Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – HOLES which is the Latest Installment from the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms  is a Creepypasta that originated from a Thread on the /X/ Board of 4Chan on May 12, 2019, where an Anonymous User asked Others to “Post Disquieting Images that just Feel ‘Off’.” There the First Photo Depicting the Backrooms was Uploaded, Presenting a Slightly Titled Image of a Sickly Yellow-Colored Hallway. Another Anonymous User Commented on the Photo with the First Story about the Backrooms, Claiming that One enters the Backrooms when They “No Clip Out of Reality in the Wrong Areas.”, which is a Video Game- Related Term Originating from the Popular Video Game DOOM for when a Player Passes Through a Physical Boundary that would Otherwise Block Their Way.

The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic (and of Course a Video Game). The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We would like to Acknowledge that this Incredible Series’s Sense of Desperation, Dread, and Isolation that Drives this Horror/Sci Fi Horror Series is Building and it’s Building Quickly. The Latest Installment BACKROOMS – HOLES really Ramps Up the Storyline from being Alienated, Alone and Trapped to HUNTED, Alone, and Trapped.

Along the Way Something Interesting Happened a Secondary Channel on BACKROOMS with IDENTICAL fucking Content as Kane Pixels Joined Youtube on November 24, 2016 where as Kane Joined Youtube on April 13, 2015. AND the Channels Name is Async Research which is the EXACT same Name of the Fictitious Organization/Company in Kane’s Backroom Series. As You may Imagine this has Raised Several Questions. You see one of the BIGGEST fucking Bitch in the BACKROOM is While Kane and Whoever the fuck Async Research is are KILLING it there is a fucking Blitzkrieg of Other Backroom Bullshit that Only Adds to the fucking Overall Chaos.

As it Turns Out the A-Sync Research Channel which we thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance the Plot Line and We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. This Person/People are OBVIOUSLY Collaborators working Side by Side with Kane Pixels since the Video Theme, Quality, and Feel of Each others Videos Coincide with One Another. The Other thing worth Noting is the Series was Originally Titled “THE BACKROOMS” and Now has been Simplified to Just “BACKROOMS” have No Idea Why but like We said We felt it was Worth Noting.

The Channel’s Self Description is as Follows:
“The A-Sync Research Development Team (ARDT) is an organization that is dedicated to bringing the world more affordable living space and solve overpopulation around the globe. The ARDT was formed in September 1983.” and that “This channel is heavily inspired by Kane Pixels:”

With that Said this Post is a Bit Different as We will be Featuring BACKROOMS – HOLES that was Posted 11 Days Ago on the Async Research Channel. What’s Different this Time is We are Also Including I REMEMBER that was Posted on Kane Pixels Channel a Month Ago and is the ONL:Y Title in the Series so Far to NOT have Backrooms in the fucking Title. This is Our Attempt to keep the this shit Straight especially with all the Aforementioned Other Backroom Bitches Pumping Out Generic, Talentless, Boring Backroom(s) Click Bait Bullshit. So Let’s Get Started Shall We, Yes Lets. First Off Here is BACKROOMS – HOLES followed by I REMEMBER.


As We said this Series has Steadily Building Tension with Each New Installment. In this Installment there 2 Key Points that need Addressing. First Off We now Definitively Know Chris (The Camera Man) is Absolutely NOT ALONE as the Blasphemies living in the Backrooms make Their Presence Well Known. Second is Where Does Chris End Up by the End of the Video? Is it a New Level of the Backrooms or just a Continuation of the Level Chris is Currently on? Either Way You look at it Chris Life  is in Now in Serious fucking Peril that’s for fucking Sure.

BACKROOMS – HOLES Description: This is a …. continuation of the tape that -..-. was recorded by civilian Christopher E. ***** This footage was .— recorded on February 2nd, 1984.


Now Something rather fucking unusual happened when We watched I REMEMBER and that was the Comment at the Top of the List by Someone going by Kattowo Caught Our Eye. This is fucking weird because We specifically Avoid the Comment Section due to the Fact it’s usually just useless babbling bullshit. You know the shit We’re talking about its the mindless fluff like “Great Video Keep Up The Good Job.”, “What a Shitty Video” or Perhaps Something utterly Asinine like “Totally Creeped me Out” or some other Nonsense. Lets fucking Face it the Comments Section is as fucking Useless as Any and All Social Media Platforms where Every Asshole thinks They’re a fucking Genius and the World cares about Their Opinion. TO BE CLEAR as a General Rule of Thumb We DO NOT give a Shit, Flying Fuck, or a Rat’s Ass about anything anyone has written in any Comment Section. With that Said there are ALWAYS Exceptions to the Rule and Kattowo would be that Very Exception. We were Surprised by the Detailed Analysis and How Actually fucking Though Provoking it is. We decided to give Kattowo the Credit They Deserve for a Job well Done and so Here is the  Comment made by Kattowo.



“Immediate interpretation: the “sea/ocean” is meant to represent the Backrooms; Talking about a house and other things “cast down to the seabed with all the other forgotten things.” As in objects or places that were forgotten becoming a part of the Backrooms. And the person talking, the person who “remembers” could represent Async, who rediscovered that which was once forgotten. An example being the Picture seen in “Found Footage #2” and the home video. This could explain why the Backrooms is the way it is in the first place: it’s the physical manifestation of being forgotten. “Folding downwards, into themselves” “Forever tearing along the seams of the sky” Describing how the Backrooms molds these memories into something; only to tear itself and all reality apart– creating a labyrinth of twisted halls that look like they were made by humans… but could never have been due to how unreal they are.”


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Dark Web Found Footage Tapes 1 and 2

Welcome to this Thursday FYB featuring DARK WEB FOUND FOOTAGE TAPES 1 and 2. First off I be Remiss if I didn’t start by saying while the Following Videos are a Surreal Nightmare full of Eerie Shit and Disturbing Imagery it is in Fact NOT an Authentic Dark Web Videos. The Absolute Dead Give Away is at the Start and Finish of Each Video a Header Pops Up that Says From the NORTH FILMS so that is Definitely Something You would NEVER find concerning an Actual Real Dark Web Video. Also the Length of these Videos is EXTREMELY RARE when it comes to Dark Web Videos at 7-7.5 Minutes Long (usually Dark Web Videos are Short, chaotic, and Seriously Fucked Up).   What I believe is these Videos are an Tribute to the Found Footage/Dark Web Video Genre, and are Very Well Done.


FROM the NORTH FILMS is an Arizona-Based, Fully In House Production Company Specializing in Thought-Provoking Indie Horror/Thriller, Experimental and Avantgarde Short Films, and Documentaries. They Utilize Professional Cinema Cameras, Cutting Edge Post-Production Technology, concise Screenwriting and Intuitive Film Scoring to Bring Their Visions to Film. FYI if You enjoy Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 I highly Suggest You head over to Our Movie Section and Check Out the Experimental Art Film/Movie BEGOTTON, and I promise You will Not be Disappointed.


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1

  • The Audio is Actually Decent (and Creepy) in its actual Music played Clearly. It’s not the Usual Dark Web Audio that Sounds like Computers having Full Blown Psychotic Breaks, and makes Your fucking Ears Bleed.
  • The Video is Shot in an Old VHS Tape Format.
  • The Main Character is a Mysterious and Murderous looking Individual in a Painted Mask.
  • It Reminds Me a Little Bit of Otto’s  Previous THE SPINNING MAN Post in the Best Ways Possible.
  • The Footage is Grainy and Glitchy Black and White Footage.
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism behind the Wooden Deer Sculpture?
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism of the Art Doll (a Ball Jointed Typically Wooden Posable Figurine)?
  • Is this a Set Up for Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2?


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2

  • Now this Sequel to Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 is FAR more Realistic as far as Dark Web Video Authenticity is Concerned.
  • There are Now 2 Art Dolls One Posed Standing and the Other Sitting/Kneeling.
  • There is a Scene that appears to be a Homage to the Actually Real Life Dark Web Video Blank Room Soup where the Main Character Stands ominously over a Seated Individual who is Eating some Strange looking Soup/Stew.
  • The Main Character Looming over the Seated Character is almost EXACTLY the same as the Way the Art Dolls are Posed.
  • HEADPHONE WARNING! The Audio is Screechy, Scratchy, Somewhat Distorted, and Noisy.
  • What is acceptional Odd is that the Video is the Same Set of Scenes played Three Times in a Row but Why? Are Viewers supposed to do a Compare and Contrast like when You’re a Kid? Like when as a Kid You’d have Two almost Identical Pictures Side by Side, and You’d have to find the Subtle Differences in the Details between them?
  • What do the Symbols on the Masks Mean/Represent could They be something  like The Occult, Witchcraft,VooDoo, Black Magic, Paganisim, or Possibly Demonology?

Summation: So What the Fuck are the Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 all About? WHO THE HELL KNOWS. I honestly think the FROM the NOTH FILMS wanted to Leave it Open to Interpretation. To put it Simply the Viewer is Left to Draw Their Own Conclusions.

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

FYB’s Anti-Monday Movie: GRAVY

Even though it Another Mundane Monday Let Us Assure You EVERYTHING is Just Gravy!

Tonight FYB is Proud to Present a Healthy Helping of Salsa and SLAUGHTER with The CANNIBALISTIC INDIE HORROR COMEDY: Gravy

What Else could Cure the Mind Numbing Effects of Mondays more than an Appetizer of Guacamole and GORE followed by a Main Course in CANNIBALISM with HUMAN FLESH FIFITA’S,  a Serving of BLOODY BURRITOS, and a Side of HOMICIDE?!!



Well We Hope You liked Tonights Tale of Terror and Tacos. Goodnight and Sleep Tight.

Thanks for Viewing,

 Brought to You By Les Sober