The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished Its TOO Humane

I for once agree in My own Warped Way with the General Public in the belief that The Death Penalty should for all intensive purposes be Abolished.

Here is My Reasoning on the Subject:

I believe that yes one if not the number one reason the Death Penalty should be abolished because IT DOES NOT SERVE AS ANY KIND OF DETERRENT. I from the School that Believes that Bad People do Bad Shit BECAUSE THEY’RE FUCKING BAD PEOPLE.

They were just Born fucked up Destined for a Hard and Brutally Unpleasant Life before a Miserably Pathetic or Tortured Death (which will be likely premature). I know its Nature versus Nurture which lets fucking face it will be an unresolved Debate till the End of Time.


All I saying is There Plenty of People who beat the odds. They never gave up, They chose to NOT ACCEPT the World of Shit They Lived in, and FOUGHT TOOTH AND FUCKING NAIL to Better Themselves, Their Lives, and Lives of Their Family/Children. Instead of sinking into the Shitty Home Broken Home, Drugs, Abusive Parents, Dead Beat Dads, Alcoholism, Poverty, Abuse of all Kinds, Being Bullied, and all of the Other Afflictions forced upon People.

There are also Life Long Assholes who use EVERY ASPECT of Their shitty Life as an EXUSE to behave like a Scumfucker. Everyone has FREE WILL thats why even the goddamn Devil can’t simply Steal Your Soul (Thats why You have to agree to trade it/ give it too Him He can’t take it, and He’s the Evil that Breeds all the Other Evils. That goes to show You how fucking Powerful FREE WILL is as well as a Testament to its Power.

Its these Sad Sacks of Shit following in Their Sea of Self Pity, and Blaming of Others for The Misfortunes of Their Own making that I’m referring to. These hopeless fucks choose to NOT EVEN TRY to change instead opting for a “I’m fucked by Life for Life” Victim Mentality. That means anyway You look at it Their going to engage in Criminal Activities including those so fucking sick that DEATH is the only Suitable Sentence set forth by Society.

So They Question is What does Society do with Murderer’s, Rapists, Child Molesters, and Organized Crime for example? We all agree They must be Locked the fuck away from the rest of Us, BUT IS THAT ENOUGH?!


I’m over with the whole Sentencing a Murderer to be Effectively Murdered by The State bullshit (I’m tired of that unreasonable argument). To Me its NOT a matter if the Convict ultimately Lives OR Dies, BUT on How Their remaining time on this Planet is spent.

I believe that it should be spent Suffering. I’m talking about TRUE SUFFERING, Suffering to the point The Convict DOESN’T want to Live another Second, and would Welcomingly RUN into the awaiting Arms of The Grim Reaper.


I’m speaking of being TRAPPED in the Personal Hell of the Convicts of Psychological Making Torturing Them into Madness that Ravenously Feeds Upon Itself. There is NO ESCAPE from Yourself and thats the KEY, but I’m getting a bit ahead of Myself here.

Let Me take a Moment to Comment on the Death Penalty’s various forms of Execution, and Why I think they should be Outlawed.

Hanging: My Argument is its WAY, WAY, WAY TOO QUICK AND PAINLESS. When preformed properly The Knot of the Noose its secured between the C3 and C4 Vertebrae in the Neck. When the Convicted’s Body Weight and Gravity meet the Neck is Snapped and Death is Instant. Other Arguments sight POORLY EXECUTED (No Pun Intended) HANGINGS BY AMATEURS where the Convicted Person’s head was Severed or the Neck wasn’t Snapped, and the Convicted died due to Asphyxiation by Strangulation.


Firing Squad: Again My Argument is simply ITS TOO QUICK A DEATH AND PAINLESS. Remember the Executioners in this case are EXPERT SHOTS (Sniper Grade Shit) so each shot is a KILL SHOT bringing Instant Death. Fun fact about Firing Squads one of the Guns used in the Execution is loaded with BLANKS, and The Executioners know this. What the Executioners DON’T KNOW is which Gun it is that has been loaded with the Blanks.


This is for the Psychological Well Being of the Executioners. This way if an Executioner starts to regret what He/She has done They can cope with it by reminding Themselves that One of the Guns was in fact loaded with Blanks, and that Gun could very possibly been the one They specifically used. It creates reasonable doubt to a degree that it apparently works well.

The Electric Chair: While I have a Nostalgic sort of Fascination with Old Sparky My complaint is still the fucking same TOO QUICK AND PAINLESS. The Electric Chair coasts by on its Reputation and Portrayal in Television/Movies. Its not nearly as Horrific as its depicted to be. The First Blast of Electricity knocks the Convict completely UNCONSCIOUS, and the Subsequent Shocks cause Death through Stoppage of the Heart.

Others argue that the Electric Chair has failed through out time do to technical or electrical issues, but its a fucking Machine. Machines like People are far from fucking perfect so what the fuck would one expect?!


Lethal Injection: Here We go AGAIN, ITS TOO QUICK AND PAINLESS. The First Drug Renders the Convict COMPLETELY UNCONSCIOUS while Subsequent Injections Indue Death. And Again Other Argue that Lethal Injection is too risky and can result in a rather shitty Demise. To that I Say GOOD let Them SUFFER AND SUFFER SEVERELY.


Lastly on the List is The Gas Chamber. The Gas Chamber has ALWAYS been the MOST PROTESTED form of Execution. Today The Gas Chamber is all but been banned with 6 States (Arizona, California, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, and North Carolina) Authorize the use of Lethal Gas as a SECONDARY METHOD if Lethal Injection can not be Administered, The Convict committed the Crime BEFORE a certain date or if They Convict Chooses the Gas Chamber as Their former Execution.

The Gas Chamber was Condemned for being CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT where it could take up to or over 10 minutes for the Convicted to Die. See The Gas Chamber works by Strapping the Convict into a Secured Chair, Closing the Air Tight Door, Administering the Gas, Convicted see the Gas coming and Hold Breath as long as possible, Convict Inhales Lethal Gas, Chokes/Gags/Drools/Strains, and then Dies.


I always thought the Gas Chamber should have been the ONLY Method for Execution in the United States since it was first used on February 8, 1924 to execute Gee Jon. I just don’t see how you can have a fucking DEATH PENALTY and then constantly complain about it being InHumane?! I MEAN ITS MENT TO KILL PEOPLE SO WTF DOES ONE EXPECT?! The words Execution and Humane shouldn’t even be in the same fucking sentence.

Now heres a TWIST I’m not going to condemn the Current Methods of Execution in favor of More Violently Horrific Methods as most People in My position tend to do. I’m am sick and fucking tired of the “Oh He killed 11 Women and Kids, BUT DON’T HURT HIM while/when your executing them.


My solution is SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for the Convicted Person. Currently because of Human Rights issues (I’m sorry you rape, kill or Molest FUCK YOUR RIGHTS They were forfeited at the time of the Crime) Convicts in Solitary Confinement are locked in Their Cell 23 Hours a Day with one Hour designated for Showering/Yard Time.

My Version is a bit Different in its design. First the Convict would be in Their cell 24 hours a day 6 days a week. On Sunday the Convict would be blindfolded (so They can’t see, speak or signal another Convict) and lead to a Solitary Confinement outside Cell. The Exterior Cell would be 4 Cement Walls with an elevated Roof so the Convicts couldn’t see outside, the Prison Yard or even the Sky.


The Convict’s Door and Cell shouldn’t have even the smallest of Windows as the Convict shouldn’t be able to see anything accept the inside of Their Cell. The Convicts would be prohibited from making or receiving Phone calls, Magazines and Books would be considered Contraband, and Radio’s and Televisions forbidden. Also all writing and Art supplies wouldn’t be allowed either. The Convicts Lights would be on for 12 Hours and off for 12 hours per day. The Convicts wouldn’t have access to Clocks so that They have no idea the Time, Day or Date this is also the reason for Cells not having Windows or Windows in the Cell Doors.


The isolation becomes crippling, and the Convict literally reaches the point where They can’t live with Themselves Haunted relentlessly and constantly by Their Misdeeds and Nightmares. Reality Fades as the line between Sanity and Madness becomes blurrier and blurrier. The Convict starts to suffer from Insomnia, Suicidal Thoughts, Erratic Behavior,Acute Anxiety, Abnormal Aggression,Paranoia that then give way to Auditory and Visual Hallucinations.  The Convict Spirals down the Rabbit Hole to Their Own Personal Hell until They Pray for Death LONG before the Die.

Thanks for Reading,

   By Les Sober