Something Absurd To Watch While Smoking Weed

Wlcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring Some Anime Induced Insanity (As You can see Obviously We don’t Read Any Asian Language). And Since this is Monday the Most Notorious Day of the Week for just Straight Up Sucking Ass it’s Monday Hands Down. So Since Monday’s are rather Pure Shit We decided it be Appropriate to Post Something that Feels the Way People Do at The End of a Monday. We stumbled across this Little Ditty on a VERY Small YouTube Channel going by Carrotcarp that has 19 Videos that are All Anime Based Subject Matter, but  there is at least One that is Different it’s a Short Video of a fucking Fish. Apparently Carrotcarp is based out of the UK as the UK is Referenced Several Times on the About Page (along with a Personalized Emoji and a Cryptic Message at the Bottom that reads “Better Start Running 9”).

Video Description:

An Anime Character Nitori Kawashiro and that’s All We have to say on that Subject (The Character is We suppose from a Child Themed Anime) Who at the :22 Mark Appears to have some sort of Psychotic Break as Her World Transforms into What could be Called One Hell of a Bad Acid Trip. Enjoy.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

What The Fuck Is Going On With hmrSilence?!

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH hmrSilence?! So First and Foremost Who or What the fuck is hmrSilence ?Well it’s some Unknown Obscure and Cryptic Youtube Chanel the We came across Peering Down Rabbit Holes to see if Anyone is Home. hmrSilence Proved to be Something Rather Interesting So We decided to take a Closer Look into the Channel.

Now Obviously the Starting Point (and as it Turned Out Virtual Ending Point) by Surveying the Channel Basic Info Shit. When You Deal with These fucking Fringe Videos Long Enough You Notice Certain Patterns. So it wasn’t at All Surprising when the hmrSilence’s About, Channels, Playlists, and Community Sections are Completely Blank. We did Notice a Significant Difference Though which was Intriguing and that was that hmrSilence’s Home Page is Black with the Message “This Channel Doesn’t have Any Content” which isbn’t Exactly fucking True. If You Precede to Click on Videos then You Discover there are in fact 5 Videos in Total Posted/Uploaded (All 5 are Included in this Post). Whatever the fuck is Going on at hmrSilence it’s Moving at an Insanely Slow fucking Pace. The First Video titled 6996 was Posted 6 Years ago Sometime in 2016 and the Last Video Uploaded 66996 was Posted 3 Years Ago Sometime in 2019.

Before We get into the Videos We also became Initially Aware that Whoever is Behind the Channel is Doing one of the fucking Following. This Channel Could be an ARG or Gorilla Advertising Campaign (this is Common Place Dealing with this Kind of Weird fucking Shit), and this is NOT the Case with hmrSilence. Now Plenty of fuckng People do Believe the Channel is an ARG/Gorilla Marketing because it is True there are a Fuck Ton of Hidden Messages that Are Cryptic (6996 6996 is an Angelic Number signifying Good Luck Coming Your Way), or Random as Fuck for the Most Part. Anyways that Doesn’t Confirm Fuck All in the End since it Doesn’t Explain Shit Nor Provide Any Pertinent Information.We believe that Considering the Channel’s the Tiny Number of Uploads Spanning 6 fucking Years pretty much Rules Out Both of those Possibilities. So the Only thing on the “Fucked Up Shit List” as a Viable Option is this is Some sort of Art Type Project or just Some Weirdo/Lunatics Hobby.

6996: As We Mentioned Earlier 6996 is the Angelic Number for Good Luck headed Your Way, But that Doesn’t Explain shit about this Strange Shit. Virtually No One is Talking about or Seems Interested in hmrSilence when as You may have Guess There are Entire Groups (can You say Reddit) Dedicated to Most of this Far Out Shit. We did See a Single Post that Suggested that the Video could be a Representation of Human Consciousness Transformed into Sound. If that is/was the Case then the Soundtrack if You will could be Interpreted as Audio Thought Patterns. Anyway at the Very End of the Video the Screen goes Black and 6996 Flashes on Screen.

6996: Posted August 4, 2016

Inception: This is in Our Opinion the Strangest of all 5 Videos and Here’s Why. The Screen is Utterly Black for the Entire Video with One Acceptation Occurring between 2:37 – 2:39 where a Visual Pops Up Momentarily. We have No fucking Clue what the fuck the Picture is and won’t Waste Time Speculating like Pretentious Assholes. The Intro Build Slowly and the Audio sounds like some sort of Beeping Over Static which We were Wondering Might be Morse Code.

Inception: Posted February 24, 2017

6996 (Repeat Title, Different Video) This is Our Favorite by Far for Several Reasons. The Audio is ACTUAL fucking Music as Opposed to the Abrasive Weird Electrical Distortion, Manipulation, or High Pitched Squealing common with this kind of Fare. This is though One of those Quick Flashing Visuals so if You have Epilepsy DO NOT WATCH SEIZURE WARNING! As far as the Over All Imagery it’s Satan, Satan, Satan, and MORE fucking Satan Cars (though there is Some Occult Shit like Tarot cards). This Definitely Feels More like the Your Typical Fringe Horror Themed Type Shit. Now there is a SHIT TON of Text included in this Video an Actual Shit Tone. So that being Said We did Our Best to Catch All of It, But We admit We’re Not Perfect.

TEXT in Chronological Order of Appearance:

  • You Will Die (this One is Spread Out During the Beginning of the Video and is Written in What Appears to be Greek or Latin but That’s Our Best Guess anyway).
  • DIE
  • Love Is A Suicide
  • No Sleep
  • Something in What We Think is Greek or Latin Judging again on the Lettering.
  • 6996
  • The Word “Dead” in  We Suspect is Greek/Latin (Repeat).
  • 9669 (This is Another Angelic Number/Sign that means New Opportunities for You in the Future)
  • “Do I Look Like Satan?”
  • The Word “Dead” Again Written in Our best Guess Greek or Latin.
  • YOU
  • Destroy
  • Satan Within
  • No Sleep (Repeat)
  • I’m 666
  • EVD
  • OH M3PTB
  • More Weird Shit in Likely Greek or Latin.
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • It Could All Be Over In A Matter Of Seconds
  • Stupid Human Race
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • They’re Erasing You
  • Nobody Would Care When I’m gone
  • Night Time, My Time
  • No One Hates Me More Than Myself
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • TBI C4ACTJINB (Only thing that Stuck Out here is TBI is an Abbreviation for Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • Some Other Language We have NO fucking Clue Pops Up in Red. There are 2 Short Paragraphs that are 5 lines Each.
  • Chinese or Japanese Text

6996 (Repeat Title): Posted on Ma 7, 2017

of the 69: This is Pretty Easy to sum the Fuck Up since the Video is a Brief Run Tim of 6 Whole Seconds. There is a Morphing Head then right at the End 9669 and Another Several Lines of the Red Text.

Of The 69: Posted on April 12, 2018

66996 (If this is Yet Another Angelic Number We couldn’t find Shit Saying So): If You thought it Couldn’t get ANY Shorter then a 6 Second Runtime You’re Wrong 66996 is a MICRO 4 Total fucking Seconds. The Visual is of a Shadowy Face and the Audi Remind Us of an Old Nintendo Video Game.

66996: Posted on July, 30 2019


It is What it Is,

 Presented B y Les Sober

Idiot’s Meditation

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring IDIOT’S MEDITATION byCOntent Creator Burden. Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.

Burden’s Stats::

First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
It has a Total of 469,063 Views
The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.


Our Take on the Video:

  • The Video Starts with Fuzzy and Wavy Footage (Just like when They do a POV Scene of an Intoxicated Character) on a Subway Train. The Soundtrack at this Part of the Video is Seriously Shitty wannabe EMD that is the fucking Embodiment of the Term “Audio Rape. With that Said We suggest Playing the Beginning at a Lower Volume to Avoid Actually Shitting Out Your Own Eardrums.
  • There is Some Guy Seated on the Far Left in a Black Hoodie and a Pea Green Military Style Jacket with His Back to the Camera. This Guy could be Drunk, High, Insane, has Real World Anger/Rage Issues, or a Combination of these Possible Scenarios. Anyway this Deranged Fuck Starts Yelling Incoherent Shit like a Homeless Person Preaching on a Random Street Corner about Sitting Down Properly. This Basket Case starts Getting Louder and Louder while Babbling about Hot Sauce just Before Attacking the Person in Front of Him.

  • Following the Subway Lunatic is Footage of an 18 Wheeler Trailer getting fucked up by a Speeding Train, and Shit getting fucking Obliterated by Other Shit is Always a fucking Crowd Pleaser So there’s That.
  • The Video Switches Up Again this Time to Blurry Night Scene as if it was Filmed on some Old as Cell Phone with Audio of a Guy talking in French (Sounds like French to Us anyway). The French Guy is Reciting the Story about His Best Friend, Technology, and Organ Transplants. For Something that Serves as Random Insanity in One of These Fringe Videos it’s Really Kind of Cool.
  • Then the Next Switch Up Occurs as the Video Transitions into a Slightly Distorted POV Shot of Someone Speeding through a Tunnel on a Motorcycle. The Soundtrack at this Point is Frantically Manic and Actually works well with the Visual which is a Rarity in the Fringe Video Genre.
  • The Last Switch Up is to the Some Dated ass Footage We guess Shot in the 1970s Judging by the way the Man in it is Dressed. This Man Waxes Poetically like a New Wave fucking Hippy Self Help Guru in What We believe to be Italian.


In Summation:

Idiot’s Meditation is a Pleasant Surprise when Navigating the Fringe Video Genre in its Production Value is Quite Good all things Considered. There also Seems to be Coherent Themes About Human Relationships, Interactions, and Personality Types which is Pretty Decent. The Best Part in Our fucking Opinion is it Doesn’t Suffer from Extraneously Chaotic Visual/Audio Overkill that Turns any Video into What having a fucking Aneurysm must look like. The Best Comparison would be to Equate Idiot’s Meditation to the Goregrind Band S.C.A.T both are from Niche Genres But are Also Really Well Done None the fucking Less.


It is What it Is,

Presented by Les Sober

FOR SHITS & GIGGLES: Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv

Welcome to Today’s Second FYB Post MEREANA MORDEGARD GLESGORV which is a Truly Unique Piece of Fuckery. You see this Video is Apparently a Online Urban Legend referred to as a Creepypasta. Allegedly if You Search this Video, Most of the Time You’ll find Jack Shit, BUT We were Lucky Enough that This Video just Fell into Our Laps Unexpectedly. If You did Mange to Find it You’d find a 34 Second Video of a Odd Looking Man Staring at You until He Says Something which We have No fucking Idea What the Language He is Speaking or if it’s Possibly English that has been Manipulated/Distorted.

However the 34 Second Video is Not in Fact the Entire Video which is 2 Minutes Long in its Entirety. As the Story Goes Youtube Took Down the Video after Allegedly 153 People Who Viewed the Video Not Only Gouged Out Their Own Eyes, BUT Then then Somehow Mailed Them to Youtube’s Main Office in San Bruno. There were also Reports of Alleged Viewers of the Video Committing Suicide in a Variety of Brutal and Gruesome Ways, and They Allegedly Carved a Cryptic Inscription on/into Their Forearms that has Not Yet been Deciphered.


Also Youtube will Periodically Post the First 20 Seconds of a Controversial Video to Hamper the Suspicion of Viewers, so this Way Hopefully No One Actually look for the Real Deal or Upload it Either. This Video was watched by a Single YouTube Employee who 45 Seconds( into the Original 2 Minute Video) Started Screaming Psychotically in a Intense Panic. Said Employee has been on a Heavy Course of Sedatives Ever Since Viewing the Video, and Claims He Doesn’t Actually Remember What the fuck it is He saw.

And Lastly the Person Who Originally Uploaded the Video was Never Found, The IP Address is Non-Existent, and the Man in the Video has Never Been Identified.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Milk Tooth

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MILK TOOTH  Animated by Monica Cook and Music by Martín Capella. Monica Cook is a Painter, Animator, Sculptor and Mixed-Media Artist whose Portraits and Art Installations Focus on the Fantastical and Grotesque Actuality of Human Bodies.

Cook received her BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design . A residency at the School of Visual Arts brought her to New York in 2004. She Attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Maine and is a 2018 fellow of Urban Glass Studio, Brooklyn, NY.

Description: The Dementedly Deranged Dreams of the Damned as They Slumber in Insanity.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Wiggle When You Feel Down

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring WIGGLE WHEN YOU FEEL DOWN by  well that’s a Good Question. Unfortunately there is NOTHING about it Online accept for some Half Assed Redditt Post. But We were able to Scrape up Some Pertinent Information of Sorts so Here it is.

  • This Video is EXTREMELY Obscure.
  • It was Uploaded on May 29, 2019 By a YouTube Channel called AlvinYahaye Tv.
  • The Channel Joined YouTube on August 17, 2018.
  • The Channel has Only 53 Subscribers Total.
  • The Channel has a Total of 22,788 Views.
  • There 12 Videos is Total Posted to the Channel and the Content is Random as Fuck.
  • No New Videos have been Uploaded for the Past 2 Years.

What I Can Say About This Video:

It’s Utterly Absurd and Completely fucking Insane. One of the Deciding Factors to its Creepy as fuck Undertones is the Video is Devoid of any and all Context. To Me it feels like a Video made by some fucking Pedophile or Child Murderer to Help Lure in Victims. The Man in the Video is Sporting the Shittiest Make Up, a Bizarrely Disturbing Homemade Body Suit of Some fucking Sort, His Voice is Unsettling, His Dancing is Eerie as all get out, and His Odd “Dancing”. It really feels like You’re Either Viewing a Video by a Pedophile/Child Murderer (as I stated Previously), Someone with a SERIOUS Drug Problem, or a Legitimate Insane Person Off Their fucking Meds or Suffered a Psychotic Break. Whatever the fuck it is and for Whatever Reason it was made is a Mystery but the Fact that its one of the Strangest and Oddly Unsettling Videos I have come across. Enjoy.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the ___ Strange and Some What Disturbing by the Content Creator WHAT I MAKE IS RANDOM. What I Make Is Random created Their Channel on February 23, 2014 and has Only 228 Subscribers to Date and Only 108 Videos Total. Now Here is Where it gets fucking Interesting. Up until 6 Months ago All Content on the Channel was Gaming Content, Mainly MindCraft but there were a Few Exceptions then there was a SIGNIFICANT change in the Content being Uploaded. The Channel has Uploaded a Total of 7 Videos that are Bizarre to say the fucking Least.

As I see it What I Make Is Random is headed Straight into the Realm of Uncertainty. By this I mean the Channel’s Content is Ramping Up it’s Insanity Factor which Raises the Usual Questions: Is it an Art Project? Is it an ARG? Is it a Gorilla Promotion for a Movie/Video Game etc.? Is this all the Demented Delusions of a Seriously Mentally ill Person?   As of Now Who the Fuck knows, But I for One Can’t fucking Wait to See what Rabbit Hole the Content Creator is Spiraling Down. And So We decided to Post All 7 Videos in Chronological Order so You can See First Hand what We’re Talking About.

(Note: There are a Few Scenes from the Movie The Ring in a Couple of the Videos.)

 1. Description: 3 Lines of 6 Dots ……


  • Let Us Begin
  • Let Us Begin
  • Do I havE your attention?
  • Look
  • Behind You
  • 12 Lines of Binary  Code, Below the Code We Are Waiting It HAs Begun.

 2. Description: Q0ZEMTA= …… …… ……


  • FIAQ
  • ZI
  • Jwxy AwwS CIFEXJ TWR
  • You Shall Pay For Your Sins
  • VGhpayBJcyBObyBkb2tL

3. Description Posted with Video: : 01010111 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110111 01100001 01111001 01110011 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101110 00100000 01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100101 01111001 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110 00100000 01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 00100000 01100010 01100101 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110

Translation: We Are Always Watching. This Eye Watches You. Don’t Look Behind You.


  • VGhiIHVwcmlzaW5nIGIHVwb24gdXM = What Hides In Your Mind?

4. Description: oooooo  oooooo oooooo


  • Are You Alone?
  • We haven’t much time
  • Look at your past
  • Long Line of Letters/Numbers (Decided that was a Bit Too much to fuck with, I mean look at the shit I’m am writing out Already.)

5. Description: Only The Uprising matters now. The prophecy must be fulfilled.


  • RG9ubSBTbGF5ZXIgaXMgYmVpbmcgZW5SaWdodGVuZWQuIEhlI
  • FIAQ ZI (Repeated Five Times)

6. Description: …… …… ……


  • 4 Lines of Letter/Numbers (Again a Bit fucking Much so Skipped it.)
  • time is ticking come out of your shell WE WILL
  • RISE
  • I will find you.
  • on your jilyf jlt
  • V2UgaGF2ZSBhbHdheXMgYmVlbiBoZxJiLib
  • XZSB3awxslGFsd2F5cyBizsBoZXJlLiBXZSB
  • aSB3awxslGJlllGjhY2sgc29vbi4g
  • Oh no.
  • He’s here.


7. Description: Funeral video of our dearest departed [CLASSIFIED] he will be gone but not forgotten. If you would like to have a video for your funeral made contact Sequere Diaboli Serva Funeral Care

  • That is EXACTLY the Way the Description is Written So No I have fucked up the Wording. We Believe the Phrase “Made Contact” was inserted into the Description on Purpose.
  • The Name of the Funeral Care Service is Latin.
  • It Translates to: Follow The Devil’s Servant.

First Ominous Text in/From R.I.P:

  • 1st Strange Message Breakdown Below.
  • DIE  Repeated 22 times in a Row.
  • YOU
  • DIE  Repeated 39 Times in a Row.
  • WON’T
  • DIE Repeated 18 Times in a Row
  • BE
  • DIE Repeated 19 Times in a Row.
  • DIE Repeated 13 Times in a Row.


  • Friendship is what You make of it it Ends when the Time comes Yet it Stays when You Don’t need it. Do I Need You? Do You need HHHMELP ME HELP ME I NEED HELP SAVE ME SAVE ME WE WILL BEE SA VED COME NOW Chosen One GAR…………………….
  • R.I.P SAVE YOURSELF Keep Watching I Need to Tell You Something Before They Catch Me
  • .P SOE YUF Might be Too Late HELP
  • Once We were Holy but We Saw Oh We Saw. We see You can See it.We will come for You Too.
  • What He Knew was Too and He is Gone Now.
  • See What You Have
  • See What You Have Done.
  • R.I.P

It is what it is,

 Presented By Les Sober

My House Walk-Through

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH by the Talented and Allusive nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling.

Synopsis: The Narrator (Subtitle Warning, but Not to Worry they’ve been Translated into English) Wonders around Disoriented While Giving a Tour of His Home where He Lives with His Grandparents. The House is a Hellhole everything is Rotting or Decaying such as the Ceiling for Example, and Every Surface/Wall/Floor/Ceiling is Coated in Filth and Grime. The House is Decaying and Dilapidated there’s an Abundant amount of Mouse Shit on the Floor as well as Rat Nests in the Attic among Other Things.

The Sequences are Repetitive to a Degree during the Tour, BUT if You’re Paying Attention You’ll see Subtle Changes in the Dialogue, Additional Information is Added in, and the Creepy Factor Slowly Builds More and More Through Out the 12 Minutes of Madness that are MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: DUAL

Welcome to This Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring DUEL (2018) by Writer, Producer, Filmmaker, Visual Storyteller, Art Director Justin Staggs. Staggs Before forging a Career as a Writer and Director of Films and Television He Created Several Dozen Music Videos for such Bands as The Foo Fighters, NOFX, and Against Me! just to Name a Few.


Plot Summery: A Child Psychologist attempts to Breakthrough to a Troubled Little Boy, BUT Unknowingly She Unleashes the Homicidal Rage of His Imaginary Friends Who Protect the Boy at All Costs.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By

   Les Sober  

The Insanity That Is AlanTutorial

Welcome to this Monday’s FYB Post where We’re going to do Something Different than the Past Several Mondays. Today’s Post features and Pertains to Alantutorial a tutorial based Youtube Channel that follows tutorial videos of a Mild Mannered Adult Man Named Alan. However We can tell there is Something Not Quite Right with Alan and His Mental State begins to go from Bad to Worse. The Viewer can see Alan’s Sanity Slipping Farther and Farther Away.  Alan’s Tutorial Videos start to become increasingly more Disturbing with every Passing Day and Every New Video.


Alan Tutorials are Nothing Less than Absurd, and aren’t Practical for Anything. The Production Value is utterly Shitty with Wobbly Camera, Total Lack of any sort of Editing, and Half the Time Alan doesn’t seems to even grasp the concept of His own Subject Matter. There are also several Hypothesizes surrounding Alan’s rather Odd Behavior, Speech, and Videos as Well. Here They are in Random Order:

  • Alan is Experiencing some sort of Arrested Development.
  • Alan possibly has a Mental Disorder (example Multiple Personality Disorder).
  • Alan is Mentally Handicapped.
  • Alan has suffered some Horrible Trauma that He can’t come to Grips With Which In Spite of being a Adult Talks like a Little Child.
  • Alan has Asperger’s Syndrom/Autism.

Now the One Hypothesis suggesting Alan has a Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome  seems to be the Most Likely but Why is that? In one of the Early Videos Alan has a Tab on His Web Browser that Notes that it is Autism Awareness Month. Now of course some say that its just a Coincidence, but I hold favor with Those Who believe it’s a Very Subtle Clue. Although I wouldn’t Rule Out All of the Other Hypothesis as I do think some apply here and There through out the Series.


Also as the Series Progresses Alan’s Life starts to Drastically Change. In the Beginning Videos Alan is simply doing His Weird Tutorials in what appears to be the Bedroom of a Small Apartment. Then there is a Significant Turning Point Where Alan is apparently been Locked out of His Room/Apartment and all of His Possessions have been Packed up for Him. Alan then spends a good amount of Time Homeless and Living in some Near By Woods where He still makes Tutorial Videos as Best He Can. There is One Thing that is Troubling from this Time Period and that is Alan is Heavily Splattered with Blood (and then cumulative Dirt and Grim) that He doesn’t seem to fell the need to Wash Off of Himself.

Then all of a Sudden Alan is Abducted by a Unknown Assailant(s) and Transported to an Unknown Location in the back of for all Intents and Purposes appears to be a Uhaul Type Truck. In the Abduction Video It is also a Disturbing Aspect that is Alan being covered in Blood like He just walked off the Set of a B Horror Movie. Alan ends up being Held Captive for a Duration during which the Captor(s) Provide Alan Supplies for His Tutorials which even in Captivity Alan continues to make. What’s interesting here isn’t just that the Captor(s) provide Alan Supplies, but when Alan is Finished a New Video a One Dollar Bill is Slid to Him under the Door.


Over an Undisclosed amount of Time things slowly start to Deteriorate. The Room Alan is being Held in becomes more and more Filthy with Trash all over the Floor and at one Point the Electricity is Cut Off. We know this by the fact Alan has to use a Flashlight in the Final Videos of the Series. At Last Alan discovers a Hole in the Wall, Crawls Enthusiastically through it existing the room and Freeing Himself.

What happens Ultimately to Alan in the End is a Mystery since His Escape Video was the Last Video Posted to His Youtube Channel. Did Alan set out embarking on Starting a Life of His Own? Did He reunite with His Brother? Did Alan’s Captor’s Catch Him as He made His Get Away once Free from Captivity, or Did His Captor(s) Discover Alan’s Escape and Hunted Him down at which Point They Murdered Him? Sucks to say but these are Questions that will More Likely than Not Never be Answered.


Reoccurring Themes:

  • The Color Blue is a Constant throughout the Series. Examples Include The Blue Mat in the Yoga Tutorial, The Actual Blue Chair, The Red Table Alan Paints Blue while in Captivity, and a Small Hand Painted Picture of the Blue Chair on one of the Walls in the Room Alan is being Held in (“The Story Of T3 Balls Video).
  • The Blue Chair appears in Several Videos, but it First appears in “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair Off The Ground”.  The Blue Chair is also featured in “How To Do Spanish Hair Braids”, “How To Eat A Bag Of Chips”, “How to Pick Up A Huge Amount Of Pencils, and “Do It Yourself Weatherized Hole”
  • Slats of Wood
  • Water (Not Actually Water but a Strange Hair Gel Looking Substance).
  • The Money Man Alan creates in Captivity that He ends up having a Conversation With.
  • The Mysterious Woman who is in Only Two Videos and is only Seen in One. (“How To Escape A Dark Room” and “How To Find A Lake”)

Note Worthy Shit: 

  • In the Video Hard Drive Video Alan mentions that He Lives with His Brother.
  • When it comes to the Mysterious Woman Alan says “Ut-Oh” Extremely Nervously as if He is Afraid of Her and Immediate returns to His Bedroom.. Is She Alan’s Mother or  Alan mentions Early on that He lives with His Brother so His Brother’s Girlfriend? Was She the One that Locked Alan in the Closet (aka Dark Room)? That would at least Explain Why Alan is Afraid of Her. Could the Woman be Alan’s Mother? The Video before Alan is Locked Out He Severely Damages the Bedrooms Ceiling while look for Wooden Slats, and is this Why perhaps He was Locked Out/ Evicted?
  • In the Video “Locked Out of Room” Tutorial Alan can be Heard Whispering future Tutorial Subjects to Himself (while awaiting Help), and one of the Subjects is “How To Kill”. This is Significant because in the Video where Alan is being Abducted in the back of a Shipping Truck He’s Covered in Blood.


  • The Room Alan is kept Captive in doesn’t seem to upset Alan say like being Stuck in a Jail Cell for Example. In fact Alan appears to be quite Content with/in His Surroundings.
  • Alan mentions (Sometimes Several Times in a Single Video) to Subscribe, Like, and Add His Youtube Channel as a Favorite.
  • In the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video Alan approaches the fallen Chair as if it were an Actual Person who may be in need of Emergency Medical Help or The way Someone would Act Upon finding an Unconscious and Possibly Dead. Alan appears to be Distressed as He Whimpers and His Voice Keeps Wavering as well as Cracking with Emotion. The Alan Discovering His Dead Mother is Backed by the Video’s Description “If Your Chair is on the Floor here is How to get it Back, and Pick Up all the Pieces of Something Broken and Unfair.”


  • It’s Speculated by Some that Alan’s Captor(s) are Forcing Alan to make Tutorial Videos in Captivity to make Them Money (or Moreover They’re Stealing Alan’s Financial Returns from His Youtube Channel.
  • In the Video “How To Fill A Tiny Bin With Dirt” Alan says at one point “The Military Time Watch You Borrowed from Dad.” This is odd because the Only People Other than Alan in the Series are His Brother (Who We Never See or Hear From), The Unknown Woman (Seen Only Once and Not Heard From), and Alan’s Unknown Captor(s). This is the One and Only Mention of Anyone Else, and it just so Happens to be Alan’s Father.



  • There Many Hypothesis on What the the Origins of the Blood Covered Alan. Some Think it’s because  Alan Kill His Mom/Brother/Brother’s Girlfriend or Possibly Someone Else. The Other Possibility is Whoever Abducted Alan either Beat Him or They could have Killed Alan’s Family and it’s Their Blood all over Alan.
  • There a Couple Different Hypothesis on the Actual Room Alan is held Captive in. One it’s some Room for Holding Someone Hostage and the Other is Far More Intriguing. The Second Hypothesis is tied Directly to the Topic of the Blood in Some Believe Alan Murdered Someone and has been Taken into Custody by the Authorities or Mental Health Professionals. That would make the Room Alan Alan is a Patient’s Room in a Mental Hospital or Possibly a Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane if He in Fact Did Kill Someone. Then Again Perhaps after Destroying His Bedroom (and Living in the Woods Homeless)  Alan’s Brother/Mother had Him Institutionalized for Help with His Mental Disorder.


  • There also Two Hypothesis on Why Alan’s Room plunges into complete Squaller during the Last Videos. One is the Captors decided to Leave and Left Alan there to Die. The Other is that the Asylum was Shut Down and Alan was simply Forgotten About.
  • Now when it comes to the Blue Chair there a Variety of Hypothesis on what it Represents. Some believe it Represents Alan’s Deceased Mother who’s Body was Discovered by Alan (Remember the Distress and Emotional Angst in the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video. It could also Represent Alan’s Failures as Far as Failing to become a Famous YouTuber or Other Life Failures. Then Some think the Blue Chair Represents Alan’s Lost Childhood. The Blue Chair might also Represent Trouble? By this I mean was Alan a Trouble Maker as a Child and Thus was put on a “Time Out” sitting on said Blue Chair.



The Obvious Question on Everyone’s Mind is This Series Real or What and Heres the Answer. It’s Fictional Series it’s actually an Experimental Performance Art Project by American Comedian, Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself. Resnick created the Series as YouTube Satire since He was Frustrated (and Disgusted) with/by all the Pointless Vlogs, Poorly Filmed, Poorly Edited if at All, Monetization, Crappy Videos with No Though or Creativity (Content for Contents sake or a Quantity over Quality Scenario), and Unexplained Tutorial on Youtube. Resnick Deemed all of it a Trash/Trashy Content and Decided to Create His Own YouTube Trash Channel Showcasing all the Shit He Hated about the Platform. Resnick created the Storyline of the Fictional Alan being a Dark and Deeply Troubled Individual Who ends up on a Nightmarish Decent into Sheer Madness.

VIDEOS: Here are the First 16 Videos from the Series, and Don’t freak the fuck Out about the Number of Videos (Their Short running from 8 Seconds to Three Minutes and Change)


Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober