Short Horror Film Friday: FACELIFT

Welcome to the Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring FACELIFT Written and Directed by Virat Pal , and Staring Cara Loften, Nell Rutledge-Leverenz, and Carly Jones. FACELIFT is a Cautionary Tale about one of Humanity’s worst Qualities and that would be Vanity. Between Chasing Lost Youth (along with trying to Live Up to Society’s Definition of Good Looking) Humanity has twisted itself into  Self Indulging- Self Deprecating Cycle of Unattainable Physical Perfection and Approval.

Plot Summery: Life starts to Change for a Middle-Aged Woman when a Mysterious Mask  Suddenly appears on her doorstep one Day. Will it Transform Her Life into the Dream She’s always Wanted or Will it Become Her Own Hellish Nightmare? Remember Kiddies that if Something is Too Good to be True it May Just Kill You.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Shits And Giggles: EAT YOUR VEGGIES!

Motherfucking Mondays I’m I right? Of course I damn well am. Thats why I’m delighted to present this demented little dish called EAT YOUR VEGGIES! This 16 seconds of sheer insanity by one of our favorite members of the theater of the absurd Oddest of the Odd. If this doesn’t make your Monday suck less you must be fucking dead.

Plot: When it comes to getting kids to eat their veggies it can be a hell all its own, but this fed up father takes the issue to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of gore soaked insanity!!!

Who Is Oddest of the Odd in Their Own Words: ” (We’re) Just some Filmmakers from Michigan Buttfucking Los Angeles!” #STAYODD

Have a fucking blast,

 Justine Sane

Short Horror Film Friday: CARNIVORE!

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring CARNIVORE Written and Directed by Ashton Herrild.

Plot Summery::

After being Finally Exonerated for the Wrongful Conviction of the Cannibalistic Murder of His Own Mother, Levi is Released from Prison. Now a Free Man Levi Returns to His Small Hometown, where His Belligerent Older half-brother, Wade, Drags Him to the Local Restaurant for a Hamburger. While Wade, Who’s Obviously Unconvinced of His Brother’s Innocence, Rabidly Devours a Burger, the Now Vegetarian Levi notices Something Off about the rest of the Restaurant’s Patrons. Unfortunately for Levi the Community Appears to Share Bo’s are Far from Convinced of Levi’s Innocence. Levi finds Solace in Reuniting with His Best Friend from High School Bo the Restaurant’s  Current Hamburger Flipper. The Happy Reunion is Cut Short when Bo Confesses to Levi that He has been Busy Exacting His Own Dementedly Twisted Revenge upon Unwitting Towns People.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

I’d Like To Be…

The thing that swayed me into giving Les a helping hand with FYB was the Strange and Disturbing Videos especially the Dark Web Videos. There is something about the intoxicating insanity of Dark Web videos that make them particularly appealing. Be it the Grim and Gritty Footage, Schizophrenic visuals, unnervingly sinister content, troubling subject matter, over all feeling of dread, and the almost sickening sound tracks that make your ears damn near bleed. Dark Web videos grab a hold of you with gleeful abandon, and happily skip with you hand in hand down the prim rose path straight to the deepest depths of hell. It sounds like torture I know, but I find it blissfully beautiful like the dreams of insane children.

That is why I am pleased to present I’d Like To Be… by David Firth one of FYB’s favorite artists.


For those who are unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to describe Firth’s body of work and why we are such diehard fans of his. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings over the years.

The Artist in His Own Words:

“Back in 2005 I tried to make a stop-frame short with a narrative and voices and stuff but grew bored after shooting about 80% of it, and so left it to get mouldy. Looking at it recently, I was still quite unhappy, so I jumbled it up with some other stopframe bits I’d similarly discarded, mangled up the voices and edited it to some lovely music.” -David Firth-

Sweet Dreams and Bitter Nightmares,

Otto Rageous 

Monday Make Up For Last Week’s Short Horror Film Friday: HOME EDUCATION

Welcome to FYB’s Make Up Monday Post Featuring the British Short Horror Film HOME EDUCATION Written and Directed by Andrea Niada. One thing I Noticed in this Film are the Following Three Reoccurring Topics: An Unhealthy obsession with Dust, Rot/Rotting, and Taxidermy. Well I don’t know about You, but that Definitely Peeks My Curiosity.

Plot: An Inquisitive Girl is Indoctrinated by Her Controlling Fanatic of a Mother that Her Recently Deceased Father will Resurrect Himself if They are able to Show how much They Love, Cherish, and Miss Him. The Daughter Dutifully follows Her Mother’s Lead that is, until Her Father Begins to Rot.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Spiders From Hell

It’s been a long time since we showcased something that’s just fucking seriously strange that walks the borderline between genius and madness. That is why I am would like to Present SPIDERS FROM HELL By David Firth.

For those of you who do not know or may not be aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“I decided to make the most of the fact that my room was crawling with insects last summer and filmed them all close up.” – David Firth –

Until our paths cross again,

 Otto Rageous


Welcome To Another FYB Anti-Monday Post featuring JUST BEYOND THE GOLDEN ARCHES by None Other than One of Our Favorite Creative Talents and Animators MeatCanyon. JUST BEYOND THE GOLDEN ARCHES puts a Whole New Perspective Spin on the Fast Food Industry, and a Classic American Icon.

Who IS MeatCanyon You Ask: MeatCanyon’s Real Name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his Online User name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been Described Them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A Common on going Gag in Hancock’s Video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets you killed or Possibly Even Worse.

Synopsis: An Unnervingly and Troubling Ronald McDonald Who’s Seems to be Part Serial Killer, Sociopath, Kidnapper, and Sex Offender Luridly Insists You Try The Big Mac.


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober 

Weird Shit Wednesday With Otto: CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW

Welcome to weird shit Wednesday featuring CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW by Robert Morgan. Robert Morgan has spent the last two decades creating a body of work characterized by nightmarish stop motion, and described as a disorienting trip into the subconscious. Morgan has sited Francis Bacon, Edgar Allen Poe, and The Brothers Quay as some of his biggest influences.


CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW is a David Lynch-esque trip down a schizophrenic rabbit hole of  unholy hallucinations, dire feelings of dread, sheer psychotic terror, and suicidal insanity.

Until We Meet Again,

  Presented By  Otto Rageous   

FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Francine Dancer

Its been a Long While since We had a Proper Candidate for FYB’S Salute to Eccentrics so We are Thrilled to have Finally found Another Exemplary Eccentric to Showcase. You see it takes a Great Deal of Effort to Locate an Authentic Eccentric especially Now a Days with all the Dumbfucks on Social Media, and the YouTube View Whores Out there while Pumping out Crappy Content like Their fucking Lives Depend on it. With the Field Flooded with all These People that are  Desperately Seeking to Achieve the Title of “The Next Big Internet Sensation” (Not to mention the Fame and Potential for Endorsements and Other Money Making Ventures).

There is a Vastly Drastic Difference Between the Two Perspective Groups that all comes down to One Succinct Distinguishing Variable. Anyone can Decide to make Videos of say Themselves Wearing a Gas Mask and riding a Hippy Hop in Random Places (Such as a Fast Food Restaurant, Walmart, Library, Mall, or Supermarket for Example). Sure People would think it was a Very Odd thing to Do, and that The Person in Question is a Weirdo, Freak, or Crazy. The Point is Any Average Person can make up and Film some Bizarre Premeditated Video(s) in Hopes that it Goes fucking Viral, BUT that DOES NOT make Them even Close to being Eccentric.


Authentic Eccentrics are Quirky from Birth as if Odd is part of Their DNA which is Why Most Eccentrics have No Idea (or Interest) in the Fact that They are Eccentric. The Eccentrics that are aware that They have been Labeled as So, and thus are Perceived as Eccentric by the Public are only aware because Other fucking People have Told them So (Throughout Their Entire Lives No Doubt). Essentially it is an Aggressive Form of Forced Self Awareness. It’s Constantly Accosting Someone to Remind Them that the Rest of the World Sees Them in a Rather Unfavorable Light, and No One like being called Crazy without Provocation. People just do Shitty stuff like this because People are inherently Shitty but I digress.

The Eccentric We would like to Salute in this Installment is a Woman Known as Francine Dancer Who made Her own Unique Mark on The World Wide Web.  Below are Four Videos by Francine Dancer followed by The Facts and The Fiction Surrounding this Eccentric Person and Personality.


So What is it All About?

  • Francine Dancer posted a Small Handful of Musical Themed Videos (Seven in Total).
  • Four of the Seven Videos featured Francine interacting with a Tall Lanky and Quiet Creepy looking Doll of Some Sort.
  • The Doll Appears to be Homemade being more than likely Constructed by Francine Herself.
  • The Doll looks like Dr. Frankenstein built it in His Lab using Parts from a Mannequin, a Sex Doll, and then Hired Marilyn Mansons Make Up Artist to do the Make Up.
  • What makes the Doll Unnerving is its Distinctive Personification (The Attribution of a Personal Nature or Human Characteristics to Something Non-Human, or the Representation of an Abstract Quality in Human Form).
  • It Didn’t take Long for Francine’s Video’s to Fizzle Out and Francine was all but Forgotten and Her Online Presence Vanished.
  • Francine’s Videos were Resurrected Many Years Later when They Resurfaced on TIK TOK creating quite a Buzz Online.
  • Viewers were Freaked the fuck out by the Doll and the Fact They couldn’t Figure Out what the hell was Going on or What the Point of Francine’s Videos Actually was Since there is Zero Context Provided. As We Know when People can’t Understand Something Their Imaginations Run fucking Wild and with Francine there was No Acceptation.


Francine’s Alleged Backstory:

  • Francine was a TV Star before Her Partner She Preformed with Unfortunately Died (Reasons Unknown). This Effectively Ended the “Act” as it were thus Killing Francines’s Dreams of Being a Hollywood Actress.
  • After being Forced out of the Limelight by Circumstances beyond Her Control Francine had a Severe Mental Breakdown (Nothing Short of a Psychotic Break) Unable to Cope with Her New Found Reality.
  • Francine in a Completely Delusional State of Mind Broke into the Funeral Home, and Stole the Body of Her Dearly Departed Partner before Burial.
  • Francine then Proceeded to Hide the Dead Body of Her Partner in Her Home.
  • Francine Recorded the Four Videos in Question to Relive Her Glory Days on TV Desperate to be a Star Once Again.
  • Eventually the Authorities are made Aware of the Situation by an Anonymous Tip and Intervene. The Police Reclaimed the Corpse and Arrested Francine on the Spot.
  • Francine is Subsequently Tried for Breaking and Entering, Destruction of Private Property, Theft of a Corpse, and Desecration of a Corpse.
  • Francine was inevitably found Guilty on All Charges and was Sentenced to Live Out the Remainder of Her Days on Earth at The Snyder Asylum for the Criminally Insane.

The Big Question: Is This a Hoax?

  • Back in 2007 a Link Posted Online Titled “Best Weirdest Show EVER! Totally INSANE AND TRIPPY” was Discovered.
  • The Video appeared to be Footage from a Cable Access Show (This was Later Confirmed to be Correct) called Steve Beacon on Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour” .
  • In the Footage Francine Dances with an Extremely Tall and Extremely Thin and Lanky Man apparently Named Steve Beacon. The Two Dance like Small Children in impromptu and Ransom Movements with No Choreography whatsoever. This is Definitely Not So You Think You Can Dance or Dancing with the Starts Not By a Long Shot. This Footage would make much more sense if this was done by Actual Children as Opposed to Fully Grown Adults.
  • The Glaringly Apparent Likeness of Steve Beacon’s Physique to that of the Demented looking Doll is Uncanny without Doubt. This Fueled the Flames of the Internet Rumor Mills  surrounding Francine’s Backstory.

Since There is Nothing like Seeing for Yourself so Below is the Video “Best Weirdest Show EVER! Totally INSANE AND TRIPPY” Featuring the Footage of Steve Beacon and Francine on the Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour.


In Reality: The Facts

  • Francine’s Backstory while Entertaining and Morbid is Total Bullshit.
  • There is No Record of Francine having a Mainstream Network TV Star.
  • There is No Record of Francine’s Arrest or Conviction on Public Record.
  • The Snyder Asylum for the Criminally Insane Simply Does Not Exist.
  • Even though there is the Public Access TV Show Footage with Steve Beacon there is Absolutely No Indication that He could be or Was Francine’s Dead Performance Partner. The Title of the Show is Steve Beacon on the Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour as Opposed to The Seven and Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour or even The Steve and Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour.
  • Francine is Now a Senior Citizen Who is back on Public Access and Still Preforming with the Demented Looking Doll.
  • On One Episode of Her New(er) Cable Access Show Francine in fact Introduces the Doll to the Viewing Audience as Stary Dancer.
  • There is a Surprising Amount of Videos Posted to YouTube Pertaining to Francine such as Interviews and Biographical Pieces a Plenty.

Thanks For Reading,

Presented By Les Sober  

To whom it may concern: status update for FYB 2021

Hello Everyone and Everybody,

My name is Justin Sane and I am excited to finally address everyone out there in FYB land, and i’m not sure where to start. This is one of those things you plan out in your head, and when the moment comes at last your brain goes blank so your left just standing there with your genitals in your hand. To get started here’s a basic run down of FYB for you.

The creative team: the who’s who of FYB

  • Les Sober Founder FYB Inc. and Creative Director
  • Justin Sane  Les’s righthand, long time friend, and Director of Content
  • Otto Rageous  Les’ lefthand man, long time  and Project Director
  • Lady Les’ wife, better half, handler, guardian angel, confidant, best friend soulmate, consultant, advisor, and unofficial 4th member of the FYB Team.
  • SpaceDog Les’s partner in crime, long time friend, and Content Contributor.
  • N@P Les’s close friend, content contributor, and Creative consult.
  • Coming soon!!! C-Nobody Les’s good friend, musician, creative consultant, and future content contributor.

What’s in a name?

The name thing actually started. Les, Otto,and I had a hardcore punk band called Stank breath. I can’t remember why exactly the reason we chose the name Stank Breath, but that’s high school freshmen boys for you. Since we were a punk band we all assumed stage names, and we have keep them for  every artistic project since. The point is we want people to know our work  not who we are. The point is Les isn’t the only paranoid introvert around these parts though he currently the local heavy weight champion, and will be defending the quad county championship belt next month in Muncie Indiana. Tickets on sale now $15 in advance $20 at the door. Doors open at 7 pm and the show starts at 8 pm Must be 21+ with valid proof of age for admittance is strictly enforced. Event is being held at the town’s local senior center use google maps for directions.

My 2 cents worth

The question of why I’m writing this now or why the hell am I here all of a sudden which is fare enough. FYB has been on an unplanned break due to circumstances mainly beyond our control. Some might say we are in some sort of “control”of situations when it comes to Les. Thats why I specifically stated for the record “mainly beyond our control” because have you ever tried to wrangle a fucking category 5 shitnado before?! It ain’t easy and damned near impossible.

To briefly recap Les is an extremely intense and some what emotionally unstable which makes him both a creative force to be reckoned with and an out of control asshole. Les has spent most of his life looking to master moderation so he could achieve some sort of balance in his chaotic existence. Les is a lot like moonshine in that as it ages Moonshine mellows as it becomes less abrasive and stronger with the passing of time. So if you meet Les and think he’s a motherfucking madman you can only imagine what dealing with him was like in the early days.


We collectively and in total agreement decided Les needed to try and take a break from everything in an attempt to keep him on the safer side of insanity. First off there was the hellishly busy and corrosively commercial holidays. What people including Les learned in 2020 is that getting a family together for a Zoom call in reality is actually harder to pull off than just gathering everyone in a group someplace. When you enter the Zoom universe you enter a suspended space and time continuum that is far more abstract is structure than that of the Physical realm or reality.

Unfortunately aside from the hell of the holidays a perfect fucking shitstorm has been brewing for several weeks in the land of Les recently. So it stay focused and on topic I’m going to paraphrase and use plenty of actual quotes from Les to give you a closer first hand view. The thing that you most likely notice is these are all things that SERIOUSLY Piss Les Off hence the perfect shitstorm scenario.


The Security Situation

Les has such high standards that the Lunatic can’t even live up to them. Thats right Les’s standards for People himself included are so High they are virtually unreachable. Its like dangling a carrot infant of a stubborn donkey to get it to walk. The donkey will never get the carrot but as long as it sees it hanging in mid air right in front of its face it remains obtainable as far as the donkey is concerned anyway. Customer service is a huge issue with Les who has gone on record making statements like :

  • “Is it too goddamn much to ask some fucking idiot to do their fucking job?!”
  • “They act like I’m bothering them, oh so fucking sorry for making you do the job you’re getting pain to fucking do in the first fucking place.”
  • “Incompetent or Uncaring either fucking way they’re all a bunch of motherfucking fuckers.”
  • “Apparently customer service is a dead industry and now asshole rule the fucking world.”

There was an issue with the FYB security system which I will not get into here as Les is already working feverishly on a Post about it with all the gritty details. Anyway the System was fucking up, Les spent 5 plus hours on the phone trying to remedy the problem with the alarm company, got so pissed that he switched alarm companies, and got a better deal. Even though Les is fond of saying “Alls well that ends well” he forgets to mention that in spite of the newer and far superior alarm system he will hold a grudge concerning how shitty the customer service of the original alarm company was. Les may not be able to carry a tune but he can carry a grudge for fucking YEARS.

Dealing with Les I am constantly reminded of my favorite scene from the movie From Dusk To Dawn. It’s the scene where the main characters have gained access to the Biker Bar and Harvey Keitel asks George Clooney’s character. Keitel’s character asks Clooney’s character if he is so stupid that he doesn’t know when he won. This is alluding to the fact while Clooney’s character’s plan is working and he’s hours away from being rich having escaped the authorities, but he’s willing to blow it all because he’s pissed at a Bar Patron for getting in his face. Thats Les in a nutshell. Sure the ordeal sucked like a $2 crack whore on a week long bender, yet as Les pointed out in the end he actually came out on top, but he rather focus on still being pissed about how it all went down even now that its over. Les I love you buddy but for Christ’s Sake LET IT GO LES JUST LET IT FUCKING GO BROTHER!!!

An apple a day keeps the doctors away….

Les is also been increasingly shitty due to his annual yearly doctor’s visit, and Les has let his contempt, disgust, and flat out hatred for all doctors (dentists included the sadistic fuckers) so no surprise he’s not a happy camper about having to see the doctor even if it is his. As Les has summed it up “Fuck doctors every fucking medical procedure is Painful or Uncomfortable, Costly, and usually rather embarrassing bordering on humiliating. Then all the greedy cocksuckers have to tell you is bad news followed by worse fucking news.”

See we all know doctors and all that shit sucks and the system sucks even worse, but we deal with it the best we can and life goes on. Not Les though he runs into a bump in the road and wants to fucking declare full blown fucking war on it. He becomes hyper focused to the point of obsession with destroying whatever is in his way or upset him. Les’s unofficial motto is “You fuck with me and I’ll fucking fuck you back 10 times over.” Les can be a truly vengeful son of a bitch. Its not good for his fucking health it fucking can’t be. I mean getting so stressed out or frustrated that you turn such a deep shade of red you look like the top of your fucking head is going to explode like a volcano. So at that point  I mean your blood pressure has to be totally fucked up.


YouTube lands on Les’s shit list

As You are more than likely aware Les has been fucking Livid because Youtube recently changed their policies concerning age restricted content playing on 3rd party sites. Ever since it first took effect (Les was caught off guard because he doesn’t keep up on current tech shit or what big tech is up to) Les went APE SHIT. Once he “Calmed down” he was spitting venom like crazy about how big tech are greedy capitalism driven corporate whores who look at people as walking talking ATM machines. Les SHIT HAPPENS BROTHER. All Les wanted to do was find away to thwart YouTubes Policies, but Youtube just implemented these policies so if there is a way around them no one has figured it out yet. In the mean time all that we need to do is research other similar platforms until we find one that we can use or use to replace Youtube all together.

I mean I don’t get how the hell Les didn’t see this coming, and I’m sure he did he just wasn’t giving the situation his full undivided attention. Les knew things were changing because things always change, and it was when he was doing our most in-depth piece on GG Allin that Les discovered YouTube was pushing for more of their content to be on a buy or rent basis instead of free. Then Les was aware of YouTube going ballistic with the whole fucking monetization thing from increased advertising to YouTube taking a hefty cut of YouTuber’s profits. Then came the age restricted content deal which simply funnels more traffic to their site to the detriment of smaller 3rd party sites. It’s the usual case of the big dogs throwing their weight around to subjugate the little guy.

I mean this age restricted bullshit happened at the same time YouTube made its first major move into the streaming market with the ironically named YouTube TV. I get everyone wants a piece of the streaming pie, but YouTube streaming tv shows and shit just seems like a conflict of interest to me anyway. AGAIN LES IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD FUCK YOUTUBE AND LETS BE PROACTIVE INSTEAD OF REACTIVE!!!

Health insurance is hell

Lastly Les has been dealing with several different health insurance companies pertaining to prescription drug programs (we have no idea why though as of yet) and its not goin well. “Its going from the frying pan into the fire back into the frying pan and then back into the fire once again” as Les has put it. Apparently things with his health insurance weren’t to his liking so he’s been shopping around. To make things worse Les’s wife got shitty information and subpar assistance from a healthcare professional who helped her select her and Les’s new plan.

Due to the poor advice she signed up to a plan that turns out she wasn’t even happy with. There was all this fine print bullshit and they failed to send Les’s wife the proper paperwork in time for them to review it and use the opt out clause. Les is fucking furious and had repeatedly yelled “This is by far the shittiest fucking bullshit plan I have ever heard of it’s fucking pointless. You pay out your ass and get nothing in return its a fucking racket, a goddamn fucking scam.”

Les does have a point though in that the health insurance company your paying to protect you incase of illness or injury EMPLOY AN ENTIRE DEPARTMENT who’s job it is to thoroughly direct each and every customer claim ti find a way NOT TO PAY THE CLAIM. So when you see those fucking bullshit health insurance ads on tv remember they’ll gladly take your money while simultaneously trying to fuck you over.

So all in all Les will be returning shortly and has agreed to accept the help he know he could use, but refuses to ask for. As far as the future is concerned you’ll be hearing more from me along with Otto and some new Content Providers such as C-Nobody in 2021.


Justin Sane