Pequena Hillary Hulk VOSTFR

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring PEQUENA HILLARY HULK VOSTFR which I can honestly say is One of the Top 10 Weirdest fucking Videos I have ever Laid Eyes Upon. There is No Context Nor Explanation (Not that it Matter I imagine as it be Equally fucking Absurd) so this 1:47 Oddity is Well Worth Checking Out. Seriously I’m sitting Here fucking Trying to Write more for the Intro but I simply Can’t because I have No Words to Even Begin to Describe this Video Insanity.

Relevant Shit:

  • This is NOT the Original Video.
  • We looked for the Original Video but cam up Empty Handed.
  • This Version is Shorter than the Original.
  • This Version has the Addition of Subtitles though there isn’t a Whole Hell of a lot of Dialogue, and the Dialogue there is is Nonsensical to say the fucking Least.
  • VOSTFR is an Acronym for: Version Originale – Sous-Titre Francais (French for Original Version – French Subtiles. Which Obviously makes No fucking Sense since the Video is in Spanish with the Exception of the English Word “Why”).
  • Pequena translates to Petite which is Defined as: An Adjective used to Describe a Woman Politely as being Small and Thin.

It is whatever it is,

  Presented By Les Sober