What The Fuck Is Going On With hmrSilence?!

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH hmrSilence?! So First and Foremost Who or What the fuck is hmrSilence ?Well it’s some Unknown Obscure and Cryptic Youtube Chanel the We came across Peering Down Rabbit Holes to see if Anyone is Home. hmrSilence Proved to be Something Rather Interesting So We decided to take a Closer Look into the Channel.

Now Obviously the Starting Point (and as it Turned Out Virtual Ending Point) by Surveying the Channel Basic Info Shit. When You Deal with These fucking Fringe Videos Long Enough You Notice Certain Patterns. So it wasn’t at All Surprising when the hmrSilence’s About, Channels, Playlists, and Community Sections are Completely Blank. We did Notice a Significant Difference Though which was Intriguing and that was that hmrSilence’s Home Page is Black with the Message “This Channel Doesn’t have Any Content” which isbn’t Exactly fucking True. If You Precede to Click on Videos then You Discover there are in fact 5 Videos in Total Posted/Uploaded (All 5 are Included in this Post). Whatever the fuck is Going on at hmrSilence it’s Moving at an Insanely Slow fucking Pace. The First Video titled 6996 was Posted 6 Years ago Sometime in 2016 and the Last Video Uploaded 66996 was Posted 3 Years Ago Sometime in 2019.

Before We get into the Videos We also became Initially Aware that Whoever is Behind the Channel is Doing one of the fucking Following. This Channel Could be an ARG or Gorilla Advertising Campaign (this is Common Place Dealing with this Kind of Weird fucking Shit), and this is NOT the Case with hmrSilence. Now Plenty of fuckng People do Believe the Channel is an ARG/Gorilla Marketing because it is True there are a Fuck Ton of Hidden Messages that Are Cryptic (6996 6996 is an Angelic Number signifying Good Luck Coming Your Way), or Random as Fuck for the Most Part. Anyways that Doesn’t Confirm Fuck All in the End since it Doesn’t Explain Shit Nor Provide Any Pertinent Information.We believe that Considering the Channel’s the Tiny Number of Uploads Spanning 6 fucking Years pretty much Rules Out Both of those Possibilities. So the Only thing on the “Fucked Up Shit List” as a Viable Option is this is Some sort of Art Type Project or just Some Weirdo/Lunatics Hobby.

6996: As We Mentioned Earlier 6996 is the Angelic Number for Good Luck headed Your Way, But that Doesn’t Explain shit about this Strange Shit. Virtually No One is Talking about or Seems Interested in hmrSilence when as You may have Guess There are Entire Groups (can You say Reddit) Dedicated to Most of this Far Out Shit. We did See a Single Post that Suggested that the Video could be a Representation of Human Consciousness Transformed into Sound. If that is/was the Case then the Soundtrack if You will could be Interpreted as Audio Thought Patterns. Anyway at the Very End of the Video the Screen goes Black and 6996 Flashes on Screen.

6996: Posted August 4, 2016

Inception: This is in Our Opinion the Strangest of all 5 Videos and Here’s Why. The Screen is Utterly Black for the Entire Video with One Acceptation Occurring between 2:37 – 2:39 where a Visual Pops Up Momentarily. We have No fucking Clue what the fuck the Picture is and won’t Waste Time Speculating like Pretentious Assholes. The Intro Build Slowly and the Audio sounds like some sort of Beeping Over Static which We were Wondering Might be Morse Code.

Inception: Posted February 24, 2017

6996 (Repeat Title, Different Video) This is Our Favorite by Far for Several Reasons. The Audio is ACTUAL fucking Music as Opposed to the Abrasive Weird Electrical Distortion, Manipulation, or High Pitched Squealing common with this kind of Fare. This is though One of those Quick Flashing Visuals so if You have Epilepsy DO NOT WATCH SEIZURE WARNING! As far as the Over All Imagery it’s Satan, Satan, Satan, and MORE fucking Satan Cars (though there is Some Occult Shit like Tarot cards). This Definitely Feels More like the Your Typical Fringe Horror Themed Type Shit. Now there is a SHIT TON of Text included in this Video an Actual Shit Tone. So that being Said We did Our Best to Catch All of It, But We admit We’re Not Perfect.

TEXT in Chronological Order of Appearance:

  • You Will Die (this One is Spread Out During the Beginning of the Video and is Written in What Appears to be Greek or Latin but That’s Our Best Guess anyway).
  • DIE
  • Love Is A Suicide
  • No Sleep
  • Something in What We Think is Greek or Latin Judging again on the Lettering.
  • 6996
  • The Word “Dead” in  We Suspect is Greek/Latin (Repeat).
  • 9669 (This is Another Angelic Number/Sign that means New Opportunities for You in the Future)
  • “Do I Look Like Satan?”
  • The Word “Dead” Again Written in Our best Guess Greek or Latin.
  • YOU
  • Destroy
  • Satan Within
  • No Sleep (Repeat)
  • I’m 666
  • EVD
  • OH M3PTB
  • More Weird Shit in Likely Greek or Latin.
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • It Could All Be Over In A Matter Of Seconds
  • Stupid Human Race
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • They’re Erasing You
  • Nobody Would Care When I’m gone
  • Night Time, My Time
  • No One Hates Me More Than Myself
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • TBI C4ACTJINB (Only thing that Stuck Out here is TBI is an Abbreviation for Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • Some Other Language We have NO fucking Clue Pops Up in Red. There are 2 Short Paragraphs that are 5 lines Each.
  • Chinese or Japanese Text

6996 (Repeat Title): Posted on Ma 7, 2017

of the 69: This is Pretty Easy to sum the Fuck Up since the Video is a Brief Run Tim of 6 Whole Seconds. There is a Morphing Head then right at the End 9669 and Another Several Lines of the Red Text.

Of The 69: Posted on April 12, 2018

66996 (If this is Yet Another Angelic Number We couldn’t find Shit Saying So): If You thought it Couldn’t get ANY Shorter then a 6 Second Runtime You’re Wrong 66996 is a MICRO 4 Total fucking Seconds. The Visual is of a Shadowy Face and the Audi Remind Us of an Old Nintendo Video Game.

66996: Posted on July, 30 2019


It is What it Is,

 Presented B y Les Sober

Letting GO

We all need to learn to let go at some time or another. We first learn to let go of our mother’s hand on the first day of school. We learn to let go of old pets who die, sometimes at very young ages. Or learn to let go of friends.

My friend just died. He wasn’t particularly close to me for many years but everyone we were close to at some point or another still holds somewhat of a space. Even if we haven’t been to that part of our mind or heart for a very long time.

But some of the hardest things to let go are not people. They are not pets and they are not letting go of other people’s hands. It is letting go of the very things in our own characters that hold us back. It is hard not to lean on these crutches in times of boredom, in times of anxiety, in times of doubt. But we all go back eventually to something that may hold us back.


While it is holding you back though, you may not even realize. Who the heck realizes that a bad hobby or a bad friend or a bad partner is bad until after it is over and you think to yourself what the hell was i thinking…. Unless it is something obvious like drugs or alcohol, well even that may not be obvious to some. It is certainly becoming obvious to me.

If you look at yourself thinking what the hell am I doing, then you need to be doing something else. I wonder that frequently with some of my actions and some of my inactions. Once you start having to build a web of lies around yourself in order to keep out some of the lesser desired elements of yourself or of your past then well it is not right.


So I sit here writing, my body is in 2020 and my mind is in the spring of 2010 picking flowers and my heart is somewhere floating around in 1997 wondering if maybe we could all meet someday for lunch. Frankly I would prefer fish and chips but I already have a party of three booked for fish and chips so my level 2000 body parts will have to come up with something more creative.


So as I embark on my soon to be new set of eyes, well Lasik surgery, I wish that the new eyes could somehow bring me a new me. I mean it will be a new me, I will be able to see at night and live the night like I never was able to before. And I am so excited.

I’m up all the time at night anyway, this will just be a rather much needed addition. I really haven’t know for about five or ten years whether my lack of going out at night relates to my getting old and boring or the fact I get blinded by other drivers past 7pm. Again I’m ready for cartwheels.


Even though all my body parts and organs may not be in the same kind of place, I see something no one else sees inside of me. Hopefully my new eyes give me another kick in the ass in a world full of fat asses with no kick left in them. That is far more important then ever having my heart, body, and mind in the same room for a cup of tea.

  By SpaceDog