Racists are Revolting

Warning: The Following Post Contains a Great Deal of Foul Language, and Violent Imagery that Some People May find Offensive or Disturbing. There are Pictures of ACTUAL DEAD NAZI WAR CRIMINALS with The Noose Still Around Their Next From Being EXECUTED FOR SAID WAR CRIMES AND OTHER WAR TIME ATROCITIES. During the NUREMBERG TRIAL (1945-1948) Enjoy.

I’m Sick and fucking Tired of all this Racist fucking Bullshit going on Currently in America. These Hateful Pieces of Shit running around Beating People, Shooting People, and Generally being complete fucking Assholes to Anyone who ISN’T a Racist.

ITS TIME TO MAKE RACISTS AFRAID AGAIN. Its time to Drive these White Trash, Inbred, Uneducated, and Ignorant Assholes back under the fucking Rock They Slithered Out from Under. Theres No Room in America for fucking Racists.

We should Round Up all the Racist Fuckers and DEPORT THEM TO ANTARCTICA the fucking Whitest Place on Earth since Their such Fans of the Color.  Let Them take Their Own fucking Advice which They are TOO FUCKING STUPID to Understand.


All this Violent Racist shit is Being Propagated by The Obese Orange Rapist Traitor in The White House because Only Scumfuck Racist Ratfucks support His egotistical Crimes against AMERICA and AMERICANS.

So Here’s What I Think, Brace Yourself its Going to Get FUGLY AS FUCK.

White Nationalists: White Collar Political Elitists, The Wealthy Old White Man Racists from Way Back. White Nationalists are just as fucking Pathetically Fucked as every other Racist Hate Group, the only Different is They are far better dressed in Expensive Suits. They are the “Serial Killer Racist” named so for Their ability (just like a Sociopath) to hide in Plain Sight without Anyone Knowing Their Secret.

They like Lynching so Much than HANG YOUR FUCKING SELVES YOU SCUMFUCKERS Make America Great, KILL YOURSELVES. These are the Old School Racist Fucktards that have Paved the Way for Every Other Racist Son of a Bitch.

KKK: Klu Klux Kunis is more like it. These Historical Throwback Redneck Racist Backwood Sister Fuckers run around in Sheets like Assholes Burning Crosses which to ME makes No fucking Sense Whatsoever since the KKK only Allows Christian Racists to become Members.

The KKK is a fucking Joke even in Todays Racist Climate. These are the Dumbfucks that run around spouting Stupid Racist Shit like ‘The South with RISE AGAIN.” Umm No its fucking Won’t. GET THE FUCK OVER IT ASSHOLES YOU GOT YOUR RACIST SLAVERY LOVING ASS HANDED TO YOU BY THE NORTH, YOU LOST THE CIVIL FUCKING WAR NOW GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY PUNK ASS BITCHES. They shouldn’t be Pro Racist They should be PRO DENTIST the Toothless Hillbilly Bastards.

The Proud Boys: Proof You can take the Date Raping, Homophobic, Binge Drinking College Fuck Up  Out of the Frat House, But You can’t take it the Date Raping, Binge Drinking, Homophobic, College Fuck Up Out of the Frat Boy. These Stupid Cowards are such fucking PUSSIES that Like Nazis They travel in Groups to Avoid getting Their Teeth Kicked in. Thats  because 1 on 1 They’re SCARED LITTLE PUNK ASS SACKS OF SHIT. Their Leader whatever that Hispter fucks Name is is even a BIGGER PUSSY.

He got all Butt Hurt and called the fucking Local News because His Neighbor put up a Yard Sign Condemning his Racism and the little big talking bitch CRIED ABOUT IT LIKE A FUCKING BABY. The Ground Boys are Cowardly Pussies who can Talk Mad SHit, But Can’t take it without running to the Media to Whine and Bitch  like the Spineless, Sniviling, Scummy Bitch Boys.

Neo Nazis: How fucking Stupid are These Self Righteous Assholes? I mean They Stole Their groups Ideology and Token Symbol the Swastika from THE MOTHERFUCKING  RACIST GERMAN NAZIS OF WW2. So how the fuck can these Bald Headed Bitches talk about “America this, America That” when Their whole Schtick is GERMAN.

Again Nazis are True Cowards who fight in Gangs and Pick on the Most Helpless because They are afraid off getting seriously fucked Up on the Street by NAZI HATING AMERICAN PATRIOTS. If a Nazi wants to prove How tough He is (which is a fucking Joke to begin with since Nazis are SPINELESS Yellow Bellied COWARDS) then He or She should take Their Steel Toed Combat Boots, and KICK IN THEIR OWN SHIT FILLED SKULLS.

Steven Miller: Sleazy Fuck should be Lowered SLOWLY feet First into a fucking Wood Chipper that has Dull and Rusty Blades. This Should be Done LIVE ON TV and STREAMED ALL OVER THE INTERNET/SOCIAL MEDIA.

Steve Bannon: This Fat, Alcoholic, Wife Beating Racist should be Force Fed Rot Gut Fortified Wine until His Belly is Swollen at Max Capacity. Then He should be Thrown to the Fucking Floor like the Maggot He is, and Kicked Repeatedly until His Stomach Explodes. And this too should be done in FULL VIEW OF THE PUBLIC/ LIVE AUDIENCE.

Moscow Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell: This Deformed looking Turtle Motherfucker should be Skinned Alive, Rolled in Salt, and Then have the Salt washed Off with Pure Lemon Juice Extract, and Repeat until the Vile Racist Traitor is fucking DEAD. Then His Corpse should be Hung Upside Down from the White House Flag Pole for all to See until it ROTS AWAY.

ICE: ICE Agents are nothing more than Government Paid Racist Gustapo Thugs. These Brain Dead Douchebags run around doing whatever the fuck They want because They’re the GOP’s Racist Lap Dogs. ICE should be fucking Abolished, ICE Agents Arrested, and Executed in a NON STOP PUBLIC TRIAL and EXECUTION.

I could spend Days watching an Endless Line of ICE asshole racist Agents getting Convicted and Immediately Killed with some MEDIEVAL TORTURE DEVICES (so It’s SLOW AND AS PAINFUL AS POSSIBLE). Perhaps Hanging Them Upside Down Naked with Their Legs Spread, and Then SAWN IN HALF by HAND No Chainsaws Here just Antique Lumberjack Saws for These VILE RACIST FUCKS.


The Boarder Patrol: These Racist Fuckwits ae essentially ICE’s little Inbred Racist Brother. They are Moronic, Uneducated Racist Wannabe Prison Guards. These Low Level Racist fucks are more than Likely too fucking Ignorant to even Realize what Racist Shitfucks They actually are. They Like ICE should be Arrested, Tried, Convicted, and EXECUTED for Hate Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Kirstjen Michele Nielsen: This Racist Fuck Bucket is the Filthy Fucker that Allowed Kids to be Caged like fucking Animals, and then DENIED BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS (Not to Mention MULTIPLE DEATHS AND SEVERAL DETENTION CAMPS.) She created CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR FUCKING CHILDREN.  Now here’s the kicker This Sleazy Whorebag is a Top Their Racist Asshole, Not only did She orchestrate Brutal and Inhumane Immigration Concentration Camps (For Adults to Not Just Children) THEN THIS FUCKING SHITFUCKER GOES OUT TO EAT AT A MOTHERFUCKING MEXICAN RESTURANT! WHAT A CUNT.

THE GOP: All I have to say is these Hypocritical Racist Scumfuckers is They Love Demonizing Immigrants, BUT THEY SURE LOVE HIRING THEM JUST ASK THE KING COCKSUCKER, THE SUPREME ASSHOLE IN THE OVAL OFFICE. GOP MOTTO IS “DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO.” bunch of Vile Racist, Serial Rapist, Child Molesting,  Sex Trafficking Elitist ASSFUCKS. ELIMINATE THE ELITE. BANKRUPT THE RICH.


Eliminate, Eradicate, and Erase Racism From America ONCE AND FOR FUCKING ALL. All White People are fucking IMMIGRANTS just ask the NATIVE AMERICANS.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Frozen Ice : N@P’s Poetic Debut

Waters become so deep in this frigid night.

Endless dreams come with might.

Embraced but still moving wind,

Only surrounding within.

As soft to tough, fingers hold so much.

Abreast in saturated Ice, covers this so called life.

Entrapped emotions release ones conclusion,

Of how bitter cold this desecrated place may be.

A majestic surrounding of deep intimacy,

Submersing the surface of gasping breaths.


   By N@P

F to the U to the C to the K

I have to vent some as I’ve got that fucked up feeling like I’m actually going insane.

I can fucking feel It.

I fucking fear It.

I fucking am It.


Fuck The Bullshit.  Fuck Them. Fuck Money.  Fuck Pharmaceuticals.

Fuck Taxes. Fuck Censorship.  Fuck Salt.  Fuck Bills.

Fuck Organized Religion.  Fuck Politicians.  Fuck The Police.  Fuck Poverty.

Fuck Sexism.  Fuck Fast Food.  Fuck Nazi Scum.  Fuck Homophobes.

Fuck Fox News.  Fuck Trump,  Fuck Driver’s Licenses.  Fuck War.  Fuck Aids.

Fuck Abstinence.  Fuck Ignorance.  Fuck The GOP.  Fuck Fear.

Fuck Pollution.  Fuck Hunting.  Fuck Hypocrisy.  Fuck Half Assed.

Fuck Insurance Companies.  Fuck Hospitals.  Fuck Opioid Pain Killers.

Fuck Flakka.  Fuck Bath Salts.  Fuck Pot Prohibition.  Fuck Order.

Fuck Power.  Fuck The Elite.  Fuck Fake. Fuck Rape.

Fuck Crime. Fuck Society. Fuck The Legal System. Fuck Washington.

Fuck Florida. Fuck Capitalism. Fuck Sports. Fuck The Education System.

Fuck Alex Jones.  Fuck Sarah Sanders. Fuck Ben Carson. Fuck Devos.

Fuck Paul Ryan. Fuck Bill O’Reilly. Fuck Sean Spencer. Fuck Kavanaugh.

Fuck Big Business. Fuck Trade Wars. Fuck Tax Breaks For Wealthy Cunts.

Fuck Doctors. Fuck Ego. Fuck Critics. Fuck Dictators. Fuck Fascists.

Fuck The System. Fuck The Man. Fuck Authority. Fuck Racism.

Fuck Scott Pruitt. Fuck Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell. Fuck Mike Pence.

Fuck AR-15’s. Fuck Mass Shootings. Fuck Anti-Semitism. Fuck Intolerance.

Fuck Bordom. Fuck Fun. Fuck Work. Fuck 401 ks. Fuck Cubicles.

Fuck Animal Abuse. Fuck Elder Abuse. Fuck Child Abuse. Fuck Lawyers.

Fuck CEOs. Fuck FaceBook. Fuck The Internet. Fuck Bullying.

Fuck Melania Trump. Fuck The Entire Trump Family Tree. Fuck Them All.

Fuck Jared Kushner. Fuck Jeff Flake. Fuck Susan Collins. Fuck Lawrenceville.

Fuck Hate. Fuck Anger. Fuck Depression. Fuck Dispare. Fuck Injustice.

Fuck ICE. Fuck Bias. Fuck TV. Fuck Apps. Fuck “Ask Your Doctor”. Fuck Debt.

Fuck Attitude. Fuck Conforming. Fuck The Powers That Be. Fuck Oil.

Fuck Putin. Fuck Gluten. Fuck Kimmy Jong-un. Fuck Pop Punk.

Fuck Ratings. Fuck The American Dream. Fuck Us All. Fuck It To Hell.

Fuck The Oscars. Fuck The Kardashians. Fuck NJ Shore Cast. Fuck Pandora.

Fuck Siri. Fuck Alexa. Fuck Apple. Fuck Bill Gates. Fuck SmartPhones.

Fuck Scams. Fuck SUVs. Fuck YouTube. Fuck Hollywood. Fuck Unoriginality.

Fuck Mundane. Fuck The Norm. Fuck Uber. Fuck Entitlement.

Fuck The Rich. Fuck Nationalists. Fuck Fine Art. Fuck Wine Snobs.

Fuck Foodies. Fuck Hipsters. Fuck Millennials. Fuck Procrastination.

Fuck Failure. Fuck Job Interviews. Fuck Public Opinion. Fuck People.

Fuck Podcasts. Fuck Materialism. Fuck Consumerism. Fuck Restrictions.

Fuck Rules. Fuck The Proud Boys. Fuck Tucker “Fucker” Carlson.

Fuck Sean “The Shithead” Spencer. Fuck Reboots. Fuck McMansions.

Fuck Desperation. Fuck Misery. Fuck Agony. Fuck Pain. Fuck Sadness.

Fuck Conflict. Fuck Hate. Fuck Love. Fuck Humanity. Fuck The World.

Fuck North Korea. Fuck Saudi Arabia. Fuck Terrorists.

Fuck Domestic Terrorism. Fuck The NRA. Fuck Teddy Nugent.

Fuck Roseanne Barr. Fuck Fox Friends. Fuck Kid “Rap” Rock.

Fuck Contracts. Fuck Banks. Fuck The Stock Market. Fuck Exclusion.

Fuck Apartheid. Fuck Lies. Fuck Deceit. Fuck Disloyalty. Fuck Traitors.

Fuck Fair Weather Fans. Fuck Advertising. Fuck Fashion. Fuck Cosmetics.

Fuck limitations. Fuck Child Molesters. Fuck Evangelicals.

Fuck Steve Bannon. Fuck Steve Miller. Fuck Lesly Graham.

Fuck Netflix. Fuck Macho. Fuck Bravado. Fuck Self Centeredness.

Fuck Corruption. Fuck Fraud. Fuck Luxury. Fuck TMZ. Fuck Country Rock.

Fuck Pro Life. Fuck Big Tobacco. Fuck Ramen Noodles. Fuck Obedience.

Fuck Tofu. Fuck Disco. Fuck Expectations. Fuck Curry. Fuck Kale.

Fuck The 90’s. Fuck Political Correctness. Fuck Orthodox.

Fuck Conventional. Fuck Crowds. Fuck Frats. Fuck Collage Sports.

Fuck Commercial Endorsements. Fuck Internet Fame. Fuck Stupidity.

Fuck Ignorance. Fuck The Box. Fuck Diets. Fuck Doctors. Fuck Credit Cards.

Fuck Cell Phone Providers. Fuck Roaming. Fuck Flying. Fuck Security.

Fuck Contradiction. Fuck Two Facedness. Fuck Cliches. Fuck Fads.

Fuck Popularity. Fuck Success. Fuck Protocol. Fuck The Standards.

Fuck Viral Videos. Fuck Stainless Steel Appliances. Fuck Garbage Disposals.

Fuck Home Owners Associations. Fuck Idiocy. Fuck Cancer.

Fuck Heart Disease. Fuck Imitations. Fuck Wannabes. Fuck Lemmings.

Fuck The Hype. Fuck Acceptance. Fuck Star Bucks. Fuck On Line  Shopping.

Fuck Drones. Fuck Robots. Fuck Artificial Intelligence. Fuck Domestication.

Fuck Elon Musk. Fuck Collage Tuitions. Fuck Tests. Fuck Evaluations.

Fuck Envy. Fuck Jealousy. Fuck The DMV. Fuck Public Transportation.

Fuck Movie Theaters. Fuck Amusement Parks. Fuck Disney.

Fuck Time. Fuck The Inevitable. Fuck Fate. Fuck Extinction. Fuck Fuck.

Fuck Interior Design. Fuck Radio. Fuck Desire. Fuck Temptation. Fuck Sex.

Fuck Infomercials. Fuck Propaganda. Fuck The Bullshit. Fuck Sarah Sanders.

Fuck Reality. Fuck Fiction. Fuck Spam (Mail). Fuck Tourists. Fuck Vaping.

Fuck Conspiracy Theories. Fuck Pretense. Fuck Definition.

Fuck Classification. Fuck Indifference. Fuck Schtick. Fuck Arrogance.

Fuck Ikea. Fuck Burning Man. Fuck Fees. Fuck Mensa. Fuck NASA.

Fuck Vegans. Fuck Celebrity Chefs. Fuck Mixology.

Fuck Pomp and Circumstance. Fuck Folly. Fuck Gasoline. Fuck Ivy League.

Fuck Superiority. Fuck The Majority. Fuck The Flock. Fuck Followers.

Fuck “Likes”. Fuck The Flue. Fuck Double Standards. Fuck Exclusivity.

Fuck Wealth. Fuck Fame. Fuck Fortune. Fuck Disbelief. Fuck Shock and Awe.

Fuck Fanatics. Fuck Zealots. Fuck Day Dreams. Fuck Salesman.

Fuck Pressure Sales. Fuck False Apologies. Fuck Cheating. Fuck Giving Up.

Fuck Whining. Fuck Bitching. Fuck Lamenting. Fuck Complaining.

Fuck Excuses. Fuck Reason. Fuck The Past. Fuck Fuck Ups. Fuck The Upside.

Fuck Feelings. Fuck Loss. Fuck Death. Fuck Life. Fuck Institutions.

Fuck Organization. Fuck Fault. Fuck Instability. Fuck Box Stores.

Fuck Self Check Out. Fuck Contradiction. Fuck Smartphone Games.

Fuck The End. Fuck The Beginning. Fuck Mark Zuckerberg.

Fuck George “Corpse Grinder” Fisher. Fuck American Idol.

Fuck Reality Shows. Fuck Greed. Fuck Contempt. Fuck Regret. Fuck Ethics.

Fuck Dennis Miller. Fuck Kellyann Conway. Fuck Artificial Shit.

Fuck Imposters. Fuck False Profits. Fuck Weaponizing Holy Scriptures.

Fuck the Repetitive. Fuck Designer Dogs. Fuck Child Beauty Pageants.

Fuck Concern. Fuck Gamers. Fuck Emo. Fuck PG-13. Fuck Merchandise.

Fuck Malls. Fuck Billboards. Fuck HBO. Fuck Amazon. Fuck Walmart.

Fuck Monopolies. Fuck Privatized Prisons. Fuck Fines.

Fuck Eating Horse Meat. Fuck Whale Hunting. Fuck Big Game Hunting.

Fuck Boarders. Fuck Land Ownership. Fuck The Government. Fuck The FCC.

Fuck The IRS. Fuck Exploitation. Fuck Drama. Fuck Fuckers. Fuck Hunger.

Fuck Knock-Offs. Fuck Non Alcoholic Beer. Fuck The “It Place”.

Fuck Internet Challenges. Fuck Posers. Fuck Light Weights.

Fuck The Mainstream.

Well I feel a bit better so back to The Grind.

Thanks for Reading,

   Les Sober