Hi I’m Mary Mary Series has Ended

We are Both Excited and Saddened to Announce the Unique and Insanely Intriguing Horror Series called Hi I’m Mary Mary has Finally come to an End. We have Posted to Prior Posts which We STRONGLY Advise You watch First. If You choose Not to This Post will make Little no No Sense to You whatsoever Especially as the Videos are in Chronological Order.

A Extremely Brief ReCap:

    • The Main Character is Named Mary who wakes up trapped in a Copy of Her Parent’s House, and Has No Idea How She got There.
    • There a Total of Four Different Demonic Entities in the House along with Mary. The Fiendish Foursome Torment Mary Relentlessly.
    • Mary has an Ally in The Woman In White who Dwells in The Garden, but Mary is Utterly Unaware of This. To make things worse The Lady In White has been Desperately Trying to Relay Messages and Warnings to Mary, Yet Apparently the Four Foul Entities are Intercepting Her Communications.
    • The Series Bleeds Over into Mary’s Actual Twitter Account and Blog, and each Platform provides Clues and Hints as to What is Going on in the Series.


  • The Video Titled The Last 8 Months was Posted a Year Ago, and then there were No Updates until May 2020.
  • In May Mary started Posting to Her Twitter Account once again and She was Obviously in a Extremely Dark Place. Mary Tweets that the Lights in the House almost Never turn on at Night, Flashlights Die when She needs them the Most, Food and Water Taste Terrible, Her Voice is Hoarse from Screaming, The Door Bell Keeps Ringing, She Can’t See Us Online, The Veiled Lady is a More Aggressive Tormenter than ever, and Everything is Awful.

An Example of a Couple of Mary’s Tweets From May:

“i have to pick a time or i won’t do it. i know myself too well. i am lazy like she says. it’s 8pm right now. So how about that. 8pm one week from this moment. Maybe she’ll finally kill me and put an end to all this. 8pm”

“I am ready to be done with all this. i am going to finally talk to her. i will finally ask her. one week from today i think, some time after the sun sets. one week to give me some time. to be absolutely sure.”

“one last picture of me hiimmarymaryblog.blogspot.com”


  • So from Her Tweets Mary sounds Seriously Suicidal , and is actually Planning to Kill Herself in a Week.
  • Mary Appears to be suggesting She will ask the Veiled Lady to Kill Her thus Ending Her Daily Torment.
  • As Mentioned in the Tweet Above Mary Posted One last Picture of Herself on/to Her Blog with another HIDDEN MESSAGE in the Source Code.
  • The Message is from The Lady In White Who Needs Our Help.The Lady In White at a Certain Poin is going to Break the Wall Between Mary and the Rest of Us. This will allow Mary to See Us online Again, and that a Flood of Notifications Must Happen to Assure She Does.
  • Luckily for Poor Mary This Plan comes to Fruition (in the knick of time) in the Video Titled “anagnorisis which was Posted On May 29, 2020 and Serves as The Catalyst of the Series.
  • Seeing Her Notifications again Proves to Mary The Veiled Lady has been Lying to Her all Along telling Her that No One Cares about Her.
  • An Enraged Mary has the Courage to Confront The Veiled Lady who Runs from Mary when Confronted, and Mary Chases After Her as The Hunter becomes the Hunted.
  • During the Chase Mary ends up in The Garden where She converses with The Darkness, and Relieves all Her Past Torment during which Mary can Her the Lady In White at Last.
  • The Lady In White Comfort and Reassures Mary that “We Have You.”


  • The Lady In White can Aide Mary by Serving as A Guide to Help Mary Escape from Her Tormenters and The House Itself.
  • In The Garden The Lady In White informs Mary that She has The Power to Change this Place, and Enough Power to Free Herself from Being Imprisoned in The House. Mary learns She has this Power (to “Take the darkness and make it your own.”) because She Created this Hellish Alternate Reality.
  • This Leads to a great deal of Self Realization on Mary’s Part who takes The Lady In White’s Guidance, and Turns the Tables on Her Terrifying Tormenters. Mary Armed with the Knowledge that She created these Demonic Creatures so She can Destroy Them As Well does Exactly that.
  • Mary Finds Herself Pitted in a One on One Battle against The Veiled Lady who is Ultimately Vanquished (along with The Darkness) having been Expelled by Mary From The House.
  • When Marry Awakens after the Exhausting Fight and Goes Upstairs She finds the Rock She Brought in from the Garden, but more Importantly the Front Door is Wide Open.


  • The Last Video of the Hi I’m Mary Mary simply Titled Goodbye was Posted on May 30, 2020.
  • We don’t won’t to Give Away Anything about the Final Episode so Here is the Description that Was Posted Along with the Video Itself.

“So I guess this is it, huh? Thank you, everyone. I couldn’t have done this without your help. Now, I’ll keep fighting. And you should too. Please keep fighting.

Out the door I go!

I love you all so, so much. Thank You.




So What was it All About You may be asking Yourself well there Two Schools of Thought when it comes to the Series’s Meaning. In Our Previous Posts We Stated it was a Metaphor for Someone Struggling with Alcohol/Drug Addiction and this is Still True.

The Other School of Thought is some what Similar in that the Series is Symbolic of a Person’s Struggle Fighting, Surviving, Learning to Understand and Overcome Depression (and the Monsters of One’s Own Mind) presented through a Horror Web Series.

Either Way Hi I’m Mary Mary is a One of a Kind Work of Sheer Genious Hands Down. It Truly is a Project to be Proud Of so Thank You Mary for Sharing Your Journey through Hell and Back.


Hope You Enjoyed This Insanely Brilliant Psychological Horror Series as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB

FYB Presents a Psychotic Friday Film: GLESS

FYB is proud to Present the Short Obscure Independent Film Gless Written, Directed, and Edited by Rick Gawel (Run Time 54 Minutes 16 Seconds)


Brief Plot Summery:

Gless tells the Story of a Young Woman who Suffers from Debilitating Mental Illness (more than likely Schizophrenia)  which causes Her to have Frequent Hallucinations and Distorts her Memories.

One of these Hallucinatory Characters is Bless, a Ghost Like Girl who Manipulates Gless into Committing Violent Acts.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Homicidal Insanity as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

Dark Web Video: Corpus Christus (Lobotomy)

Welcome to this Installment of Dark Web Video Featuring CORPUS CHRISTUS!

First off the Name is sort of a Shock Type Tactic as it’s a Play on the Latin Corpus Christi which translates into The Body of Christ, but that’s Not All. It turns Out Corpus Christus is in Fact the Stop Motion Nightmare By the wonderfully Demented David Hatch (Who Directed, Produced, and Animated Lobotomy for Hatch Films). Corpus Christus is actually Hatch’s 2005 Video Tilted Lobotomy with the Video’s Beginning and Ending Credits Edited Out. WE thought it Only Fare to Post Both Videos as Proof so Below You will Find Corpus Christus followed by Lobotomy.


Plot: A Man going through the Aging Process is Tended to By a Series of Demonically looking and Tortured Mechanical Minions throughout His Life.

Possible Themes:

  • It could be a Religious Commentary about How much Horrible Shit has been committed in the Name of God.
  • It could be a Social Commentary about Battling /Coping with One’s Inner Demons or about not letting Your age Define You or Possible its about Regret.
  • It could be about the Aging Process in that from the Moment We are Born are Bodies are Aging, and as They do They start to Wear Out, Break Down, and Fail. That and with more Recent Medical Developments People are Living Longer than Ever, but How can We Keep Our Bodies Maintained trough a Longer Existence?!

Thanks for Watching,

 Presented by Les Sober