Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Absurdly Awesome Horror Short SPOON vs. SPOON by Richard Gale. SPOON vs. SPOON serves as the sequel to Gale’s 2008 10 Minute Horror Short titled The Horribly Slow Murderer With The Extremely Inefficient Weapon. Now You hear this a lot and Most People just Shrug it Off, but if You haven’t seen HSMEI You should definitely Go Watch it First (HSMEI is Conveniently Posted Here on FYB) before watching SPOON vs. SPOON.

In SPOON vs. SPOON We catch up with the Main Character a Forensic Pathologist named Jack Cucchiaio who is still being Mercilessly Preyed Upon every moment of His Life by Ginosaji. Ginosaji, meaning Silver Spoon is Japanese, is an Immortal, Invincible, and Relentless Supernatural Fiend who is Hell Bent on Beating Jack to Death with a Common Spoon. Attempting to Free Himself from Ginosaji Jack takes the Advice of a Viewer and Arms Himself with a Spoon to Combat Gonosaji. Unfortunately for Jack things Do Not go according to Plan resulting in Ginosaji becoming even Stronger then Before!



It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: THE ITCH

Welcome to this week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE ITCH Written and Directed By Timothy Driscoll in Association with TERROR FRIGHTS. TERROR FRIGHTS is Devoted to Assisting Indie Filmmakers bring their Creations to Viewers around the World.

 The Itch is an Ominous Metaphor for any of Life’s Insatiable Vices and Appetites the People Indulge in (even when it cause Their Own Demise). Just like a Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Sex Addiction, Gambling, or Any Other Self Destructive Obsession like Anorexia or Stalking.

Synopsis: BEWARE!!! There Some Itches You Shouldn’t Ever Scratch…….


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Micro Horror Film Friday: LAUGHING MAN

Welcome one and all to this week’s installment of micro horror film Friday featuring THE LAUGHING MAN written, directed, and edited by Alex Magaña.  You’ve heard of the Smiling Woman NOW meet her unofficial fucking older brother LAUGHING MAN!

Plot: An unfortunate dumpster diving homeless woman has a horrific encounter with an ESCAPED PSYCHOPATH known as LAUGHING MAN!

(Note: The SMILING WOMAN SERIES is posted here on FYB located in the movie section.)

Homeless Woman – Jessi Sampogna
Laughing Man – Rory Ross

See you when I see you

   Justin Insane  

Short Horror Film Friday: THE DOLLMAKER

Welcome to this Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE DOLLMAKER” Directed by Al Lougher which is a Cautionary Tale Pertaining to Death, Mourning, and Grief. Let’s Face it People have been trying/Longing to Cheat Death Indefinitely Clinging onto Life with every Fiber of Their Being.


From Juan Ponce de Leon searching Endlessly for the Mythical Fountain of Youth to The Infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory (Who served as the ACTUAL inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and Not Vlad the Impaler. Legend has it Bathory bathed in the Blood of 650 Servant Girls She had Tortured and Killed because She believed the Blood of Young Girls had Age Defying Powers). Death is the Fact of Life We all Know to be True, but Still Never Rightfully Accept.

Plot Summery: A Grieving Mother latches on to a Mystical Surrogate for Her Deceased Little Boy, but Small Miracles come with Big Consequences. “The Dollmaker Serves as a Warning  Be careful What You Wish For because You might Just Get It.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: FACELIFT

Welcome to the Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring FACELIFT Written and Directed by Virat Pal , and Staring Cara Loften, Nell Rutledge-Leverenz, and Carly Jones. FACELIFT is a Cautionary Tale about one of Humanity’s worst Qualities and that would be Vanity. Between Chasing Lost Youth (along with trying to Live Up to Society’s Definition of Good Looking) Humanity has twisted itself into  Self Indulging- Self Deprecating Cycle of Unattainable Physical Perfection and Approval.

Plot Summery: Life starts to Change for a Middle-Aged Woman when a Mysterious Mask  Suddenly appears on her doorstep one Day. Will it Transform Her Life into the Dream She’s always Wanted or Will it Become Her Own Hellish Nightmare? Remember Kiddies that if Something is Too Good to be True it May Just Kill You.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober  

For Shits And Giggles: WORLD RECORD

So here we are another monstrous motherfucking Monday come to crush our wills to live as our jobs steal our lives away from us minute by fucking minute. It’s such bullshit that the fucking work week is 5 days long, YET the fucking weekend is on 2 I mean I suck at math DOESN’T ADD UP! So after a 48 hours off the clock you have just enough time to actual relax then Monday comes around again, and we thrown head first back into the fucking rat race toiling away slaves to the grind. You spend all goddamn day trying to just get through the misery of Monday the bullshit bosses, crappy clients, ridiculous demands, shit pay, and cantankerous co-workers. You desperately try not to stare at the clock on the wall, but inevitably you end up clock watching as every single fucking minute on Monday’s feels like nothing less than fucking eternity! SO THEN kick back, crack a beer, spark up a joint, and let us here at FYB help you decompress.

This Monday’s post features the stop motion 5 second horror short WORLD RECORD by Lee Hardcastle. Hardcastle is an insanely prolific British Animator/Film Maker who specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. Lee Hardcastle describing his work in his own words: “I Make Claymations that are Not for Children’s Eyes.”, and has vowed to never insult his audience with Shitty Film Making.

Synopsis: Just because you win a prestigious award isn’t always a good thing!

See you around,

   Justin Sane   

Saturday Short Horror Cinema: SELF ASSEMBLY

Welcome to Saturday Short Horror Cinema featuring SELF ASSEMBLY  Written By Garret Shanley, and  Directed by Ray Sullivan. This Little Slice of Surreal Insanity reminds Me of  the David Lynch movie 1997 Cult Classic Eraserhead in Several Ways. Most Notably are the Fact that its Shot in Black and White giving the Film a Cold Stark Feel, and the Fact it Doesn’t need a Word of Dialog to be Creepy as Fuck.

Noteworthy Mention: The car that killed the son in the beginning is the same car that comes to retrieve the monster from the parents house.

Plot: In a Self-Assembly cabinet They Ordered Online Grieving Parents find a Truly Monstrous Substitute for their Deceased Son.


Self Assembly  Credits:

  • Produced & Directed by Ray Sullivan
  • Written by Garret Shanley
  • Based on the comic story by Garret Shanley & Cathal Duggan
  • A Monolith Pictures [IE] Production
  • Cast – Darryl Kinsella, Amy Kirwan and Ruben Kenny
  • Cinematography & Score – Terry Warren
  • Editing & VFX – Ray Sullivan
  • Special Creature Effects – Bobby McGlynn
  • Makeup by – Deirdre Fitzgerald

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: NO THROUGH ROAD 4

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring NO THROUGH ROAD 4 the Final Short in the British Psychological Horror Series. This Installment is a Bit Different because Below the Film We have Our Series Synopsis where We examine the Four Films in an Attempt to Deduce What it was all About/What was Going On. If You haven’t seen the Three Previous NO THROUGH ROAD Short Films We Highly Suggest You Do before watching NO THROUGH ROAD 4 (You can Find all Three Previous Shorts Here in the Movie Category in case Some aren’t Aware).

Outstanding Questions Entering NO THROUGH ROAD 4:

  • Will the Boys Manage to Escape from the Man in the Mask Alive?
  • Who is The Man in the Mask
  • What is the Endless Loop All About?
  • What Happened to Steven during the 3 Years He was Missing and Presumed Dead?
  • What is Steven’s Connection to The Man in a Mask?
  • What does Steven Know that HE’s Not telling the Others About?
  • How did the Boys come to Find Themselves in this Sinister Situation to Begin With?
  • Whats the Significance of the Tunnel?
  • What’s the Significance of the NO THROUGH ROAD Signs?
  • Can the Man in the Mask Be Killed and if So How?
  • Why is the Man in the Mask Terrorizing Travelers (What’s His Motive)?


So What was it all About: Final Summation

Basically, the Boys Found the House and Figured Out that the Mysterious Man in a Mask that Terrorizes the Boys Lives There. Essentially,  The Man in a Mask  has been Living Out in the Middle of Nowhere, Tormenting and Quite Possibly Killing People Who Unknowingly Dare Trespass on His Property. Now, the Interesting thing Here is that You have to stop thinking Steven and The Man in the Mask are Two Different People.
The Signs that said “No Through Road” were a Dire Warning to Travelers. How things go for Steven is as follows:
Present: They Found Steven (When He shows Up Out of Nowhere in No Through Road 2)
Past: He was “Murdered” along with His Friends.
Future: The Man in the Mask/Steven Knows what the Tunnel is and Tries to Warn People Off from it.
Instead, People/Travelers go through without thinking, so He Tries to Scare Them Away. The Tunnel itself is like the Movie Groundhog Day; an Infinitely-Looping Series of Events that Only the One(s) Who are Aware and/or Experiencing them can Prevent. Steven believed that if He Prevented The Man in the Mask (Himself) from Attacking the Past Him, it would Somehow Alter the Outcome of the Events that Followed. Unfortunately, He Ended up Attacking Himself and Repeating the Events that lead to Him being Discovered.  Horrified by what He had Done, Steven Runs Away and Hides where Nobody can find Him, Unless They go Searching. He stays there for Years, scavenging together Food and shit for However long and doing His Best to Prevent a Repeat of Events. Except each day, He Repeats the Same Thing in an Eternal Loop.
The Reason Why the Boys  can’t Hurt The Man in the Mask is because He Does Not Exist at the Same Point in Time. Steven in the Future has Learned that Not Only did the Tunnel Trap Him in an Infinite Loop, but with some Practice, He can Jump to Specific Points in Time. Steven is No-face. He wants to Prevent Other People/Travelers from Experiencing His Hell. He knows No Matter what, Regardless of what Point in Time He jumps to, the Events that are Keeping Him there are a Fixed Point in Time. Anything that Happens following Someone’s Discovery of the Tunnel Automatically becomes a Fixed Point in Time that keeps You Trapped Unable to Escape. 


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: There Are Monsters

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring There Are Monsters the 2008 Canadian Phycological Horror Short Directed by Jay Dahl. There Are Monsters is Based on the Apocalyptic Concept that the World is being Slowly, Quietly, and Efficiently being Taken Over by Creatures from an Alternate Dimension that Look Just Like Us. Dahl turned the Concept of There Are Monsters into a Feature Film of the Same Name in 2013.

Synopsis :

Garth and Maddie are about to Host a Dinner Party when They see a Strange Little Girl in Their Backyard. She is the First Sign that the World has Suddenly and Inexplicably Changed. Now, There Are Monsters.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: No Through Road

Welcome to another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday this Week Featuring the 2009 British Horror short No Through Road, and is Rumored to be based on the Clifton Bunny Man Urban Legend. The Video was Originally Posted by a User named indrancole3, but We couldn’t (and not for a lack of trying I assure You) find out Exactly WHO made No Through Road. The Closest thing to any real Information is that the Film was made by a Group of British Teenagers, But this has yet to be Confirmed. What made it increasingly Difficult is not Only was No Road Through a Short Horror Film which makes locating Information Trickier, but there is a Major Hollywood Full Length Film by the Same Name (though it has a Completely Different Premise altogether).


On December 15th, 2008 four 17 Year Old Boys from Stevanage, Herefordshire were Reported Missing by Their Families. Two Days Later, Their Dead Bodies were found at Broomhall Farm, Ten Miles away from Stevenage in the Car They had been Driving. The Farm was thought to have been Abandoned, yet Further Investigation showed Signs of being Recently Inhabited. A Digital Camcorder was also Found in the Teens Car. This Video is Unedited Footage taken Straight from the Camera Itself, which has been Released with the Family’s Consent.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Urban Legend Lunacy as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober