionally it was/is Believed that the Mummified Monks had entered a State of Deep Mediation rather than having Died, and that They were/are still able to Grant the Prayers of Their Partitioners. There are Cases of Other Buddhist Mummified Monks in Other Buddhist Countries especially in East Asia, but They were Mummified after Death from Natural Causes. It’s Believed that Shingon School founder Kukai was the One who introduced Sokushinbutsu to Japan as Part of Secret Tantric Practices that He had Learned while in Tang China. In Addition to that the Sokushinbutsu Ascetic Practices of Shengendo were likely Inspired by Kukai, Who was the Founder of Shingon Buddhism. Kukai ended His Life by Slowly Reducing His intake of Food and Water, Ingesting Natural Preservatives (to Aid in the Self Mummification Process), and then Stopping Food and Water intake all together while Continuing to Meditate and Chant Buddhist Mantras.

Ascetic Self Mummification Practices have also been Recorded in China, but are associated with Ch’an (Zen Buddhism) Tradition there. Alternate Ascetic Practices similar to Sokushinbutsu are also known to have Existed such as Public Self-Immolation practice in China. The Final Purpose of Shegendo is for the Practitioners to find Supernatural Power and Save Themselves (as well as the Masses) by Conducting Religious Training while Traveling through Steep Mountain Ranges to Achieve Buddha Nature. In the Mountain Dwelling Region of Japan Shugendo emerged as a Syncretism, and the Practice was Perfected Over Time Particularly in the Three Mountains of Dewa (Mount Haguro, Gassen, and Yudono).

Now We have touched on the History of Self Mummification, but as for Actual Process of Self Mummification We haven’t so Here We Go. The Practice of Self Mummification was Mainly Practiced in Yamagata in Northern Japan between the 11th and 19th Century by the Members of the Japanese Vajrayanc School of Buddhism called Shingon (which Translates to ‘True Word’). In Medieval Japan the Practice was Developed into a Specific Process for Sokushinbutsu which a Monk could Complete from Beginning to End in Approximately 3,000 Days. The Process involved a Strict Specialized Diet called Mokujiki which translates to “Eating a Tree” while Simultaneously Restricting Food. They also Slowly decreased Their Water Intake to Help Dehydrate Their Bodies and Shrink Their Internal Organs. At the End of the Process a Monk Abstained from All Food and Water relying on Pine Needles, Resins (example Tree Sap), as well as Seeds found in the Mountain Regions of Japan in Order to Eliminate All Fat in the Body. In Addition the Monks utilized Fasting and Meditation in order to Expedite the Process.

Once the Monk was Almost Diseased They were put into a Wooden Barrel and Lowered into the Ground before the Barrel was Covered with generous amount of Charcoal. The Monks would take a Small Hand Held Bell that They rang the Bell as the Chanted Buddhist Mantras until They Died. Once the Bell ceased ringing the Monks knew Their fellow Monk had indeed Died. The Body of the Now Diseased Monk was Left for in its Wooden Tomb for 1,000 Days before being Removed. Now here is the fucking Kicker out of the Hundreds of Monks Attempting Self Mummification ONLY 17 Actually Accomplished the Task. Imagine that Shit, Seriously how utterly fucked up is that We mean talk about shitty Odds. So after Enduring the Gruelingly Prolonged 3,000 Days of Continuing Agony Slowly Starving Yourself to the Brink of Death, Effectively then Buried Alive until You Die, and Once it was all Said and Done it fucking Didn’t Work.

By the End of the Process the Monks Died in a State of Jhana (Meditation) while They Chanted the Nenbutsu (a Mantra about Buddha), and Their Bodies would become Naturally Preserved from the Inside Out. The Mummified Monk’s Skin and Teeth remained intact without Decomposing with out the Use of Artificial Preservatives such as Embalming Fluid. It’s Important to Note that Many of the Existing Buddhist Mummies are Wearing Sunglass which does Seem fucking Odd. There is a Valid reason for this and the Reason is Human Eye Balls unlike Teeth/Skin Decay Away thus the Use of Sunglasses to Hide the Empty Hollow Eye Sockets. Many Buddhist Sokushinbutsu Mummies have been found in Northern Japan and are Estimated to be Several Centuries Old. Ancient Texts suggest Hundreds of Mummified Monks are Buried in the Stupas and in the Mountains of Japan (and are Revered by the Practitioners of Buddhism to this Very Day).

One of the Alters in the Honey-ji Temple of Yamagata Prefecture, which is a Prefecture of Japan Located in the Tohoku Region of Honshu, is the Home of one of the Oldest Mummies of the Sokushinbutst Ascetic named Honmyokai. There is at Least one Self Mummified Buddhist Monk  named Sangha Tenzin (who was more then likely a Practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism) from the Northern Himalayan Region of India that was Confirmed to be 550 year Old. Tenzin’s Mummy can be Viewed to this Day at a Temple in Gue Village, Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. As I stated before it is Important to Note the Practitioners of Sokushinbutsu DID NOT consider the Practice as an Act of Suicide, BUT rather as a Form of Enlightenment.


Asceticism: The Practice of Self Discipline and Abstinence from All Forms of Indulgence Typically for Religious Reasons Spiritual Goals.

Dzogpu-Chenpo: The Traditional Teaching in Indo-Tibetian Buddhism and Youngdrung Bon that is Aimed at Discovering/Continuing in the Ultimate.

Ground: is a Primordial State that is an Essential Component of the Both the Dzogpu Tradition and Bon Tradition from the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.

Syncretisym: Is the Combination of Different Religions, Cultures, Or Schools of Thought) between Vajrayana Buddhism, Shinto, and Taoism in the 7th Century which Stressed Ascetic Practices.

Stupas: A Mound like or Hemispherical Structure that contains Relics and are Used as a Place for Meditation.

Shut Endo: A Body of Ascetic Practices that Originated in the Nara Period in Japan that Evolved during 7th Century (710-794 bc) from a Combination of a Variety of Beliefs, Philosophies, Doctrine, Schools of Thought, Ans Ritual Systems found in Folk Religions.

Folk Religions: Japanese Folklore that encompasses the Informally learned Folk Traditions, Customs, and Material Culture.

Shingon Buddhism: Is One of the Major Schools of Buddhism in Japan, and one of Only a Few Surviving Vajrayana Lineages in East Asian Buddhism.

Shinto: A Religion Originating from Japan that is Classified as an East Asian Religion by Theologians, and regarded as Japan’s Indigenous Religion.

Tao: In Chinese Philosophy is the Absolute Principle Underlying the Universe, Combing within itself the Principals of Yin and Yang and Signifying the Way, or Code of Behavior, that is in Harmony with the Natural Order. The Interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into a Philosophical Religion known as Taoism.

Taoism: Diverse Tradition Indigenous to China Characterized as Both a Philosophy and a Religion that Emphasizes Living in Harmony with Tao. Tao is generally understood as being the Impersonal Enigmatic Process of Transformation Ultimately Underlying Reality.

Buddha Nature: The Potential for all Sentient Beings to become a Buddha or the Fact that All Beings already have a Pure Buddha Essence Within.

Prefecture: An Administrative Jurisdiction Traditionally Governed by an Appointed Perfect which is a Magisterial Title of Varying Definition, But Essentially refers to the Leader of an Administrative Area.

Three Mountains of Dewa: Are 3 Sacred Mountains of Mount Haguro, Mount  Gassen, and Mount Yudono which are grouped together in the Ancient Province of Dewa. Haguro, Gassen, and Yudono Mountains remain Sacred in the Shugendo Traditional to this Day.

Vajrayana: Is often Translated to simply mean “The Diamond Vehicle”. Both Tibetan Buddhism and the Japanese Shingon Buddhism are Vajrayana Lineages. Tibetan Buddhism is Predominant in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, and Mongolia. It was Taught in and Continues to be Taught in China, Usually by Tibetan Masters.

Zen: is a School of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang Dynasty as the Chan School or the Buddha Mind School, and Later on Zen later developed into Various Sub-Schools as well as Branches. From China Chan spread South to Vietnam and became Vietnamese Thein, Northeast to Korea to become Soon Buddhism, and East Japan becoming Japanese Zen.

Self-Immolation: IS the Act of Setting Oneself on Fire and is Mostly done for Political or Religious Reasons, often as a Form of Protest or in Acts of Martyrdom. Due to its Disturbingly Violent Nature Self Immolation is Regarded as One of the Most Extreme Methods of Protest.


It is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Interplanetary Revolution

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Posted by Content Creator known as Toadsmiles. Toadsmiles YouTube Channel is SO Obscure (Only 4 Videos Posted Over 15 Years and a Total of a Mere 146 Subscribers) that if it was Any More Obscure it simply wouldn’t fucking Exist. Now this Video is Exceptionally fucking Weird because it’s an “Art Imitates Life and Life Imitates Art” Scenario. What We mean by that is INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION is an Actual Russian Anti-Capitalist  Propaganda Cartoon Fantasy Short Released August 18, 1924 . The Cartoon Short was Created (and Co Directed) by Nikolai Petrovich Khodataev and the Experimental Studio State Tech Kino. Khodataev was a Russian and Soviet Artist, Sculptor, and Animator who was a one of the Founders of the Soviet Animation Industry.

When it comes to Watching INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Luckily there is No Dialogue so No Annoying Subtitles to be Concerned with, and All Russian Text is Translated Directly on the Screen as Opposed to Closed Caption. Whats interesting is there are Several Different Types of Animation from Traditional Cartoon to Monty Python like Animation, to some Strange shit You’d See on Adult Swim at 2 in the fucking Morning. Now this Cartoon is pretty fucking Far Out in the Deepest Depths of Left fucking Field that’s for sure. It can get Chaotic and Confusing so We have Key Point Pertaining to INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Below.


  • The Alien Monarch of Mars Never Invented Democracy.
  • The Closing Sequence Features a Portrait of Vladimir Lenin.
  • The Animation is Best Described as “Deranged”.
  • The Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy – The Alien Emperor’s 4 Guards Defend Him Triumphantly, Slaughtering Rebels in DOZENS of Shots. In the Later Shots the Guards seem to be Poorly Armed and Won by Sheer Numbers Alone.
  • The Leader – The Commissar (An Official of the Communist Party, Especially in the Former Soviet Union Responsible for Political Education/Organization) brings Revolution to the Planet Mars just by Speaking to a Local Proletariat ( A Proletariat is a Working Class of People, Regarded Collectively and Often Used with Reference to Marxism).
  • The Planet Mercury is Featured by a Man Resembling a Pre-Revolutionary Russian Shopkeeper. The Many Armed and Unfriendly Fellow isn’t Identified but is Believed to Most likely be the Planet Jupiter.
  • We See a the Eyes of the Moon turning into a Man and Woman who start Hugging and Kissing. The Commissar finds this to be Wildly Amusing BUT it has NO Relation to the Plot of INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION.
  • Those Fucking Nazis: The Time being 1924, INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Features a Rather Wacky Italian Faschist (Who at that time were Best Known for Fighting Communism).
  • The Cartoon States (INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION) is “A Fully Probable Event in/of 1929” just a mere 5 Years after INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION came out and was Said in All Seriousness.


It is What it Is,

   Presented By Les Sober   

November 7th, 2020 The Day America Saved Its Own Ass

I don’t Comment on Much or Really Anything about the World Outside of FYB on FYB and there’s a Couple Good Reasons Why. First Off FYB is a World Unto Itself, and Should Not be fucked over by the Bullshit in Real Life as FYB Provides well needed Escapism. The Second is one of the Wisest things Anyone Ever fucking Told Me which is “Three things You should’t discuss with Other People about Money, Politics, or Religion.”, and I will never forget it to the Day I Depart this Planet. Money is a relatively New Addition to the List of Topics, but as for the Latter Two it’s Old News. The Reason for Avoiding said Topics is They Both can Turn a Relaxed and Pleasant Conversation into a UnHoly Shitshow in a Matter of a few Seconds.


With that Said I Honestly Feel at this Particular Point in American History I Want to, Need to, and Must go on the Record. Four Years Ago in 2016 when a Certain Orange Shit Gibbon Stole the American Election the Country and the Entire World knew things were going to Get Really fucked up, But No One Knew to what Extent. Well its pretty fucking Safe to Say that the Increasing Nightmare in America was Far More Fucked Up than even the Most Pessimistic Pessimist could have Predicted. The World watched On in Shock and Awe as They watched a Once Proud Nation Slip Further and Further into a Fascist Ruled Poverty Ridden Police State. I’ll say it America was Headed Straight Towards the First American Dictator with The Orange Asshole in Office. America Long Standing Issues of Wealth Inequality, Party over Country, Racism, Oppression of Women Rights, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, and an Unchecked Level of Ignorant and Uneducated People Rise to a Unthought Level of Pure Hate Driven Destruction.


The Orange Anti-Christ was Only Out for Himself, and the Pay Day of Being President, from Day One He Only Served Himself. As far as Everyone Else as Far as His Fat Orange Ass was Concerned Fuck Them All. He Lied over 20, 000 Documented Times, He Uses Social Media to Lie and Spread Propaganda/Misinformation/Conspiracy Theories, He was IMPEACHED for Attempting to Commit Treason by using a Foreign Country to Interfere in a American Election, He Alone (Not Including His Administration of Assembled World Class Abominable Assholes, and His Ass Kissing Associates)  has had over 100 Scandals Ranging from Pedophilia to 27 Charges of Rape to Promoting Racism/Racist Organizations or Groups to Tax Fraud to Committing Treason in 2016 and trying again in 2020.

The Orange Asshat did Everything He could to Divide Americans turning The People Against Themselves. Meanwhile He and His Corrupt Party of Complict Traitors and Army of Ass Kissing Sycophants could Grab Fist Fulls s of Dirty Dollars and Lust for More and More Power. The Orange Assclown was the Actual Human Equivalent to fucking Cancer. Everything He touched or Associated with turned to Total Unadulterated Shit. He Personifies what is referred to as a “Shit Person”.


Then After Four Long and Insanely Dark Years the Orange Emperor of Assholes Illegitimate Presidency was Threatened with Termination of a Second Term by the 2020 Presidential Election. Now the Orange Anal Fisher had a Particular Problem being the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” Syndrome. The Obese Orange Bastard had been Caught Habitually Lying to the Point it His Lies were Loosing Their Power to Manipulate the Masses. So the Evil Orange Asshole amped up His Cult Base of The Shittiest People on the fucking Planet (Racists, Evangelicals, Pedophiles, Crooks, Liars, Thieves, Sex Offenders, Drunken Wife Beaters, Uneducated White Trash, Homophobes, AntiSemites etc.) to New Heights of Hellacious Havoc. He became so Desperate He and His Piece of Shit Party tried and Spouted all the fucking bullshit They could come up with. Not to Mention as They made Allegation after Allegation to Date all have been TOTALLY UNFOUNDED and Utterly fucking FALSE. The Shit They Babbled on about became Increasingly Bizarre and Absurd to the Point it was a fucking Joke even Alienating His Own Supporters. The Orange Anus’s Legacy (like His Entire Life is One) is One Ongoing Full Blown FAILURE.


Inevitably the Outrageous Orange Assface Ranted, Raved and Raged to No Avail, and Lost His Re-Election Campaign to a True Leader. Unfortunately since We are Dealing with The Orange Ass Implant We are still having to Tolerate a Tremendous Amount of Sore Loser Bullshit and Complete Conspiracies along again with ENDLESS LIES. The Orange Idiotic Asshole is a Minuscule Minded 74 year Old Toddler Who Lied and Lost the Election and now is having a Full On Temper Tantrum like an Enraged Tween. Along with the Asinine Antics of the Orange Rectal Tumor We also have to Endure the same Line of Shit from the Few Remaining Political Cronies Towing the Line of Elections Lies trying to Overturn the Entire Election the Traitorous Titfucks. They all should be Fired, Arrested, Tried for Treason for Their Revolting Perversions of/in Politics and Fucking Over the People They were Meant to Serve, and Locked Up for the Rest of Their Shit Eating Lives.


Now if that wasn’t Enough fucking Insult to Injury after the Last Four Years of Hellishness We also have to Account for the Orange Assbag’s Shitty Supporter Cult Base. They like Their Lame ass Loser Leader are Pitching Fits like Theres No fucking Tomorrow especially Thanks to Social Media among other things. These are the Same Sacks of Shit that in 2016 Gloated to the Ends of the fucking Earth when the Orange Anus Itch Stole the Election (Thanks to Russian Interference Lead by Vlady Putin), AND Talked Mad Shit to Anyone Who didn’t Support Their Detrimental Dipshit of a So called Leader. They ran around Starting Shit as Much as They Possibly Could because They Felt Empowered by the Orange Assfuck to be the Actual Scumbag Shitfuckers They are. So to all those Orange Asshole Supporters still out there tell Me if this Sounds Familiar “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!”


To All the Orange Asshole’s Supporters who said if He lost They’d Leave America then GET THE FUCK OUT ALREADY YOUR FUCKING SORE LOSERS. To the Shitty Supporters who said They’d take to the Streets and Incite all kinds of Violence WHERE YOU HIDING YOU FAKE TOUGH GUYS? To The Racist Groups who backed the Orange Ass Suck WHERE ARE YOU NOW that Your Leader has FALLEN. To all the Evangelicals that said if the Orange Asshole Lost God would Abandon Humanity and all that Bible Beating Bullshit LOOKS LIKE GOD DOESN’T AGREE WITH OR LIKE YOUR FAKE CHRISTIAN ASSES. To all the Orange Asshole Militia Motherfuckers who Claimed They’d take Back America if He Lost WE HAVE THE ACTUAL MILITARY WITH REAL SOLDIERS YOU WANNBE GI JOE JOKERS. We all now have The Proof of what We knew All Along just like the Orange Anal Abortion His Shitty Supporters are All Bark and No Bite, They’re all Talk because in Actuality They are Scared little Punkass Cowards. My Advice to the Orange Asshat’s Supporters Grow a Spine and Shove it Up Your Ass.


Thank Fuck those Dark Days are Slowly Dying Away as America does What America Does. We get Complacent and Forget the Events from the Past/History that We have had to Endure then All Hell Breaks Loose, and America has to Suffer until The Citizens put Their Personal Bullshit Aside, Unite, and Triumph over Adversity. America has a New Honest, Competent, Positive, Educated, Experienced, Compassionate NEW LEADER to Help America Rise like a Phenix Once Agin from the Ashes of Chaos, and to Return to Glory Stronger than Ever Before. In the End the Revolting Orange Asshole and His Administration of Assholes will Fall, They will be Removed by Force if Necessary, and They will Pay for all Their Sleazy Dealings/Crimes. Truth has Beaten Tyranny the Wannabe Dictator is Done, and Finally after Four Years American can begin down the Long Road to Recovery and Prosperity.


Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober  

Life Imitates Art as Art Imitates Life Part 1: Tesla, Edison, and Electricity

I decided to write this post because it gave me a chance to address to issues I have issue with per say. While I truly love and respect original talent/material equally despise Trendy Band Wagon Jumpers,  those who have no talent of their own so they rip off those they want to emulate from the News/Social Media. Not only do they steal ideas/concepts they have the fucking balls to strut around patting themselves on the fucking back constantly. These talentless hacks parade around congratulating themselves for producing (and cashing in on because its money/fame these self proclaimed artists are really interested in, the art comes second with these ignorant idiots) shitty wannabe knock offs.

Now on this topic I have 2 separate ( but similar as you will see) issues I want to address so this will be a 2 Part Post.

The First one being Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla on the subject of Electricity (its not what you think nor would expect, but I digress).

The Second one being Mr. Brainwash/Thierry Guetta and Banksy/ Identity Unknown on the subject of Street Art Then and Now.

Starting with good old Tommy Edison and Nikola Tesla I must get a few things strait. This is NOT  Biographical or a History Lesson. I’m not going to play the good old pissing contest contending the accomplishments or criticisms of each man. I will most definitely not be using this post to indulge the Nerdpocalyptic argument that rages on through the ages in addition to today on who had the better electrical discovery Edison’s DC Current or Tesla’s AC Current. I am not an inventor, scientist nor expert so unlike most fucking people I’m not going to pretend that I know when in reality I don’t.

What I think is utter Horseshit is this. While Edison tooled around with DC Currents and Tesla with AC Currents they’re philosophies on how the benefits of harnessing electricity would affect the American Public. Tesla’s belief was quite simple by harnessing electricity he would create a network that would provide electricity to every home, business, and anywhere it would benefit his fellow man (Example Street Lights, Traffic Lights, Signs, recharging devices etc.) FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE.

The last point is this Tesla was a one man show. True while Tesla had a few assistants through out the years they were nothing more than helping hands in helping Tesla with experiments ALL of the ideas/concepts/beliefs where sold those of Tesla himself. The best comparison I can provide is to the much more recent musician Trent Reznor. Reznor writes all of his “Bands”(Nine Inch Nails or NIN for short) music and lyrics as well as playing all the instruments Himself. When Reznor heads out on tour he hires a back up band because obviously He can’t play live shows all by himself.

Meanwhile as for Thomas Edison….

Edison allegedly invented the light bulb (a fact refuted by the Historians of today who say Edison’s claim is nothing but bravado and bullshit). Now some of our Readers may be confused (or wondering what the point is) as Edison is documented in the Historical Records of Humanity as just that the inventor of the light bulb so? The answer is also my point. Edison HIRED nothing short of an Army of Young Inventors in what were referred to as “Invention Factories” which he had several of in America and in Europe. These Invention Factories where supposed to nurture the Young Inventors and allow them a place to work and thrive a true platform for knowledge.In reality if any of Edison’s EMPLOYEES (because lets face it thats what the were) had a brilliant Idea or Invention Edison would take the idea, and then CLAIM CREDIT FOR IT much like the Light Bulb. The whole fucking set up was a scam set up by Edison to con Young Inventors to benefit his own career. Thats a serious Dick Move.

Now back to the Light Bulb. After claiming to have created the Light Bulb quickly established Edison General Electric which was the first move to Monetize Electricity as a Consumer Commodity. Time passes and a few starter Electric companies throw their hats into the ring for the new and viable Electricity Market. In just 2 short years in 1892 Edison consolidated all of his assorted businesses, and then Merged his consolidated companies with his number one Competitor to form GENERAL ELECTRIC.

The Bottom Line is this 1. Edison was a Hack who stole inventions/Ideas from weak, vulnerable, and Nieve Young Inventors. 2. Overtime you open your Electric Bill and exclaim “Are you serious?!” or ‘What the FUCK?!!!” you can thank Thomas Edison for creating the ELECTRIC BILL when Tesla would have provided the same service(s) TOTALLY FREE.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober