Mark Zuckerberg’s Acid Bucket Challenge

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MARK ZUCKERBERG’S ACID BUCKET CHALLENGE by Lee Hardcastle.

Why? Because Fuck Facebook, Fuck Threads, Fuck Instagram, Fuck Meta, and Most of All FUCK MARK ZUCKERBERG.

If You Don’t Know Lee Hardcastle he is an Insanely fucking Prolific British Animator/Film Maker who Specializes in All Types of Stop-Motion Techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty Film Making!

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Faceless Lady And The Bleeding Picture

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post THE FACELESS LADY AND THE BLEEDING PICTURE by Italian Artist, Graphic Designer, Published Author, Sculpture, and Illustrator Paolo Ferrante. Finding Information on Ferrante was/is Tricky as there isn’t a Whole Hell on A lot.

Here are We Found:

  • Ferrante was Born in 1984.
  • Ferrante was Born and Lives in the Italian Province of Lecca.
  • In 2008 Ferrante had His First Book “Le Commedie del Buio”
  • Ferrante Graduated from The Academy of the Fine Arts in Lecca in 2010.
  • In 2021 Ferrante made the Finals of the International Poster For Tomorrow Competition with the Theme “Fake News”
  • Ferrante has His Own Wesite www.ever.trip it/
  • Ferrante is also can be Found on
  • Ferrante has both an Instagram and Telegraph Accounts Under the User Name EverTrip in Addition to His YouTube Channel.

NOTE: Now everything about this 20 something Second Slice of Absurd Inanity would be just Fine at Face fucking Value, But there are 2 Apects/Details in the Video that I can’t fucking Stop Thinking about I just keep Mulling it Over and Over in My Free fucking Time. First is Who the fuck is the fucking Weirdo in the Background, and I’m Not Sure if it’s Supposed to be an Actual Photo or some Pop Art Bullshit Painting. Anyway I’m Referring to it as the Photo and I wonder what the hell is it’s Significance?!  I mean Why bother including it at all unless there is some sort of Method to the Madness. Second Why Does the Photo Begin to (and Continues Throughout the Rest of the Video) Start Dripping fucking Blood like a fucking 1980’s B-Horror Slasher fucking Movie. Again I ask What the fuck is the Reason the Photo is Bleeding What the fuck is the Point? Perhaps Adding it was the Point and the Point being its just Simply a Way to fuck with People’s Heads.

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Evil Animation: MOLOCH

Welcome to Another Monday Post here at FYB featuring MOLOCH by Italian Artist, Graphic Designer, Published Author, Sculpture, and Illustrator Paolo Ferrante. Finding Information on Ferrante was/is Tricky as there isn’t a Whole Hell on A lot, and What there is needs to be Translated unless You speak Fluent Italian (and as We all Know Google Translation is Less than Reliable).

Here are The Bio Info We Located:

  • Ferrante was Born in 1984.
  • Ferrante was Born and Lives in the Italian Province of Lecca.
  • In 2008 Ferrante had His First Book “Le Commedie del Buio”
  • Ferrante Graduated from The Academy of the Fine Arts in Lecca in 2010.
  • In 2021 Ferrante made the Finals of the International Poster For Tomorrow Competition with the Theme “Fake News”
  • Ferrante has His Own Wesite www.ever.trip it/
  • Ferrante is also can be Found on
  • Ferrante has both an Instagram and Telegraph Accounts Under the User Name EverTrip.

Ferrante has an Obscure Youtube Channel Under the Name EverTrip and Here the Stats:

  • Joined January 13, 2007
  • Number of Videos 18
  • 321 Subscribers
  • 56,146 Total Views

Synopsis: Two Nightmarish Ghouls meet up in the Middle of the Night in the Depths of Woods to Conduct a Black Magic Demonic Summoning Ritual.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Instagram Asshole Incident

Welcome to another Wednesday FYB Post. I apologize for Our Sporadic Posting but lets fucking face it the Holidays are fucking hell with the Psychotic Shopping and Everyone Traveling fucking Everywhere. I assure You that come January We will be Back on Track with some Improvements. As Justin mentioned I recently helped a Friend Launch a Project and  it Demanded a Great Deal of My Time. Luckily the Project took off Faster than Expected so Now that it’s Up and Running its a Maintenance issue at this Point. This brings Me to Todays Post The Instagram Asshole Incident.

For Context Purposes Heres a Brief Back Story Summation of the Situation. I joined My Friend’s Project as the Creative Director, but then the Treasurer at the Time (who I had a Personal falling out just Six Weeks before I joined the Project) went Completely Retarded on Himself. At first He was all Manic and Happy then things got Dark and They got Dark Fast. A few Days after I signed on the Treasurer started getting Bizarrely Defensive, Increasingly Competitive although Our Jobs were Completely fucking different and I had no fucking interest in His fucking Job. Finally shit Hit the Fan and He had a Total fucking Bitch Fit Style Melt Down, and My Friend wasn’t going to Stand for this bullshit Attitude so He Fired the Treasurer’s Trifling Ass.

What I wasn’t fucking aware of at the Time was that the Newly Departed Treasurer had also been given the Job of the Current Handling the Social Media for the Project. As it turned out in Eleven Months of being on the Project the Treasurer hadn’t done a fucking thing. I’d say it was a fucking Joke, but it was far Beyond being just a fucking Joke it was utterly fucking pathetic. So as a Result I was asked to take over the Instagram Account and I use the word Account loosely since there was No fucking Content to speak of and it had Obviously been set up and then Ignored by the Former Treasurer. Since the Ex-Treasurer had set up the Account My Friend couldn’t get Me the Password and all that Shit so We said fuck it, Deleted the Old Account, and Started from fucking Scratch. Things were going Great with the New Account and We were Racking up Followers and Following Hand over fucking Fist then One Day I just happened to Come Across Something that Thoroughly Pissed Me off. I saw a Post by One of the Accounts We were Following that was Our Mission Statement word for fucking word Verbatim which I fucking Wrote.

Apparently this dumbfuck saw the Instagram Account and Hit up the Project’s Website and then Cut and Pasted Our shit on His Instagram. What this Douche Nozzle didn’t Realize is the Project’s Website Content is in Fact Copyrighted so what this Jackbag did was Actually Illegal. Now here was My fucking Conundrum Obviously on the Personal Front I wanted to Tear this Fuckwit’s Head Off and Shit Down His Neck. The Problem is this wasn’t a Personal Matter this was a Business Matter so I couldn’t just Rant and Rage while Unleashing a Sick Flurry of fucking F-Bombs and Insane Insults. I had to do the Exact Opposite I had to Handle this Professionally which means using a Cool, Calm, Collected, Focused, and Professional Manner. This is not nor has Ever been in My Skill Set so this was Trial By Fire. I was so fucking filled with Indignant Rage I didn’t know what the fuck to do so I called My Friend, Informed Him of the Situation, and Asked Him what How I should Proceed.

He instructed Me to Dm this Motherfucker and simply say the Content He posted was Copyrighted and to take the Post Down ASAP and I did just that. Fast fucking Forward 24 Hours and this Dickhead hadn’t taken the Post down or Even Commented on the Situation at Hand. So I called My Friend again, let Him Know the Post was Still Up, and again asked What the fuck to do since all I wanted to do is End this Fucker and Shit all over His fucking Life. My Friends Told ME to DM the Rimjob again and This Time Add if the Post is Not Taken Down in a Timely Manner We would Persue Legal Action and that should be Sufficient. I did as I was instructed and that was that for the Time Being, but things were about to get Even more fucking Aggravating as Yet Another Dipshit was about to Interject Themselves into the Situation as it were.

The Following Morning I went and Checked Instagram to see if the Post had finally been fucking taken down so this shit would be done and We could get back to fucking Work. Not only was the goddamn Post still fucking up some Bitchface had Hit Up Our DM and Left Her Two Unsolicited Cents on the Subject at Hand. I have No fucking Clue Who Exactly what the Relationship was between this Stupid Shitsack and the Dildo Who Stole Our Content. She could be a Relative, Family Member, Friend, Sibling, or Just a Random Asshat Trolling the Internet jumping into Other People’s Shit to well Start Shit. Now it was fucking aggravating back in the Pre Internet Days when Idiots and Assholes could call Your Job or Worse just Walk the fuck in, but goddamn nowadays its 100 times fucking worse with IM, DM, Email, Text, Internet, and Social Media. Living Today You feel like You’re surrounded by fucking Dickbags that You can’t Ever actually Escape From like You’re Surrounded on all Sides by Sea Shitheads.

This Raging Bitch could have Behaved like a fucking Adult and in a Professional Manner mind You, Yet She chose to Approach the Situation like a Pissy Little Tween Troll. She started by Stating People in the Instagram Community should Be Nicer to Each other and all that Typical Cliche Happy Horseshit. Then She proceeds to in the Very Next fucking Sentence to insult Our Project, Talking Shit on a Personal Level, Bitching like a Banshee in Heat, Name Calling, and being a Stuck Up Holier Than Thou Fucktard. Once Again I wanted to Unleash a Shitstrom of My Own Making Upon this Trifling Whore, but Again I had to Restrain Myself to a Spectacular Degree. It was then that Luck Would have it I just so Happened to see a Quote from Winston Churchill that Saved My Sanity. The Quote is “Tact is the Ability to Tell Someone to Go To Hell in such a Way that They look Forward to the Trip.” a Sort of  Grimmer Version of Killing Them with Kindness.

I then Sat Down and Typed Out My Response to this Irrational Asshole of a Person. I took the Tone of a Stern Parent Reprimanding a Petulant Child. I made Sure to Sound Condescending as a Motherfucker as I talked Down to Her as if She were a Moronic Fool absent of any and all Intelligence. I told Her She needed to Calm Down since She was so Obviously Emotionally Upset and Needed a Quick Time Out. I then Stated that it didn’t matter what the fuck She Thought or Felt since this was a Matter of Copyrighted Intellectual Property Used without Our Expressed Consent and Absolutely Nothing Else. I then Apologized Not for Our Dm’s BUT for the Fact She seemed to be just so fucking Distraught by Them, and then I Provided Her with My Friend’s Attorney’s Contact Information while Welcoming Her to Contact Him Herself on the Matter if She so Desired knowing Damn Well She fucking wouldn’t since She was just a Loud Mouthed Cum Dumpster. I signed off with “Have a Truly Blessed Day” as a Subtle but at the same time Obvious Fuck You.

So My Advice is if You’re on the Job and Confronted by Some Vaginal Fuck Flaps trying to make Problems Remember What Winston Churchill Said and Use the Advice Wisely.

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  

Goonlord – Caveman (Official Video)

Mondays are a Motherfucking Pain in the Ass so it seemed fucking Appropriate to Post this Considering the Extreme Frustration Surrounding this Post. This FYB Monday is the Official Animated Music Video for the Song “Caveman” by the Death Metal Band known as Goonlord. In a Cool Collaboration the “Caveman” Video was Animated by Non Other then a Recent Favorite of Ours Creeptoons.

Now this is the fucking Frustrating Part of this Post was/is the Lack of Available Information. Allow Me to Explain What I’m Talking about. First Off when You fucking Type Goonlord into a fucking Search Engine it Responds with “Did You Mean Goodlord?” which I damn well didn’t. I don’t know Who the fuck or What the fuck Goodlord is, but it sounds like a Christian Organization and after this Post I fucking Hate Them. I also Check Numerous Websites and Music Platforms and Here is What I Found which isn’t a Hell of a Lot.


  • As I mentioned before They are a Death Metal Band.
  • Goonlord is from Florida.
  • The Album “Caveman” was Released on Monday November 29th 2021.
  • You can Find Goonlord’s Music on iToons and Spotify as well as Several Other Music Websites.
  • Goonlord Albums: Wide Eyed, Caveman, Inhuman, Pariah, and Someone May Die Here.
  • I Found what I fucking Thought was a Real Lead: which was completely fucking Useless. Their were Picks of the Band with No Bios, and There was Merchandise for Sale but No Band Information. It’s fucking Bizarre Yet Death Metal is a Fairly Niche Genre so Maybe I shouldn’t be that fucking Surprised after all. Who fucking Knows Not I.
  • Band Members:
  • Wesley Mitchell – Vocals
  • Jono Sanchez – Guitar
  • Quentinn “Super Q” Hembree – Guitar
  • Las Miles – Bass
  • Jon “Tree” Lelesi – Drums

Now this bring us to Creeptoons which is even more fucking aggravating then Researching Goonlord which was a Real Kick in the Nuts. So without Further Ado here is What I found on Ye Old Creeptoons:

  • Creeptoons is a Singular Artist
  • Creeptoons is Male.
  • Creeptoons has had Art Exhibits at the Modern Eden Gallery.
  • Besides His Youtube Channel He has an Instagram Account.
  • He is also on Etsy.
  • He is on Facebook/Meta (Yeah Right Zuckerberg You Dick).
  • There is No Personal Information in Any of the Bio aka “About” Categories.
  • Creeptoon’s Once Described His Work as “Creeptoons are Disgusting, Loveable Monsters that Live in the Clogged Arteries of Your Imagination.
  • The Closest thing to Anything Personal is Creeptoons refers to/ Describes Himself with just one fucking Word: Artist.

I think the Reason for the Horrendous Lack of Information is Perpetrated by Creeptoons Himself. Remember Kiddies there Artist Who are the Acceptation to the Rule. There Some Artist who are Honestly all about Their Art, and have No Interest in Being Famous or the Hassles that come with it. The Artists want to get Their Art Out there but Don’t want to go out in Public and Get Swarmed with People Badgering Them for Autographs or Picture. It was No Secret that Kurt Cobain for an Example Struggled with Fame and it made Him fucking Miserable. Also there Artists that to Avoid a Kurt Cobain Scenario go to Great Lengths to Keep Their Anonymity like Banksy or Sia for Example. I fully Believe Creeptoons is one of these Artists that wants His Work to Speak for Itself and Keep His Private Life Well Just that Private.


Thanks For Watching/Lisening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Happy Holidays From MeatCanyon

Welcome and yes it isn’t even Close to the holiday’s, but when have we here at FYB ever played by the rules? We sure as shit aren’t going the cliche route and posting say a halloween video on halloween for example. So that said Today’s Post is HAPPY HOLIDAYS By (and Starring) MeatCanyon.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

What I absolutely fucking love about this video is it makes me nostalgic as fuck let me tell you. Long before Youtube, Facebook Live, Tis Tok, Smartphones, Instagram Etc. all there was were video cameras. Growing up in a shit little town with nothing to do Les, Otto, and I we used to make absurdly stupid and nonsensical videos for our personal amusement (and to kill as much time and boredom) as we could. Thinking about it now I sincerely wish we had held on to some of those videos especially from our high school years for prosperity if nothing else.

Let the show begin!

So I’ll see you when I see you,

  Justin Sane  

Whats Going On With 01A51CDO (Part 1 of 3)

Welcome to Whats Going On With 01A51CDO Part One. This Little Piece of Insanity was Brought to Our Attention a Few Months Ago, and Once We Finally got around to Checking it Out We were Psyched to Say the Least.

This Post was Simply Too fucking Long to Try and Include Everything in just One Post so We Split it Into 3 Parts. Part 1 with Feature all the Information that has been Collected Followed by 9 Videos. Part to will be the Remaining 18 Videos from 01A51CD0 So Lets Get Going.

  • o1A51CDO First Emerged Online in Late October 2011.
  • Initially 01A51CDO Uploaded Videos Frequently Until They Abruptly Stopped on 12/26/11.
  • 7 Years Passed without Anything from 01A51CDO.
  • Eventually People Lost Interest and Wrote Off 01A51CDO.
  • Then on 5/1/19 01A51CDO Suddenly Reappeared Posting the First New Video in Over Seven Years.
  • So the Question Arose WHY would 01A51CDO wait 7 Years to Start Uploading Again? The Most Popular Hypothesis is The Owner of 01A51CDO went to Prison and in the End They Served 7 years for Their Crime(s)
  • Almost all Videos have Text that Flashes on Screen Upside Down just like the Titles of Their Videos.


  • A Great Deal of Video Content Appears to be Someone Possibly (Most Likely 01A51CDO) Video Taping People without Their Knowledge Exactly like a Stalker Would.
  • In the Video TEMPERANCE 01A51CDO mentions They have a Brother with Text reading “My Brother Passed” and “I Did Not”.
  • What is 01A51CDO talking about in TEMPERANCE? Well there is also reads “We Lost So Many” (which combined with the Creepy fucking Stalker Videos) it seems that 01A51CDO is Alluding to Abducting People and Holding Them Hostage.
  • In One of the Video Descriptions there is a Link to an Instagram Account by the Same Name 01A51CDO.
  • There No Video on the Instagram Account there are though Random Unnerving Pictures without Context.
  • One Odd Picture that Stands Out is a Close Up of  a Shovel Head (More Than Likely a Snow Shovel from its Appearance.


  • The Video SAY GOODBYE is a Shot of a Wooden Door with a Blue Filter where it Sounds like Someone is Trying to Escape, and You can Also see the Door Moving during the Video.
  • There is Also a Link in the Description of Say Goodbye which takes You to another Video called Truth Beard the Pirate Episode 1 which is the Same shot of the Same Wooden Door this Time Without the Blue Filter.
  • The Door Opens as a Recording of Applause Plays as the Door Opens, and a Nondescript White Guy Steps Out.
  • The Guy is Wearing a Three Corner Hat.
  • The Guy looks Exhausted and just Stairs mainly at the Floor, and Rubs His Eyes the Way People Do when They’re worn the fuck out.
  • The Guy Acts Very Strangely (possibly Heavily Intoxicated) and seems almost Incoherent at Times.
  • There is a Link in the Description of Truth Beard the Pirate Episode 1 that takes You the 01A51CDO Instagram Account.
  • Does this mean The Nameless Guy is the Owner of Both the Truth Beard Youtube Channel AND 01A51CDO as Well?
  • If it is The Owner Why would He Show His Face if He’s the One Responsible for the Stalking Videos and Shit?!
  • What’s Purpose does the Truth Beard Channel Serve?


  • At the End of the Truth Beard The Pirate Video for a Split Second a Series of Numbers Flash on the Screen that is in fact Binary Code.
  • The Binary Code Translates to: LIFE IS SCARIER THAN DEATH.
  • There is a Video on Truth Beard’s Youtube Channel Titled DIGGING A HOLE which has the IDENTICAL Shovel in it from the 01A51CDO Instagram Account. Is this Further Proof that the Pirate Guy is the Owner of 01A51CDO
  • The Pirate Guy Appears in the 01A51CDO Video Titled BLOOD BROTHERS along with Another Young White Guy Wearing a Monkey Mask. The Question is Are these Two Guys the Brothers Mentioned in the Video TEMPERANCE?!

Well Thats All the Info We Dug Up So Far, but 01A51CDO is Still Active Currently, and Uploading New Videos for Now. The New Videos have Additional Hints and Clue Concealed with in Them as the Story Unfolds. The Mystery Continues and So Will Our Reporting on It.

Here are the Original 9 Videos Posted On 01A51CDO Enjoy.

Whats Going On With 01A51CDO Part 2 Coming Up Next!!!

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


2012’s Hamster Hell is by the Talented Claymation Creator Lee Hardcastle and Features the Music of Shit The Bed. Hamster Hell follows a Young Kid who Secretly Hides His Pet Hamsters from His Parents Under His Bed. Along the Way the Naiver  Kid Learns some Grim Life Lessons the Hard Way While He tries to make Sense of it All.

  • Chapter 1 Arrival
  • Chapter 2 Wife
  • Chapter 3 Fun World
  • Chapter 4 Escape
  • Chapter 5 Disorder
  • Chapter 6 Mother
  • Chapter 7 Punishment
  • Chapter 8 Death


Hamster Hell 2 (Which Premiered on Sept 1st 2020) Follows a Young Hipster  who Attempts to get Rich Quick by Posting Pictures and Videos of His Pet Hamster on Social Media. The Young Man’s Girlfriend isn’t at all Happy about His the so called Business Venture Until She sees the Money Making Potential. This is a Tale of Exploitation Personified in the Age of the Internet where Social Media is King.

  • Chapter 1 Ms. Cupcake
  • Chapter 2 The Accident
  • Chapter 3 Deformed
  • Chapter 4 Play Dead
  • Chapter 5 Fortune
  • Chapter 6 Heaven



Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


Ego & Irony on Twitter

I was just on Twitter doing what I do, and I noticed a Famous Musician (Who I will not Name because I don’t want to Deal with Bullshit)  I follow had Tweeted a Strangely Uncharacteristic Tweet. The Tweet said in summation that Her Followers Had “Disappointed” Her and Not just This time but Apparently a Few Times Before as Well. The Tweet was annoyingly Laden with the Angry Face, Thumbs Down, and Fire Emojis making the Tweet look Juvenile as fuck.

There was also a almost Minute Long  Video included in the Tweet where said Musician Directly Addresses the Issue at Hand. She again whines about How Her Followers Have and Current are Disappointing  Her. The Followers so called egregious Offense  apparently was Not Responding to Her Tweet(s) the Way She Wanted Them Too. And for this reason and this reason alone She is Leaving Twitter for Instagram because Twitter again some how Personally Let Her Down.


Granted She is Intensely Political and Hates The Current State of Affairs in America (as do Millions of Other My self Included), and wants to use Her Celebrity or Fame to Influence Her Fans/Followers into Taking Action. In Fact She refers to its as Her “Calls To Action” which where not Received as well as She would have Liked, and is the Primary Cause of this Self Serving Self Pity of Hers.

I see Her point though She utterly fucked it up with Her “Poor Me” Tweet. She wanted to Motivate People via Social Media and thinks Instagram is the Better Social Media Platform for Her, But the Tweet came off ALL KINDS OF WRONG. In Fact it was so fucked Up in My Opinion I’m No Longer a Fan of Her in any Aspect after Watching that Video.

What I got Out of the Video was This:

“People aren’t Doing What I Want When I Want!! They won’t feel and act just like Me on some shit, So fuck Them, Twitter Followers  are fucking Disappointments!  I’m taking My Toys and Going to Instagram!!! The Instagram Users  will Listen to Me and React The Way I WANT THEM TO!!!”


Talk about fucking Egotistical am I right?! How about She just being Happy with the fucking Fact She has Fans/Followers in the First fucking Place. This Feed My Ego, Feed My Fame Horseshit that She is wollowing in is Absolutely  CONTEMPTIBLE and DISGUSTING.

REMEMBER NO FANS NO FAME ASSHOLE. RESPECT Your Fans and Appreciate Them for Essentially making You Who You Are. Why would a Fan remain a Fan after Reading/Watching that bullshit Tweet? NOT ME FUCK THAT. For Everyone of Her “Poor Me”s I have a “Fuck You.”

The Ironic thing is as You may Imagine She HATES Trump (As do I) He’s the Vile Head of the GOP Beast, and like Many Others She has talked Shit about Donny’s Immature, Ignorant, Evil and Egotistical Behavior.


So it’s IRONIC that Her Departure from Twitter is EXACTLY HOW TRUMP WOULD HAVE DONE IT.

1. You See When The American People Don’t back Donny or Kiss His Traitorous Orange Ass He Sinks into a Sea of Self Pity, He then gets Angry as Hell, and Lastly He will Rage Tweet about It. Also

2. If Trump doesn’t like Something then Any and Everyone Associated with whatever it is He Dislikes are Automatically Idiots, Fake, Incompetent, Criminal etc.

3. And Finally Trump will have Such a Tremendous Tantrum that He will Completely Quite whatever He is Failing at (which is every fucking thing), and Walk away Head Down claiming He No Longer can be Bothered by this Newly Deemed Nonsense.


This was an Impromptu Lesson from The School of Don’t Meet Famous People You’re a Fan because They’re Human, and Thus are More than Likely Utter Assholes in Reality that will Totally Disappoint You.

Ignorance IS Bliss.

Thanks for Reading,

 Les Sober