Whats Going On With 01A51CDO (Part 3 of 3)

Here is The Latest Video Uploaded by 01A51CDO Enjoy.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

The Mystery Of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (41-51)

Welcome to Another Installment of The Mystery Of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content Videos 41-51. I know many of You may be Tired of “Reading” this Intro, and believe Me I’m fucking Tired of Writing it. I continue to write it for Those just Tuning in if You Will.

  • If You Haven’t Watched the Previous Meatsleep Videos in the Series We Highly Suggest You Go Back and View as all Videos are Posted in Chronological Order.
  • The Mystery is This: Are Meatsleep’s Videos a Bizarrely Disturbing Art Project OR are They Documenting The Life of an Actual of a Serial Killer?
  • Along with the Videos Additional Information Pertaining to the Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content is Included with Each Post.


Additional Information:

  • Not Only has Meatsleep’s Youtube Channel was Deleted so Was Meatsleep’s Twitter, and there No Record of Meatsleep being on Facebook (or any other Social Media as Far as We have Found).
  • We Mentioned in the Last Post that on Meatsleep’s YouTube Channel List there were in Fact 2 Names. The One We discussed Iwan Fals who Specialized in Focusing on the Negative Particularly Bad Shit happening to Animals. Allegedly Iwan Fals moved on and is Part of the Dark Web’s Infamous “Animal Nightmare” Site which Traffics in Animal Abuse, Neglect, and Torture.
  • The Second Name on Meatsleep’s since Deleted Youtube Channel List was Jordyn Nickum who Only Posted a Single Video.
  • Nickum’s Youtube Channel was Created The Day After Iwan Fals’s Channel was Established.
  • The Content of Nickum’s Sole Video was similar to Iwan Fals as it Focused on the Story of an Allegedly Seriously Sick Puppy.
  • Unlike Iwan Fals Nickum’s Video’s Focus was on the Allegedly Sick Puppy’s Owner who was Soliciting Financial Help Online using a Site like GoFundMe or KickStarter (since She was claiming to be too Broke to Pay for the Veterinarian/Medical Treatment/Medications for Her beloved, But Gravely ill Puppy).
  • It wasn’t Long before some People started Claiming that the “Whole Sick Puppy-I Need Money” was in Reality a Simple Scam using a Puppy to Really get People Giving. People Question if the Puppy was in Fact Actually ill or if There was a Puppy at All (as the Woman could have easily just Snagged it from Anywhere Online/Social Media)
  • The Puppy’s Owner Recorded and Posted a Video in Response to all of the Negative Allegations, BUT She Never Mentions or References Meatsleep.
  • The Truth is the People who DID mention/Reference Meatsleep during this Ordeal where the Same People Talking Shit.
  • We checked and Nickum doesn’t have a Youtube Channel or it like Meatsleep’s has been Shut Down/Deleted.
  • We did Locate a Small Handful of Music Video’s that were Reposted by Several People featuring Artists like Def Leppard, The Cars, Seether, Audioslave, and Avenged Seven Fold for Example. The Videos are Simplistic as fuck as and is Reminiscent of a Karaoke Prompter.













Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content Installment 3: Videos 9-14

Welcome to the Third Installment of the MeatSleeps Mystery Video’s 9-14. To quickly Recap The Burning Question on Everyones Mind Primarily is Trying to Determine if the MeatSleep Video’s are just an Art Project OR Could it Be the Far More Sinister Work of an Actual Serial Killer. The Thing that Peeked Everyone’s Interest to New Heights was MeatSleep Suddenly Announcing the Videos were indeed Fake and then Immediately Deleting All of Them. Leaving the Question as To Why would MeatSleep Delete the All Their Videos if it was just a Fictitious Are Project? Seems Extremely Counterproductive and rather Irrational Behavior anyway You Look at it.


There have been some New Theories Proposed by Users that go Beyond the Art Vs. Serial Killer Debate. It is worth Noting that Many who Favor the Serial Killer Summation have stated as Proof the fact that in Many of Meat’s Videos They are Stalking/Spying on Someone who is Oblivious to the Fact. The same Reason had been used to support the Meat is a Homicidal Stalker Who Stalks His Victims before again MURDERING The Objects of His Obscene Obsession.

Them.Theory as Well.Some Users are wondering if MeatSleep (or Meat) is in fact a CANNIBAL who is Abducting and Eating Unsuspecting Citizens. Others have proposed Meat is a Sexual Predator Who Stalks, Kidnaps, Tortures, Sexual Assaults, and Ultimately KILL His Victims. Some Say Meat is just an Old School Peeping Tom, a Low Level Pervert who gets off Spying on Unaware Women, Yet Others believe MeatSleep Videos could possibly be  the Work of One of Meat’s Victims who Escaped or Could have Murdered Meat Themselves in the Name of Self Defense. Lastly there are some People who think the MeatSleep Videos are in Reality just a Alternate Reality Game of Some Sort.



First off Video 9 is a Prime Example of a Great Number of MeatSleep’s Video Titles are What Appear to be Random Nonsensical Symbols and Shapes. The Characters/Symbols in these Video Titles are ACTUALLY WRITTEN IN INUT the Language of the Native People of Canada/Alaska, and You can easily Locate a Letter Chart for Translation purposes Online.

Next The Video Titled “Walk In The Park” Refers to an Actual Real Life Murder Case, and What is the Significance of Reference? Could this be One of MeatSleep’s Victims?

Lastly There is Video 14 titled “Martober” and Why is That Intesting You may be wondering. Well MeatSleep has an Old/Outdated Twitter Account under the Name SEWNSKIN that originally only had One Tweet that read simply #Martober (the Tweet has since been Deleted) again No One Knows exactly why MeatSleep’s Tweet solely mentions that Particular Video in the Series. In Addition to the #Martober Tweet being Deleted there have been several Subsequent Tweets 3 on 3/15/16 that are Written in an Asian Language more than Likely Japanese, and the “Latest” or Last Tweet was on 4/6/16 that consists of Only Two Words “I’m Back”.








STAY TUNED for The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content Installment 4 Videos 15-20 Coming Soon!!!

We Hope Enjoy Unravelling the MeatSleep Mystery as Much as We Do.

Thanks for Watching,

  By Les Sober